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Energyflows - Part II: Frees Both Herself and Her Father's Soul

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Energyflows - Part II: Frees Both Herself and Her Father's Soul

after His Death

Lower-Back Pain ; From " Trapped and Stagnating " to " In the Flow "

grieves her Father's death and frees herself of his


for her career, freeing both of them in the process!

called me last week for session, after a few summer months of

non-connection (as I had been away traveling), saying that she feeling


she was not in the flow, complaining of a pain in her lower back, and of

being tired and having " no passion " , being unmotivated and stagnating,

feeling blocked and " trapped " . She had gone away to live in another town,

and then returned, and since then, been staying with her mother and

now she

wanted " her own place " and " her own life " .her own house.

Her Well-Being Quotient was very low - only 30%. The energy she was

receiving in her Earth Flows was as low as 20%, while Sami Energy

(from the

Core of the Earth) was 10%. Source Flows registered at 5%, and Spiral

Flows, which emanate at the heart and spiral outwards through all the

chakras, were at 30%. Her Level of Consciousness was at a low of 75 -


is the level of GRIEF.

When clients are this stuck, usually there are entities in the aura. Sure

enough that was the first order of business. I muscle-tested and had

clear out the one entity that was in her aura. That immediately

restored a big portion of her energy and life force.

Recently, I had had the good fortune to do a session with Joan Hitlin, and

she had sent me the method she had used in session called " Joan Hitlin's

Expanded BSFF Protocol " . When I heard 's problem, I decided start

by using Joan's expanded BSFF protocol, and treated a whole host of other

issues that came up with BSFF. It worked wonders. It included

treating for

overall treatment of a problem, global causes, global effects, global

post-traumatic stress, any parts that were attached to having the problem,

relationship aspect, shame, anger, regrets, unforgiveness, clean-up

(leftovers), optimizing new learnings and inoculation (anything that might

cause one to take back the problem in the future), and locking in the

benefits of the treatment, and celebrating the process!

's father had died recently, and as a consequence, was

feeling very alone. She was experiencing hatred towards herself.and


like an underdog or black sheep. was the 4th out of 5

children in

her family. Her father had migrated from Yugoslavia. was her

Dad's favorite. When she was younger, he had specifically said to

her, and

in words to this effect, " Be the underdog, the black sheep. Let

someone else

have the limelight (meaning her siblings - her three sisters and one

brother). Find someone to take care of you and be a homemaker. The man

provides. " His values were very clear, but they were designed for an era

that no longer existed as a reality for , living in Canada a

generation later. He also had a personal motive - of wanting him and his

wife to be looked after by one of his children - and he had chosen

- he wanted her to get married and take care of her parents in their old


So I had treat herself with BSFF for many things:

" I am treating for the part of me that wants to give in and get

married (to

please my father). " ~Cue

" I am treating for the part of me that feels that I'll betray him if I


do it his way. " ~Cue

" I am treating for my hatred towards myself. " ~Cue

" I am treating for the feeling that I am an underdog, a black sheep. " ~Cue

Notice that even though had a job, it still related to

housekeeping, a role that her father had approved for her from childhood.

Now was doing a real estate course online, in order to have


career, but had not yet completed it.. and found she could not put herself

passionately into it.

I also had treat for any judgment, criticism, blame or



She also treated:

..for my fear of going it on my own. ~Cue

..for whatever may be blocking me from having my own house..my inability to

believe that I can have my own house. ~Cue

..for my inability to believe that I can have a brand new wardrobe. ~Cue

As she cleared herself, she remembered that she had just won a free

week at

the gym, and she pondered that if she could win smaller things like

the free

week at the gym, and had manifested a free car and a job, surely she was

capable of manifesting bigger things too!

I had had do a whole Self-esteem, Clearing Victim issues and


On protocol that I had come up with, treating

..that I want someone else to be responsible for my feeling like this. ~Cue

..for all victim feelings. ~Cue

..for my belief that I am irresponsible and incapable. ~Cue

..for my belief that I can't get out of overwhelm. ~Cue

..for all my hard feelings towards myself. ~Cue

..for my looking down on myself. ~Cue

..for anything less than love that I feel for myself. ~Cue

..for any boundaries that I have not set. ~Cue

..for laziness. ~Cue

..for the inability to change. ~Cue

..for fear of goal setting. ~Cue

..for lack of motivation to set goals and move on. ~Cue

..for overwhelm and lack of clarity. ~Cue

..putting my own needs last or even letting them be unknown or unmet. ~Cue

..for my inability to make a game plan to beat this problem. ~Cue

..for my inability to follow through on my game plan. ~Cue

..for my inability to achieve my game plan. ~Cue

..for the inability to reward myself for my achievement. ~Cue

..for my impatience and wanting it all now. ~Cue

..for my inability to believe in and set long-term and short-term goals and

being willing to face all the hardships that come along with success. ~Cue

In the Silva Method, we focus on increasing Belief + Desire + Expectancy.

