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It's best not to make any assumptions about your reaction to Synthroid and

Cytomel. (I'm using the drug names to refer to the drugs themselves and T4

and T3 to blood hormones and levels. It's not perfect but it'll work until

I can think of something better.) Being " a little " hyperthyroid increases

your appetite but not your energy expenditure. So go back on the regimen

prescribed for you. Remember, there's nothing magic about thyroid hormone

replacement. It's purely a " cut and try " situation. What complicates it is

that thyroid hormone directly affects your metabolism, part of which is the

rate at which you metabolize thyroid hormone itself, and your lean body

mass, both of which affect your thyroid hormone requirement. (Fat mass

doesn't enter into the equation.)

So PLEASE cooperate with your physicians and take the dose of Synthroid and

Cytomel that's correct for you. When your thyroid hormone level is adequate

(your TSH should be between 1 and 2 mIU/ml), you can then concentrate on

getting your weight under control.

According to what I've read, on a molecular basis, it's best to begin the

Cytomel dosage at about 8-9% of the Synthroid dose in order to mimic normal

thyroid production of those hormones. Since T4 has a molecular weight of

777 Daltons and T3 651 Daltons, the initial starting ratio of

Cytomel/Synthroid should probably be about 12.85/1.00 to mimic normal

thyroid hormone production. (This equates to 0.078mg Cytomel for every 1mg

Synthroid.) Your mileage WILL vary, and you and your physician will have to

play with the dosages and ratios until you're both happy with the result.

It's probably best to get the Synthroid dosage correct first, then add

Cytomel and readjust as needed. According to the medical literature, the

combination seems to make patients feel better than Synthroid alone, or than

with a lower Synthroid/Cytomel ratio.

Remember, it takes about SIX WEEKS after changing a thyroid dose to reach

the new steady-state, so don't expect any immediate miracles! It's best to

start low and work up, because hyperthyroidism can cause more immediate

health problems than hypothyroidism. Your physician will use your TSH to

gauge and monitor the appropriate dose, and it's not at all uncommon to

require a year initially to " get it right " .

Explore The American Thyroid Association (http://www.thyroid.org/)

publications. That site has probably the best information available. (I

downloaded a bunch of it, both physician-professional and patient-oriented,

and have read some. From what I've read, it looks to be both high-quality

and interesting.)

Keep in touch. You're not the only one with that problem.

Good luck!

•> Re: New to Group


•> The latest news about me. I went to my doctor at Ft. Myer's

•> Rader Medical Clinic and ask he to sign the memo that

•> people get when they get taped, and are found to be

•> over...the memo basically says that the person is found to

•> be a good subject for enrollment in a weight management

•> program and asks the doctor to check 1 of 2

•> blocks: the weight is due to a medical reason or it is not

•> due to a medical reason. I fully expected her to say that

•> it is due to a medical reason...HOWEVER, she does not feel

•> that way, since I am being treated for it. I have been

•> doing something I am not supposed to be doing...taking more

•> Synthroid than what she recommended...


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  • 2 weeks later...

>From: " snowprincess74 " <snow-princess@...>

>I have severe anemia

It's important to test to find the kind of anemia. Which means at leat the

iron levels and ferritin should be tested, because if it's not iron

deficiency anemia, iron is going to be harmful. OTOH, if it's iron

deficiency anemia, it'll be great for you.

I don't know where we got it from, but my family has thalassemia, which is

an inherited form of anemia, iron is bad for us, and the doctors just say

" take iron " without testing for the reason for deficiency.(IF you happen to

have low cholesterol, that's one potential indicator.)

There are also kinds of anemia caused by the low thyroid.

, low thyroid yet not overweight, my

>dhea,testosterone, and adrenal are messed up -very low

Those with low adrenals are freuqently underweight. When mixed with low

thyroid it can go either way.

>I'm having

>to eat meat,which is hard,since I am pretty much a vegetarian.

For which specific nutrient? Vegans tend to be low on B12, but they claim

they can get all their protein from their diet.

Hypothyroids have problems turning beta carotene into Vitamin A, and the

real Vitamin A that doesn't have to be converted is only in meat products.

Other than that, why do you have to eat meat?



