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Hello in England we have a doctor called Dr S. Myhill -whereever you

are in the world it could be useful to read her website & e-book.

Just type in her name in a web search

Also look on " Invest In ME " site - sorry an other UK site, however the

links and all the info would still be useful

Good Luck


> Can somebody help me. I'm almost positive I suffer from chronic fatigue

> syndrome. How do I go about talking to my Dr. about possible treatment.

> My life has been going down hill with all my symptoms.

> Thank you so much



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Hi ,

That manometry test is kind of annoying.... I'd wait to have it until you have picked the facility where you are having treatment. I'd pick your team, no matter what your esophagus problem is before you get that test. Many tests depend on the skill and expertise of the giver. The barium is no big deal to repeat, but the manometry isn't a joy, so I'd try to do it only once or as seldom as possible. Even if it isn't achalasia, you want your doctor team to be in place. Find a great GI.

Also get copies of all your test results, keep everything electronically or a paper copy. It will come in handy in the future. Some of your tests will have a video copy. Keep a diary of dates and doctors, as this disease will follow you the rest of your life. It is not life ending, can be managed, but be prepared.

Sandy>> Hi,> My name is , I am a fifty year old grandmother who lives in Austin Texas. My doctor, Dr. Kent Ellis, believes that I have Achalasia. This all came about after I had a big scare in November of last year, I was having trouble swallowing and I choked once almost to the point of passing out at a restaurant. So I went to Doc thinking I had a tumor in my throat or something similar. He did the first test, an endoscopy and did a dilation. No cancer cells were found, gratefully! The dilation helped for a very short while. He told me he thought I had Achalasia, this rare disease. This week I am going for another test, they will run the tube down my nose and have me swallow, ugh, and check pressure of the esophagus. This is going to be hard to go through and I have almost chickened out.> Then he may suggest surgery. I am glad to have found a support group, though I am sorry your problem exists. Any advice is welcome. > I have been able to eat some foods, it just has taken some adjustments. > I have felt bewildered but it can always be worse, I think.> Thanks for any input > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs>

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Welcome Aboard! My name is Millie from Virginia and I recently was

diagnosed with " A " and had surgery on Dec. 5, 2007. I did not find

the testing to check the pressure hurtful but it was uncomfortable

but not to the extent of being unbareable. I have had 4 since being

diagnosed. I am new to this group and have found their comments,

knowledge and understanding to be GREAT! Although, recently, a lot

of discussion on this board has been about alternative medicine.

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on your test and I will tell

you what I was told when I inquired on this board,if surgery is the

option -- Make Sure You Get Someone Who Knows About Achalasia.

One other thing I can suggest is read everything you can on this

board and learn about this stuff. It can take some of the fear or

worry out of the process. Also, eating I found that chocolate, and

milk helped me greatly but you might find something else helps you.

Take care - Millie VA


> Hi,

> My name is , I am a fifty year old grandmother who lives in

Austin Texas. My doctor, Dr. Kent Ellis, believes that I have

Achalasia. This all came about after I had a big scare in November

of last year, I was having trouble swallowing and I choked once

almost to the point of passing out at a restaurant. So I went to Doc

thinking I had a tumor in my throat or something similar. He did the

first test, an endoscopy and did a dilation. No cancer cells were

found, gratefully! The dilation helped for a very short while. He

told me he thought I had Achalasia, this rare disease. This week I

am going for another test, they will run the tube down my nose and

have me swallow, ugh, and check pressure of the esophagus. This is

going to be hard to go through and I have almost chickened out.

> Then he may suggest surgery. I am glad to have found a support

group, though I am sorry your problem exists. Any advice is


> I have been able to eat some foods, it just has taken some


> I have felt bewildered but it can always be worse, I think.

> Thanks for any input







> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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Dear , Welcome to the Group. I am happy for you that all this has happened fairly quickly, both the diagnosis and finding this Group. It's better to have some treatment before any more damage is done to your oesophagus as it adapts to this disorder. The test you will be having is called a manometry. Different people have different experiences of it. I thought it was not as bad as the endoscopy and found that I was able to co-operate very well with the Doctor by relaxing as much as humanly possible and having the attitude that I and he were doing this test together as opposed to having it done to me. It's an important test, so try your best. The best thing about this Group is that you can ask any sort of question that you need to and there is some one who can respond. Between us we have a wealth of knowledge and experience, whereas to be alone in this is bewildering. And you are right - there are many worse conditions than this. All the best from Ann in England (57) <rich5757@...> wrote: Hi, My name is , I am a fifty year old grandmother who lives in Austin Texas. My doctor, Dr. Kent Ellis, believes that I have Achalasia. This all came about after I had a big scare in November of last year, I was having trouble swallowing and I choked once almost to the point of passing out at a restaurant. So I went to Doc thinking I had a tumor in my throat or something similar. He did the first test, an endoscopy and did a dilation. No cancer cells were found, gratefully! The dilation helped for a very short while. He told me he thought I had Achalasia, this rare disease. This week I am going for another test, they will run the tube down my nose and have me swallow, ugh, and check pressure of the esophagus. This is going to be hard to go through

and I have almost chickened out. Then he may suggest surgery. I am glad to have found a support group, though I am sorry your problem exists. Any advice is welcome. I have been able to eat some foods, it just has taken some adjustments. I have felt bewildered but it can always be worse, I think. Thanks for any input Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Sent from .

A Smarter Inbox.

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Sagefox, I sent you a private message naming some doctors. I would

suggest you start with the one who treats heart symptoms. That isn't

just what she treats. I think she would be the top pick for you at

this time. Call around and see what you think.

a Carnes

> Please, please- anyone who knows of any doctor in this state- or


> Massachusetts, I'm closer to that now that New York, begging for

help as I slip

> under the grip of this disease again.

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> My feelings are that while I do not want to vaccinate my children

> unecessarily, I feel that there must be some value to some of


> I am someone who believes in gray, not black and white.

