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Animal Totems: Tasmanian Devil, Tiger, Tortoise, Toucan, Turkey, Turtle, Vulture, Walrus, Wasp, Wattlebird, Wild Boar, Wolf, Wolverine, Wombat, Woodcock, Woodpecker, Zebra

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Cycle of Power

Animal Totems

Order The Cycle of Power Animal Totem Book

Animals on

this page T-Z


Devil, Tiger, Tortoise, Toucan,


Turtle, Vulture, Walrus, Wasp

Wattlebird, Wild Boar, Wolf, Wolverine, Wombat, Woodcock,

Woodpecker, Zebra

Animals A-B

Animals C

Animals D-G

Animals H-L

Animals M-P

Animals Q-S

The Tasmanian


Active at night, the tasmanian devil is the largest

carnivorous marsupial in Australia.

Animals of the night time have long been associated with magic. Within the

blackness of night creatures from the underworld awaken. The underworld

holds the power and the magic of shape shifting realities. Physical and non

physical entities congregate together in ritualistic practices. Ritual when

used appropriately can have profound benefits. Ritual used

inappropriately can be disastrous. Those with this totem are often attracted to

shamanistic practices as well as various forms of witchcraft. Although

those with this medicine are powerful healers caution is advised. The

right use of power is one of the main lessons you are learning.

The tasmanian devil has a large powerful head with a wide

jaw and sharp teeth. The head symbolizes higher consciousness and the jaw

represents verbal communication. Because those with this medicine

have past life ties associated with the mis use of power the devil offers you

the components necessary to clear past life mistakes.

One of the most interesting features of this totem is its

pointy pink ears that turn red when it is angry. This is due to an

increased blood flow. Proper care of the circulatory system is essential

for those with this medicine.

Found on the island state of Tasmania it lives in coastal scrub and

eucalyptus forests. The devil is a solitary creature, relatively

shy and prefers to live alone. They spend their days sleeping out of

sight and conserve their energy by going into a state of 'tupor' where the body

heat drops to match its surroundings. This ability is similar to the art of

slowing down ones heart beat practiced by select yogi masters. Yoga breathing

exercises can benefit those with this totem.

The tasmanian devil is non aggressive unless fighting for

food in which it will become very protective and kill other devil's if

necessary. They prefer to eat dead animals and their powerful jaws help crush

bones so they can devour the whole carcass, meat, fur and bones leaving nothing

to pollute the environment. They remind us to honor and care for the earth on

which we stand.

Devils are very loud especially in groups ranging in

sounds from barks to snorts to screams. If the devil screams into your life ask

yourself how you are using your energy? Do you have power issues that

need to be addressed? If the devil quietly slips in the back door your

personal power is probably being manipulated by another. The tasmanian

devil is a no nonsense totem pushing and prodding you into the right use of

your personal power. Although a challenging totem to have the rewards it

offers are great!

The Tiger

Tigers are magnificent animals that hold an air of

independence and confidence. Solitary animals, males and females come

together only during the mating season. The cubs stay with the mother into

their second year partly because they are born blind. To compensate for this

their inner sight is fully operational. This is symbolic for those with this

medicine. Children born into this medicine are natural clairvoyants and


Mysticism and mythology surround this animal. The

Chinese believe that the tigers head often carries the chinese " mark of

wang, " or king, on its forehead. This is can be seen within the

patterns of its fur. One vertical line with three horizontal ones passing

through it. Because of this Tiger is one of the 12 signs of Chinese


Muscular, powerful and agile the tiger can travel great

distances in search of food. The distance they cover depends on how much prey

there is to eat. The less prey the further their territory extends.

Walking on their toes with the back part of the foot raised tigers stalk their

prey or lie and wait and then spring unexpectedly on them. Tigers are nocturnal

hunters and hold the teachings of focus, patience and surprise.

Tigers are also known for their healing properties.