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Welcome Kim! I was in your boat in February of this year. I am seeing Dr. Brownstein (the one that works with thyroid issues and wrote the iodine book) who tested my iodine and it was ZERO. Many things low too, thyroid, adrenals, pregnenolone, DHEA, iron, ferritin and Vit D. I am mercury and uranium toxic too. He put me on Armour thyroid (although I was on Synthroid due to removal of thyroid for cancer), Biotics Research products - Cytozyme AD (adrenals), DHEA 2mg, Prenenolone 25 mgs, Fe-zyme (iron). All helped get my levels in line. For Iodine I am on Iodoral (pill form of Lugol's formula) - can be purchased at www.illnessisoptional.com . Wander over to www.optimox.com and read the research by Abraham, Brownstein and others. I just did a loading test with Dr. B and my levels are now at 66% - saturation is 90% so I have a bit to go. I am dosing at 50 mgs per day. Instead of read meat I would be taking a supplement. It is hard to get decent meat w/o selling your soul to do it.

Hope that helps!


New to group

Hi everyone! My name is Kim and I joined yesterday. I have no iodine in my system-found out after my Naturopathic Doc had a CBC and hair mineral analysis on me. All this is so new to me anyone who has any advice would be helpful. Here is my situation:I have severe anemia, low thyroid yet not overweight, my dhea,testosterone, and adrenal are messed up -very low. So lots of stuff!So much dietary guideline and supplement guidelines are contradicting to each other with these issues I am having. I'm having to eat meat,which is hard,since I am pretty much a vegetarian. I don't know anything about iodine...HELP!

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You know on the leaflet inside the Iodoral bottle how it says that if you experience the following side effects, e.g. acne, sneezing, etc. to contact your physician right away. I am wondering why, and what exactly would your physician do if you began experiencing those side effects? Would it just be the detox support, e.g. minerals, vitamin C, etc. or would he have you stop it?


New to group

Hi everyone! My name is Kim and I joined yesterday. I have no iodine in my system-found out after my Naturopathic Doc had a CBC and hair mineral analysis on me. All this is so new to me anyone who has any advice would be helpful. Here is my situation:I have severe anemia, low thyroid yet not overweight, my dhea,testosterone, and adrenal are messed up -very low. So lots of stuff!So much dietary guideline and supplement guidelines are contradicting to each other with these issues I am having. I'm having to eat meat,which is hard,since I am pretty much a vegetarian. I don't know anything about iodine...HELP!

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I think that depends on your overall condition. In some cases I have read that Dr. B has them cut back on iodine, others add Buffered C and others he sends for NAET so to be honest I really don't know. I think that is where it gets hard to know what to do when you are not having someone "manage" it for you. When I had symptoms I just called Dr. Brownstein.



You know on the leaflet inside the Iodoral bottle how it says that if you experience the following side effects, e.g. acne, sneezing, etc. to contact your physician right away. I am wondering why, and what exactly would your physician do if you began experiencing those side effects? Would it just be the detox support, e.g. minerals, vitamin C, etc. or would he have you stop it?


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Hey gang... what is NAET?




> I think that depends on your overall condition. In some cases I

have read that Dr. B has them cut back on iodine, others add Buffered

C and others he sends for NAET so to be honest I really don't know. I

think that is where it gets hard to know what to do when you are not

having someone " manage " it for you. When I had symptoms I just called

Dr. Brownstein.


> B.





> ,


> You know on the leaflet inside the Iodoral bottle how it says that

if you experience the following side effects, e.g. acne, sneezing,

etc. to contact your physician right away. I am wondering why, and

what exactly would your physician do if you began experiencing those

side effects? Would it just be the detox support, e.g. minerals,

vitamin C, etc. or would he have you stop it?


> Thanks,


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> Iodine

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I wonder why too, b/c I have experienced all those "side effects" but kept on taking Iodoral b/c I felt better on it. Right now after six months I think I might be at saturation point.



You know on the leaflet inside the Iodoral bottle how it says that if you experience the following side effects, e.g. acne, sneezing, etc. to contact your physician right away. I am wondering why, and what exactly would your physician do if you began experiencing those side effects? Would it just be the detox support, e.g. minerals, vitamin C, etc. or would he have you stop it?


