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Loving Each Day

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Someone asked Jesus, " How many times do I forgive my

neighbor? " He said, " Seventy times seven. " Did he really

mean 490 times -- and then you get to beat up on them? I

don't think so.

I think he meant that the process of forgiveness is an

ongoing one.

- -

(From: " Seventy Times Seven, " on the New Day Herald website

at http://www.ndh.org/template.php3?ID=533)

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:


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Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and

give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them.

It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual

Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a

nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches

that each of us is divine and we can know our own



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  • 7 months later...
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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>Date: Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 6:00 AM

Subject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...-----------------



If you strive to have a pleasant disposition while you're doing whatever you're doing in the world, there is a greater tendency for your Soul, which is so perfect and so loving, to radiate out of your pleasant disposition. A truly pleasant disposition is loving, compassionate, and empathetic, with the ability to know what's going on in the world because it is not run by the ego.

If you take that same pleasantness back inside you, you live with an abundance of enthusiasm that overflows to others. Now, that is truly helping the planet.

- -

(From: Living Love from the Spiritual Heart, p. 52)

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Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.


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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>Date: Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 6:00 AM

Subject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...-----------------



People in MSIA who have loved ones on the spirit side have been taken many times in the dream state to the realm and level where the loved ones reside. There they have seen and communicated with the loved ones, and have realized that they were very much alive, not in the physical sense, but in the larger sense, well, healthy, happy, and contented with their present state of consciousness.

The feeling of sadness that comes from being separated from the loved ones is often replaced with relief and joy, whether or not the dreamer is consciously aware of the visit in the dream state. Some people who do remember have asked me for verification. My question is, " Did it seem real at the time? " They'll usually say, " Oh, yes, very much so. " If they think about it, they'll usually realize that, at that time, the physically awake state seemed pretty unreal. When you come back to the physical consciousness, the other realms seem unreal. But when you move out of this physical consciousness, the higher realms become more real than this one.

- -

(From: Dream Voyages, p. 62)

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Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.


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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>Date: Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 7:00 AM

Subject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...----------------- LOVING EACH DAY-----------------The negative attitude says, " Why are people always coming to me and loading me down with their troubles? Why do I attract them to me? " That attitude perceives life as a burden, and that is certainly one point of view.

But other people say, " Thank God I can be of service. I am here to serve these people on whatever level and in whatever capacity I can. " When we recognize our love of humanity, we do whatever has to be done to express that love to and with others.

- -(From: Living Love from the Spiritual Heart, p. 51)Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:http://www.lovingeachday.org/mop.php

You can send this quote as an email postcard:http://www.lovingeachday.org/cardview.php3?id=3519Purchase or learn more about Living Love from the Spiritual Heart:

http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=25 & productID=1244Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.

TO SUBSCRIBE:Please click:http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=46

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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>Date: Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 7:00 AM

Subject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...----------------- LOVING EACH DAY-----------------Love the one you are with. That will always include you.

- Morton(From: You Are the Blessings, p. 165, Morton's new book available on Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Blessings-Meditations-Reflections/dp/1893020460/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1210017957 & sr=1-1)

You Are the Blessings Webcast Class Series with Morton -- Part 1: Know God & Know Who You Are - Saturday, July 26, 2008, 1:00pm-3:30pm pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:http://www.lovingeachday.org/mop.phpYou can send this quote as an email postcard:

http://www.lovingeachday.org/cardview.php3?id=3520Purchase or learn more about You Are the Blessings:http://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Blessings-Meditations-Reflections/dp/1893020460/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1196735802 & sr=1-1

Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.

TO SUBSCRIBE:Please click:http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=46

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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>Date: Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 7:00 AM

Subject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...----------------- LOVING EACH DAY-----------------When the Holy Spirit, the Light, the Traveler consciousness becomes a vital force in your life, if you have something hidden, you can bet it's going to be thrown up for you to look at. And some people just can't seem to take that.

Those who can take it get to make the choice to be free, and this freedom is known by the results, not by just thinking you're free.- -(From: The Way Out Book, p. 199)Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:

http://www.lovingeachday.org/mop.phpYou can send this quote as an email postcard:http://www.lovingeachday.org/cardview.php3?id=3521

Purchase or learn more about The Way Out Book:http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=25 & productID=6If you enjoy Loving Each Day, we invite you to participate in -'s Challenge of the Week. The Challenge of the Week is an inspirational, yet practical focus for spiritual upliftment each week. Each Monday, we post a new Challenge on the MSIA web site homepage. To participate in this week's Challenge go to http://www.msia.org

Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.

TO SUBSCRIBE:Please click:http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=46

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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>Date: Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 7:00 AM

Subject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...----------------- LOVING EACH DAY-----------------The choice of following the upward path or the downward path presents itself to you many, many times each day.

You get the chance to choose for Spirit or for worldly concerns.- -(From: " Rededicating to Soul Transcendence " , on the New Day Herald website at http://www.ndh.org/template.php3?ID=783)

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:http://www.lovingeachday.org/mop.phpYou can send this quote as an email postcard:

http://www.lovingeachday.org/cardview.php3?id=3522Or visit the New Day Herald website:http://www.ndh.org

Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.

TO SUBSCRIBE:Please click:http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=46

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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>

Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 5:00 AMSubject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...-----------------



There is a law that exists throughout all the lower realms of Light, which is the law of cause and effect. That cause and effect is simply action -- yours, mine, and that of this physical world and many other realms of existence. It is neither negative nor positive, neither good nor bad; it is action, change, and experience. It is governed by a simple dynamic: As you sow, so shall you reap.

Before coming into this physical existence, you agreed to experience and fulfill certain actions during your lifetime. You don't have to do this with anyone but yourself. You clear actions with yourself, and you come into the physical realm to work them out, balance them, and complete them. Sometimes another person will come in to help you balance your past actions, but each of you could have chosen to balance those actions with other people.

- -

(From: Dream Voyages, p. 47-48)

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:


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Purchase or learn more about Dream Voyages:

http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?searchwords= & ID=25 & productID=16

Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.


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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>

Date: Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:00 AMSubject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...-----------------



Connect with the Beloved in whatever way works for you -- affirmations, devotion, meditation, spiritual exercises, unconditional loving -- and maintain the connection as you walk towards what you want.

As you walk towards it, if it seems the Beloved separates from what you are doing, then go back inside and connect with it even more deeply.

- - with Kaye

(From: The Rest of Your Life, p. 193)

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:


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Purchase or learn more about The Rest of Your Life:

http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Your-Life-Finding-Beloved/dp/1893020436/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1199921213 & sr=1-1

Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.


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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>

Date: Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:00 AMSubject: Loving Each DayPIVOT.In.Joy@...-----------------



I've been trained by everything around me to just admire and respect what is going on even if it may be contrary to what I grew up with. I've been able to do that because to do anything less is to deny what is going on and to deny the Spirit and the perfection of what is.

- -

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton:


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Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.


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  • 2 months later...

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Loving Each Day <loving-each-day@...>

Date: Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 4:30 PMSubject: Loving Each DayDayawanti D'Sa <PIVOT.In.Joy@...>




Watchfulness brings liberty. Liberty brings greater freedom. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. If you put off being watchful until tomorrow, you put off your freedom until tomorrow.

- -

(From: Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise, p. 1219)

Watch today's Moment of Peace with -, Morton

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Purchase or learn more about Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise

Loving Each Day is intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on the Spirit within them. It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity.

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