#### I have been studying this issue for a few years and can't see

any good to the current vaccines available: they do not offer

immunity, are loaded with toxic chemicals and are very dangerous to

the body, especially the brain. If there ever will be such a thing, a

vaccine that's safe and effective would be a " good thing " .

I really

> need help finding out about the following vaccs: Tetnus, Pertussis,

> and Hib. From what I understand about Tetnus, if you get cut by

> something that has the bacteria on it, if you already have the

> vaccination (within 8-10 years) you will be protected?

#### There has been some good discussion regarding tetanus on this

list this week - check the previous posts. The 8-10 year span - and

every other span associated with tetanus - is based on guess, not

scientific discovery. With tetanus, proper wound care is important

and should prevent infection.


> Pertussis, although not life threatening, it is in our school


> currently and a nasty disease, does the vaccine prevent all


#### I have never heard of a vaccine that prevents all strains of a

disease - only a few. As far as I know, pertussis is a childhood

disease that your child can fairly easily overcome (unless immune-


> With Hib, can it be truly life threatening, and does the vaccine

> absolutely prevent it forever?

#### From www.thinktwice.com, the death rate is 4% and no, no vaccine

prevents disease forever - most vaccines just plain don't work and

may/will cause disease they're supposed to protect you against.

If I decide to get these vaccs, howe

> can I get them seperately and not all in one o with other ones I

> don't want?

#### You can request them separately, but I believe it's up to the

pediatrician/doctor. Some won't order them for you.

> I apologize if I sound ignorant but that's why I am here. I also


> looking for help as to how to find a pediatrician who thinks more

> along these lines (non traditional).

#### I'm in GA so can't help you with the ped - I'm sure someone else

will chime in !!!

Don't apologize - keep reading and educate yourself !! What really

opened my eyes was the video I recently saw by Tocco on Dr.

Mercola's site - it will really open your eyes and make you think.

Here is the link - it's long but you can watch in chapters - it's

really worth the time:



Good luck,


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Just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are NOT ignorant.

The fact that you are asking questions and looking for real answers is

not the path of an ignorant person. I am also trying to look for the

" answers " to the vaccination puzzle and I look forward to reading the

replies to your questions. Welcome!


> Hi All,


> First of all...what an amazing resource! I am very excited to have

> found you!


> I am a mom of a 2 1/2 yo boy with Down Syndrome who also has many

> medical issues and was vaccinated fully in the NICU while there for 5

> months. I am not altogether happy about this, but that was then.


> I now have a 3 month old girl who is healthy and I would like her to

> stay that way! I am in this group for both of them.


> I am very overwhelemed by this vaccine thing and at times I want to

> give in because it's the easy way out. I need your help not to do

> this.

> My feelings are that while I do not want to vaccinate my children

> unecessarily, I feel that there must be some value to some of them.

> I am someone who believes in gray, not black and white. I really

> need help finding out about the following vaccs: Tetnus, Pertussis,

> and Hib. From what I understand about Tetnus, if you get cut by

> something that has the bacteria on it, if you already have the

> vaccination (within 8-10 years) you will be protected? With

> Pertussis, although not life threatening, it is in our school system

> currently and a nasty disease, does the vaccine prevent all strains?

> With Hib, can it be truly life threatening, and does the vaccine

> absolutely prevent it forever? If I decide to get these vaccs, howe

> can I get them seperately and not all in one o with other ones I

> don't want?


> I apologize if I sound ignorant but that's why I am here. I also am

> looking for help as to how to find a pediatrician who thinks more

> along these lines (non traditional).


> Thank you so much,

> l in Londonderry, NH


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Hi l --

Welcome to the group. I'm . I live in NY with DH and we have

two partially vaxed kids - DS had a severe allergic reaction to the

DPT which made us question vaxing. Live and learn.

Sheri has excellent info here -- you can use the search feature on

the Messages page to look for specifics.

You may also want to watch this video, very informative, also very

long, but worth the time IMHO.



Health & blessings,

I no longer get a headache when I clean now that my home is CLEAN &

GREEN...and I Save money too!



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I had another thought, just to approach this from a different angle:

it's not about not gettting sick - you have to get sick in order to

get your immune system going and strong - it's about strengthening the

body to help fight the disease. So don't fear getting sick -

strengthen the body with good nutrition, exercise, etc so you can get

better faster.

Also, do your research on individual diseases - you'll find they're

not as " deadly " as medical establishment would have you believe. Fear

works against us - arm yourself with knowledge.

Happy learning,

Magda in GA (mom to 3.5 year old unvaxed )

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Hi l,

I used to live in Merrimack, NH. We lived there for 6 years, in fact,

and now live near SF in CA.

> From what I understand about Tetnus, if you get cut by

> something that has the bacteria on it, if you already have the

> vaccination (within 8-10 years) you will be protected?

Not so much. Tetanus bacteria are in soil and feces, but they cannot

live in the presence of air (they're anaerobic). To get tetanus, a

person would have to get a DEEP puncture wound from something that is

still buried in soil or feces, then not clean the wound. Proper wound

care and the fact that a child's circulatory system is so good prevent

tetanus without a vaccine. Furthermore, once you've had tetanus, you can

still get it again - of course, even getting it once is difficult. I

really researched tetanus because it and diphtheria were the two that I

knew nothing about.

> With

> Pertussis, although not life threatening, it is in our school system

> currently and a nasty disease, does the vaccine prevent all strains?

No. In fact the pertussis vaccine is, by pro-vax accounts, only 59-80%

effective. I can send you the link to that information if you'd like.

Most of the people who get pertussis are vaccinated schoolchildren and

unvaccinated adults.

> With Hib, can it be truly life threatening, and does the vaccine

> absolutely prevent it forever?

