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BSFF/ AK/ TAT/ KALOS Case History: Bianca -To Allow Herself Sexual Intimacy with Her Life-Partner

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BSFF/ AK/ TAT/ KALOS Case History - Bianca -To Allow Herself Sexual Intimacy

with Her Life-Partner (Session 4)



Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA (Finance & Banking), Dip - A.K.

Applied Kinesiologist dayudsa@...

Certified Kalos Health Facilitator Trainer (www.kalos.org)

EFT, BSFF, TAT, iSt 9x9, Silva Method, Creative Healing Massage, Reiki,


Member: Nat'l Assoc of Naturopaths, Montreal, Canada

Moderator: [Tap 'n B Free] www./group/EmotionalFreedomTechniques

International Phone Consultations: 1 (514) 937-4246


Bianca had many goals in her telephone consultation work with me. We had

scheduled several sessions and made rapid progress on many issues. One of them

was to allow herself sexual intimacy with her life partner. This was taken care

of in the fourth session, in which we used an instant messenger service instead

of the phone. To give you a little background, I will start by including her

email to me after Session 2 (more on Session 2 of this case history at a later

date) and tell you a little about Session 3. The focus of this post is Session


This is her email to me after her second session:


From: Bianca


Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:39 PM

Subject: Re:


You are such a beautiful 'Earth Angel'. Thank you again for another wonderful

session. You( and your Guides) have reminded of how important it is for me to

go back to the basics- and just simply go my my 'Source " for the wisdom that

resides in there as opposed to getting too caught up with what's out there.

The lion excercise was quite moving for me. Much healing was obviously

needed. I even had to take a nap (for 3hrs!) after our session, which is

unusual for me as I don't usually sleep during the day. I'm sure I had much to


Now that doubt is out of the way, I see now that confusion has popped up

as to where to place my focus next. I am EFTing that now and look forward to

connecting with my guides/universe for answers. I should also let you know,

that I forgot to mention the fact that the last few weeks I had been

experiencing resistance to doing any sort of meditation/ 'Silva' excercises

etc. I'm not experiencing those resistances anymore- it's sort of like my faith

has been re-energized - I guess that old doubt was pushing me to think this was

ALL BS and I'm just wasting my time with wishful thinking and fantasy.Phew- who


I read your post about the perpertration game and trying to apply it to

my life- I need to re-read it to really let it sink in.

I will send you a scanned copy of the Awareness symptoms list and

ratings in the near future- we're in the midst of ironing out some problems

with the other computer that has all the gadgets attached to it including the

scanner. I'l see if I can attach this lap top to the scanner, hopefully without

much a do. I'll also put the algae site and finishing reading your stories, on

the top of my to do list. I'll also be ordering the Synergy and Female balance

this weekend as well.

I have sent SOS.org an email requesting a list of any meditation centres

located in my neck of the woods.

Thank you again for helping me to get " in the clear " . As the next few days

pass I'm sure I'll have more insights surface.

Happy holidays and many hugs!




In Bianca's third session with me, we worked on her feelings of " Don't touch

me! " She had told me at the beginning of the session: " if you can help me with

this problem, my partner would be the happiest man in the world!!! "

She said, " I cannot understand - I can't seem to respond - to get in the mood. "

In Bianca's third session we used a combination of Be Set Free Fast and TAT -

there were a lot of deep issues about mother and father's relationship and how

it affected Bianca - all that needed healing. We cleared these with Be Set Free

Fast (see http://www.besetfreefast.com). The codeword she chose to use was

" Touch me. " I will write up that part of the case history at a later date.

Then she muscle-tested as needing TAT - Tapas Acupressure Technique (see


So for step 1 in which one states the problem, her statement was: " Don't touch

me! "

For Step 2, in which you state the opposite, she stated, " I choose to be

sexually free. I choose to enjoy sex. I want [name of life-partner] to touch

me. I want to be close, safe, secure, vulnerable. " (allowing herself to be

vulnerable to her life partner.) Her healing for this session was complete with

the TAT.

At the end of this session, in which she had healed a lot (yet we muscle-tested

that there was more left to heal in the next session), I encouraged her to tell

her partner that her healing was a process and to understand if painful memories

came up, he needed to be aware this might happen... and be understanding...and


The next day, she sent me this email:

re last night

Hi Dayu!

just to let you know...... [life-partner's name] is a happy man! Felt awkward at

first for me, but I expressed the need for extreme gentleness - what an

aphrodisiac! Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much Dayu. what a wonderful start.

Actually though about him all day - warm fuzzies- ahhhhhh nice. :)


Have to say I really enjoy our sessions, and last night's session I found really

fun with the mixture of media that we used, etc. I am also very honoured and

humbled that you allowed yourself to be real with me. Bless you.

