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The Presence of Mind ‘Bots’ - New Ascended Masters- through Maurene

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<<Healthy higher mind has genius abilities wired from spirit and soul experiences and communicates to all life through the high heart.>>

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From: Maurene <mwatson7@...>Date: Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 8:03 AMSubject: for your postings

Dayu D'Sa <PIVOT.in.JOY@...>

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The Presence of Mind 'Bots' New Ascended Masters- through Maurene Last we shared in the beautiful and hyperconscious feelings of the indomitable spirit of a finely manicured heart that enjoys being in the Presence of all life feeling love in everyone and everything. Today masters you have asked about what could be called mind bots or neural molecular thought forms. This is the attachment of the mind to body, or what could be considered the left brain, which uses language to processes the personality ego, linear events of past and future, and the details of the individual self to deal with structure, form, and time. Some have called it the male or father brain. When this part of the brain cannot control its daily reality, it will act out in rage, torment, fear when it feels threatened by emotional overwhelm. The right female or mother brain then, is a multiple intuitive processor for the heart essence of the awareness that all life is connected through experiences of sharing self in love. The right brain, working in isolation from the left is terrified of the unknown, which it will perceive as change and chaos, and loves to chatter to fill the emptiness. The left brain enjoys one moment as if it is everything and everyone in still presence. Experiencing in isolation, the left brain can get lost in its own idea of how it must control every detail of reality. Both brains must merge their neural domes or the information in their hemispheric mandalas. Most of you still fear that you will get trapped or lost in the mind, the emotions, or the body pushing yourselves to the edge, or holding self back, to see if you want to live in or out of life. It is just another experience of your birth or death decision. It is simply a way of mastering the acceptance of every moment in every part of life so you know that you are meant to be fully alive and it is only the human self that needs to tamper with destruction or death, or step on life's breaks to find that internal boundary. The unconscious universal mind, which has controlled humanity's agendas for eons, could be considered in a holding pattern as humanity goes through it mass awakening. For humanity this registers as a kind of suffering or mental torment that appears to be holding them back from regenerating their own planet and creating the new systems that can only come from the dimensional spaces of a heart that intuits creative answers. Humanity is trying to preserve itself and the planet through its dimensional shift, rather than leaving it on mass and returning again as it has in the many Earth's of your past. The soul of earth is waiting for her humans to catchup by awakening to own souls and properly stewarding their planet. In the global circuitry of the brain, the human form can no longer accept its own density. Human bodies are in a constant state of molecular: earth, air, fire, water happenings of birth and death, to awaken molecules, such that divine requests onto life become natural again through a simple focus of accepting love as it is offered; accepting life as it is. The human cell body must catch up now to its unconscious recycling and discarding the very molecules of its old human stories that it has played out in the illusions of polarity time, where solutions to the world's problems are only of benefit to an elite few. There has been a layered release of the attachment to the mind in body; body thought and body feelings that are over identified with the form, such that the human shell would not spontaneously combust through either excessive negativity or false positivism. Hence, the left mind must recycle through what can be called the body ego; the exact same negative thoughts feelings, and attitudes you experienced in the spirit body, and the emotional body. Now you find the mind and the molecular body struggling to surrender the human self. Quite naturally the old stories of duality: angelic wars, fallen angels, demons, good/evil, and human suffering are assigned to God; when it is only the human thinking that everything is like their limited and suffering condition. Again, human attributes in the DNA are transfigured out of the need to hold back from life or suffer, once a human folds light/dark into an understanding that all life enjoys home wherever it is to be found. In this process of surrendering over the body's human mind back into spirit; panic, overwhelm, and abandonment can be triggered. This is evident when there is a reaction out of proportion with the situation or person interchange. The isolated mind expects to be loved in exactly its own way; exactly the way it wants to be loved so it can keeps the game going. It does not want to go through its fear, hurt, anger, or rejection to get its love, even such that, it will try to shut one off from real living. It does not like to surrender any power or control to allow the physical body to feel the truth of any emotions or higher self messages that might deny its obsessive thoughts, of old. The mind's personality takes