No. No vaccine prevents anything forever; even pro-vax people have to

admit that. Natural immunity generally does prevent a person from

getting a disease again, but even that's not a sure thing. There are

people who have had chicken pox twice, for example.

We did do the Hib vaccine, but I'm not sure that we would do that again.

Hib can be - is - truly life threatening to children under age 2. Once a

child hits 5, there is enough bacteria built up in the child's immune

system that Hib and its relatives are no longer a threat. That is, we

become immune naturally. As I said, we did choose the Hib vaccine, but

we started at 7 months. We chose it because it was really the only

disease that threatened children under age 2, and because the vaccine is

relatively safe. (If you check its VAERS numbers, they are very, very

low.) However, since we did it, one batch of Hib vaccines was recalled

and there has been new evidence linking the vaccine to diabetes in children.

> If I decide to get these vaccs, howe

> can I get them seperately and not all in one o with other ones I

> don't want?

No. Pertussis never comes by itself; it only comes with diphtheria and


Tetanus only comes by itself for older children. The tetanus-only

vaccine contains thimerosol.

Hib can be a standalone vaccine. If you wait until your child is 1 year

old, then she only " needs " one shot. Otherwise, it's 3. We did all 3.

I hope this helps!


kerrrachell wrote:


> Hi All,


> First of all...what an amazing resource! I am very excited to have

> found you!


> I am a mom of a 2 1/2 yo boy with Down Syndrome who also has many

> medical issues and was vaccinated fully in the NICU while there for 5

> months. I am not altogether happy about this, but that was then.


> I now have a 3 month old girl who is healthy and I would like her to

> stay that way! I am in this group for both of them.


> I am very overwhelemed by this vaccine thing and at times I want to

> give in because it's the easy way out. I need your help not to do

> this.

> My feelings are that while I do not want to vaccinate my children

> unecessarily, I feel that there must be some value to some of them.

> I am someone who believes in gray, not black and white. I really

> need help finding out about the following vaccs: Tetnus, Pertussis,

> and Hib. From what I understand about Tetnus, if you get cut by

> something that has the bacteria on it, if you already have the

> vaccination (within 8-10 years) you will be protected? With

> Pertussis, although not life threatening, it is in our school system

> currently and a nasty disease, does the vaccine prevent all strains?

> With Hib, can it be truly life threatening, and does the vaccine

> absolutely prevent it forever? If I decide to get these vaccs, howe

> can I get them seperately and not all in one o with other ones I

> don't want?


> I apologize if I sound ignorant but that's why I am here. I also am

> looking for help as to how to find a pediatrician who thinks more

> along these lines (non traditional).


> Thank you so much,

> l in Londonderry, NH





robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>


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Thank you, a. Ironically, I just moved from the town where she

is located.

I am never sure anymore if I should call and ask for an appointment

based on " CFS " or not. Strange for an old timer, I know, but

sometimes it's harder for me to think when I'm descending into ME

hell. I am certain you know what I mean.

I had just started a new job and had to resign already, after 3

days. Even my husband, though he's absolutely been here during the

worst (thoug not through the first 7-10 years or so, which were the

true worst of the worst for ME symptoms, though I can no longer

remember what healthy felt like, so it could just be that now I

consider a good day to not be like the worst day), gets so frustrated

and recently was psychobabbling me and I had to tell him to cut it

out. For cryin' out loud, this is *not* what " self-sabotage " looks

like. This is what full time work for over a year while depending on

meds to get me through the day and ultimately worsening kidney damage

looks like! I wish that, like him, I had the luxury of forgetting

the day to day hell of ME.


> > Please, please- anyone who knows of any doctor in this state- or

> maybe

> > Massachusetts, I'm closer to that now that New York, begging for

> help as I slip

> > under the grip of this disease again.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Beth,

I am a mother of 5 unvaccinated children ages 22-3 and so have a lot of

years under my belt here. They have all been very healthy without vaccines.

There are lots of children who were able to take 2 or 3 rounds of vaccines and

then on the next one, they had the terrible reaction and there are many

stories from parents who have written in their grief about how their child was

developing normally and then after another round of vaccines, totally changed,

lost their ability to talk and retreated into a world of their own that many

call autism. There are others who's child became allergic to a lot of things

and not to mention the overall diminishing of their immune systems. I would

point out that if you start the shots when they are young, you really have no

way of knowing what their personalities or health might have been without

them and though it may not seem that they have had reactions, you may not be

able to tell what is going on in their bodies on a molecular level. I just

could not risk all the unknowns.

You can travel without them and you can get into school without them.

Sheri's website is one in my signature below _Vaccination Information & Choice

Network - _ (http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm)

and please do look into the others. If you do a google search of " vaccine

damage " or vaccine adverse reaction " or " vaccine injured " you will find

plenty to read. There are lots of children out there who have been so very

injured and all of their parents would tell you that ya never know which shot


going to send them over the edge and that if they knew then what they know now

that they would have never given their children the vaccines. They want

nothing more than for their stories to inspire caring mothers like you to learn

all that you can about the potential reactions to vaccines that can happen.

I will be happy to help you in any way that I can because I believe with all

my heart that vaccines are not safe for anyone!


***Are Vaccines Safe?***



_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_


_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _


_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib.org/index.htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice.com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_


In a message dated 3/12/2008 7:30:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tommygirl18_1981@... writes:

Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if my kids

have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut getting second and

third doeses of the same thing, why would they now have a reaction? Also,

this may keep us from being able to travel with my husband. When he leaves he

is gone for 3 yrs at a time.......Also, what about school?????

Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but I am

not seeing it :)

Thanks again,


**************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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I know there is alot of information there.....the thing is, we are scheduled to

go overseas in 3 months. I am going to have to make my decision in the next few


Does anyone think the homeopathic drops will be effective???

Re: New to group

Hi Beth


Oh goodness.... .......where t start.

