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Creative Imagination - questions/answers Roy Eugene

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Creative Imagination - questions/answers

Posted by: " Bianca Russo " brussozen@... brussozen

Sat Jan 5, 2008 11:11 am (PST)

Roy Eugene - Direct Diciple of Paramahansa Yogananda

Q: What can be done if one is not able to create a vivid mental

picture when using the technique of creative imagination?

A: Forming a vivid mental picture is not as important as having

awareness along with a " feeling " of certainty that what is desired is

an accomplished fact. How will you feel when your aim is accomplished

or a purpose is fulfilled? From within yourself elicit that feeling

along with feelings of freedom, happiness, and thankfulness.

Q: How often should the technique be used for a specific purpose?

A: Until awareness and conviction of what has been imagined is

firmly established. When this is accomplished, repetition is not

necessary. If you use imagination to change your mental state or state

of awareness, maintain those states. If you use it to achieve goals or

to create or attract idea circumstances, have faith and let external

events occur. Be receptive to unplanned good fortune that can and will

be yours. The more you open yourself to life, the more God's grace

will be evident. When you are flowing with life's innate inclinations

to express, you will not have to sit in the silence to practice

creative imagination. The moment that a thought arises in regard to

possibilities that are worthwhile for you, you will immediately accept

the outcome and life will provide it for you. You will be aware of

becoming more cosmic conscious: able to comprehend the wholeness of

life and your role in its processes. As time passes, when you compare

how you are thinking, feeling, and acting with how you used to think,

feel and act, you will be thankful for the progress you have made. You

will realize that your awareness is no longer ordinary or blurred by

conditions that formerly modified it.

Q: Should several goals or aims be imagined during one session or

should I concentrate on one thing to accomplish?

A: If you have a specific desire or need, focus your attention on

it. When your awareness is more clear and your capacities are

enlarged, imagine and feel that all circumstances in your life are

ideal. Cultivate peacefulness, cheerfulness, and optimism. When you

are peaceful, cheerful, and optimistic, you will see opportunities you

could not see before and be able to think and function more

effectively. Avoid thinking of reasons why you cannot be happy and

freely functional. Disregard thoughts and feelings of limitation. You

CAN reduce limiting thoughts if you set an intention to do so. Don't

dwell on or be influenced by memories of past failures. Forget the

negative opinions that others might have expressed about you. You are

a spiritual being with unlimited potential. Go forward with your life.

Consider living to be a great adventure. Be interested in the

possibilities of learning, doing, and accomplishing. Enthusiasm is

evidence of your appreciation for life and living.

Q: Is it all right to use imagination to attract material thoughts?

A: There is no separation between spiritual and material

realities. Material things are formed by the energy of Consciousness.

Desire to have what you need and acquire it by performing right

actions and using imagination to attract supportive events and

circumstances. Everything that you need for your well-being is

available for you to acknowledge and accept. Avoid self-centered

(egocentric) thinking and behaviors. Nurture your innate divine

qualities. Meditate in the silence until you are established in

conscious awareness of your true nature and are aware of your

relationship with the Infinite. Meditate `in' God. Feel that you are

in a bubble of awareness in the ocean of infinite Consciousness. Avoid

others who are self-centered or who are not sincerely interested in

learning how to live as enlightened spiritual beings. Be kind,

truthful, and honest. Think about what is most important to you and

focus your attention on those matters.

Q: Should what I imagine be kept private or is it all right to

share my hopes and dreams with others?

A: Keep personal matters private. Talking about them with others

will dissipate your physical and mental energies, distract your

attention, weaken your concentration, and may invite unwanted opinions

or negative comments. Let the results of your inner work be the outer

evidence of your dedication to it. Projects that involve others who

are possibility- thinkers and who will constructively work with you

can be discussed. In such endeavors, be sure that all who are involved

have the same aims and are success-oriented.

Q: In regard to having desires fulfilled or needs met, what is the

difference between this process and prayer?

A: The procedures are similar. Effective prayer and skillful

practice of creative imagination produce the same results. When you

believe with certainty that you have what you prayed for, and when you

experience what you imagined as real, the desire of your heart (the

essence of your being) is fulfilled. Imagination, used prayerfully,

with devotion, is most effective. When doing you inner work, do it as

a competent spiritual being rather than thinking or feeling that you

are a needy human creature trying to accomplish something that may

improve ordinary existence.

Q: After creative imagining, what can be done to maintain faith

and receptivity?

A: Live with a clear sense of meaningful purpose. Choose to be

happy and optimistic. Remember that you are a spiritual being in a

universe emanating from and maintained by the Power of Consciousness.

Now knowing that your states of awareness and mental states determine

your experiences, choose to be Self-aware and to think constructively

while performing actions which will produce the results you desire to


Q: What can I do to help others in our world?

A: Share useful information and help in practical ways when you

can, while living effectively and completing your own spiritual

growth. The more spiritually enlightened you are, the more will the

radiance of your Self- and God-realization beneficially influence the

collective consciousness of everyone.

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