Their body parts are sought for use in traditional Chinese medicine and exotic

herbal remedies. Their orange gold coloring symbolizes vitality and

regeneration. Those with this medicine heal quickly.

The tigers sight, smell and hearing is excellent.

They have round pupils and yellow irises, except for the blue eyes of the white

tiger. Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the

retina, the night vision of the tiger is six times better than that of

humans. Tiger teaches us how to see into the world of the extraordinary.

Those with this medicine have a strong sensitivity to

touch and make excellent body workers. Creating sacred space where others

cannot enter, spending time alone in order to gather the energy required to

move tirelessly throughout life is advantageous for those with this totem. When

tiger appears get ready for adventure, challenge and change. The power, passion

and vitality of tiger will activate the same components within yourself.



The tortoise is a land bound creature and is exclusively

terrestrial. In myth and folklore the tortoise represents determination and

longevity. Tortoises have high domed shells and heavy elephant like hind legs.

The weight of its shell keeps it from moving too fast. The heaviness of its

hind legs gives it the strength to carry heavy loads. Those with this totem

often carry the loads of others as well as the burdens of self. They make good

therapists but must be careful not to take on the problems of other people.

One of the most ancient and adaptable creatures, the

tortoise holds the energy of patience and perseverance. They are very sensitive

to the environment in which they live and have a strong psychic connection to

mother earth. Extreme changes in climatic conditions can affect their overall

disposition. Tortoise medicine people need a stable environment for their

overall well being. Without this stability they are prone to mood swings.

The tortoise feels vibrations within the earth and reacts

strongly to them. By observing the tortoise's behavior we are forewarned of any

imbalances within the earth's core before an actual change occurs. This helps

us prepare for geophysical changes in a balanced way.

The tortoise is self-reliant and self determined. Its

ability to survive for as long as it has is partly due to its talent to stay

focused. When this medicine is fully developed within us we use these gifts efficiently.

If this medicine is underdeveloped staying centered in spite of the constant

distractions that appear in our day-to-day life will be our greatest challenge.

Tortoises are vegetarians and are very terrestrial. Those

with this totem can benefit from a similar diet and often place a great deal of

importance on a stable home environment. The tortoise carries their home on

their backs and reminds us that although stability in our life is important

true stability lies within ourselves.

Moving slowly through life the tortoise observes and

processes everything efficiently. This movement compliments its inner wisdom.

When the tortoise shuffles into your life it is ready to share that wisdom with

you. All you need to do is slow down, pay attention and begin to move with

patient persistence. In this way longevity, inner strength and a harmonious

lifestyle are attained.

The Toucan

The toucan is a large billed bird of the tropics. Their

thick bills can be up to a third of the length of their body. It is saw edged

and distinctively colored. Most toucans have similar body patterns, mainly

black with a bold breast color. The bill is believed to have a frightening

effect on other birds, including hawks.

Although it is rare for both the hawk and the toucan to

fly into your life simultaneously, it can happen. If it does ask yourself why

you are frightened of the message spirit has for you.

In feeding the toucan will juggle pieces of fruit in its

bill and then abruptly toss the head back before swallowing. Its theatrical

movements and strong presence suggest natural talent in the acting field for

those with this medicine. Its wings are short and rounded and the tail is

usually long.

The characteristics of this bird have strong

significance. The large colorful bill is an attention getter. Those with this

totem are often colorful speakers. They have a good command of language and can

use words to their advantage. They know what to say and when to say it.

On the other hand, sharp-tongued individuals will need to

tone down their speech and those that have difficulty expressing themselves

will need to speak up. Words have a great impact on us and care needs to be

taken when we communicate. Toucan medicine people are either heard loud and

clear or completely misunderstood. Balancing these extremes can be a constant

challenge in their life.

Toucans are somewhat gregarious, tending to roost high in

tree holes. They are one of the noisiest birds in the forest. Their repertoire

of sounds include loud barks, bugling calls and harsh croaks. Those with this

medicine would benefit from sound therapies of any kind.