New to group

Hi everyone! My name is Kim and I joined yesterday. I have no iodine in my system-found out after my Naturopathic Doc had a CBC and hair mineral analysis on me. All this is so new to me anyone who has any advice would be helpful. Here is my situation:I have severe anemia, low thyroid yet not overweight, my dhea,testosterone, and adrenal are messed up -very low. So lots of stuff!So much dietary guideline and supplement guidelines are contradicting to each other with these issues I am having. I'm having to eat meat,which is hard,since I am pretty much a vegetarian. I don't know anything about iodine...HELP!

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Hi , thanks for the welcome and info. My thyroid is just

slightly low ,but I think along with this severe anemia makes it

worse. I practically do not have any toxic metals, which is ironic

since I am a Jeweler! I am on Biotics products also-hydrozyme(I have

never produced much hcl),Fe-Zyme-3X a day, B6, B12, C, and then I've

been on Extended Healths Liver formula for many months now plus

their adrenal glandular....Plus nat. bioidentical hormones... So I'm

on a lot! My doctor does'nt want to overload me on anything else b/c

she believes my system is too fragile.

I'll look into the other websites and info.

Yes excellent meat is hard to come by. I do not eat red meat,but

have started adding more chicken,fish, and turkey.(All free-range

and organic) Problem with getting protein from other sources in an

anemic diet is that there are two type of iron-non heme and heme.

Heme is from meat and the non is from veggies and other sources.

Non heme iron is not as easily absorbed ,but the heme is.

One of the main reasons why I have to up my protein is that I am

also a severe Hypoglycemic-born with it. And the other protein

sources just do not cut it. It's taken me 32 yrs to learn this!

Besides Soy protein,which I love, impedes thyroid function-even a

small amount. Thanks so much, Kim


> Welcome Kim! I was in your boat in February of this year. I am

seeing Dr. Brownstein (the one that works with thyroid issues and

wrote the iodine book) who tested my iodine and it was ZERO. Many

things low too, thyroid, adrenals, pregnenolone, DHEA, iron,

ferritin and Vit D. I am mercury and uranium toxic too. He put me

on Armour thyroid (although I was on Synthroid due to removal of

thyroid for cancer), Biotics Research products - Cytozyme AD

(adrenals), DHEA 2mg, Prenenolone 25 mgs, Fe-zyme (iron). All

helped get my levels in line. For Iodine I am on Iodoral (pill form

of Lugol's formula) - can be purchased at

www.illnessisoptional.com . Wander over to www.optimox.com and read

the research by Abraham, Brownstein and others. I just did a

loading test with Dr. B and my levels are now at 66% - saturation is

90% so I have a bit to go. I am dosing at 50 mgs per day. Instead

of read meat I would be taking a supplement. It is hard to get

decent meat w/o selling your soul to do it.


> Hope that helps!


> B.





> New to group



> Hi everyone! My name is Kim and I joined yesterday. I have no


> in my system-found out after my Naturopathic Doc had a CBC and


> mineral analysis on me. All this is so new to me anyone who has


> advice would be helpful. Here is my situation:

> I have severe anemia, low thyroid yet not overweight, my

> dhea,testosterone, and adrenal are messed up -very low. So lots


> stuff!So much dietary guideline and supplement guidelines are

> contradicting to each other with these issues I am having. I'm


> to eat meat,which is hard,since I am pretty much a vegetarian. I

> don't know anything about iodine...HELP!


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  • 4 weeks later...

hi Dawn

IMO goiter=iodine deficiency

I have been hyper/hypo all my life. Iodoral really really helps. I take Armour too b/c when I was only 22 I had an unnecessary partial thyroidectomy for "hyper" and then lost 30 years of my life b/c of no meds.




Hi everyone -

I was diagnosed 2 years ago as having a diffuse multinodular goiter. My thyroid problem had gone undiagnosed for 21 years. I had hyper symptoms after my first 2 pregnancies and eventually got to the state I'm in now, a goiter with hypo symptoms. For the last two years my doctor prescribed Synthroid, I never really felt well on it.

After reading tons of information from other thyroid patients I decided I wanted to try Armour and see if I could start to feel human again. So far, except for a few rough days transitioning from the Synthroid to the natural thyroid hormone, it's been a good change. I have been supplementing with Icelandic Kelp, Selenium, Sea Salt and a multivitamin and that seems be working good as well.

I'm very interested to learn more about iodine, as I think not enough iodine or the wrong kind may have contributed to my thyroid problem in the first place.


