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Re: [Tap 'n B Free] Hail and Snow Storm in Montreal - and it's almost May!!

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What's it like elsewhere in the world?

Well, here in downtown Perth, West Oz, it is magnificent, mind you it is

supposed to be autumn but we are expecting 28 degrees celsius today and 30


As we say " Perfect one day, magnificent the next " .



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And here in Christchurch New Zealand its storming, its autumn and we've had

a lousy summer. Very strange year weather wise for us.


At 06:51 AM 4/29/02 +0800, you wrote:

> What's it like elsewhere in the world?

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Hi folks!


Thanks for all the feedback on weather conditions around the world.

It's also a nice way to get to know or get reacquainted with some of

you. Lovely to hear from Cheyenne Rainfeather in Calgary Canada,

Lena in Brisbane Australia, Glyn Hezekiah in Perth Australia, and

Kate Strong in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Glyn, what a nice day for the opening of your new store, Bel Air Plus!

Thinking of you today and wishing you well. Good luck and may your

business flourish and prosper!

For all of you Ozzies who can make it to the opening in Perth, W.

Australia, here's the invitation:



File : /BelAir.doc

Description : Invitation to the Opening of Bel Air PLus, Glyn

Hezekiah's new

business venture in Perth, Western Australia, April 29th, 2002.

My husband, Mark, called in from Mexico yesterday, saying when he

left Toronto city for the airport in the morning, it was 8 degrees,

raining and terribly windy to the extent that even the limo taking

him to the airport was being buffetted about by the wind. That's

saying something, I'm sure. Cheyenne, you're probably right -

Montreal being further east from Calgary, we're getting all your

weather conditions sent on this way. I'm sure Mexico City will be a

pleasant change for Mark! Nice timing, eh?!

Our Montreal snow storm has turned into rain; an added bonus: the

trees and houses are looking lovely all covered in white...the kind

of beautiful scene that makes you want to take your camera or

videocam out for a last shot of the " winter " .... probably the last

time we'll see Montreal like this in " spring/winter 2002 " ! With all

the global warming, I wouldn't be surprised if spring ends up being a

very short season followed by a hot hot hot summer!



> What's it like elsewhere in the world?



> Well, here in downtown Perth, West Oz, it is magnificent, mind

you it is supposed to be autumn but we are expecting 28 degrees

celsius today and 30 tomorrow.


> As we say " Perfect one day, magnificent the next " .


> Cheers

> Glyn




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----- > What's it like elsewhere in the world?

Well, pretty bad thunder storms and rain and wind in Rochester, NY USA today.

Dayu...btw...did you get my mail?


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In a message dated 4/28/02 11:43:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

ddsa@... writes:

Hi Dayu,

> because I can't take any more of this winter/spring/winter/spring/winter...

I know exactly what you mean! I've lived in Saint-Adèle in the tides

for a few years and we even had a huge snow storm one time on may 10th.


Now I live in Las Vegas Nevada, which is delightful these days, but we

started the month with a period of intense, and that was way too soon and

rather scary.

I've talked about your work to a friend of mine in Montreal and gave her your

phone number. Her name is ce and we are both from France. She is going

through a bit of depression and I'd like her to get acquainted with what you

do because I do believe that it's the only way to go! She will hopefully give

it a try.

Best regards,


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Well Dayu, as mentioned in private mail to you, " what a day " .

Lots of sales, people, many friends and most importantly FUN. We laughed so

much, I should have gone into retail years ago.

Lets hope all days are as good as todays, however, realistically, it would be

impossible for that to happen.

Thanks for your wishes.



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Congratulations, Glyn!

Re " Lets hope all days are as good as todays, however, realistically,

it would be impossible for that to happen. " Cancel, cancel!!!!! Why

limit the Universe? !!!!!!

There's a story about a guy who went to heaven and St. met him

at the door. St. then took him to his house up in heaven, and

there lining the walls of many of the rooms, he saw boxes and boxes

all piled up. He asked St. what these boxes were. St.

replied, " These are the things for ready delivery to you while you

were on planet Earth, but you never asked for them... you forgot to


So, as often said in Kalos, " Ask for what you want. Don't

demand it. Take what you get. "

Don't hesitate to ask... and to believe it will be given.... in ample

abundance... I will tell you a story from my life about this in

another post someday. Beautiful story of how the universe always

always always always provides.... so don't put any " buts' in its way,

Glyn. Keep a " but " trash can in your mind, and anytime a " but "

comes up, throw it in the trash can....or Tap it away.... use EFT,

BSFF, TAT, whatever....

then see what manifests...:-) :-) :-)

Manifestation is easy, once you understand how it works...

Don't tie back the hands of the Universe, Glyn. Give yourself

permission to receive... in abundance.

I have a feeling it's time for me to start that Prosperity

group/weblist I was planning to moderate - Being In the Flow. I will

do so soon. The Universe flows from Being to Doing to Having.

Folks, how is your flow? Is it flowing or is it being interrupted?

If so, where? What is getting in the way? Those that want to be

members of that can write to me ... I have the names of those that

had asked before...wait for it, pls, if you don't get an invitation,

then you can write to me. Any that have not yet written but would

like to be members - pls write to dayudsa@... Something is

telling me it is time....





> Well Dayu, as mentioned in private mail to you, " what a day " .


> Lots of sales, people, many friends and most importantly FUN. We

laughed so much, I should have gone into retail years ago.


> Lets hope all days are as good as todays, however, realistically,

it would be impossible for that to happen.


> Thanks for your wishes.


> Cheers

> Glyn




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Here is a weather report from the UK - Here in London, we had hailstones

yesterday. This month it has been more like summer - up to 22 degrees and no

rain for 30 continuous days. This week, the rain has come with a vengeance and

the temperature has plummeted to 12 degrees. As I write it is sheeting down with

heavy rain and winds. Hey ho - tomorrow is May Day!


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