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Case History: Healing the Shadow: Dayu - IV: Two Possible Virtual Reality Scenarios and 2 healthy portions of trust!

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Case History: Healing the Shadow: Dayu - IV:

Two Possible Virtual Reality Scenarios and 2 healthy

portions of trust!

From: Dayawanti D'Sa [mailto:dayawanti@...]

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:44



Subject: Two Possible Virtual

Reality Scenarios and 2 healthy portions of trust!

Dear Mandy

When I am really

stuck, one of the first things I do is to create a virtual reality scene in my

mind’s eye. It helps set the vision straight, even if I don’t

know yet how it is going to happen. In any case, that is not my job, it is

the job of the Universe to show me the way…. So I leave it to the

Universe to guide me, and I stay in a place of trust that somehow it will all happen….and I stay in my vision….and refuse to see the problem any more…just keep

seeing and visualizing the solution…from that point onwards.

I also used this method to visualize a virtual reality

of a pregnancy, then we soon afterwards, I got pregnant with Gitanjali.

I visualized the cockroaches in our house in Bangkok were gone,

and it happened.

Then I used it to visualize a thriving tutoring

practice, and it also came true.

I visualized a maid, and we moved to Singapore.

I visualized peace at home with Mark and Gitanjali, and

it happened.

I visualized that I had the money and time and tickets

and everything needed to go and help in tsunami relief efforts and it

happened – I ended up teaching workshops in many cities and

countries along the way…and somehow everything worked out

Now I will visualize a thriving practice again, as I

have permission to work in this country now.

Many things have

happened in my life, because I got clear on the end-result I wanted, without

worrying about how it would happen at first, and taking guided action, as my

inner being guided me – but in the beginning, it was just the virtual

reality and trust, trust, trust:


Possible Virtual Reality


can’t believe it! My office looks impeccable, and I am seeing clients

face to face now, as well as on the phone. As I cleared up unwanted items,

space cleared up and things started to flow in my life.


though at first, it seemed so challenging to make all those decisions about

what to do with everything and where to put it all, somehow it magically all

fell into place and it was much easier than I thought.


is all the right furniture in the room and plenty of empty space too, so it

looks inviting. The fresh flowers and crystals add their charm to the

room, and it has such a good energy, I actually enjoy being in this room now.

It can also double up as a guest room if needed, as we have inflatable

mattresses that can be used if needed.


clients are just thrilled to have a chance to work with me, just as my tutoring

students were, and the money is rolling in and it feels so good.

I am

so grateful, and the flow in my life is brilliant now…there is a balance

that was not there before.

I am

truly grateful to Pammi and all the others who helped make this happen.

God is

truly great! And it happened so magically and miraculously…and

everyone just helped and everything just somehow fell into place.

Wow! Angels must have been helping! I couldn’t have believed

it was so easy, but it really was…. How simple life can be when we let go

and allow the good to come in!

My cue word to anchor

in this virtual reality is simply WOW, Dayu, WOW!

Perhaps this method

will also work for you, perhaps not, but for what it’s worth, here is a

sample for you to just look at and make up your own virtual reality, if you

like. I’m pretending I’m you, as if I was in your shoes and I

wanted to set up a virtual reality for myself. Of course, it is only a

sample, so make up your own as you’d like it to be:


PossibleVirtual Reality


is so blissfull. My parenting skills are at their peak, and it is so easy for and I to communicate

and have win-win solutions in all of our daily living experiences. I can

hardly believe it! Creative solutions simply abound!

eats her food so easily now, and there is no more tension

about this issue, or any others.


both appreciate each other so much, and we express that appreciation daily.


life has become so much simpler, and easier and I am so grateful.


don’t know how it all came about, but I know the Universe somehow

provided the way… as I was more and more open, so more and more wonderful

avenues of help opened up to us and now there is so much peace, bliss and

harmony in our home.

I am

proud of us as a family – we have come a long way – and we are all

so happy.


one’s needs are being met. Each of us is growing, thriving and


All of

this comes about harmoniously easily almost magically, and life is truly good.

My cue word to anchor

in this virtual reality is simply___________ (choose your own).

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