At 03:48 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

>Hi everyone, I just joined this group and I am looking for

>information regarding whether or not to get my kids their vaccines.

>I have 2 kids ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. As of right now, they are

>both up to date on their shots and thus far have had no reaction to

>the vaccines. They have not even have a fever from them.

That's good probably - I'll address why it might not be good after I

hear back from you.

How is their health otherwise?

How is the health of the other people in your family - you, your

husband and both your parents and other family members?

>I have just recently started my research on the safety of them. I

>am considering doing a slower pace of getting them.

There is no guarantee that that is safe.

Vaccines are dangerous given one by one or in multiples at any age.

I have seen injury and death at any age and from one or more vaccines

at a time.

> Is it believed

>that this will or could be helpful? Also, I currently see a

>naturopath (that is also a MD). I have made him aware of my

>concerns and this is a recommendation he gave me. He said there is

>a homeopathic formula (which I have) for childhood vaccines.

That is ludicrous, I'm sorry to say. If it were so easy we would not

have vaccine injury.

I am a homeopath and there is no such thing. He is not doing anyone

any favors by making people have a false sense of security.


>told me the first 72 hours are the most critical time frame for

>having a bad reaction.

This is not necessarily ture.

>He told me the homeopathic formula will help

>offset the reactions allowing the vaccine to provide the " protection

>they say it provides " while minimizing the risk of problems.

This is not guaranteed.


>said it acts as a dumping agent and gets rid or " dumps " the extra's

>that are in vaccines so they are not absorbed and stored in the cell

>tissue to manifest and create problems. Has anyone heard of

>this??? He is a great ND and I do value his opinion.

I'm glad you like him but there is no way what he says can be proved

to be true.

You need to question everyone about this stuff, not just mainstream MD's

He may be good on some things and not necessarily have all the answers.

Unless he has extensive training in homeopathy and in vaccine

dangers, he may not know all he needs to.

>On an ending note, I want to point out that my husband's job takes

>us overseas ALOT. His work requires us to have our vaccines and

>also for the kids to be accepted into the schools they need


This also is probably not true.

His work cannot demand that you have vaccines as far as I know. Who

does he work for and where do you go.

And all states in the US have exemptions you can use except West

Virginia and Mississippi.

And most countries in the world do NOT mandate vaccines

> I found that out this year sending my oldest to


What state do you live in. They will tell you that but it is

untrue. They don't tell you about the exemptions.

> I have seen the info regarding that we as parents do not

>have to legally give our children vaccines but they may be denied

>going to public schools and things like that. This would also pose

>a problem for us traveling overseas. Any suggestion?

See above.

>If this is the wrong support group for this type of post, I am

>sorry. Could someone point me in the right direction???

Perfect for this list

Please tell us more.

>Thanks for any advice/help on this matter. I look forward to

>speaking to and getting to know each of you.


>Much Love,


Welcome and thanks for the great questions




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Hi Beth


Oh goodness...........where t start.

At 03:48 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

>Hi everyone, I just joined this group and I am looking for

>information regarding whether or not to get my kids their vaccines.

>I have 2 kids ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. As of right now, they are

>both up to date on their shots and thus far have had no reaction to

>the vaccines. They have not even have a fever from them.

That's good probably - I'll address why it might not be good after I

hear back from you.

How is their health otherwise?

How is the health of the other people in your family - you, your

husband and both your parents and other family members?

>I have just recently started my research on the safety of them. I

>am considering doing a slower pace of getting them.

There is no guarantee that that is safe.

Vaccines are dangerous given one by one or in multiples at any age.

I have seen injury and death at any age and from one or more vaccines

at a time.

> Is it believed

>that this will or could be helpful? Also, I currently see a

>naturopath (that is also a MD). I have made him aware of my

>concerns and this is a recommendation he gave me. He said there is

>a homeopathic formula (which I have) for childhood vaccines.

That is ludicrous, I'm sorry to say. If it were so easy we would not

have vaccine injury.

I am a homeopath and there is no such thing. He is not doing anyone

any favors by making people have a false sense of security.


>told me the first 72 hours are the most critical time frame for

>having a bad reaction.

This is not necessarily ture.

>He told me the homeopathic formula will help

>offset the reactions allowing the vaccine to provide the " protection

>they say it provides " while minimizing the risk of problems.

This is not guaranteed.


>said it acts as a dumping agent and gets rid or " dumps " the extra's

>that are in vaccines so they are not absorbed and stored in the cell

>tissue to manifest and create problems. Has anyone heard of

>this??? He is a great ND and I do value his opinion.

I'm glad you like him but there is no way what he says can be proved

to be true.

You need to question everyone about this stuff, not just mainstream MD's

He may be good on some things and not necessarily have all the answers.

Unless he has extensive training in homeopathy and in vaccine

dangers, he may not know all he needs to.

>On an ending note, I want to point out that my husband's job takes

>us overseas ALOT. His work requires us to have our vaccines and

>also for the kids to be accepted into the schools they need


This also is probably not true.

His work cannot demand that you have vaccines as far as I know. Who

does he work for and where do you go.

And all states in the US have exemptions you can use except West

Virginia and Mississippi.

And most countries in the world do NOT mandate vaccines

> I found that out this year sending my oldest to


What state do you live in. They will tell you that but it is

untrue. They don't tell you about the exemptions.

> I have seen the info regarding that we as parents do not

>have to legally give our children vaccines but they may be denied

>going to public schools and things like that. This would also pose

>a problem for us traveling overseas. Any suggestion?

See above.

>If this is the wrong support group for this type of post, I am

>sorry. Could someone point me in the right direction???

Perfect for this list

Please tell us more.

>Thanks for any advice/help on this matter. I look forward to

>speaking to and getting to know each of you.