Because the toucan represents speech and its proper

application, those with this medicine need to pay attention to how their words

affect another. When the toucan flies into your life ask yourself the following

questions. Are you are using your gift of communication in a constructive way?

Are you saying things you shouldn't? Are you speaking without thinking first?

Are you keeping quiet when you should be expressing yourself?

Toucans can be a bit unpredictable. They do what they

want, when they want to. This trait can be both a blessing and a curse for

those with this medicine. Appropriate action, proper speech and a strong sense

of self are the teachings this bird holds.

The Turkey

Wild turkeys are opportunistic feeders with broad tastes.

They eat nuts, berries green foliage, grasshoppers, lizards, salamanders and

more. The turkey can fly powerfully for short distances but has difficulty

maintaining that power in longer stretches. For those with this totem it is

important to learn how to channel their energy in a balanced way. Quick bursts

of energy can lead to undesirable results. A person can tire quickly and have

no energy left for other activities. Tai Chi or other forms of martial arts

would be beneficial. In addition, variety in diet is advised for optimum


Female turkeys lay an average of 12 eggs. One plus two

equals three. Three is the number of reoccurrence and those with this medicine

often have reoccurring themes or situations to deal with in life.

The medicine power of the turkey is renewal. To the

native peoples, the turkey was a sacred bird because of the abundance of them

and because of their good tasting meat. Wild turkeys were an abundant food

source for the early European refugees, as well as the native peoples. But

uncontrolled hunting virtually wiped them out in several central and

northeastern states. When reintroduced, they renewed their populations very

rapidly, growing to many thousands. If turkey has gobbled its way into your

life, its message may be that you need to cultivate and care for those

renewable resources that benefit your life.

Wild turkeys were almost eliminated because they were

taken for granted. Those with this totem need to remember that nothing is an

endless resource if it is not honored and nurtured. Remember to ask yourself if

you are relying on something in your life that you always expect to be there,

but are taking no steps to treat in a sacred way? This can pertain to a human

partner as well as a resource. If so, learn from the turkey and realize that

everything has limits.

The Turtle

The turtle is a creature of the water. Because of its

great age and its slow metabolism the turtle is associated with longevity. Turtle

medicine can teach new perceptions about time and our relationship to it. It

can also help us grow old gracefully and in harmony with our environment. When

the pace of life becomes too hectic the turtle shows us how to slow down and go

with the flow.

Turtles have amazing survival skills and strategies. They

sense vibrations in the water through their skin and shell. Turtle totems hold

the mystery of awakening the senses on both the physical and spiritual levels

and can stimulate clairaudience.

Turtles carry their homes on their back. The shell is

actually the backbone and ribs of the turtle and serves as home and shelter for

it. Those with this medicine should remember not to acquire more possessions

then they actually need. The burden of responsibility can become a heavy weight

for you to carry.

When turtle is flipped on its back it uses its strong

neck to right itself. This can be a reminder to use your own head and inner

knowledge to right yourself when your world gets topsy-turvy.

All turtles must come ashore to lay their eggs and they

are usually buried. When the eggs hatch they make their way to the water. The

link between water and land especially for the purpose of reproduction has

great significance.

When turtle shows up in your life, it is time to get

connected to your most primal essence. Go within your shell and come out when

your ideas are ready to be expressed. The turtle cannot separate itself from

its shell and we cannot separate ourselves from what we do to the earth. The

way to heaven is through the earth and both are interconnected.

The Vulture

The vulture is a member of the raptor family. They

feed exclusively on carrion and perform a very useful function by disposing of

potential sources of disease. The Pueblo Indians saw the vulture as a

sign of purification and the Greeks considered it to be a symbol of

transformation. As old decayed flesh was removed new life emerged.

These amazing birds are vital for the health and well being of mankind and all

other life forms.

