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Glyn Hezekiah - A Skilled Feng Shui Professional

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Glyn Hezekiah - A Skilled Feng Shui Professional


Talk about generosity, compassion and excellence of skill. A few months ago, I

had had a car accident. It shook me up quite a bit, as someone had run a red

light and crashed into my car. Made me think of the fragility of life. And it

helped me get closer to my purpose for being here on Planet Earth, and I made

some changes in my life as a consequence. In this process however, I was helped

by a silent angel who watched quietly from the other end of the world -

literally as well as figuratively - ozzie Glyn Hezekiah, a Feng Shui

Professional of well-known repute.

Why would she do this for me? Compassion for a stranger. Being good at her job

and noticing cycles that pertained to her field. She told me there were

probably energy disturbances in my house, and gave me instructions on how to

ward them off. " From what you have told me in your mail, it certainly sounds

that you have disturbed some energy. " This is something I would never have

known, had it not been for Glyn's silent but potent observation of patterns of

Feng Shui in my life - I made a few simple changes in my house. Life started to

veer towards the sunnier side. What surprised me was the accuracy of her

knowing as to which side of the house the disturbances were at...things like the

soil had been dug up, disturbed etc. There is what she had written:


In 2001 from 4 February to 4 February 2002 the areas NOT to disturb are the

South West and South East.

In 2000 the negative energy areas were in the north and south east.

I am happy to do this for you without any charge, I like to " give " where I

can, for I am a HUGE believer in karma.



Unfortunately, the management of apartment where I live right in the heart of

downtown Montreal, HAD dug up the soil in the South West, in renovations for

the garage in the summer of 2001; the

digging-up-and-repaving-the-entrance-to-the-garage process had lasted over a

month - a very noisy and disturbing month, I might add.... and many negative

effects had befallen me at the time. Things shifted pretty dramatically by the

time I went to the November 2001 TORONTO EPC, and life began to take on some


Then the car accident in January 2002. And Glyn's Feng Shui input into my life,

shedding light and understanding. There is always a benefit in every situation!

We had moved twice in the recent past......once to Singapore in '98 and then

back to Montreal in '99. Having a belief in Feng Shui and familiarity with it

to begin with, and having Feng Shui-ed both my house and office in three homes

we had lived in (our Montreal suburban house which we had sold before leaving,

our Singapore rental condo, and our rented apartment back here in downtown

Montreal), in addition to my husband's Singapore office being professionally

Feng Shui-ed due to corporate value-systems and needs in the East, I began to

see how good Glyn truly was at her job and that she brought to my knowledge a

whole new aspect of Feng Shui I had never explored before. Exotic names of

files started showing up in my emailbox, such as The Grand Duke or Tai Sui,

Flying Star Yellow #5, etc. Very intriguing. It also explained a lot. And

gave me hope that things could change. And they did, as I made some changes she


Glyn's kindness didn't end there. Soon thereafter another interesting document

arrived by email called " The Chart of the Four Pillars " , which had been

personalized for my coordinates...and then some weeks later another one followed

for my husband. Glyn is a successful busy person... yet was still able to

create time here and there to " do our charts " . Both of them very

intriguing...both of them in their own way very accurate. Here's what was in

the Four Pillars Chart:

Four Pillars Chart

Your strong Element

Colors favorable to you to balance your personal energy

Colors unfavorable to you

Description of Character - which was surprisingly pretty accurate!

Your Four Auspicious Directions

Your Four Inauspicious Directions, i.e. directions in which one shouldn't sit or


I went and got myself a compass and made few more changes...slight, subtle

changes. I also experimented with the colors which she said were most favorable

to me. I did in fact find them more uplifting. I haven't completely given up

the other unfavorable colors yet..but changes to one's wardrobe do take time,

especially in Canada, where one needs different sets of clothes for 4 seasons of

the year!!! Yet eventually I might look into that possibility.

What can I say, Glyn, but thank you! Congratulations on the excellence you

demonstrate in your field!

May you and yours have every success in your chosen career and life!

[someday I hope we will meet in person, too.]

For now hugs, gratitude and a biiiiig handshake across the oceans,



Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA (Finance & Banking)

Applied Kinesiologist dayudsa@...

Certified Kalos Health Facilitator Trainer (www.kalos.org)

EFT, BSFF, TAT, iSt 9x9, Silva Method, Creative Healing Massage, Reiki,


Member: Nat'l Assoc of Naturopaths, Montreal, Canada

Moderator: [Tap 'n B Free] www./group/EmotionalFreedomTechniques

International Phone Consultations: 1 (514) 937-4246

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