Guest guest Posted April 28, 2008 Report Share Posted April 28, 2008 The Energy Bodies You have a field of energy that surrounds your physical body. This field of energy, which looks like a cocoon or egg, is called an aura. The aura has the following levels/bodies that compose it (see pen illustration below): 1. Etheric Body - This body has the same structure as the physical body complete with all the organs and parts. It is composed of energetic frameworks of light that support, shape and hold the physical body, body parts and organs. The physical body follows the etheric body. Everything happens first in the etheric body and then manifests in the physical body. In other words, the etheric body is the template that the physical body follows. The etheric body pulsates and has a blue/gray color. Its shape resembles a human shape made of blue/gray light grids. The more you use and enjoy your body, the stronger this energy field becomes. The stronger this energy field becomes, the healthier and stronger your body gets. The stronger the field is, the more you are able to feel the sensations of your body, to enjoy it, to be motivated to use it. 2. Emotional Body - This body holds the emotions and it closely follows the outline of the person. Its shape outline looks roughly like that of a human being made up of clouds of different colors of light, like a mosaic. However, it is very fluid and always in motion within itself. Its colors also change depending on the energy that is producing them (e.g., feelings of joy or anger will be clear bright colors while confused feelings of depression will look darker and murky). These areas of color, which look like blobs, move around and interpenetrate the etheric and physical body, and this is why you feel your emotions as if they arise at specific parts of your body. This body also throws out these blobs into the space around it when emotions are released or expressed in a certain way. Emotions that aren't allowed to move freely become 'blocked' or stagnated within this field. The emotional body extends a little further from the physical body than the etheric body does. This field can only remain balanced and healthy if you allow all your emotions, positive or negative, to flow unhindered. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in each moment, but don't be entangled in it. For example, if you are feeling lonely, don't block that feeling by instead trying to distract yourself or put on a tough shell. Allow the loneliness feelings to flows as they are, but don't be entangled in them; don't start taking them as the truth about you. They are not the truth about you. They are simply emotions. If you observe them with detachment, as an observer, allowing all of them to be as they are, they will always, always, flow back to love and give you insights as to what their source and reason is. By allowing free flow of emotions, with detachment, you grow very fast and aren't stuck in pain. If you block your emotions, they stagnate and make this field unhealthy, of a lower vibration frequency than that which is able to support life. This, over time, moves to equivalent areas on other layers of your aura and causes various problems such as corresponding physical illness or problems at work and so on. When this field is healthy, you enjoy a vibrant emotional life whereby you feel a wide and healthy range of emotions, none of which you avoid experiencing. You are comfortable with your emotions and use them automatically in ways that enliven your life! You are also able to love yourself easily when this field is healthy. If this field is unhealthy (due to suppressed and denied emotions), you will tend to feel less, or not even be able to feel many emotions. You may also not like yourself much or be depressed. 3. Mental Body - This body is usually of a yellowish color and extends a little further from the physical body than the emotional body does. It is composed of even finer light; all thoughts, thought forms and mental processes are made of this finer light. These thoughts and thought forms appear as blobs of structured light, located in various places along this body. Depending on the clarity and strength of thought, these forms take on various forms and brightness levels. They also link with the emotional body (because every emotion is a reaction to a thought) and they take on the colors of the emotion linked to them (these colors come from the emotional body). As you change how you feel about a thought, the color, frequency, form, and brightness changes as well. The more you focus on a thought the more you enhance it. Therefore, beliefs (thoughts that you habitually keep having) look very well structured, clearer, and more powerful than other thoughts that you have less often. This body is your rational/logical mind. When it is healthy, the mind is clear, balanced, rational and works in harmony with intuition/heart. It is also interested and enjoys intellectual advancement. When it is not, it fears and analyzes the intuition (heart), second-guesses it, is unclear irrational to various degrees, and is not as interested in intellectual advancement. Negative thoughts (thoughts contrary to your being, to Truth) lower its frequency and make it dull. Positive thoughts brighten it. The trick with this body (logical mind) is that it assumes it is logical even when it is not. Have you ever observed how someone may believe so much in something that is clearly illogical to you? You say, " It makes no sense. How can they believe it? " A closed mind finds it very hard to recognize and heal its errors, but an open and accepting mind that is willing to look outside is able to naturally self-correct. A primary source of negative thoughts is stagnated emotions in the second level and repressed relating in the fourth level. When you don't express yourself fully and in your truth, or you avoid feeling emotions, they stagnate, build up, and trigger self-judgment thoughts and negativity in the mental field. 4. Astral Level - This layer has no specific shape and looks like clouds of very beautiful colors. This layer extends even further out from the physical body than the mental body does. A lot of human interaction actually happens on this layer. Between any two people, blobs of color continuously stream from each person's astral layer. A lot of communication occurs between people on this layer, consciously or unconsciously. This natural telepathy is what makes you able to feel when 'something is wrong' with someone or a room feels happy or sad or tense or free, or you feel a certain knowing about a person you just met. Relational interaction between Life is very much a major part of this layer. This layer is the relation layer, where all your interaction with all of life happens. A healthy and strong field results from and causes vibrant, healthy relationships with all life forms. A weak one results in and arises from unhealthy relationships where the mutual honor of life is not observed in one form or another. Each layer above the third layer (the mental body) is a complete reality that goes beyond what is currently though of as human experience. These higher