The Andean Condor is the largest of the vultures with a

wingspan of up to 12 feet. In North America,

the Turkey Vulture is the most common. The California Condor

however is now on the verge of extinction. It once had a range from

British Columbia to Florida but has now been reduced to about 60

individuals. Some native tribes believe that this reduction is the cause

behind the increased number of diseases and viruses of unknown origins

now affecting mother earth.

Vultures are adaptable and have a keen sense of smell

which they use to locate food. Because the vulture has weak feet and

short talons they cannot tear or grasp their prey as other birds do and must

rely on the remains of anothers kill for their food source. Their trust in the

creative force to provide for them is unshakable. This trust is one of

the main teachings they offer those that hold this medicine.

Although the vulture is a somewhat homely bird in

appearance they are magnificent in flight gliding through the heavens with a

grace unsurpassed by most other birds. They ride the thermals and wind

borne currents with little effort soaring for hours without flapping their

wings. They know how to use what is available to them to the fullest

extent and teach us how to be resourceful and innovative with what we have.

When this medicine is fully developed those with this

totem can accomplish great things in life. Resourceful and patient they

have the ability to stay focused on their goal despite influences that try to

distract them. They have the ability to initiate the pure force of spirit into

every thought they have and every action they perform.

Many people don't like vultures because of an impression

that, since they feed off carrion, they must be unclean birds. The truth

is that vultures are actually quite clean, and they perform the valuable

service of eliminating the remains of decaying animals. This is one of

the gifts the vulture holds for us, the cleaning up of messes. Many

times we create physical and psychic messes that we don't want to deal

with. The vulture can guide us to the efficient and joyful resolution of

such problems. If vulture has flown into your life you are being asked to

remedy a messy situation and turn it into something positive.

If however, messes seem somehow to always be around you,

eventually you will end up with a reputation for attracting and creating

problems. This can put you in a bad light, like the vulture. Learn

from vultures example and clean up your act to avoid getting an unfavorable


The Walrus

The walrus is awkward and slow moving on land but very graceful in the

water. They have long been a major resource of the Inuit who use their

hides for coverings, and their bones and tusks for weapons. Walrus seek

out physical contact with other walruses. This helps walruses retain

there body heat rather than lose it to the external environment. Physical

contact is also indicative of their gregarious nature. The two types of

walrus, Pacific and Atlantic migrate in the

spring and fall following the food. The ice flows advance and retreat tells the

walrus when its time to migrate.

Related to seals and sea lions the walrus has air sacs under their throats that

they can fill like flotation bubbles. This allows them to bob vertically

with their head above the water as they sleep giving them the advantage

of keeping an eye on their surroundings at all times. Walrus are often

thought of as the " watch dogs " of the water and teach us how to pay

attention to the signs and signals within our environment. Information

comes to us in various ways and the walrus is a master at understanding

what one's surroundings are trying to convey. The walrus teaches us how

to connect with mother earth, heed her warnings and to hear what she is saying!

Walrus have a special strategy for digging up clams by squirting high-powered

jets of water out their mouths and under the clams until they break free.

This unique ability reflects their ingenuity and survival skills.

Another interesting feature about the walrus is the way in which it

changes color. It appears pale, almost white, while in the water for

sustained periods of time. They turn a pinkish color in warm weather when

tiny blood vessels in the skin dilate and circulation increases. Newborn

calves are gray to brown in color. The changing color of the walrus

reflects its ability to flow into ever changing realities without

difficulty. Their thick skin and layers of fat help them keep warm in

freezing conditions. They teach us how to protect ourselves from the

physical cold as well as chilling emotions like despair or anger. The

walrus teaches us how to keep the cold from creeping into our hearts and help

us move through the rough emotional waters of life with ease.

The Wasp

The wasp

has strong jaws and two pairs of transparent wings. Many females have a

stinger at the tip of their abdomen. There are over 2000 different species of

wasps alive today some of which have complex social structures. Like all

insects, wasps have a hard exterior skeleton, six jointed legs and two jointed

antennae. Their complex nests with many six sided cells are made

with a type of paper that they make by chewing wood and plant fibers. Because

of the wasp’s intricate framework as well as their connection to numbers

and angles they are said to hold the secrets of sacred geometry. Those

with this medicine would benefit by studying this ancient art.