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>From: " Dawn B. " <dawnornii@...>

>Gracia -


> Thanks for the links, I will check them out. I have considered that

>maybe Iodoral is a better choice than the Kelp.

And Lugol's Solution the same thing as Iodoral, except in liquid form and

much cheaper if you can get it.


> Do you think that iodine deficiency is something that can run in

>families. What I mean is: do you think that some people (families) need

>more iodine or don't process what they get as opposed to other groups of


Historically, it's ran in geopraphic areas. Less common now because of

iodized salt. But, that's not enough for general health, only enough to

prevent goiter.

Now if it's concentrated in geographic areas, it would only be because

people eat local produce in iodine deficienct areas or there are toxins,

like perchlorate, PBB, PCB, or mercury causing trouble.



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I'm new to the group.. I was wondering if I should

consider starting iodine therapy before my endo apt

(in two months argh). (Not that they've helped me in

the past mind you).

My problems are family history, insulin resistant

(tested 2x higher in insulin at 2 hr mark), thinning

hair on head, hairsutism (face - mild), endometriosis

(stage iv), obesity, low body temp (rarely ever goes

above 97.x), very cold extremities, always cold. Had

a scan done about 10 years ago thyroid was diffusely

enlarged but even uptake (was told well.. some peoples

are just large ..uh. yeah.) ...

Blood tests are all normal of course.

So are there some tests that I should request when I

do get in to see the endo?

Any tips pointers for iodine therapy?

I've also heard that the " kelp " form that you should

take is Fescus Ves. - any opinions on that?

Thanx :)


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Many conditions which are sometimes called heritary are not. Sure,

genes run in families. But so do bad eating habits. People tend to

eat like they leared from parents. At one point, we humans got most

foods ,locally, so soild conditions were important. But these days,

foods come to the local grocery store from many miles away.

Personally, I like a combo of dulse and Lugol's for Ionine

supplementation. Lugol's is less expensive per dose than Iodoral,

and I really like the taste of dulse flakes in foods I cook.


On 9/27/06, Dawn B. <dawnornii@...> wrote:



> Gracia -


> Thanks for the links, I will check them out. I have considered that maybe

Iodoral is a better choice than the Kelp.


> Do you think that iodine deficiency is something that can run in families.

What I mean is: do you think that some people (families) need more iodine or

don't process what they get as opposed to other groups of people?


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Many conditions which are sometimes called heritary are not. Sure,

genes run in families. But so do bad eating habits. People tend to

eat like they leared from parents. At one point, we humans got most

foods ,locally, so soild conditions were important. But these days,

foods come to the local grocery store from many miles away.

Personally, I like a combo of dulse and Lugol's for Ionine

supplementation. Lugol's is less expensive per dose than Iodoral,

and I really like the taste of dulse flakes in foods I cook.


On 9/27/06, Dawn B. <dawnornii@...> wrote:



> Gracia -


> Thanks for the links, I will check them out. I have considered that maybe

Iodoral is a better choice than the Kelp.


> Do you think that iodine deficiency is something that can run in families.

What I mean is: do you think that some people (families) need more iodine or

don't process what they get as opposed to other groups of people?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Debbie, I am Amy (in CA also, Los Angeles). Glad you found us, you will find

this to be

probably your biggest support as you deal with this etg nightmare. You know

what I was

thinking, why is it that MANY of us who have had neg urines SINCE the test came

out and

its use started in 2004, had SO many positives only more recently? I know I had


problem untill this summer, and since May have had 2..., and I too did not


ANYTHING I could think of, and MANY of those I know with multiple +'s started in


spring or summer...Maybe just weird coincendene...? Also, Debbie, why do you

say that

dropping out of diversion was a big mistake and why did you drop out? There are


here who have pretty much had no other option and are going the probation route


because they cannot get past this bogus ass etg crap, even though they were not

drinking...Anyway, welcome.



> Hi-

> My name is Debbie S.,RN from San Diego who is currently on Probation

> since August 2004 (dropped out of Diversion Fall of 2001-big mistake!).

> I have had negative urines for almost 2 years, then 3 with +ETG

> starting June 2006, last one being October 3rd. I have been reading

> labels religiously and not doing anything different (that I am aware

> of) since the beginning. And as with many of us who are coming up

> positive, my main drugs of choice were always opiates, not alcohol! I

> found out about this group at my Nurse to Nurse meeting that I attend

> and have found many of the emails I have broused thru very educational.