Take good care of you,

Love Bianca


In Bianca's fourth session with me (also her fourth week as my client), we had

an hour and 15 minutes, in which we were planning to take an hour for her, and

spend the remaining 15 minutes testing her life-partner for naturopathic work,

as he was beginning to get interested in this work, too. However, her session

ended up taking the full 1 hour and 15 minutes, and his appointment was

postponed for a future date.

Dayu: do u want me to test [life-partner's name] too? or are we just doing you

for 1 hr and 15 mins?

Dayu: what r we working on today?

Bianca: well..

Bianca: lets' see

Dayu: i think we should continue where we left off last time...

Dayu: it was incomplete....

Dayu: I mean there was more trauma to heal there....

Bianca: sounds good. Yes still having some reservations yet about intimacy,

feeling awkward etc. We can do say 1 hr for me and then maybe test for

[life-partner's name]...?


Bianca: where shall we begin?

Dayu: how did it go after the first night... after which u had written to me...

Dayu: what was ur codeword...? can u remember?

Bianca: it went very well. I seems to have found my voice to express how I

wanted to be touched. ie. VERY gently carressed etc. Then I felt warm fuzzies

every time I thought about [life-partner's name] - found myself thinking about

him frequently during the day(s)

Bianca: code word was..

Bianca: touch me i believe

Dayu: there are still issues around this....

Bianca: interestingly I felt the urge to be physically inimate much more

frequently but for some reason I still feel hestant- this is still a mile stone

for me though to even get to the point of feeling the urge if ya know what I


Dayu: that's a big breakthru'...

Dayu: good for you...

Bianca: HUGE!!!!!!!!

Dayu: the healing process is in place...

Bianca: so happy

Bianca: super

Dayu: 2.9 million stoppers today...

Dayu: 1 lifetime...

Bianca: ok

Dayu: i'm getting (from inner guidance): to use another codeword today...

Bianca: good at least it's only one life time left

Bianca: ok

Bianca: peace

Dayu: and what's the b codeword again?

Dayu: bsff codeword?

Bianca: fix it subcon mind treat that peace roots right?

Dayu: ok... go for it!

Dayu: ask for an instant healing as well...

Bianca: reciting now

Bianca: energy moving through my legs

Dayu: good? bad?

Bianca: keep asking for an instant healing after finishing the BSFF phrase?

Dayu: it just goes faster...

Dayu: but u may not remember ..since it is so instant..

Dayu: do u want to know what you are clearing or just clear it???

Bianca: I guess I am a bit curious.....

Dayu: then don't ask for an instant healing...

Dayu: it'll go slower but there might be more to remember...

Bianca: energy moving through my head

Bianca: ///

Bianca: ???

Dayu: 2.1 million stoppers left...

Dayu: tell me more...

Bianca: feels like there is a slight humming of energy throuighout my body

especially the central core of my body...

Dayu: any memories?

Bianca: feeling a slight sense of sadness, like the start of wanting to cry, too

late crying somewhat

Bianca: none yet...

Bianca: for what?

Bianca: greiving?..

Dayu: give yourself permission to cry if that's what's coming up....

Bianca: it's vague, imagination? feels like I lost some one

Dayu: then you probably did...

Bianca: sorta feels like it's /was hard to let go

Dayu: tune into it a bit more and see/feel... keep repeating the " fix it; sm;

tt; peace; roots "

Bianca: I'm suddenly getting the image of Night time, 18th century?

Bianca: windy,

Bianca: tall sailing ships like pirate ships

Bianca: widow?

Bianca: I may be guessing here, but I wonder if I lost a mate at sea??

Dayu: oh, i see...

Dayu: it could well be....

Bianca: I don't know, could be my imagination who knows...

Dayu: it always feels like that...

Dayu: but let your mind go...

Dayu: then you can tune in more easily...

Bianca: good then I don't feel so crazy lol

Dayu: it " should " feel like you are making it up....

Dayu: that's how they train us in The Silva Method...

Bianca: tuning in...

Bianca: that's right too.

Dayu: but that's exactly when it is most accurate...

Bianca: I should know that. lol

Dayu: let go of " shoulds " now...

Dayu: fix it; subc mind; treat that; judgment criticism, blame; roots

Bianca: for some reason, a man dressed in a white frilly shirt with dirty blonde

shoulder lenght hair, curly is coming up

Bianca: can't see his face

Dayu: un hunh...

Dayu: then what happens?

Dayu: be right back...

Bianca: not sure what I'm feeling yet, hard to put into words..