Most wasp species are solitary. Unlike bees, which are hive oriented, the

wasp is independent and prefers to work on their own rather than in a

group. Solitary wasps have little patience and will attack whatever task

they are performing with a vengeance. Those with this medicine are independent

thinkers and have difficulty relating to authority figures. They always do

things in their own way. Individuals that hold solitary wasp medicine

often receive recognition as the frontrunners of new trends or ideas later in


Some wasps however, live in colonies and work together. These are called

social wasps. They are divided into three classes: Queens,

workers and males. Because wasps can be either independent or social,

those with this totem often display two different yet distinct personalities,

aggressive or communal. Personality shifts can create chaos for those in

relationships with wasp medicine people. All wasps undergo a complete

metamorphosis that contributes to the challenges of communication. Just when

you think you know the person, they change and become someone else.

All wasps are beneficial in some way or another. Some are pollinators

while some are parasites of other nuisance insects such as caterpillars and

aphids. Their diversity depends on the particular species.

The wasp teaches those with this medicine how to use diversity to their

advantage. Balancing all aspects of the various species is an art in itself and

can take a lifetime to accomplish. By observing the wasp we can learn how

to shape shift our outer image and become more connected to our inner knowing.

The Wattlebird

The Wattlebird is found in Australia,

New Zealand

and the South West Pacific. This bird is named after its distinctive

fleshy growths hanging from its neck or throat that are on each side of its

face. These growths give this bird a distinct look, which sets them apart from

other birds. Those with this medicine are often attracted to things with an

unusual or unique flare.

The red wattle is the largest of the wattle bird family. This family includes

the yellow, the brush, the wattled honeyeater and the little wattle.

Wattle birds can be aggressive and although they are delightful songsters they

have been known to stand their ground and frighten other birds from their

feeding places by producing low harsh sounds.

Excellent mimics they know how to use their voices appropriately in any

situation. Similar to a ventriloquist, the wattle has an uncanny ability to

throw its voice tricking us into thinking that it is either closer or farther

away then we had thought. The wattle is a shaman in disguise and can teach us

the proper use of sound. Since sound will either enhance ones life or destroy

it those with this totem need to be very careful how they use their voice. Past

life connections involving the misuse of sound are common.

Wattlebirds are honey eaters and although they vary greatly in body and bill

form they all have a highly developed brush tipped tongue with a horny pointed

tip that is adapted for nectar and insect feeding. They are important

pollinators and play a great role in keeping the Eco system in tact. Most

are species of treetops and flowering branches. They have also been observed

hoping around and underneath trees collecting insects when nectar-bearing

flowers are not available.

This gregarious bird is a powerful ally to have. It teaches us how to utilize

every situation to our advantage as we sing our truth and honor our individual


The Wild Boar

The wild

boar is one of the most fearless, aggressive and ferocious fighters of the

animal kingdom. They hold the teachings of courage, assertiveness and protection.

Since the boar is fearless many ancient cultures believe the boar holds magical

healing powers. If fear is absent good health prevails.

These fascinating creatures are deeply connected to the energies of the earth

and all it holds. They are often seen rooting and foraging in the

undergrowth of plants and trees and show us how to efficiently uncover things

that lie beneath the surface.

People with this medicine are continually asked to stand up, have faith and

move forward without fear. Once fear is overcome life is experienced in a

new and more joyous manner. The boar asks us to look at our fear face on and

choose to let it go. If we allow this animal to guide our footsteps fear

becomes a distant memory rather than a present reality.

Although boars have poor eyesight their excellent hearing and sense of smell

helps them remain alert and ready for anything. Boars are extremely aware of

everything around them even when they appear to be totally oblivious to their

surroundings. Whenever a boar enters into our life it is asking us to

fine tune our senses and pay attention to what’s around us. If

something is amiss boar asks us to correct it “now.” Order

and efficiency in all we do is a main part of boar medicine.