> I am definitely interested in joining the class action suit and need

> the contact information please and more importantly am searching for

> causes of my +ETG's i.e. foods, perfumes, etc,etc.


> Thank you all for sharing your experiences.


> Debbie S.


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BTW, I forgot to ask you, what have been the consequenses of your +'s? Are you


working right now?



> Hi-

> My name is Debbie S.,RN from San Diego who is currently on Probation

> since August 2004 (dropped out of Diversion Fall of 2001-big mistake!).

> I have had negative urines for almost 2 years, then 3 with +ETG

> starting June 2006, last one being October 3rd. I have been reading

> labels religiously and not doing anything different (that I am aware

> of) since the beginning. And as with many of us who are coming up

> positive, my main drugs of choice were always opiates, not alcohol! I

> found out about this group at my Nurse to Nurse meeting that I attend

> and have found many of the emails I have broused thru very educational.

> I am definitely interested in joining the class action suit and need

> the contact information please and more importantly am searching for

> causes of my +ETG's i.e. foods, perfumes, etc,etc.


> Thank you all for sharing your experiences.


> Debbie S.


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Hi gang,

My experience is that I had a positive in April 2005 (350), then I

was negative for multiple tests for one year, until this April (250),

then again in June (500), and then AGAIN in October (825)!! The

harder I try, the worse things are getting for me. I was six months

from completing diversion this month, and now of course my transition

was put on hold. The DEC told me that they actually believe I did

not relapse (I saw them Nov. 3rd-this is the Diversion Evaluation

Committee for those of you not in Diversion). They felt that since I

have a history with eating disorders my problem was most likely food

related....I have been in recovery from my eating disorder for over 2

years now, and I really am a very plain eater that tends to eat the

same things all the time. Like Deb, I have not changed anything

significantly except to delete more and more things from my menu, and

the tests are coming back higher, and more often positive. I am

completely baffled. I have been allowed to return to work, as I am a

case manager and do not do hands-on care. Transition is on hold. I

have had 3 negative tests since my last positive in October, and have

no idea why....They should ALL BE NEGATIVE ALL OF THE TIME!!! I now

do a daily food diary and have to submit this monthly with my monthly

report. I am very grateful that the DEC did not consider that I

relapsed, but stated they could not ignore all of the positive tests.

I pretty much have the noose around my neck now. One more positive

and I am back to square one, 3 years gone, and out of work again.

Believe me I have dreamed of having Barry Scheck come and rescue all

of us, as I figure if he can get inmates off of death row than

certainly he can free us from this nightmare! I am losing weight, of

course, but refuse to allow this to change my recovery and my

positive attitude and outlook on life! The weight loss I know to be

an outcome of the stress involved with food, and with the phone

ringing. I sure hate to hear my phone ring now. It truly scares me,

and my heart starts to race, I perspire, and my stomach drops...I

don't believe God gives me anything like this to handle or test me, I

believe that people, places, and/or institutions will and do give me

more than I can handle and this is when I need to rely on my Higher

Power and the program more than ever. With them, " WE " can handle

anything and not lose our sobriety over it. May I continue to

celebrate my sobriety one day at a time, no matter what the future

may hold with the etg tests. With sobriety, I know that all things

are possible for my future. Let's stick close and stay in the

solution, we really do need each other more than ever...

Robin G. in San Diego---

> Hi Debbie, I am Amy (in CA also, Los Angeles). Glad you found us,

> you will find this to be

> probably your biggest support as you deal with this etg nightmare.

> You know what I was

> thinking, why is it that MANY of us who have had neg urines SINCE

> the test came out and

> its use started in 2004, had SO many positives only more recently?

> I know I had no

> problem untill this summer, and since May have had 2..., and I too

> did not change

> ANYTHING I could think of, and MANY of those I know with multiple

> +'s started in the

> spring or summer...Maybe just weird coincendene...? Also, Debbie,

> why do you say that

> dropping out of diversion was a big mistake and why did you drop

> out? There are people

> here who have pretty much had no other option and are going the

> probation route simply

> because they cannot get past this bogus ass etg crap, even though

> they were not

> drinking...Anyway, welcome.


