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Re: The Zapper

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My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and at

worst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you get

exposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for all

diseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemo

therapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for cancer

etc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemo

they are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but never

proven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.

Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thing

that raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offered

by these people.

Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.


----- Original Message -----

From: <pdbk92255@...>


Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32

Subject: The Zapper

> From: pdbk92255@...


> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for

> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and

> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit " out there " , if you know

> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat

> in Houston.



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> Have a nice day !



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On what basis do you support your personal feeling that the 'Zapper' is quackery? Do you have any reports from an acclaimed source to support that the Zapper or units like it are fraud?

Then too, where do you get support for your statement; "It is claimed to be a miracle cure for all diseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemo therapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for cancer etc".?

I, for one, would like to hear what you have, or be directed to it so that I may inform myself.


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...> My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and atworst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you getexposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for alldiseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemotherapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for canceretc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemothey are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but neverproven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thingthat raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offeredby these people.Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.Phil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32Subject: The Zapper> From: pdbk92255@...>> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit "out there", if you know> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat> in Houston.>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds!> 1. Fill in the brief application> 2. Receive approval decision within 30 seconds> 3. Get rates as low as 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR> Apply NOW!> 1/975/3/_/298354/_/954325977/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

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Just for some added interest I'll add this which I just found on the Internet regarding Zappers. http://www.sharinghealth.com/beck.htm


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...> My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and atworst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you getexposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for alldiseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemotherapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for canceretc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemothey are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but neverproven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thingthat raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offeredby these people.Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.Phil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32Subject: The Zapper> From: pdbk92255@...>> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit "out there", if you know> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat> in Houston.>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds!> 1. Fill in the brief application> 2. Receive approval decision within 30 seconds> 3. Get rates as low as 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR> Apply NOW!> 1/975/3/_/298354/_/954325977/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

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Aw, I wasn't going to but I just had to add the patent to the list too.



----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...> My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and atworst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you getexposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for alldiseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemotherapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for canceretc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemothey are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but neverproven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thingthat raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offeredby these people.Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.Phil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32Subject: The Zapper> From: pdbk92255@...>> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit "out there", if you know> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat> in Houston.>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds!> 1. Fill in the brief application> 2. Receive approval decision within 30 seconds> 3. Get rates as low as 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR> Apply NOW!> 1/975/3/_/298354/_/954325977/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

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I was worried when I wrote that statement that it might offend someone, sorry, I did say that it was only a personnal opinion, I would hate to destroy anyones faith in the device with my own thoughts about it.

I said what I said because there have been anumber of cases of people who have used this device and nearly killed themselves. Liem(or ) Neilson's (4 years old) parents took him out of chemo to the states (actually in Mexico I think) to have him zapped. He is now back here and in dire straights, the prognosis for chemo was very good at the time. There are quite a few other cases I personnaly know of, (which means there are hundreds I don't). I believe that the onus of proof for cures rests with the promoter in controlled clinical trials, not the other way round, particularly when it's use instead of known treatments could threaten life. There is no explanation of how it operates on the tumurous cells and not the normal cells. (There is very little difference between the two (which is why cancer is so hard to cure), why would the electric current be selective in killing tumours ?)

If you have a search you'll see it promoted as part of 'A cure for all cancers'. I also heard that there is a prosecution happening with the promoters of the device, (but this may be over a different issue) !

The idea of an electric current reducing tumors has been debunked in the past, once again I would have to find the articles to show you, you might find it out on the net if you have a search around.

Don't get me wrong, I see NO harm in trying it for non life-threatening things, but seducing dying people off away from convention on un (or dis) proven techology is a little below the belt in my opinion.

I would go back and dig out all the stuff I've read, but unfortunatley I did a flush last night and it went wrong (which is probably my fault as I skimpt on the epsom in the morning), it's left me with a stone in the CBD, and things are turning very grim right now.

kind regards


----- Original Message -----

From: Dale


Sent: Thursday, 30 March 2000 14:24

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Dale " <Da_@...>


On what basis do you support your personal feeling that the 'Zapper' is quackery? Do you have any reports from an acclaimed source to support that the Zapper or units like it are fraud?

Then too, where do you get support for your statement; "It is claimed to be a miracle cure for all diseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemo therapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for cancer etc".?

I, for one, would like to hear what you have, or be directed to it so that I may inform myself.


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...> My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and atworst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you getexposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for alldiseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemotherapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for canceretc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemothey are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but neverproven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thingthat raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offeredby these people.Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.Phil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32Subject: The Zapper> From: pdbk92255@...>> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit "out there", if you know> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat> in Houston.>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds!> 1. Fill in the brief application> 2. Receive approval decision within 30 seconds> 3. Get rates as low as 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR> Apply NOW!> 1/975/3/_/298354/_/954325977/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

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That looks very different to purposes for which it is actually being used !