Very vocal and communicate with others through a series of grunts and squeals

the boar demands attention and gets it. For example, when frightened or

alarmed they blow loudly through their nose creating a snorting sound. When

hurt they squeal and when content they 'rumble' quietly. They show

us how to use our voice to communicate our needs.

Boar teaches us to use all of our senses efficiently and effectively. It

assists us in strengthening and developing our character and the quality of our

lives. Boar initiates transformation and self-discovery through pushing

and prodding us into change. This is a powerful totem to have but not an easy

one to work with. Those with this totem would be wise to follow boar’s

lead without resistance. The more you resist the more wild boar will challenge


The Wolf

When a lone wolf is spotted in the wilderness it embodies

the energy of freedom. When seen in a pack it embodies a sense of

community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to

acquire the same within your own life. In spite of their negative press

wolves are actually friendly, social and highly intelligent.

The wolf's senses are highly developed. Their

intelligence is marked with excellent hearing, sense of smell and strong

feeling. They are determined as well as cunning and use these skills for the

benefit of the pack. The howl of the wolf is primal and penetrating. They

howl to find other pack members or to let wolves from outside of the pack know

their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling

you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.

Wolf teaches you to have a balance between the needs your

family has of you and the needs you have for yourself. They are totally

loyal to the pack but do not give up their identity to the pack. If wolf

appears in your life you are being asked to look at where you are being too

dependent and where you may be too independent. In both family and community

there needs to be a balance.

Wolves convey much with their bodies. If they are angry,

they may stick their ears straight up and bare their teeth. A wolf who is

suspicious pulls its ears back and squints. Fear is often shown by flattening

the ears against the head. A wolf who wants to play dances and bows playfully.

Their body language is symbolic for those with this medicine. Man also

uses body language to convey messages. The study of this art can increase

perception in those with this totem.

Wolves hunt in packs, relying on endurance to run down

weak and older animals. They have been known to run 35 miles a day in pursuit.

They are the epitome of stamina and strength. With an extremely well developed

societal organization, they act together to hunt and raise their young. They do

not fight unnecessarily and often go out of their way to avoid fighting.

Sometimes a growl, a glance, a posture is all that is necessary to determine

dominance. Wolf teaches those with this medicine to know who you are and to

develop strength and confidence in what you do.



The wolverine is known for its great ferocity and

extraordinary strength. Indian mythology describes the wolverine as a

trickster hero, a link between the material world and the spirit world.

In ancient mythology the energy of a trickster is linked to the underworld

where the secrets of creation live.

Baby wolverines are born blind and weigh less than one

pound. This prompts all their other sensory organs to awaken quickly,

their sense of smell, feeling and inner sight are heightened at an early age.

Small yet insightful, the new born wolverine acknowledges and responds to all

its intuitive senses from the moment of birth. They respond to life and

the challenges it holds with clarity, focus and persistence giving them a

deeper understanding of personal power. Those with this medicine should ask

themselves if their personal power is serving them appropriately.

Learning how to utilize personal power in a balanced way is one of

the teachings the wolverine holds.

The wolverines crafty cunning nature coupled with their

perseverance and focus keeps them aligned with the energies of creation.

This alignment serves them in many ways. They know when to act, when to

retreat, how to respond to any situation and how to become invisible. All

of these abilities inherent in the wolverine are also inherent in those who

hold this medicine. Wolverines are masters at shape shifting their

reality to benefit them in some way and can teach us how to do the same.

Shamanic studies is helpful for those who have this totem.