So, I had treat herself for her specific goals to enhance her

belief desire and expectancy:

..for unlear/unfocused desire and unfocused intention for

* a house. ~Cue

* a new wardrobe. ~Cue

* a car. ~Cue

..for lack of belief. ~Cue

..for lack of expectancy. ~Cue

..for lack of flow in my life. ~Cue

Then we started to install what she wanted:

..that she was motivated and passionate. ~Cue

..that she was in the flow. ~Cue

At this point, she said her back did not hurt anymore. Wow!

She also mentioned that she felt cut off at the waist. That there was a

block somewhere there. We treated for that. Afterwards, she said " I don't

feel it anymore. " And was feeling a sense of balance - " As above, so

below, "

in more ways than one!!! :-)

She then added, " Dayu, since I've started working with you, I feel like a

totally different person. I used to do Science of Mind and know

others who

do counseling for years and years. These energy methods of doing it

gets to

the core issue, and I get a feeling of relief usually within 10-15 minutes

into the session. And I always get results. "

had a loan she had applied for at the bank, and she was to go to

the bank the following day to see if she had been approved.

So I had her install:

I get approved for the loan. ~Cue

By now, 's Earth Flows were at 100%, and Sami Energy (Energy from

Earth's Core) was also testing at 100%. Her Source Flows and Spiral Flows

were still only at 99%. So I knew there was something we still needed to

address. It is so very helpful testing the EnergyFlows of a client to


sure that all the flows are clear - otherwise you know that the job is not

complete, and there are still blocks that will interfere with success.

I muscle-tested to see which chakra she was blocked in. It was the heart

chakra. Intuitively, I knew there was more forgiveness work to be

done. I

muscle-tested to see who it was. It was her Dad. So we did the rest

of the

forgiveness work:

I forgive my Dad for having such a small vision for me. ~Cue

I forgive myself for wanting to be successful, thus betraying his vision.


I clear any other fear of success. ~Cue

Then I had her complete the session by doing a Kalos Process and speaking

out to her Dad. She told him she needed to move on. And then she spoke

back as her Dad, talking to , and he answered through her, saying

" It's OK. You have to move on! You'll be fine! " Then he gave her his

blessing and let her go. I asked her to let him go, too.in case his soul

unable to move on for fear of deserting his daughter. So she said very

clearly, " I let you go too, Dad. "

The love in the air was palpable.

's EnergyFlows were all at 100% now, including her Source

Flows and

Spiral Flows, and her *Level of Consciousness at the end of our one-hour

session was 500 - that of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.


Recently, for some unknown reason, in the whole of the year 2004, I have

worked on so very many cases of people where someone had died, and it


as if the soul of that person was still lingering on somewhere in the

ethers, unable to be at peace. Upon doing the clearing work, especially a

Kalos Process, it seems as if both the person doing the process (still on

Earth) and the one who has passed on were freed. It is especially


to be able to help in this manner. I am so grateful for our energy

therapies for their immense healing power. With all thanks for the grace

that envelops us in these sessions.

I have been traveling and unavailable for sessions these past few

months due

to personal health issues I was dealing with. Just to let everyone know

that I'm back to work now! Thanks for your understanding and patience.


Peace, love and joy,




Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA [Fin & Bkg], CKHFT [Dip - A.K.]

Energy Flows Coach

Applied Kinesiologist

Certified Kalos Health Facilitator Trainer <http://www.kalos.org/>


EFT, BSFF, TAT Trainer, iSt 9x9, PEAT, Dyslexia, Silva Method, Allergy


Toxins, Light Language, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Meditation enthusiast:

<http://www.sos.org/> www.sos.org Member: Nat'l Assoc of Naturopaths,

Montreal, Canada








International Phone Consultations: 1 (786) 293-8123

To Schedule Appointments: <mailto:sequoia40@...>



*Level of Consciousness - reference to Hawkins' book, Power vs.



(From " Power vs. Force " by R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.)



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