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[Male & Female in Balance] Mastering the Masculine Self - Assertiveness: Part V - Kalos Mature Up and Divine Blueprint Color Healing

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Original posted: CenteredinTheHeartSpace/message/13271

From: InTheFlowResearch

[mailto:InTheFlowResearch ] On

Behalf Of Dayawanti Anandani D'Sa

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 5:32



Subject: *InTheFlowResearch*

Mastering the Masculine Self - Assertiveness: Part V - Kalos Mature Up

and Divine Blueprint Color Healing

Mastering the Masculine Self - Assertiveness:

Part V - Kalos Mature Up and Divine

Blueprint Color Healing

[Continued from Part IV]

At this point the line

got disconnected, and when called back, I had her do something different

– I had her feel where in her body she was feeling this emotion,

and what shape, color and size it was. It was brown, round and the size

of a golf ball. She asked this part, “How are you trying to help


It said,

“I’m not. I’m holding you back.”


your positive intention?” I had her ask it.

“To defend

yourself. Speaking up for yourself. Not to let people walk all over


“What is the

behavior you use?” she asked it.


it replied.

This part of her,

aggressive as it was, still had a positive intention and it needed to be

validated, heard, appreciated and loved.


trying to protect you,” it said.

I encouraged her to

send love to this part, and appreciation for all it was trying to do to help

her, in its own immature way.

“Has this method

worked 100%?” she asked it, at my prompting.




“Would you be

willing to learn a new way?”


Finally it was ready to transform.

However, this Kalos

mature-up was not yet complete. I wanted to check if there were any other

parts that still needed to be taken into consideration. I had her check out if

there was anything she was feeling in any other part of her body.

Yes, there was a part

in her heart – it wanted to be loved and respected. It was a pink heart.

There was a third part

in her throat that wanted her “to speak up for myself and not to put up

with people’s sh_t.” It felt abused. It was like a black football,

almond shaped. It’s behavior was anger and rage.

Finally, after we had

addressed and dialogued with all three parts and each one was now ready to be

matured up, I had her allow in the Full Potential Image (FPI) that just showed

up – that came to mind for all three – and it was a lovely Pink

Heart, and all 3 parts merged into it completely.

She gave her FPI an

assignment: “To help me to be more compassionate, kind and


She asked it how she

could help. It said, “Start with yourself. Be more loving to yourself, kinder

to yourself, cut yourself some slack, respect yourself, value yourself, and

trust yourself.” I asked if she was willing to do that. She

said, “Yes!” Although she was on the phone and at the other end of the

continent, I could almost see her smiling…

She gave the new PINK

HEART another assignment. She liked a guy at work – let’s

call him Ben. But somehow, she and Ben had not yet even gone out

once, and she wanted him to be able to approach her without her screwing it up

with her “sometimes shy, sometimes embarrassed, sometimes

aggressive” behavior. She asked her FPI to help her be more

compassionate towards Ben, instead of sarcastic.

I asked her how she

had behaved towards him in the past till now. She said I’d ignore

him or give him dirty looks. He’d stare and smile. I’d

act grumpy and upset. She said it was “a mask” – just

like she had accused her colleague of having a mask. Coincidentally, a

mask she didn’t like in a colleague was a mask she didn’t like in

herself. She says the mask was so as “not to let anyone know that

she liked him”. She also said “everyone at work says he loves

you”. She knew he liked her, and she liked that he flirted with

her, but she wanted to stop sending the wrong signals in response. She

said, “When he doesn’t give me attention, I feel bad.” She said she

did not like it when attention was directed towards her in front of others, but

she liked the flirting, if it could be without others watching. It was

the sensation of being watched over that she had difficulty with. She asked her

Pink Heart to help her with this.

She then spoke to Ben

in a Kalos process, putting both of them in their Holy Spirit

bubbles. “I like you. I get embarrassed with others

around. I act overconfident. I’d like it to be just the two

of us. I’d like you to ask me out.”

Ben responded,

“Yes. Give me a chance.”


“What can I do to give you a chance?”

Ben said,

“Don’t walk away so fast.”


“Am I special to you?”

Ben replied,


She told me once

she’d asked him out, and she had gotten sick. It felt like a pink round

shape in her solar plexus – the emotions were of being nervous, scared of

rejection and of not being good enough. The positive intention of this

part was to feel confident and secure. It matured up into a lovely red

bubble around her. I had her go to the pineal or pituitary glands –

to get the blueprint for the healed part. The pineal reflects that which

is governed by our Divine Feminine (2nd, 4th and 6th

chakras) , and the Pituitary that which relates to the Divine Masculine

energies (1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th

chakras). This helps heal it at a

deep biological level. She

felt relaxed and at peace now. She then gave this FPI, this lovely red

bubble, an assignment – she asked it, “Will you help me not to

back out, not to be nervous and to be confident?” “Help me

feel confident – I let him ask me out, and I don’t shoot him down

(with my old behavior patterns) and don’t sabotage it. I am

confident, relaxed, in the flow, so that he asks me out.”

Then she asked this

FPI what she could do to help – what was her part in this, her

assignment? It said, “To be yourself. Confident. At peace. Just


So she entered into a

further dialog with Ben in his HS bubble. “The next time I work with you,

I’d like you to ask me out.”