Wolverines are excellent scavengers although not the best

hunters. They are very resourceful and know how to make do with whatever

is available. They turn trash into treasure and teach us how to do the

same. Alaskan natives consider the wolverine to by a symbol of the

wilderness, a survivor of the elements. Its fur is commonly used for

parka trim and hoods because of its durability. The guard hairs of the

wolverine fur resist frost accumulation helping people survive in extreme cold


Solitary creatures with tremendous physical endurance the

wolverine can travel up to 40 miles a day in search of food. Because of

their great strength and endurance wolverines have become the center of

folklore, although its fierce reputation has been exaggerated. They

rarely attack any predator larger than itself and only attack when food is

needed. They show us how to go the distance and acquire that which we seek.

When this medicine is fully developed in humans the

capability to survive in any situation is common. If underdeveloped challenges

regarding survival are common. Because the wolverine is a shape shifter the art

of survival doesn't just represent the physical realm. It also indicates

the challenges associated with mental clarity, emotional balance and spiritual


The wolverine is a master teacher and embodies a variety

of skills. When it appears in your life it is asking you to take a

serious look at your self and your life, change anything that does not serve

and utilize your personal power for the good of self and others.

The Wombat

There are three types of wombats. The common

wombat, the southern hairy nosed and the northern hairy nosed wombat. All

are found in Australia.

Wombats have long claws adapted for digging. They live in burrows and

feed at night on grasses and other plants. They teach us how to dig

beneath the surface to acquire the resources needed for change.

Like the beaver the wombats incisor teeth are of

continuous growth. They eat frequently to keep these teeth from becoming

too large. Proper dental hygiene is important for those with this

medicine. Over consumption of food can cause health problems in humans so

a balanced diet is advised.

Strong and heavily built, with short powerful legs and

strong claws the wombat holds the teachings of stability and foundation.

They stand their ground in most all situations and are not easily

intimidated. Industrious, determined and very smart they have a large

brain and know how to use it. These traits are inherent in wombat medicine people

yet not always active. Wombat asks you to wake up and use the gifts that

are your birth right. Use your will constructively and don't be too pushy in

your determination to achieve.

Wombats are frolicsome and will play with what seems like

inexhaustible energy. They are also quite fast when they need to be.

Their small ears hear sounds unknown to humans and their small eyes can see

what lies between the spaces. This indicates that their psychic vision

and psychic hearing are fully developed. Those with this totem often find

themselves in situations where their psychic skills are tested, criticized,

ignored or praised. They are reminded to honor their truth and not be

intimidated by others.

Wombat reminds us to play on the road to enlightenment.

It teaches us how to dig beneath the surface and use our will to attain our

goals. When the wombat appears it is time to reach out and grab what is

rightfully yours.



The woodcock is a member of the sandpiper family.

It is often found in wooded areas crouched among dead leaves well camouflaged

by its brown mottled plumage. The woodcock has the uncanny ability to

remain motionless until disturbed and then takes off in an explosive movement.

It holds the element of surprise and teaches us to pay attention to the proper

use of timing in our lives. One of the lessons associated with timing is

to develop patience.

Because the woodcocks eyes are set father back on its

head than other birds it has a 360 degree field of vision. Its ears are

located below rather than behind the eye sockets. Those with this

medicine are natural born visionaries and see things in an expanded way.

They intuitively understand the deeper reasons of a situation and make

excellent counselors and therapists. If this medicine is underdeveloped a know

it all attitude can develop and caution is advised to avoid this.

A solitary bird most active at dusk the woodcock lives

chiefly on earthworms. It attracts worms to the surface by drumming with

its feet and then extracts them from the ground with its long sensitive bill

which opens at the tip like a forcep. This feeding habit makes it

necessary for the woodcock to migrate. They leave an area as soon as the

ground starts to freeze. Drumming is linked to shamanism and the study of this

art is beneficial. The tendency to wander through life without putting

down roots can present challenges to those with this medicine especially in the

area of relationships. More spontaneity and less structure incorporated

into a relationship can produce a harmonious outcome .

