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>My frustration is high. We are dealing with the INS, and unfortuntately

>for us, a pen-pusher will decide if we are going to be granted a waiver for

>vaccination. We love living in the US but it will break my heart to

>vaccinate my children and compound their health issues. While the INS

>allows for a waiver, it has not been tried since the new laws were brought

>into affect. We are applying for the exemption based on religious, moral

>and health reasons - none of these may be upheld by the INS.

I am in a similar position as this person with regard to the INS. I was

already able to obtain a medical exemption from an INS approved doctor, but

was clearly told by this doctor that the INS employee adjudicating my case

can over ride her medical decision to exempt me from vaccination. Is there

an American citizen on this list who knows how an INS employee can have more

power than a doctor when it comes to judging my health? What are those INS

medicals (that cost over $100.) for anyway if this is the case? What does

the constituion say about this? My INS interview is approaching and I need

to have clear organized arguments for this super powered employee if he

decides I should be injected with poisons against my will and against a

doctor's better judgment.

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What is the INS and what state is this in? Why not contact Beth Clay,

the asst. to Congressman Dan Burton. She may have some ideas. Let me

know. If nothing else it wouldn't hurt for them to now th power of the

INS. (whatever it stands for.)


Hoffman wrote:


> From: " Hoffman " <cmhoffman@...>


> >

> >My frustration is high. We are dealing with the INS, and unfortuntately

> >for us, a pen-pusher will decide if we are going to be granted a waiver for

> >vaccination. We love living in the US but it will break my heart to

> >vaccinate my children and compound their health issues. While the INS

> >allows for a waiver, it has not been tried since the new laws were brought

> >into affect. We are applying for the exemption based on religious, moral

> >and health reasons - none of these may be upheld by the INS.


> I am in a similar position as this person with regard to the INS. I was

> already able to obtain a medical exemption from an INS approved doctor, but

> was clearly told by this doctor that the INS employee adjudicating my case

> can over ride her medical decision to exempt me from vaccination. Is there

> an American citizen on this list who knows how an INS employee can have more

> power than a doctor when it comes to judging my health? What are those INS

> medicals (that cost over $100.) for anyway if this is the case? What does

> the constituion say about this? My INS interview is approaching and I need

> to have clear organized arguments for this super powered employee if he

> decides I should be injected with poisons against my will and against a

> doctor's better judgment.







We Must Have The Freedom To Choose & Respect Everyone's Choice


Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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At the risk of sounding stupid, I am guessing that INS is Immigration and

Naturalization Services. I know of the Immigration exemption, but do not

know about the laws surrounding it's implimentation. How about contacting a

support organization that is local to you, to see if they can lend a hand?

Also, how about contacting an attorney or group who specializes in assisting

with obtaining an exemption. I don't have any toll free numbers, but maybe

someone else on the list will.

I have the following listed in the US:

The Rutherford Institute

PO Box 7482,

Charlottesville, VA 22906

804-978 3888

Advocates of Religious Freedom. Provide legal assistance regarding religious


Special Human Rights Services-Grace Girdwain

8320 South Nashville Avenue

Burbank, IL 60459-2333

708 599 4679

Specialist on vaccine exemptions and immunization requirements when traveling


Immunization Hotline

Filenbaum, Attorney At Law

2 Executive Blvd. #201-P

Suffern, NY 100901

914 357 0020

Specialize in assisting parents to secure for their children a religious

exemption from 'mandatory' shots. They also represent vaccine-damaged

families seeking legal recourse through the Vaccine Injury Compensation


The following is a copy of what I have on the Immunization waiver for

Immigration. I don't know if it is the most current one. I hope this will

be of some assistance.








Pub. L. 104-208 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility

Act of 1996




" (ii) who seeks admission as an immigrant, or who seeks adjustment of

status to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent

residence, and who has failed to present documentation of having

received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, which shall

include at least the following diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, polio,

tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B and

hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations against vaccine-preventable

diseases recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization

Practices, " .