>Much Love,


Welcome and thanks for the great questions


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Welcome to our group Bekah;

Yes I walk with a cane on bad days and have a handicapped parking

sticker in Fl good for 4 years. We asked my SDr to fill it out since

I cannot walk far distances withuot pain. He filled it ut I took it

to the tax collectors office and got it no problem, I get by day bby

day. But welcome to our big loving family.

I am a survivor of 2 heart atacks, have 3/4 of my thyroid gone, have

IBS, CFIDS, Fibro,senstivity to lights,sound, smells and some

chemical senstivities too. but yes we all have walked in shoes one

time or another. what state do yuo live in maybe somoe can offer

support on how to get a handicapped sticker for you.In Fla it was so

easy. hugs heidi

> Hi! My name is Bekah and I am a 34-year-old school teacher. I also

> work part time cleaning and tutoring to make extra money. I have a

> 10-year-old-daughter--it's just the two of us.


> I was diagnosed with fibro a year ago, but that came after a

> diagnosis of chronic costochondritis about three years prior. In

> addition to these ailments, I also have Type II diabetes, IBS,


> gastroparesis, migraines, depression, and panic/anxiety disorder. I

> was diagnosed with ADD as an adult, but I often wonder if many of


> symptoms are related to the fibro and not ADD.


> My pain and my ability to tolerate it are getting worse. I am

> extremely overweight and wonder how much a role that plays in my

> pain. I avoid taking medications when I can, but I do take my

> diabetes meds,depression and anxiety meds. I don't take anything


> the pain, but I do have a prescription for Ultram. I am wondering


> you have found that an effective tool for managing pain.


> Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. Fibro has begun to

> interfere with my quality of life and my ability to do my daily

> tasks at times. Almost no one in my life understands this ailment

> and I often feel like they think I'm making it up as an excuse for

> why I'm exhausted and in pain ALL THE TIME!!


> One more question: do any of you use a handicap parking sticker? I

> asked my rheumetologist for her signature to get one becuase my


> and thigh muscles cramp up when I have to walk long distances but

> she refused to sign for me. It made me feel like a fraud. Just

> wondering if anyone can empathize.


> Take care!


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IF ONE DOCTOR IS UNWILLING TO GIVE YOU A PARKING STICKER, YOU MAY HAVE TO ASK YOUR GENERAL PRACTIONER FOR ONE.rcteach2002 <rcmagers@...> wrote: Hi! My name is Bekah and I am a 34-year-old school teacher. I also work part time cleaning and tutoring to make extra money. I have a 10-year-old-daughter--it's just the two of us. I was diagnosed with fibro a year ago, but that came after a diagnosis of chronic costochondritis about three years prior. In addition to these ailments, I also have Type II diabetes, IBS, GERD,

gastroparesis, migraines, depression, and panic/anxiety disorder. I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult, but I often wonder if many of my symptoms are related to the fibro and not ADD. My pain and my ability to tolerate it are getting worse. I am extremely overweight and wonder how much a role that plays in my pain. I avoid taking medications when I can, but I do take my diabetes meds,depression and anxiety meds. I don't take anything for the pain, but I do have a prescription for Ultram. I am wondering if you have found that an effective tool for managing pain.Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. Fibro has begun to interfere with my quality of life and my ability to do my daily tasks at times. Almost no one in my life understands this ailment and I often feel like they think I'm making it up as an excuse for why I'm exhausted and in pain ALL THE TIME!! One more question: do any of you use a

handicap parking sticker? I asked my rheumetologist for her signature to get one becuase my back and thigh muscles cramp up when I have to walk long distances but she refused to sign for me. It made me feel like a fraud. Just wondering if anyone can empathize.Take care!

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I live in Ohio and we are scheduled to go to South Korea....after that who


My youngest son is the one I worry about....not because he is not develping fine

but because of his age. My oldest is almost 4 so I do not worry about him so

much. Anyways, I am just trying to figure out if my kids have already had most

of the vaccines if I should just finish them out. There is such contradiciting

information out there. I do not like the idea of them not being vaccinated but

I also do not like the risk that is believed to be associated with the vaccines.

So I am trying to make the best decision possible. Maybe trying to find a way

to still get the vaccines but do it maybe a little slower and use the

homeopathic drops. However, I am not set against not getting them....I just am

trying to find a happy medium so to speak.

I look at my kids and want to protect them the best way possible....I just do

not know what that is in this case. I am VERY confused!!!!! And stressed...can

you tell :)

Much Love,


Re: New to group


>Hi Beth



>Oh goodness.... .......where t start.


>At 03:48 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

> >Hi everyone, I just joined this group and I am looking for

> >information regarding whether or not to get my kids their vaccines.

> >I have 2 kids ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. As of right now, they are

> >both up to date on their shots and thus far have had no reaction to

> >the vaccines. They have not even have a fever from them.


>That's good probably - I'll address why it might not be good after I

>hear back from you.

>How is their health otherwise?

>How is the health of the other people in your family - you, your

>husband and both your parents and other family members?


> >I have just recently started my research on the safety of them. I

> >am considering doing a slower pace of getting them.


>There is no guarantee that that is safe.

>Vaccines are dangerous given one by one or in multiples at any age.

>I have seen injury and death at any age and from one or more vaccines

>at a time.


> > Is it believed

> >that this will or could be helpful? Also, I currently see a

> >naturopath (that is also a MD). I have made him aware of my

> >concerns and this is a recommendation he gave me. He said there is

> >a homeopathic formula (which I have) for childhood vaccines.


>That is ludicrous, I'm sorry to say. If it were so easy we would not

>have vaccine injury.

>I am a homeopath and there is no such thing. He is not doing anyone

>any favors by making people have a false sense of security.


> >He

> >told me the first 72 hours are the most critical time frame for

> >having a bad reaction.


>This is not necessarily ture.


> >He told me the homeopathic formula will help

> >offset the reactions allowing the vaccine to provide the " protection

> >they say it provides " while minimizing the risk of problems.


>This is not guaranteed.