He responded from his HS bubble,


At this point, I

retested her boundaries with her colleague. They were at 100%. Good

progress. She had successfully addressed the mask in herself (her shadow

side) that she had originally hated in her colleague. Often times what we

judge, criticize or blame in another is a strong clue to what we need to heal

in ourselves.

I then tested her

boundaries with Ben. Only at 80%. Still more healing left to do. Another 20%.

I asked what else

needed to be addressed. It was a small pink shape in her stomach the size

of a “Ferrer Rocher” chocolate. We dialogued with it. How is

it trying to help you (positive intention)? “To know that I am

loved.” What is the behavior? “Childlike behavior. It

gets me attention.“ Is it getting you the love you want?

“No.” Is it working 100%? “No.” Would

you like to learn another way? “Yes.” We went to the

pineal/pituitary to get the divine blueprint for the Full Potential of this

part. It was a magenta color. Its intention was to get to

be loved. How? Through confident., mature, adultlike behavior. Not demanding attention through

misbehavior or through demanding attention. At this point, felt good,

confident, relaxed.

She asked this part

how she could behave when he flirted with her (instead of the old

behavior)? “To look and smile at him,” it responded.

She even felt so confident at this point, that she said, “So be it, even

if people are watching!” So much for healing

fear of public embarrassment! Such a quick recovery.

At this point, her

boundaries with Ben tested at 100%. It was a much better solution than

just getting the cords cut. She had gone much deeper and healed it. And she had

gained a tremendous amount of confidence and self-respect in the process.

The whole session

lasted two hours - doing the process on her colleague and on Ben starting with

the DESC Script, TAT Allergy Clearing, Kalos Mature-up and Color Healing using the Divine

Blueprints as found in her Pineal/Pituitary with deep shifts felt and transformed at the biological level. The answers were all

within. was a new


I talked with her

yesterday – almost 4 weeks later, to see how it was going. She

replied that her colleague had been very friendly with her from that point

onwards. She had told her, “We all love you. You’re so

special.” said, “She hasn’t

bothered me since.” In fact, she said, within the place of work,

she was soon leaving – transferring out to another department, and

was keen to be able to move up and onwards in much the same way as her colleague had. She said

she had been super friendly with her since that day of our session.

And how about her

relationship with Ben? How were things going there? Had he asked

her out? Well, with her newfound confidence and self-respect, she soon

discovered that she was the one who eventually did not want Ben in her life any more. Her desire for his

energy had somehow cleared out of her vibrations. She discovered from

another colleague that Ben had 4 kids, and that sort of killed it for

her. At that point, her desire for him dissipated. It made her feel

hurt, to think that she had attracted that kind of man. “Why would

I attract this kind of person into my experience?” she thought. Men

that are solid don’t flirt with other women. She decided she did

not want to go out with him after all. And she is in a whole new space

and will no doubt now attract someone more in keeping with her newfound

self-esteem. All in all, she was in a good space.

had come a

long way from the time she did her first session with me, where she was living

with her Mom, and unable to support herself. She had brought in a soul

part that helped her be more assertive. She had healed the grief around

her father’s death. She had started manifesting more and more of

what she wanted in her life. Little miracles started happening

everywhere. She manifested a blender, a phone, a car, and much more.

She had moved away to another city and returned, and was now holding down two

jobs, and was supporting herself. She had learned to deal with conflict

with a co-worker and cleared her embarrassment at being publicly criticized,

and no longer attracted that to happen to her anymore. She had healed

childhood embarrassments around public humiliation. She had regained her

self-esteem and was in a better position to attract a better

relationship. All she wanted now was to finish a course of higher studies and

become a professional salesperson

in her field. Well, perhaps

an issue to tackle in the next session!

may have gone

to higher levels in the clearing session, but muscle-testing a month later

today, to see more lasting results, ’s Level of Consciousness on

these assertiveness issues had spiraled from a low 75

(Disdainful-Tragic-Grief-Regret-Despondency) to 250

(Enabling-Satisfactory-Neutrality-Trust-Release), referring to Log

(God-view-Life-view-Level-Emotion-Process) respectively. It is good that

her LOC has shifted out of the negative range and is in the positive

levels. She has healed much and is continuing on a solid healing and

growing trajectory.

What amazes me is

’s continued faith and dogged determination to succeed, in spite

of her past, background, father’s demise etc. Although she did not

get the bank loan, she did manage to get funds from an alternative source, and

has paid off her credit card bills. She has a strong belief in

abundance. Despite the problems life throws at her, invariably

seeks the help she needs, has always been willing to prioritize sessions and pay for them (at compassionate

rates) – even if the payment has to come out of her next paycheck at the

end of the week or fortnight. I am sure will succeed in becoming

the professional she wants to become, and her growth curve in life will bring

her many of the treasures her heart desires. She is an inspiration to us all.


Order exists within

chaos, and chaos gives birth to order.

Do small things with

great love. – Mother


+1 (786) 293-8123


(under construction)


Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA [Fin & Bkg], CKHFT [Dip - A.K.]

Energy Flows Coach

Applied Kinesiologist

Certified Kalos Health Facilitator Trainer www.kalos.org


BSFF, TAT Trainer, iSt 9x9, PEAT, Dyslexia, Silva Method, Allergy


Toxins, Light Language, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Meditation enthusiast:

www.sos.org Member: Nat'l

Assoc of Naturopaths, Montreal,







Phone Consultations: +1 (786) 293-8123

To Schedule Appointments:


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