Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Maurene <mwatson7@...>Date: Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:15 AM Subject: to share-welcome home Dayu!!Dayu D'Sa <> The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Nurturing Dilema of Ego ServiceDear Maurene, Fairly near the beginning is a paragraph that begins, " The quest is to be able to hold.... " In that first sentence, you typed, " while in the allusion of time, matter, and form. " Did you mean to write, " the illusion of time... " ? About a page further down is a paragraph beginning, " Ego Service Resolution comes.... " At the very bottom of that paragraph, it says, " Most important, it brings...out all that can no go forth.... " Is that supposed to read, " all that cannot, or maybe, " can no longer go forth... " ? Thanks so much for your attention. Editorial Assistant ~~ The Nurturing Dilemma of Ego in Service- Compassion as Self Acceptance The New Ascended Masters- through Maurene Q: As true self awakens in humanity, will the individual and collective ego retire into the heart? The nature of the ego was designed as the bloodstream to Source and allows the human self to complete human lessons and turn over all burdens, struggles, and limitations over to the spirit. Spirit veiled its perfection in an angelic human form to adventure life in all love's aspects. Divine freedom offers the opportunity to no longer have to filter spirit's desire through a limited human self. Your ego is in full service to you as messenger, warrior, and vigilant protector. It is an adaptive defensive mechanism that is designed to protect your life force energy. It allows you to go through experience after experience, with or without wounding and return to your perfection; the focus of your love at any given moment; rather than a mimicking synthetic fantasy that has little to do with your real value! It receives from the female soul side a request made in love to create something. Its clear nature is to receive life experiences bonded in unconditional love. The male soul side sets a boundary around the partnered love request. In a unified self, the ego delivers the message to the Higher Soul Self as it goes directly to Source, depending on the amount of dense emotional/mental patterning it has to travel through. So do you allow your ego to nurture you, withhold the value of your love from you, or battle you, or merge into the voice of your soul spirit? If an ego makes a healthy request, and it is not received, is inactive, or feels unrecognized, it will engage in the following limited states: fear, anger, blame, shame, hate, resentment, survival pangs, judgments, justification, projection, bondage, thought distortion, mental obsessions, competition, confrontations, greed, lust, suffering, pain, destruction, fears of sexuality and relationships, negative self-expression, self-indulgent vision, or deluded power knowledge. If further unrecognized, its appetite becomes insatiable. Most difficult to master are the battles of the heart, head, or body, battling each other for control. The mind can be terrible bully with threats of death, disease, or suffering when it refuses to feel what your spirit heart desires to experience through you. In this misalignment, the heart may seek refuge by hiding its torture or unworthy in some organ in the body! A healthy ego has an experience and returns it back to Source excited for its next experience, not its next lesson. Its true job is to receive joy of grace and Divine inspiration upon cellular request, using discernment. The ego, then, uses its free will to problem solve, which is the most diverse, exploratory, and creative challenge possible in the alignment of past information stored in the emotional body, so that the chosen experience is not wounding. The extreme polarity must be transited. Implicit is trust, faith, reverence, love, grace, compassion, honor, and knowingness that not one act is better than another, and that love protects all emotions. The widest range of mastery experiences: pain but the feeling is not painful, doubt but not doubtful, anger but not angry, sad but not depressed, fear but not fearful. The old Earth human child has been taught that fear keeps you safe; whereby the imagination loses understanding and actionable divine intelligence as the physic brain is forced to hide its magical genius. Fear overrides the memory of the divine cell blueprint until the soul calls for reawakening in adult life. Creation's playful pleasure principle of loving and creating is denied, and the child becomes locked in the collective mind matrix, where competition is more important than loving and sharing. Healthy Ego-The healthy ego can resolve polarity: light/dark love/fear male/female. It can handle diversity, problem solving, challenge, and exploration. It is overall an adaptive and defensive mechanism that keeps one safe in a body and protects against death, disease, and suffering itself. It does this by staying connected to the agenda or voice of your own Holy Presence; your natural perfection. The voice of the inner self becomes louder than the voice of the outer world, maintaining a constant value of self worth. You could not have a desire, if it was not coming from your own spirit blueprint. When the ego is allowed to adapt and master its soul's life plan, then life's agenda moves joyously forward. Its job is to resolve the major life polarities: control/victim, creation/ destruction, worthiness/unworthiness, male/female, limited negative emotions/positive emotions, light/dark past/future. The most expedient self resolution, power, and authority point is always in allowing and supporting equality in a co-creative process with self and others. One takes charge of one's joy through the tension of growth opposites into a position based on soul spirit impulses/instincts. Ego choices can passionately inspire creativity and playfulness in the present moment and not be based on past misconceptions or seeming failures. One moves beyond external images and appearances into their own inner-based truth. This is a natural protection against anyone's violation of free will. Anything that happens is by magnetic agreement at all levels, unconscious or conscious. The quest is to be able to hold Soul-Spirit perfection memory in the body at higher and higher frequencies while in the illusion of time, matter, and form. The artful play has no separation between the message and the experience. They are one. Any reactive emotion, thought, feeling, or belief can set forth a separation split into negative ego; into a whole cycle away from the inner direction of the God directed Self. This is separation of self. Here the love joy focus is immediately limited or lost, and a past person, place, time, or event must be replayed as an old recording in the brain until a new resolution experience can override the neurons of worn out experience. Limited human self Ego- An unlimited path allows loving respect and equal sharing to become more important than competition. Here unconditional love, allowance, and acceptance are prerequisites for healthy creating, where the greatest good for all concerned fosters growth. A consuming emotional dynamic upon old Earth is control through fear. Fear is false base for reality. There is an intense addiction to the fear of the unknown. Melodrama keeps you from feeling the real feelings, from facing the real fears and hurts and gaining their information and service to you. A true feeling is in service to you from: anger to shame, judgment, doubt, mistrust, regret, hurt, forgiveness, and back to love through the full circle of life. More sensitive beings are thereby subject to feeling everyone else's, (collective unconscious), fears and become a garbage dump for these intensities, and often in failure to see what is really going on. These beings often see only the soul and fail to deal with the overriding human ego, seeing what they want to see rather than what is being presented. This remains as a form of denial. There are three main fears on the planet, which represent lost pieces of genetic identity throughout ancestral memory which feed off suffering, death, and disease. All inhibit and bind the divine right of divine sovereign soul choices to exist and evolve 1. Rejection and abandonment include the softer emotions of failure, hurt, loss of self, victimization, and unworthiness programming. 2. Control and being controlled represent the harder emotions of anger, aggression, hate, blame, lack of boundaries, victimizer, false power, judgment, and discernment. 3. Fear of loving and being loved is a false sense of responsibility to put another before Self. Love means something must be given or taken in giving Self away. There is no freedom, only entrapment. The ego self must always be in dialogue with the higher self to protect against fragmentation, as well as absorbing, processing, or fixing the world or others. Any negative emotion or disassociation is still control. If someone is rejecting you, and you feel shame, then there is a false sense of power that by being their victim, you have control over them. It is their choice to reject you, but you will still feel powerless in allowing their decision. There is then collapse onto the self, again and again, to take charge of feeling one's own shame and helplessness from the reflection given. There is a surrender of the lie here to a higher aspect of Self that may not be known, except through the trust of the true raw feeling, and thereby self correct whatever illusions self had that another had a piece or stole your identity. The feeling can then be tracked to a human reference point in life, such as a childhood or soul memory of the first experience, where the program was accepted and created as emotional reaction. Here the ego memory is servant to the holographic memory in forgiveness and self acceptance and offers value to spirit. " Who did that to you first? " Translation: If my parents do not know how to love unconditionally, then there is something wrong with me. This is then mirrored in husband, children, and boss is it not? To numb the true feelings, to hide them in the depressive void, or try to allow another to experience them for you will not substitute. Loving the truth out of all thoughts and feelings keeps them in useful service to you by not being able to ignore what you feel and keeps you from judging what you haven't experienced. A denied self defiles the ego's ability to serve spirit. We no longer need to battle, batter, or defile the ego. For if we talk to it, it will tell us the stories of the soul and the stories yet to tell in the untapped potentials in our spirit's blueprints. The ego tells you: 1.You have our own adult love in your inner spirit child. 2. Have no fear in light of other people's choices. 