layers (all layers above the third) are part of the larger multidimensional universe and are realities that have forms, beings and functions that extend beyond current human experience. In normal dreaming, meditation, intuition or clairvoyantly, all humans experience aspects of these layers to varying degrees depending on how open they are and how widened their consciousness is. 5. Etheric Template Body - This layer holds within it the templates to all the forms that exist on the physical plane. It is the template for the etheric body of your own physical body and of all other physical objects in your life (the etheric body is the framework on which the physical forms arise). It extends further out from your body than the other layers below it. This is also the level where sound creates matter. (By the way, every thought is a living electromagnetic energy entity composed of fine light interwoven with fine sound). It has a cobalt-blue appearance and is oval. This layer is also known as the divine will layer. Divine will can also be called your soul's will, or your higher self's will, because there is no difference between the two. Each individual in life is a soul, and you might call a person a soul in chemical clothing. Each soul has its own will, and because separation does not exist, the collective wills of all souls forms One Will, one unified plan for the whole universe. Each soul, therefore, carries out its portion of that plan, a plan it itself freely created. This level is the divine will manifested as templates or patterns. Divine will is a living thing, not just an inanimate plan. It is precise and perfect. On the human level, our free will is further extended such that we can choose to align fully with our soul (divine will), a unity that is referred to as the merging of " heaven and earth " , or we can be out of alignment with it. Naturally, when you are aligned, everything becomes effortless because all you do is part of the universal will, and so you are walking in harmony with life and so you can't possibly lack anything or be in the wrong place. You become synchronized with Life on all levels, in harmony with it, and things appear just on time. You feel connected with the universe, have a clear sense of purpose, and this level of the aura is very strong. You will also have order and clarity in your life. On the other hand, if you are not aligned with divine will, this level is weak, you tend to struggle with life instead of flow with it, won't have a clear sense of purpose and the idea of divine will or life purpose may even sound ridiculous or threatening to you. It may seem threatening because you may assume that divine will is something imposed on you and that you must serve and sacrifice yourself for - you may find it difficult to see how you could possibly have had a hand at creating it. You may also find it hard to keep order and clarity in your life. Each layer above the third layer (the mental body) is a complete reality that goes beyond what is currently though of as human experience. These higher layers (all layers above the third) are part of the larger multidimensional universe and are realities that have forms, beings and functions that extend beyond current human experience. In normal dreaming, meditation, intuition or clairvoyantly, all humans experience aspects of these layers to varying degrees depending on how open they are and how widened their consciousness is. 6. Celestial Body - This layer is the feeling level of the spiritual plane. It is also the level of unconditional love and spiritual ecstasy. This layer has a gold-silver shimmering appearance. Direct experience of this layer gives one an experiential feeling of being at one with all the universe and All That Is. When this level is strong, one has many spiritual experiences and insights and a feeling of oneness with all life. When it is weak, the person will find it hard to understand or experience their spiritual (nonphysical) aspects. This layer is strengthened by continual spiritual nourishment and growth. Each layer above the third layer (the mental body) is a complete reality that goes beyond what is currently though of as human experience. These higher layers (all layers above the third) are part of the larger multidimensional universe and are realities that have forms, beings and functions that extend beyond current human experience. In normal dreaming, meditation, intuition or clairvoyantly, all humans experience aspects of these layers to varying degrees depending on how open they are and how widened their consciousness is. 7. Ketheric Template Causal Body - This layer is the mental level of the spiritual plane. This layer has an egg shape with a strong protective shell and it is highly structured. It appears to be composed of a shimmering light grid structure of a golden-silver color. It holds and is the template for all the auric bodies of an individual's present incarnation. It is the source of energy for the whole being. It is the divine mind of the individual. This level also holds the individual's past life 'bands' on various parts of the shell. It also contains the individual's life plan or purpose. Beyond this layer, you will find the cosmic layer, which is a layer that cannot be experienced from the perspective of just one incarnation. This layer, being the divine mind layer, is literally the divine mind within each of us. When this level is healthy and strong, the person is able to understand the Nature of Life, experience himself or herself as part of a very safe and perfect universal wholeness, create and manifest new concepts, and understand how to fit everything in its right place and time, naturally. The person has a strong and clear understanding of Who They Are and of All That Is. When this layer is weak, the person perceives life to be a chaotic or unconnected place full of randomness, they are unable to create new forms and insights often, and they don't understand or even see the perfection and wholeness of Life. They are unable to be in the flow and work in unison with the universe. They are also unable to consciously access the divine mind or even to see how they are co-creators of Life by their mind. The way to strengthen this filed is by living by Truth, living by your truth, seeking it within, exploring and uncovering Who You Are, and accepting yourself fully. This field is strengthened when one lives by and expresses their truth without limiting themselves. Without living by one's truth, it is difficult to move forward. Each layer above the third layer (the mental body) is a complete reality that goes beyond what is currently though of as human experience. These higher layers (all layers above the third) are part of the larger multidimensional universe and are realities that have forms, beings and functions that extend beyond current human experience. In normal dreaming, meditation, intuition or clairvoyantly, all humans experience aspects of these layers to varying degrees depending on how open they are and how widened their consciousness is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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