----- Original Message -----

From: Dale


Sent: Thursday, 30 March 2000 14:40

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Dale " <Da_@...>

Aw, I wasn't going to but I just had to add the patent to the list too.



----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...> My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and atworst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you getexposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for alldiseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemotherapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for canceretc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemothey are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but neverproven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thingthat raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offeredby these people.Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.Phil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32Subject: The Zapper> From: pdbk92255@...>> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit "out there", if you know> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat> in Houston.>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds!> 1. Fill in the brief application> 2. Receive approval decision within 30 seconds> 3. Get rates as low as 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR> Apply NOW!> 1/975/3/_/298354/_/954325977/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

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I really appreciate your candor in this matter. I do however have to agree with you on some points. I have a friend who has cancer of the adenoid on the right side and is one of the very few to acquire this disease and live longer than 6 months because of how it will spread to the brain. It is believed the reason the disease wasn't detected earlier was, of course, the failure of the doctor, but she had had it for over a year when finally diagnosed correctly as to just why she was having sever headaches. The main reason was diet that she had survived so long along with various therapies. One of which was zapping, electromagnetic pulse, frequency, colonics with ozone insulation, chemo, colloidal silver and herbal. As of last December she is minus the right eye but is now in remission with no sign of cancer. The eye was removed about a year ago, she's been battling this for 4 years now. It has been quite a battle, but she is one supper fighter, and even back at the work she loves to do.

I didn't take offense at your statements. I just thought it should have been a bit more pragmatic. I have two zappers and have taken one of them with me when ever I travel to be sure to kill parasites when visiting a different country. You see, it isn't the purpose of the zapper to kill the cancer it is to kill the bacteria, virus, or parasite which may be the cause of the cancer. Then the immune system is believed to kill the cancer and consume it.

There are other things to consider too. Cancers have a very hard time living in an oxygen rich environment and therefore the ozone therapy is used to get the body rich with oxygen. Ozone works for many great reasons. Reasons for which you could find on the oxygen group on OneList regarding its use. I would give it, frequency, and chemo far greater consideration for the destruction of cancer and the ozone will also be working to enhance the liver's function, before the zapper. Ozone's enhancement to the liver would in turn be helping the process to remove the dead cancer cells.

There's a lot of dynamics to the human body, or any living organism for that matter. It's always worth while to have some research available before giving personal opinions or even applying an application. Personal observation, as we have here in this group regarding the dealing with gallstones and the root causes, is more of that than personal opinion, even if only clinical it is more scientific. Hulda, I fairly sure, gives consideration to the zapper in the aspect of killing parasites and not cancer.


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 1:09 AM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...>


I was worried when I wrote that statement that it might offend someone, sorry, I did say that it was only a personnal opinion, I would hate to destroy anyones faith in the device with my own thoughts about it.

I said what I said because there have been anumber of cases of people who have used this device and nearly killed themselves. Liem(or ) Neilson's (4 years old) parents took him out of chemo to the states (actually in Mexico I think) to have him zapped. He is now back here and in dire straights, the prognosis for chemo was very good at the time. There are quite a few other cases I personnaly know of, (which means there are hundreds I don't). I believe that the onus of proof for cures rests with the promoter in controlled clinical trials, not the other way round, particularly when it's use instead of known treatments could threaten life. There is no explanation of how it operates on the tumurous cells and not the normal cells. (There is very little difference between the two (which is why cancer is so hard to cure), why would the electric current be selective in killing tumours ?)

If you have a search you'll see it promoted as part of 'A cure for all cancers'. I also heard that there is a prosecution happening with the promoters of the device, (but this may be over a different issue) !

The idea of an electric current reducing tumors has been debunked in the past, once again I would have to find the articles to show you, you might find it out on the net if you have a search around.

Don't get me wrong, I see NO harm in trying it for non life-threatening things, but seducing dying people off away from convention on un (or dis) proven techology is a little below the belt in my opinion.

I would go back and dig out all the stuff I've read, but unfortunatley I did a flush last night and it went wrong (which is probably my fault as I skimpt on the epsom in the morning), it's left me with a stone in the CBD, and things are turning very grim right now.

kind regards


----- Original Message -----

From: Dale


Sent: Thursday, 30 March 2000 14:24

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Dale " <Da_@...>


On what basis do you support your personal feeling that the 'Zapper' is quackery? Do you have any reports from an acclaimed source to support that the Zapper or units like it are fraud?

Then too, where do you get support for your statement; "It is claimed to be a miracle cure for all diseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemo therapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for cancer etc".?

I, for one, would like to hear what you have, or be directed to it so that I may inform myself.