> >He

> >said it acts as a dumping agent and gets rid or " dumps " the extra's

> >that are in vaccines so they are not absorbed and stored in the cell

> >tissue to manifest and create problems. Has anyone heard of

> >this??? He is a great ND and I do value his opinion.


>I'm glad you like him but there is no way what he says can be proved

>to be true.

>You need to question everyone about this stuff, not just mainstream MD's

>He may be good on some things and not necessarily have all the answers.

>Unless he has extensive training in homeopathy and in vaccine

>dangers, he may not know all he needs to.


> >On an ending note, I want to point out that my husband's job takes

> >us overseas ALOT. His work requires us to have our vaccines and

> >also for the kids to be accepted into the schools they need

> >vacinated.


>This also is probably not true.

>His work cannot demand that you have vaccines as far as I know. Who

>does he work for and where do you go.

>And all states in the US have exemptions you can use except West

>Virginia and Mississippi.

>And most countries in the world do NOT mandate vaccines


> > I found that out this year sending my oldest to

> >preschool.


>What state do you live in. They will tell you that but it is

>untrue. They don't tell you about the exemptions.


> > I have seen the info regarding that we as parents do not

> >have to legally give our children vaccines but they may be denied

> >going to public schools and things like that. This would also pose

> >a problem for us traveling overseas. Any suggestion?


>See above.


> >If this is the wrong support group for this type of post, I am

> >sorry. Could someone point me in the right direction???


>Perfect for this list

>Please tell us more.


> >Thanks for any advice/help on this matter. I look forward to

> >speaking to and getting to know each of you.

> >

> >Much Love,

> >Beth


>Welcome and thanks for the great questions








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At 04:07 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

>I know there is alot of information there.....the thing is, we are

>scheduled to go overseas in 3 months. I am going to have to make my

>decision in the next few weeks.


>Does anyone think the homeopathic drops will be effective???

No guarantee of that - homeopathy doesn't work like that

Where are you going overseas?

also what state do you live in?



> Re: New to group


>Hi Beth



>Oh goodness.... .......where t start.


>At 03:48 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

> >Hi everyone, I just joined this group and I am looking for

> >information regarding whether or not to get my kids their vaccines.

> >I have 2 kids ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. As of right now, they are

> >both up to date on their shots and thus far have had no reaction to

> >the vaccines. They have not even have a fever from them.


>That's good probably - I'll address why it might not be good after I

>hear back from you.

>How is their health otherwise?

>How is the health of the other people in your family - you, your

>husband and both your parents and other family members?


> >I have just recently started my research on the safety of them. I

> >am considering doing a slower pace of getting them.


>There is no guarantee that that is safe.

>Vaccines are dangerous given one by one or in multiples at any age.

>I have seen injury and death at any age and from one or more vaccines

>at a time.


> > Is it believed

> >that this will or could be helpful? Also, I currently see a

> >naturopath (that is also a MD). I have made him aware of my

> >concerns and this is a recommendation he gave me. He said there is

> >a homeopathic formula (which I have) for childhood vaccines.


>That is ludicrous, I'm sorry to say. If it were so easy we would not

>have vaccine injury.

>I am a homeopath and there is no such thing. He is not doing anyone

>any favors by making people have a false sense of security.


> >He

> >told me the first 72 hours are the most critical time frame for

> >having a bad reaction.


>This is not necessarily ture.


> >He told me the homeopathic formula will help

> >offset the reactions allowing the vaccine to provide the " protection

> >they say it provides " while minimizing the risk of problems.


>This is not guaranteed.


> >He

> >said it acts as a dumping agent and gets rid or " dumps " the extra's

> >that are in vaccines so they are not absorbed and stored in the cell

> >tissue to manifest and create problems. Has anyone heard of

> >this??? He is a great ND and I do value his opinion.


>I'm glad you like him but there is no way what he says can be proved

>to be true.

>You need to question everyone about this stuff, not just mainstream MD's

>He may be good on some things and not necessarily have all the answers.

>Unless he has extensive training in homeopathy and in vaccine

>dangers, he may not know all he needs to.


> >On an ending note, I want to point out that my husband's job takes

> >us overseas ALOT. His work requires us to have our vaccines and

> >also for the kids to be accepted into the schools they need

> >vacinated.


>This also is probably not true.

>His work cannot demand that you have vaccines as far as I know. Who

>does he work for and where do you go.

>And all states in the US have exemptions you can use except West

>Virginia and Mississippi.

>And most countries in the world do NOT mandate vaccines


> > I found that out this year sending my oldest to

> >preschool.


>What state do you live in. They will tell you that but it is

>untrue. They don't tell you about the exemptions.


> > I have seen the info regarding that we as parents do not

> >have to legally give our children vaccines but they may be denied

> >going to public schools and things like that. This would also pose

> >a problem for us traveling overseas. Any suggestion?


>See above.


> >If this is the wrong support group for this type of post, I am

> >sorry. Could someone point me in the right direction???


>Perfect for this list

>Please tell us more.


> >Thanks for any advice/help on this matter. I look forward to

> >speaking to and getting to know each of you.

> >

> >Much Love,

> >Beth


>Welcome and thanks for the great questions










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Hi Beth,

I’m mostly a lurker here, but I wanted to tell you that you’re not alone in

your confusion, the stress that you feel, and wanting to do what is right

for your family. We all feel that way.

I think most of us (who think outside the mainstream box of parenting and

healthcare practices) find ourselves, at one time or another, exactly where

you are at right now in your quest to find more information on vaccines.

Take a deep breath. For all intents, you may stop the vaccines and throw

the pediatric schedule out the window. Regardless of your personal decision

to either end them altogether, or eventually continue on, you’ve opened up

the discussion of the efficacy of vaccines. And like all of us here, you

have concerns and questions. Now you owe it to yourself and family to make

the best decision possible by gathering information and learning about the

risks. I think you’ll find, after much thought and consideration, that the

vaccines themselves, pose more of a health risk to your children than you

realize. And just because your children (thank goodness), have not had a

serious reaction, does not mean that they haven’t suffered a side effect.