> Amy



> >

> > Hi-

> > My name is Debbie S.,RN from San Diego who is currently on

> Probation

> > since August 2004 (dropped out of Diversion Fall of 2001-big

> mistake!).

> > I have had negative urines for almost 2 years, then 3 with +ETG

> > starting June 2006, last one being October 3rd. I have been

> reading

> > labels religiously and not doing anything different (that I am

> aware

> > of) since the beginning. And as with many of us who are coming up


> > positive, my main drugs of choice were always opiates, not

> alcohol! I

> > found out about this group at my Nurse to Nurse meeting that I

> attend

> > and have found many of the emails I have broused thru very

> educational.

> > I am definitely interested in joining the class action suit and

> need

> > the contact information please and more importantly am searching

> for

> > causes of my +ETG's i.e. foods, perfumes, etc,etc.

> >

> > Thank you all for sharing your experiences.

> >

> > Debbie S.

> >







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Welcome a!

I purchase my Iodoral from www.illnessisoptional.com . Others have sources as well. I would start with 25 mgs (2 pills) and work your way up from there. I am taking 75 mgs. Others 100. It is very individual.

New to group

I was sent over her from stopthethyroidmadness.com group and am interested in taking Iodoral to replace the Lugol's I have been taking for a month or so. I am wondering if you can direct me to a reputable web site to order, and a starting dose. I have several conditions that I think it will benefit, Hypo, high BP, and breast health, for starters! Thanks, a

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>From: " peony8702 " <peony8702@...>

> I was sent over her from stopthethyroidmadness.com group and am

>interested in taking Iodoral to replace the Lugol's I have been taking

>for a month or so. I am wondering if you can direct me to a reputable

>web site to order, and a starting dose. I have several conditions that

>I think it will benefit, Hypo, high BP, and breast health, for

>starters! Thanks, a

Iodoral is a pill form of Lugol's Solution. It might be as good, but it's

not better. If you don't mind the higher price it's fine, but I don't see

any necessity for switching.

I have seen recently some threads about is potentially staining the teeth.

I don't think that happens even if you take it in water. I'm more certain

it wouldn't if you took it in milk or juice.



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Not only that (what Skipper said), but there have been quite a few

people reporting side effects using Iodoral that they don't get using

Lugol's. It is not the same, probably the fillers. I take mine in a

small amount of raw apple cider. No taste at all that way. I think

Lugol's is better but Iodoral would certainly be easier if you were


On Nov 19, 2006, at 4:14 PM, Skipper Beers wrote:


> Iodoral is a pill form of Lugol's Solution. It might be as good,

> but it's

> not better. If you don't mind the higher price it's fine, but I

> don't see

> any necessity for switching.


> I have seen recently some threads about is potentially staining the

> teeth.

> I don't think that happens even if you take it in water. I'm more

> certain

> it wouldn't if you took it in milk or juice.


> Skipper

>> From: " peony8702 " <peony8702@...>


>> I was sent over her from stopthethyroidmadness.com group and am

>> interested in taking Iodoral to replace the Lugol's I have been

>> taking

>> for a month or so. I am wondering if you can direct me to a reputable

>> web site to order, and a starting dose. I have several conditions

>> that

>> I think it will benefit, Hypo, high BP, and breast health, for

>> starters! Thanks, a

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Hi Sharon

Welcome to the group! sorry to hear about ur spinal stenosis and


I have spinal stenosis in my lower back and neck. I also have bulging

disks in my neck, and I was told I am not a canadate for surgery. I


not as bad as you, as I have not lost control of my bodily

functions.... and I still work 5 days a week 6 hours a day on my feet

all day. I do take arthristis strength pain reliever daily to get me

thru the day. I have good days and bad. on the bad days I have to


myself alot to get thru work.

When I first got stenosis, I was in a lot of pain. one thing I did


order a magnet belt (north pole) and wear that every night. its


to help me. I did that for about 6 months... then I slacked off. I

still once in a while put it on. you might consider this option. a


site to buy one is:


If you should want info on magnetic therapy info plz see there site

at: http://www.magnetictherapyinfo.com/

**PRECAUTION** FOR USE: Do not use magnets or magnetic therapy if

using a pacemaker, implanted medical device or insulin pump as they

may interfere with the delicate electronic equipment. Magnetic

products are not recommended for use during pregnancy. They are not

proven beneficial nor detrimental. Be on the safe side, do not use.