glamour in its struggle to succeed to maintain its need for serial language, to live in the past or future, and to project its story about personal self, muting the inner conversations of the heart and the spirit. It can force the human to its knees through the doubt of its own divinity. The intuitive body is left with no dimensional space to avoid death or disease that might be hiding in trillions of memory units from multiple lives lived. Added to that is the daily fixing, filtering, and absorbing of others thought forms passed on through technology, telepathy, or deep personal exchanges. This can even include entities from the sub human and lower mental and emotional planes surrounding the Earth; as Gaia seeks to purify and sort out entities as the her soul transitions back to other parts of the universe. The poor dutiful fragmented mind will run from its own heart in an attempt to ward off the fear of change and the fear of the unknown. When the mind cannot channel from the intuitive body, it will feed off competition, rage, obsessions, and become insatiable to devour more negativity as a power base. The mind can be terrible bully with threats of death, disease, or suffering when it refuses to feel what your spirit heart desires to experience through you. In this misalignment, the heart may seek refuge by hiding its torture or unworthy in some organ in the body. Higher conscious bodies are already susceptible to countless unconscious energy that permeates your body boundaries. g the mind and body daily with remedies of nature and self love remind you of who you really are! This intense addiction/melodrama to the mental fear of the unknown to avoid feeling the present moment keeps the heart from feeling the real feelings, from facing the real fears and hurts and gaining their information, acceptance, and service to you. A true feeling is in service to you from: anger to shame, judgment, doubt, mistrust, regret, hurt, forgiveness, and back to love through the full circle. Can you allow your mind to nurture you through channeling new creative information, making decisions of higher choices, or providing reality structure when needed? Or do you allow the mind to withhold the value of your feelings from you, battle your heart; or can you let it merge to become the beloved voice of your spirit, who accepts love in partnership. Healthy higher mind has genius abilities wired from spirit and soul experiences and communicates to all life through the high heart. It can use the right eye brain mandala and the left eye brain mandala to choose relevant information. The healthy mind can resolve polarity: light/dark love/fear male/female. An integrated natural mind can handle diversity, problem solving, challenge, and exploration. The voice of the inner self is always louder than the voice of the mind, maintaining a constant value of self worth or true purpose and value of living through your own life plans or spirit mandala blueprint. Simply press on your own eyelids and you will see it! You higher mind or universal dialogue which comes through you goes out to the planet. Self honest relationships with authentic feelings, devoid of mind chatter, allow free will to find passion and excitement through a more direct connection to spirit in a quiet allowing self dialogue within. This provides a magnet to attract and share compassion by allowing others the same freedom to feel and be in their own love; love being a focus on what they desire, rather than the focus of the obsessive material human mind, that could bleed all your attention and energy with worry, anxiety, and empty achievement. Compassion offers freedom to the mind of the one thought which is love, so the body can enjoy its beautiful sensitivities in self love and with an evolving humanity. The seeming prison of life's lessons in the human body has humbly taught you to make allowance for your/another's experience, due to all the variances in a life plan. Moving through acceptance leaves room for Spirit to direct and guide an effortless path where the mind retires into intuition. Besides, the very act of observation from a greater awareness of one for another's good, is the witness a greater outcome. This you know as divine grace. The nature of creation now, is to biologically birth the human spirit for your next evolutionary stage. New Earth energy mandates relationships that are in the self acceptance or compassion of heart service, replacing the old survival control focus from a worn out mind. All relationships and creations are mandates through each unique and flexible divine love plan chosen from the store house in the brain mandala, or your inner dimensions. This functions in direct raw experience through one's level of inner connection to accepting the relationship with of all life in its equality. The mind is not a separate entity or enemy, but the intelligence of what you have embodied from all your creations and embraces a true heart to explore your present unknown. Charge your heart world with Presence perfection that allows the limited human self to be released from acting through you. Allow your own universe to speak to you. Eliminate all fixing, processing, and absorbing other's energies through remembering that you are always wearing the cloak of the divine shield of perfected protection.After all, you're really love bots aren't you and love accepts you always!

Maurene author:

The New Earth: www.trafford.com/06-2771

The Story of Love and Creation: www.trafford.com/03-0615 585-383-0829

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