The woodcock nests in early spring. Its wings are

rounded and the outermost wing feathers are attenuated to produce vibratory

sounds during flight. The males aerial song, a sweet varied whistling

accompanies its courtship displays which are exquisitely graceful. Its

spiraling flight upward 200 to 300 feet is followed by a fluttering drop back

to the starting point. Vocal expression in the form of chanting or singing is

recommended for those with this totem.

The woodcock uses all of its senses to the fullest.

It responds to what it hears, sees and feels and asks us to do the same.

Skillful and intelligent this little bird can show us how to awaken and

refine our inner and outer worlds. All we need to do is pay attention and

then act accordingly.



There are about 180 species of woodpeckers in the

world. Most spend their entire lives in trees. Woodpeckers are

climbers. They climb by propping their stiff pointed tail feathers

against a support while shifting its leg hold. With its body close to the trunk

or branch and its head bobbing, the bird hitches upwards, back down spiraling

and nimbly darts sideways at incredible speeds. Because of their speed

predators have difficulty catching them.

Their flight patterns are unique. Woodpeckers fly up,

coast down then fly upwards again. Those with this totem often find that their

path in life wont always conform to society's standards and that their personal

unique rhythm needs to be honored. Woodpeckers teach us to honor our personal

truth and move through life with perseverance and inner strength. By staying

grounded in our pursuits our goals can be obtained.

Woodpeckers are opportunists. They know when to fly out

from a perch to catch insects in the air or on the ground. Their barbed tongues

and strong chiseled beaks symbolize life lessons associated with discernment

and proper use of speech for those with this totem.

In spring the loud calls of woodpeckers often augmented

by drumming on hollow wood are the sounds of males holding territories.

Woodpeckers defend their territory aggressively. Those with this medicine need

to be in control of their personal environment and will not tolerate others

trying to change it. Although personal space is very important for

woodpecker medicine people control issues can sometimes be a problem and

flexibility needs to be learned.

The woodpecker is known as the Earths drummer.

Drumming is the heartbeat of mother earth and is associated with shamanism and

the ability to move into other dimensions at will. For those with this totem

the woodpecker represents self discovery. As they peck into and through trees

and dead wood, hidden layers of ones psyche are revealed. Those with this

medicine are good analysts and have strong mental capabilities. They make

excellent psychiatrists and psychologists. Woodpeckers are active birds so

caution is advised to maintain balance when reviewing any situation or

issue. Too much analyzing can result in procrastination.

The Zebra

Zebras are members of the horse family. They live in

small family groups consisting of a stallion and several mares with their

foals. They are noted for mixing with antelope herds which offer the

Antelopes protection from predators because of the zebras alertness.

Those with this medicine often take on the role of a kind hearted protector of

friends and family. They are excellent therapists and serve others with

genuine compassion.

Each zebra has a unique stripe pattern similar to a

persons fingerprint. This gives the zebra an individual identity. For

those with this totem maintaining ones individuality while harmoniously

interacting socially and personally is one of the messages it carries.

Compromise in personal relationships can be challenging. Zebras enjoy challenge

because they know that all challenges are opportunities for growth.

Questioning reality as well as illusion is common for

zebra medicine people. An over analyzing intellect can be a problem for

some with this totem. For others the imagination needs to be awakened.

The zebras stripped patterns of black on white or white on black suggests

that what you see is not always what you get. Occult knowledge both seen

and unseen, dimensional shifts, new journeys and worldly endeavors are all part

of its medicine.

Zebras are master magicians using the energy of light and

dark to shift realities and expand a persons consciousness. They help us look

beyond our preconceived ideas as they guide us into the mystery and magic of

the unseen. Seeking balance in all that they do the zebra is surefooteded as it

stands with confidence in the middle of opposing forces and teaches those with

this totem similar skills.

When the zebra appears it indicates a time of change in

one or more areas of our life. Hidden knowledge is about to be

revealed. It asks us to stand strong, develop trust and flow with the

rhythm of a new creation.


excerpts about the animals are quoted from Ted s, author of Animal

Speaks, thank you Ted,

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