Keep magnetic products at least six inches away from objects such as

credit cards, computers, diskettes, audio and videotapes, and similar

items, as loss of data may result.

the belts r listed under Magnetic wraps. they cost about $45, and I

believe they give free shipping on any order.

for pain as with stenosis u need " North

Pole " magnets. This may not help everyone... but I feel it helped me


My sister had major surgery one year ago. she had spinal stenosis and

other things too. she had bones fused together, screws put in up and

down her back. I am not sure of all she had... but I know that even

today she is still recovering, but is 75% better than before surgery.

she walks with a cane, but at least now she can walk.

each person is different in pain and degree of stenosis. we can only

follow our dr's advice, and if we do not agree with one dr try to


another who will listen. surgery is not for everyone. some have had

surgery and were worse off, some have had surgery and it was the best

thing they ever did.

I hope that you can find a dr that will help u to feel better. let us

know how things r going



> Hello Everyone,

> My name is Sharon and i am new to the group

> I have spinal stenosis in my lower spine also and degenerative

> disk disease throughout my spine. I have a herniated disk also and


> bulging disks And a benine (Spelling wrong Sorry) turmor in


> spine Which they are just going to watch. (Tumor) I take darvocet


> i absolutely have to . My Doctor a nuerologist also told me that i

> have to learn to live with it . Also went to Orthopedic and he said

> the same thing . They don't generally operate on a herniated

disk .

> Makes no sense to me ! Hope to get to know you all better Sharon


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Hi Pam:

Great to have you in the group. I think of you and Josh often. The speech camp was a very special experience for Noah and I.

Good luck tomorrow. The 18th birthday presents some really mixed emotions for many of us. I found the guardianship process (the mechanical part) pretty easy, but then my husband took care of most of the details. The emotional part was difficult, though I have absolutely no doubt it was the right thing to do for Noah's safety.

My number one tip in regard to the emotional part is reminding yourself that much of what you will be doing this year is very important for the safety and well-being of your son Josh; whether it be SSI, Medicaid (one of the best deals around in regard to the cost of medication), guardianship, wills/trusts, letters of intent.

My number one tip in regard to the mechanical/operational part is to just get it done as soon as possible. Ask questions of the group as you go along. Many of us have done all of these tasks and will be more than happy to walk you through the process or help you find experts with whom to work.

Big hug to Josh!


Ellen Garber Bronfeldegskb@...

new to group

Hi all -My son Josh's 18th birthday is tomorrow. I will be calling Soc Sec at 7am for our protective filing date and to schedule an appt. Then it's off to the Daley Center so Josh can be served our guardianship papers -court is Dec. 13th. If I may, I would like to ask you all if you could share with us, your number 1 tip or reminder as we process this transistion. I am very grateful to those who organized this list. Best, , Pam and Josh

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Hi, Ellen..This came to me by mistake. Hope all is well with you. Sheila FisherEllen Bronfeld <egskb@...> wrote: Hi Pam: Great to have you in the group. I think of you and Josh often. The speech camp was a very special experience for Noah and I. Good luck tomorrow. The 18th birthday presents some really mixed emotions for many of

us. I found the guardianship process (the mechanical part) pretty easy, but then my husband took care of most of the details. The emotional part was difficult, though I have absolutely no doubt it was the right thing to do for Noah's safety. My number one tip in regard to the emotional part is reminding yourself that much of what you will be doing this year is very important for the safety and well-being of your son Josh; whether it be SSI, Medicaid (one of the best deals around in regard to the cost of medication), guardianship, wills/trusts, letters of intent. My number one tip in regard to the mechanical/operational part is to just get it done as soon as possible. Ask questions of the group as you go along. Many of us have done all of these tasks and will be more than happy to walk you through the process or

help you find experts with whom to work. Big hug to Josh! Ellen Ellen Garber Bronfeldegskbsbcglobal (DOT) net new to group Hi all -My son Josh's 18th birthday is tomorrow. I

will be calling Soc Sec at 7am for our protective filing date and to schedule an appt. Then it's off to the Daley Center so Josh can be served our guardianship papers -court is Dec. 13th. If I may, I would like to ask you all if you could share with us, your number 1 tip or reminder as we process this transistion. I am very grateful to those who organized this list. Best, , Pam and Josh