3. You can claim the mirror reflection of others from the model of the moment, if you don't run away from the experience you are in. 4. In your own authentic presence; no reflection of negative ego is needed from another. 5. Stay in your own inner dialogue, where lower self speaks to higher self through feeling; that keeps you long enough to get the needed information from the experience without wound. The collective planetary ego, not allowed to serve spirit, responds and acts out. It gets lost in the phenomena of illusion, psychic abilities, and an inner terror war, instead of staying in the present moment and facing the feelings of fear and moving into solutions and resolutions. It experiences loss in betrayals of the soul less systems of the old Earth that support humanity such as: religions, governments, corporations, schools, families, and relationships. In the extreme, conspiracy theories develop and the inner enemy or fear is externalized. This blocks expedient reworking through the system for healthy change and conflict resolution, putting extreme pressure on the next generations to bring forth more evolved systems. Lesser fear to change collective group patterns is due to a greater fear of the unknown. Here massive victimization gives power away to those in control; leaving disillusionment, loss, and hopelessness to moving forward with no inner claim to a rooted sense of a compassionate group self. This is rapidly changing as humanity daily awakens to manifesting for the greater good of all, through compassionate service. Ego Service Resolution comes through clarity beyond reactive emotion, so repetition of a personal or collective past can be eliminated. When you release your past and open to a new future, you release the planetary ego simultaneously. What happens to you; happens to your planet. All judgment comes from fear. When you talk to your fear, instead of resisting it, then you see the value of feeling what it is trying to teach you. In accepting its value; you move into self acceptance and regain your compassion. Accepting the value of your emotions and thoughts breaks through any fear or resistance, and dissolves the emotion or thought into self acceptance and compassion for self and others; having neutralized the energy back to a focus of the value of self. How you as individuals and as a planet, value your emotions and thoughts equals the value of yourself and your creativity. Most important, it brings you back to your perfection, sorting out all that can not go forth to the next cycle in love. What comes through you, goes out to the planet. Self honest relationships with authentic feelings, allows free will to find passion and excitement through a more direct connection to spirit in a quiet allowing self dialogue within. This provides a magnet to attract and share compassion by allowing others the same freedom to feel and be in their own love; love being a focus on what they desire, rather than the focus of what you don't want, that could bleed all your attention and energy. Compassion offers freedom as it dispels the planetary ego in service to humanity. Above all, allowance for another's experience with detachment, and without any expectation as to the outcome, allows one's Spirit to direct and guide an effortless path! The nature of creation is to change and grow into its next evolutionary stage. New Earth energy mandates relationships that are in the compassion of heart service, replacing the old survival control focus. All relationships and creations are mandates through each unique DNA Divine love plan. This functions in direct raw experience through one's level of inner connection to accepting the relationship to the Presence of all life, such that you and your creation are one. The planetary ego of the media adds greatly to a false identity self. It heavily supports sensate fantasy, which replaces true imagination, true intuitive, creative free play, and a sense of deeper joy. Fantasy is based on false seductive control; reactive negative programming induced by human or soul trauma that was never addressed and resolved. At its base is the illusion of relationship and family reliant upon synthetic emotion, a substitute for real and honest emotions. Melodrama keeps the cycle of fear and over-reactive emotions running wild. The fear can then shut down the purity of true feeling and the purity of what is experienced, while judgment by self and others keeps its root in a false reality. Without one's own internal natural DNA wiring signals turned on for the enlightenment of joy, happiness, and well being; fantasy has easy access to what one thinks they ought to be from the world's outside signaling systems. Acting, teaching, philosophies, methods, and even tools cannot substitute for real feelings, especially if they are being sacrificed or given over to artificial stimuli that short circuits a natural self loving DNA. To numb the true feelings, to hide them in the Void, or to allow another to experience them for you can lead to addictive synthetic behaviors which negate one's own truth. In the new paradigm humanity is learning that the heart loves the ego back inside the sensate power of an awakened soul and spirit. Remember, there is a built in freedom through compassion! As true self awakens in humanity, the individual and collective ego will retire into the heart. Maurene is author of: The Story of Love and Creation: The New Earth: 585-383-0829 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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