Vaccines cause harm. Period.

I think a terrific place to spend some time is browsing through Sheri’s

website (the list owner). Get a cup of hot tea and carve out some time to

read. And most importantly, ask questions.




From: Vaccinations [mailto:Vaccinations ] On

Behalf Of Beth Jacomet

Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 3:28 PM


Subject: Re: New to group

I live in Ohio and we are scheduled to go to South Korea....after that who


My youngest son is the one I worry about....not because he is not develping

fine but because of his age. My oldest is almost 4 so I do not worry about

him so much. Anyways, I am just trying to figure out if my kids have already

had most of the vaccines if I should just finish them out. There is such

contradiciting information out there. I do not like the idea of them not

being vaccinated but I also do not like the risk that is believed to be

associated with the vaccines. So I am trying to make the best decision

possible. Maybe trying to find a way to still get the vaccines but do it

maybe a little slower and use the homeopathic drops. However, I am not set

against not getting them....I just am trying to find a happy medium so to


I look at my kids and want to protect them the best way possible....I just

do not know what that is in this case. I am VERY confused!!!!! And

stressed...can you tell :)

Much Love,


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Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if my kids

have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut getting second and

third doeses of the same thing, why would they now have a reaction? Also, this

may keep us from being able to travel with my husband. When he leaves he is

gone for 3 yrs at a time.......Also, what about school?????

Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but I am not

seeing it :)

Thanks again,


Re: New to group

I live in Ohio and we are scheduled to go to South Korea....after that who


My youngest son is the one I worry about....not because he is not develping

fine but because of his age. My oldest is almost 4 so I do not worry about

him so much. Anyways, I am just trying to figure out if my kids have already

had most of the vaccines if I should just finish them out. There is such

contradiciting information out there. I do not like the idea of them not

being vaccinated but I also do not like the risk that is believed to be

associated with the vaccines. So I am trying to make the best decision

possible. Maybe trying to find a way to still get the vaccines but do it

maybe a little slower and use the homeopathic drops. However, I am not set

against not getting them....I just am trying to find a happy medium so to


I look at my kids and want to protect them the best way possible.... I just

do not know what that is in this case. I am VERY confused!!!! ! And

stressed....can you tell :)

Much Love,


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Sheri - thank you for taking the time to respond and help me in this decision.

I thought Ohio had strict laws. I guess I need to check into that further.

The reason I believe my hubby's job will MAKE us give vaccines is because he

works for the govt. He works in communications for the US State Dept. They

have to " clear " us before we can go. This means being up to date on all our

shots...... He is checking into it to see if we can waive them but I honestly

do not think we can. PLus, I also worry about traveling overseas......


Re: New to group

At 06:30 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:


>Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if

>my kids have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut

>getting second and third doeses of the same thing, why would they

>now have a reaction? Also, this may keep us from being able to

>travel with my husband. When he leaves he is gone for 3 yrs at a

>time....... Also, what about school?????


>Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but

>I am not seeing it :)


>Thanks again,


Tell me about your kids and the illnesses they have had since infancy.

And just because they haven't reacted before does not mean they won't

react to the next one. There is no safety in that idea.

Why could you not travel with your husband? How can a job make any

demands on a family? Please clarify this. And most countries have

NO laws mandating vaccines

Ohio has easy exemptions from vaccines.

http://www.wellwith in1.com/vaccine. htm





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Thanks! I am in Indiana.

> >

> Welcome to our group Bekah;

> Yes I walk with a cane on bad days and have a handicapped parking

> sticker in Fl good for 4 years. We asked my SDr to fill it out


> I cannot walk far distances withuot pain. He filled it ut I took it

> to the tax collectors office and got it no problem, I get by day


> day. But welcome to our big loving family.

> I am a survivor of 2 heart atacks, have 3/4 of my thyroid gone,


> IBS, CFIDS, Fibro,senstivity to lights,sound, smells and some

> chemical senstivities too. but yes we all have walked in shoes one

> time or another. what state do yuo live in maybe somoe can offer

> support on how to get a handicapped sticker for you.In Fla it was


> easy. hugs heidi


> > Hi! My name is Bekah and I am a 34-year-old school teacher. I


> > work part time cleaning and tutoring to make extra money. I have


> > 10-year-old-daughter--it's just the two of us.

> >

> > I was diagnosed with fibro a year ago, but that came after a

> > diagnosis of chronic costochondritis about three years prior. In

> > addition to these ailments, I also have Type II diabetes, IBS,


> > gastroparesis, migraines, depression, and panic/anxiety disorder.


> > was diagnosed with ADD as an adult, but I often wonder if many of

> my

> > symptoms are related to the fibro and not ADD.

> >

> > My pain and my ability to tolerate it are getting worse. I am

> > extremely overweight and wonder how much a role that plays in my

> > pain. I avoid taking medications when I can, but I do take my

> > diabetes meds,depression and anxiety meds. I don't take anything

> for

> > the pain, but I do have a prescription for Ultram. I am wondering

> if

> > you have found that an effective tool for managing pain.

> >

> > Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. Fibro has begun to

> > interfere with my quality of life and my ability to do my daily

> > tasks at times. Almost no one in my life understands this ailment

> > and I often feel like they think I'm making it up as an excuse


> > why I'm exhausted and in pain ALL THE TIME!!

> >

> > One more question: do any of you use a handicap parking sticker?


> > asked my rheumetologist for her signature to get one becuase my

> back

> > and thigh muscles cramp up when I have to walk long distances but

> > she refused to sign for me. It made me feel like a fraud. Just

> > wondering if anyone can empathize.

> >

> > Take care!

> >


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At 05:28 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

>I live in Ohio and we are scheduled to go to South Korea....after

>that who knows.......