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

From: "Phil Strong" <thestrongs@...> My personal opinion of this machine is that it is at best quackery and atworst fraud. It simply generates a 15v 3KHz square wave which you getexposed to when 'zapping'. It is claimed to be a miracle cure for alldiseases (inc all cancers) There have been cases of people dumping the chemotherapy and heading off to the US from here to get treatment for canceretc, they have returned with negative results, having lost time on the chemothey are now in dire straights. There are results 'claimed' but neverproven, there is no approval for this treatment in most countries.Effectiveness must be proven with proper trials. It's this kind of thingthat raises my skeptism about some of the other alt treatments being offeredby these people.Sorry to be negative on this one, but that's my view.Phil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 22:32Subject: The Zapper> From: pdbk92255@...>> I found H. 's recommended zapper on her son's website listed for> $59. Has anyone tried the zapper, yet. I've done the flushes, and> am curious about zapping....just seems a bit "out there", if you know> what I mean. Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks. Pat> in Houston.>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds!> 1. Fill in the brief application> 2. Receive approval decision within 30 seconds> 3. Get rates as low as 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR> Apply NOW!> 1/975/3/_/298354/_/954325977/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

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Guest guest

No, I think that you can definately achieve results with flushes for small

stones. (Though I'm still skeptical, about the volume and size of these, I

have a feeling that the real stones expelled are inside some of the blobs

that you see) The fact that I cleared my CBD of a stone is evidence of

effectiveness (for me).

I understand Dales point about the zapper killing parasites, which is fine

if you believe that a parasite is the cause of all the different cancers.

And that this has escaped the cancer research organisations thus far ! Still

I guess time will tell.

I'll try to keep my opinions to myself (unless specifically asked).



----- Original Message -----

From: <pdbk92255@...>


Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 7:28 AM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

> Phil--if you doubt H. 's theories behind a zapper, doesn't that make


> doubt her theories behind flushes, etc. ?


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> Have a nice day !



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Here's a site with plenty of ammunition http://www.quackwatch.com/index.html After visiting this site I found myself wondering why he didn't point to the failure of prescription drugs too???? and the number of deaths caused by their dispensing???? Hmmmmm?


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 12:58 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

No, I think that you can definately achieve results with flushes for smallstones. (Though I'm still skeptical, about the volume and size of these, Ihave a feeling that the real stones expelled are inside some of the blobsthat you see) The fact that I cleared my CBD of a stone is evidence ofeffectiveness (for me).I understand Dales point about the zapper killing parasites, which is fineif you believe that a parasite is the cause of all the different cancers.And that this has escaped the cancer research organisations thus far ! StillI guess time will tell.I'll try to keep my opinions to myself (unless specifically asked).cheersPhil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 7:28 AMSubject: Re: The Zapper> Phil--if you doubt H. 's theories behind a zapper, doesn't that makeyou> doubt her theories behind flushes, etc. ?>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> PERFORM CPR ON YOUR APR!> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as> 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.> Apply NOW!> 1/2121/3/_/298354/_/954444544/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

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I had a look a this, it's a bit extreme, I think the truth is somwhere in the middle.


----- Original Message -----

From: Dale


Sent: Friday, 31 March 2000 16:50

Subject: Re: The Zapper


Here's a site with plenty of ammunition http://www.quackwatch.com/index.html After visiting this site I found myself wondering why he didn't point to the failure of prescription drugs too???? and the number of deaths caused by their dispensing???? Hmmmmm?


----- Original Message -----

From: Phil Strong


Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 12:58 PM

Subject: Re: The Zapper

No, I think that you can definately achieve results with flushes for smallstones. (Though I'm still skeptical, about the volume and size of these, Ihave a feeling that the real stones expelled are inside some of the blobsthat you see) The fact that I cleared my CBD of a stone is evidence ofeffectiveness (for me).I understand Dales point about the zapper killing parasites, which is fineif you believe that a parasite is the cause of all the different cancers.And that this has escaped the cancer research organisations thus far ! StillI guess time will tell.I'll try to keep my opinions to myself (unless specifically asked).cheersPhil----- Original Message -----From: <pdbk92255@...><gallstonesonelist>Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 7:28 AMSubject: Re: The Zapper> Phil--if you doubt H. 's theories behind a zapper, doesn't that makeyou> doubt her theories behind flushes, etc. ?>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> PERFORM CPR ON YOUR APR!> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as> 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.> Apply NOW!> 1/2121/3/_/298354/_/954444544/> ------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstones>>> If you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to:> gallstones-unsubscribeonelist>> To change status from normal to digest:> gallstones-digestonelist>> To change status from digest to normal:> gallstones-normalonelist>>> To subscribe:> gallstones-subscribeonelist>> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FORyourself!>>> List Archives:> /archives/gallstones>> Web Sites:> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/>> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.html> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.html>> Have a nice day !>>

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

Subscription URL: /subscribe/gallstonesIf you want to unsubscribe, send blank message to: gallstones-unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest:gallstones-digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal:gallstones-normalonelistTo subscribe:gallstones-subscribeonelistBy joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!List Archives:/archives/gallstonesWeb Sites:http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://home.sol.no/~dusan/gallstones/http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/gallstones.htmlhttp://home.sol.no/~dusan/flaxseed_oil.htmlHave a nice day !

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