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Fm C: Three useful items

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Another forward from 's support list. It is exciting to see that Dr.

iel Branden is using EFT. The details of Cutright's community

forum website and teleclass are also given. Enjoy!


EFT: Three useful items

Note: To subscribe, unsubscribe or change email addresses for this list,

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at the end of their messages.


Thought for the day....

" The pursuit of specialness is always at the cost of peace. "

A Course In Miracles


Hi Everyone,

Here are three useful items from EFT Contributing Editor, Cutright.

1. A story from Pamela Ney-Noyes, one of 's EFT students, regarding the

successful use of EFT on a deep relationship issue. Notice in this case

that the tapping was done on globally stated issues. This can often be

effective, as illustrated here. However, many cases require that we dig

down to the specific events that underlie the larger problem.

2. An invitation to join an online EFT Practitioners Community wherein you

can share ideas, case histories and ask questions. This may be of

particular interest to many of you because the EFT list is simply too large

to accomodate such an interchange. To explore this opportunity, go to


For other lists that discuss EFT and related matters go to our web site at


3. A quote from iel Branden regarding his recent use of energy

psychology methods. Some of you might find this useful to get the attention

of some of the " unconvinceable " folks out there.

Hugs to all,



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Happy New Year, everyone!

It has been awhile since I've posted anything to this list. Miracle healings

are just getting to be so ordinary! But, I just received this story from a

friend and colleague, Pamela Ney-Noyes, whom I taught EFT a few years ago.

Pamela is a relationship coach in Hawaii. This is an amazing story that

amply illustrates how powerfully effective EFT is with deep relationship


J's Story

After a 10 year failed marriage and a 13 year long term relationship that

ended abruptly amidst broken promises days before they were to be married, J

came to me recently feeling utterly hopeless about ever having a loving,

supportive relationship with a man. She was wracked by the pain of

rejection, filled with anger towards this man in particular and men in

general, and skeptical about whether true love and affection even exists.

Upon our initial conversation it was evident that the cynicism she felt

masked a level of rage not only towards her recent rejection but her entire

history with men. As J spoke, I wrote down exactly what she was saying. As

we tapped through the layers of anger and frustration, I used her exact

words and intonation with the following PR statements:

" Even though I feel so angry with men, I deeply and profoundly love and

accept myself. "

" Even though I was left at the alter, I deeply and profoundly love and

accept myself. "

" Even though I don't ever feel like I can trust men again, I deeply and

profoundly love and accept myself. "

" Even though I don't want to ever trust a man or surrender to or love a man

again, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. "

" Even though my father and all the men in my life have never been there for

me or supported me, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. "

This took her deeper into primal feelings of abandonment, loneliness and

sadness from her childhood. This was especially associated with her

relationship with her father. Her father was Jewish and non-religious and

her mother was Seventh Day Adventist and very religious, controlling and

dominating, especially with J. Her father was passive and never stood up for

her in her battles with her mother. Her experience was that her father was

not there for her. So, we continued to tap on the specific feelings about

her father.

I used " temporal tapping " *, which I learned in 's EFT Teletraining,

toward the end of the session to install some new, positive belief

structures about men and relationships. Some of the affirmations we tapped

in were:

" It is safe and rewarding for me to be loved by a man. "

" I deserve to be loved by a good, honest, faithful man and I am now ready. "

" I am a positive, attractive force for safe, honest and trustworthy men. "

" I am a beautiful, lovable woman and I deserve to be loved. "

By this time J was feeling exhilarated with a new energy moving through her

body. She noticed a lack of stress and pain when thinking about having a

relationship with a man. These feelings were coupled with very strong

positive feelings of self-worth, confidence and certainty.

Shortly after this powerful session I received a call from her telling me of

her new relationship. This man and this relationship are the polar opposite

of all her past. He is open, communicative, expressive, loving, and


She has never experienced a man who is as attentive and caring as R is on a

daily basis. This man cooks meals for her, lets her sleep a few extra

minutes in the morning while he makes the coffee and warms up her car.

J came to me saying she could never live with a man or sleep in the same bed

with a man because it would be too claustrophobic and she needed her space.

Now she sleeps like a baby all night long, wrapped in his arms.

She wanted me to meet him face to face which I did three days ago. He adores

her in a way that she has always wanted, but has never experienced. He

stretches her ability to receive love and appreciation in so many ways. It

was a joy to witness their relationship! J is not only a client, but also a

friend I have known J since college, and I have never seen her in a

relationship like this one.

Not long ago, before these sessions, I told J that I was concerned about her

because she was looking hard and her energy was sharp and cold. She was

surprised, but took my comments with the love with which they were intended.

Now, since our work on this issue, and since she has let a loving man into

her life, she is looking increasingly soft and radiant!

I am so grateful for the blessing of EFT in my life. It has transformed my

coaching practice!

Pamela Ney-Noyes

*Temporal Tapping - is a technique taught in Donna Eden's book, Energy

Medicine, which uses tapping on points on the side of the head for

installing affirmations. I use it frequently with my clients and teach them

how to use it for themselves.




For those who are interested, I have begun an EFT Practitioners Community

online. I began it recently as a forum for graduates of my EFT Teletrainings

and Workshops, but thought that some of you who are practitioners might like

to participate, as well.

This community forum is a place to post articles, websites or any other

resources, a well as our experiences, ideas and to ask questions. Feel free

to drop by and see if it is something that appeals to you.

Just go to http://www.communityzero.com/eft




Here is something else I thought everyone might be interested in knowing.

In a recent interview, iel Branden was asked, " What kind of new

research is being done on raising self-esteem? "

" To name only one development, I have become very interested in the field of

energy psychology. It is based on techniques of Eastern medicine, in which

you harness the body's own energy system to heal emotional problems.

Our bodies have meridians, or pathways, through which energy flows. When

there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow, different types of emotional

disturbances appear.

By focusing on a negative feeling, then applying " tapping " to strategic

points on the face, hands and torso, the feelings often diminish or

disappear entirely.

The success I have had in my own practice using these techniques made me

rethink the longtime tenet of psychotherapy - that a patient must

reexperience and talk through childhood trauma or deep pain to free himself

of its negative impacts.

I do not regard energy psychology as an answer to all the challenges of

psychotherapy, but it is an invaluable tool that can facilitate freedom from

trauma and other psychic wounds. "

This is an excerpt of an interview that appeared in Bottom Line Personal.

You can visit iel Branden's website at www.nathanielbranden.net (There

are presently no references to energy psychology there.)

iel Branden, Ph.D. pioneered self-esteem over 30 years ago and is the

author of more than 20 books, including The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem and

The Art of Living Consciously: The Power of Awareness to Transform Everyday


Abundant Blessings,



EFT Contributing Editor

Founder, The Center for Enlightened Partnership

Because we are all in this together . . .

Life Strategy & Partnership Coaching


Fear Blaster! A Free Introductory Teleclass to EFT - Wednesday Jan. 16 and

Tuesday Jan. 22 at 5pm Pacific Time

For more information and registration go to -


5 Day EFT Teletraining - Monday Jan. 28 thru Friday Feb. 1 at 5pm Pacific


Tuition - $125.00 - for more information and registration go to



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