>My youngest son is the one I worry about....not because he is not

>develping fine but because of his age.

Read read read.............that's all I can say.

All vaccines are dangerous and you never knw what one might push a

child over the edge.

Many people think their kids are fine but they have other chornic

illness & sicknesses.

Or they opposite - they never get sick because they are too ill deeply.

Once you realize they DO NOT give immunity.

> My oldest is almost 4 so I do not worry about him so

> much. Anyways, I am just trying to figure out if my kids have

> already had most of the vaccines if I should just finish them out.

>There is such contradiciting information out there. I do not like

>the idea of them not being vaccinated but I also do not like the

>risk that is believed to be associated with the vaccines.

You have to read the reality of the illnesses..............that's why

I have that class, to streamline it for people.

>So I am trying to make the best decision possible. Maybe trying to

>find a way to still get the vaccines but do it maybe a little slower

>and use the homeopathic drops. However, I am not set against not

>getting them....I just am trying to find a happy medium so to speak.

There is no happy medium for vaccines you will see once you delve

into it deeper. And NOT vaccinate because of fear of disease that in

most cases is not a problem or even a risk.

>I look at my kids and want to protect them the best way

>possible....I just do not know what that is in this case. I am VERY

>confused!!!!! And stressed...can you tell :)

I understand.

That's why we are here, but you will have to start researching.

Many of us here are confident in our decisions after having looked at

this for years and years.

Which diseases are you most afraid of?

I'm sorry but there are NO homeopathic magic drops. Believe you me,

I am a homeopath. I wish there were.

That is magical thinking.

The same magical thinking that vaccines give immunity and there will

be no problem


>Much Love,


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At 06:30 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:


>Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if

>my kids have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut

>getting second and third doeses of the same thing, why would they

>now have a reaction? Also, this may keep us from being able to

>travel with my husband. When he leaves he is gone for 3 yrs at a

>time.......Also, what about school?????


>Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but

>I am not seeing it :)


>Thanks again,


Tell me about your kids and the illnesses they have had since infancy.

And just because they haven't reacted before does not mean they won't

react to the next one. There is no safety in that idea.

Why could you not travel with your husband? How can a job make any

demands on a family? Please clarify this. And most countries have

NO laws mandating vaccines

Ohio has easy exemptions from vaccines.




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Mavis - thank you for your reply to my post. I am glad to be speaking with

someone wo has children that are not vaccinated. I look at tall the information

I have gathers not only from here but also the numerous articles I have read

before finding this forum. Everything tell me to run in the other direction of

vaccines and my gut tells me they must not be safe...but the diseases also scare

me. I was watching a progrma yesterday about the debate over vaccines. One

mother vaccinated her children and her twin boys both began autistic. I felt so

bad for her but yet admired her for being the brave mother she was to tell her

story. Then there was another mother who did not vaccinate her 3rd child (she

did her first 2) and at 11 months, her daughter went to a b-day party and ended

up with one of the disease (can not remember which one). Then it depends on who

you talk to on what the opinion is. I have spoke to many RN's, doctors, and

even some ND's that

says vaccines are protective to kids and they should have them. Then I speak

to other friends, and medical professionals who say NO WAY!!!! I feel very


I plan to keep doing m research. I may come up with more and more questions for

you but if you have anything at all to share that you feel may be helpful,

please feel free to do so. I am a very open, caring and loving women, wife and

mother. I am open to any and all opinions and advice.

Thanks again and I look forward to staying in touch with you tbhrough this very

important decision. I honeslty think if my mind could be put more at ease for

them to go without the vaccines, I would rather not vaccinate. I jsut worry

then about the disease...even more so going overseas to who knows where!!!!

Much Love,


Re: New to group

Hi Beth,

I am a mother of 5 unvaccinated children ages 22-3 and so have a lot of

years under my belt here. They have all been very healthy without vaccines.

There are lots of children who were able to take 2 or 3 rounds of vaccines and

then on the next one, they had the terrible reaction and there are many

stories from parents who have written in their grief about how their child was

developing normally and then after another round of vaccines, totally changed,

lost their ability to talk and retreated into a world of their own that many

call autism. There are others who's child became allergic to a lot of things

and not to mention the overall diminishing of their immune systems. I would

point out that if you start the shots when they are young, you really have no

way of knowing what their personalities or health might have been without

them and though it may not seem that they have had reactions, you may not be

able to tell what is going on in their bodies on a molecular level. I just

could not risk all the unknowns.

You can travel without them and you can get into school without them.

Sheri's website is one in my signature below _Vaccination Information & Choice

Network - _ (http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)

and please do look into the others. If you do a google search of " vaccine

damage " or vaccine adverse reaction " or " vaccine injured " you will find

plenty to read. There are lots of children out there who have been so very

injured and all of their parents would tell you that ya never know which shot is

going to send them over the edge and that if they knew then what they know now

that they would have never given their children the vaccines. They want

nothing more than for their stories to inspire caring mothers like you to learn

all that you can about the potential reactions to vaccines that can happen.

I will be happy to help you in any way that I can because I believe with all

my heart that vaccines are not safe for anyone!


***Are Vaccines Safe?***


(http://www.vran. org/links/ story-links. htm)

_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_

(http://www.newstarg et.com/Report_ HPV_Vaccine_ 0.html)

_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _

(http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)

_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib. org/index. htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice. com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_ (http://909shot.


In a message dated 3/12/2008 7:30:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tommygirl18_ 1981 (DOT) com writes:

Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if my kids

have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut getting second and

third doeses of the same thing, why would they now have a reaction? Also,

this may keep us from being able to travel with my husband. When he leaves he

is gone for 3 yrs at a time.......Also, what about school?????

Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but I am

not seeing it :)

Thanks again,


************ **It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

Finance. (http://money. aol.com/tax? NCID=aolprf00030 000000001)

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