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Hi Sharon, I also am a sufferer from spinal stenosis and fractured vertabrae at L4-5. . I also have stenosis in the neck.I live on a heating pad when the pain is severe from physical activities. Thank you for the magnet info, I will look into it..heard alot of positive info about magnetic therapy. I try to remind myself that things could be worse and try to still look for that silver lining when things seem cloudy, peace to all!! kaviescontinued <kaviescontinued@...> wrote: Hi

SharonWelcome to the group! sorry to hear about ur spinal stenosis and pain. I have spinal stenosis in my lower back and neck. I also have bulging disks in my neck, and I was told I am not a canadate for surgery. I am not as bad as you, as I have not lost control of my bodily functions.... and I still work 5 days a week 6 hours a day on my feet all day. I do take arthristis strength pain reliever daily to get me thru the day. I have good days and bad. on the bad days I have to push myself alot to get thru work. When I first got stenosis, I was in a lot of pain. one thing I did was order a magnet belt (north pole) and wear that every night. its seemed to help me. I did that for about 6 months... then I slacked off. I still once in a while put it on. you might consider this option. a good site to buy one is:magnapak.comIf you should want info on magnetic therapy info plz see

there site at: http://www.magnetictherapyinfo.com/**PRECAUTION** FOR USE: Do not use magnets or magnetic therapy if using a pacemaker, implanted medical device or insulin pump as they may interfere with the delicate electronic equipment. Magnetic products are not recommended for use during pregnancy. They are not proven beneficial nor detrimental. Be on the safe side, do not use. Keep magnetic products at least six inches away from objects such as credit cards, computers, diskettes, audio and videotapes, and similar items, as loss of data may result.the belts r listed under Magnetic wraps. they cost about $45, and I believe they give free shipping on any order. for pain as with stenosis u need "North Pole" magnets. This may not help everyone... but I feel it helped me some. My sister had major surgery one year ago. she had spinal stenosis

and other things too. she had bones fused together, screws put in up and down her back. I am not sure of all she had... but I know that even today she is still recovering, but is 75% better than before surgery. she walks with a cane, but at least now she can walk. each person is different in pain and degree of stenosis. we can only follow our dr's advice, and if we do not agree with one dr try to find another who will listen. surgery is not for everyone. some have had surgery and were worse off, some have had surgery and it was the best thing they ever did. I hope that you can find a dr that will help u to feel better. let us know how things r goingshanna>> Hello Everyone,> My name is Sharon and i am new to the group > I

have spinal stenosis in my lower spine also and degenerative > disk disease throughout my spine. I have a herniated disk also and 2 > bulging disks And a benine (Spelling wrong Sorry) turmor in thoracic > spine Which they are just going to watch. (Tumor) I take darvocet when > i absolutely have to . My Doctor a nuerologist also told me that i > have to learn to live with it . Also went to Orthopedic and he said > the same thing . They don't generally operate on a herniated disk . > Makes no sense to me ! Hope to get to know you all better Sharon>

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wish I could refer you to some solid information in that area, but I

know of none. I'm sure you've reviewed your diet and any new products

that you may have been in contact with for EtOH content. There have been

a few anecdotal stories of positive EtGs without alcohol consumption

surrounding pregnancy. In fact, Dr. Liepman's alcohol inhalation study

was prompted after two nurses, BOTH PREGNANT, tested positive for EtG

and claimed their only contact with alcohol was through hand sanitizer

use (about 30 times/day) and cologne. Their DOC, in both cases, involved

opiates and not alcohol. Sounds like their pregnancy added credibility

to their claims. I would love to see some research done on ENDOGENOUS

ALCOHOL production. I believe that the cases involving pregnancy,

gastric bypass, and diabetes suggest some altered metabolic processes,

most likely involving endogenous alcohol production rather than an

external source of alcohol.


> Hi everyone-


> I am wondering if any of you out there have any information on ETG and

postpartum/pregnant state. I am a physician in diversion and recently

tested positive 10 days after giving birth. It wasn't because I drank

and I didn't do anything else unusual that can account for the false

positive. Is anyone aware of any information on glucose/protein spillage

and the test's accuracy?

> I am currently being punished by diversion and can use any

information-- for piece of mind if for nothing else.

> - L




> __________________________________________________


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