(B) WAIVER.-Section 212(g) (8 U.S.C. 1182(g)) is amended by striking " ,

or " at the end of paragraph (1) and all that follows and inserting a

semicolon and the following:

" in accordance with such terms, conditions, and controls, if any,

including the giving of bond, as the Attorney General, in the discretion

of the Attorney General after consultation with the Secretary of Health

and Human Services, may by regulation prescribe;

" (2) subsection (a)(1)(A)(ii) in the case of any alien-

" (A) who receives vaccination against the vaccine-preventable disease or

diseases for which the alien has failed to present documentation of

previous vaccination,

" (B) for whom a civil surgeon, medical officer, or panel physician (as

those terms are defined by section 34.2 of title 42 of the Code of

Federal Regulations) certifies, according to such regulations as the

Secretary of Health and Human Services may prescribe, that such

vaccination would not be medically appropriate, or

" © under such circumstances as the Attorney General provides by

regulation, with respect to whom the requirement of such a vaccination

would be contrary to the alien's religious beliefs or moral convictions;


" (3) subsection (a)(1)(A)(iii) in the case of any alien, in accordance

with such terms, conditions, and controls, if any, including the giving

of bond, as the Attorney General, in the discretion of the Attorney

General after consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human

Services, may by regulation prescribe. " .

© EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by this section shall apply with

respect to applications for immigrant visas or for adjustment of status

filed after September 30, 1996.

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What religion are you?

aussiemac@... wrote:


> From: aussiemac@...


> The INS is the Immigration and Naturalization Service. We have a lawyer

working on our behalf therefore we are not able to contact the Rutherford

Institute. We have a 50% chance of not getting a Green Card even though we

fully contribute financially and socially to our community. The only strike

against us is the Vaccination Exemption. The INS does allow for a waiver, but

that does not mean the pen-pusher has to grant it. I find many doctors do not

understand where we are coming from, let alone a pen-pusher. Unfortunately,

this decision will depend on how the person is feeling on the day (God help us

if s/he has had a fight with the spouse) and what their religious affiliation

is. Some religious groups will already believe that we are going to hell

because we aren't part of their organization, so why should they give us an

exemption. I am so disgusted that such an organisation can base a decision such

as this on personal feelings. Objectivity does not even come into this.

> The INS doctor was told that if we think we can read something off the

internet and decide not to vaccinate our kids we have something else coming. Do

you see what we are dealing with. Our lawyer has been told " Good Luck " by the

INS. What hope have we got? They are accepting thousands of dollars from us in

fees, and will not make a decision on the vaccination waiver until they have

collected all their money. It is almost like throwing money to the wind. We

may as well gamble on a Green Card in Vegas!! Local organizations will not help

as they can only direct us to the Lawyers already mentioned. The 1996 laws are

only just beginning to get tested, unfortunately we are the guinea pigs.







We Must Have The Freedom To Choose & Respect Everyone's Choice


Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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  • 11 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This is not the run of the mill Gastric Bypass. This one is revisable and

reversible, that makes it better than the rest. But, the not covered by

insurance is normally because they still do not consider this MGB to be a

permanent surgery.

Though people are healthier and by far more informed when they have the MGB the

insurance companies still are not covering it. (FOOLS)

Think about it this way. Insurance or not... If you had a heart problem you

would get it fixed one way or the other, right? Well this surgery is the same as

having a heart issue, we have food issues and need it to be corrected so we can

live longer happier lives. It is well worth the money spent to have it done.

I am over 4 years out and still feel great. Have only gained back the normal

10-20% that is talked about in the manual and I eat whatever I want, no

sickness, no problems! No more type II diabetes, HBP, acid reflux, high

cholesterol, low potassium, sleep apnea, swelling of feet, legs and ankles, less

problems with my asthma. My weight stays where it should be and I only have to

watch when I get close to the 20% to keep it under that, the rest of the time my

life is normal and healthy. I rollerblade, ride bicycle, climb stairs and do

anything normal people do now. That was an almost impossible thing before


Good luck and I hope you will join the rest of us with an MGB, regardless of

what your insurance says.


Bay City, MI 5/18/07


> Can anybody tell me why  Dr. R don't take ins? Because my ins covers the

gastic- bypass


> JoAnn



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