Bianca: ok

Bianca: feel heavy in my lower abdomen, pelvis

Bianca: now a stirring in my stomach

Bianca: the man looks tired

Bianca: perhaps there's some anger with me coming form him. it's unclear

Dayu: un-hunh

Bianca: i fell like I have disappointed some one

Dayu: oh...

Dayu: any idea who or what?

Bianca: disappointed the man- mate?

Dayu: oh... any idea what the disappointment is about?

Dayu: and how do YOU feel?

Bianca: mmm..

Dayu: as you are feeling his disappointment?

Bianca: feel somewaht disturbed, but I think it's fading

Bianca: yes, maybe

Dayu: you said you felt a feeling in the lower abdomen... is it still there?

Dayu: are you feeling guilty?

Bianca: yeah, now it's difused over to my ovaries?

Dayu: is it a feeling of being sexually aroused? or is some other feeling?

Bianca: no not sexually aroused, it's like

Bianca: now I seem to fell a little anger coming from me

Dayu: any idea what it's about?

Bianca: like, YOU were the one who left me ( talking to the man)

Dayu: go ahead... talk to him and say what you had not expressed then...

Dayu: put him in front of you and say it...

Dayu: if you need protection first bring a guide....

Dayu: maybe your gentle lion? or someone else?

Bianca: ok here goes...

Bianca: need me to type out what I say to him?

Dayu: this is called Kalos process...

Dayu: i'm listening go right ahead...

Dayu: yes, please...

Dayu: or let's pick up the phone!

Bianca: You were the one who left me...

Bianca: and now YOU have the audacity to be dissappointed with me.

Bianca: What was I supposed to DO!!

Dayu: what happened when he left you?

Bianca: Dayu, I think what I'm getting the idea that he might have been killed

or lost at sea

Bianca: and

Dayu: oh...

Bianca: perhaps

Bianca: I tried to move on,

Dayu: u mean you were with someone else?

Bianca: but there is still a memory of feeling grief when i see the image of

that dark moonlitsome what rough seas port

Bianca: no, well, I'm not sure, dosen't feel like I was. Maybe ..

Bianca: i think it was a very passionate relationship

Bianca: OMG. I think there is a connection between this man and my ex-husband..

Dayu: " no, well, I'm not sure, dosen't feel like I was. Maybe " .. i'm sorry i

don't understand???

Dayu: really?

Bianca: it just sort of popped up in my head

Bianca: not sure..

Dayu: then there probably is...

Dayu: fix it: subc m: treat that; peace ; roots

Bianca: re: no, well, not sure: I mean I don't think there was someone else I

was involved with

Bianca: getting my power back somehow

Dayu: great

Dayu: if u feel ready u can ask for an instant healing now..

Bianca: feeling stronger

Dayu: good...

Dayu: only 0.19 million stoppers left...

Dayu: 190 K

Bianca: good

Dayu: keep using the bsff algorithm

Bianca: I'm still using fix it subc. mind etc

Bianca: we're using instant not tapping version right- don't know why I asked


Dayu: we are using instant bsff

Bianca: feel a little yucky in my solar plexus

Dayu: but when u ask for an instant healing... it seems to speed things up

Dayu: but one does not remember as much while clearing...

Dayu: i'm getting that u need to remember a bit more...

Bianca: ic

Bianca: ok

Dayu: so just do the fix it: sm; tt; peace; roots....

Dayu: what's up with the solar plexus now?

Bianca: whoa

Dayu: what???

Dayu: we may have to skip doing [life-partner's name]'s testing today...

Dayu: unless you finish in 7-8 minutes...

Dayu: what's up?

Bianca: just got the impression that I may have been involved with someone after

the man/mate died - or perhaps I thought he died and he was just lost at sea.

Bianca: even after I moved on with my life with another man, the passion was

just never the same

Bianca: ok

Dayu: that's hard....

Bianca: it's foggy, I don't know if the first lover (mate ) had died and his

" ghost " haunted me or if he really returned physically and saw that I had moved


Dayu: it's as if you lost someone very precious with whom you had something very


Bianca: yes,

Dayu: so, there's your sadness at having lost him...

Dayu: and then not finding anyone else up to the same level of passion/intimacy


Bianca: makes sense. And the guilt too about moving on when he returns back in

one piece? Like I should have waited for him?

Dayu: and then there's HIS sadness at seeing you with another...

Dayu: so he's alive then?

Bianca: right- his disappointment

Dayu: his disappointment - and your guilt?

Bianca: right

Dayu: plus you probably want him back!!!!

Dayu: but you're with someone else now???

Bianca: well, ya

Dayu: so u can't go back to him???

Bianca: man I'm getting the idea that sex was AWESOME with this guy!

Dayu: that is rough!!!

Bianca: no doubt

Dayu: so, how does that make you feel???

Bianca: like I couldn't get enough of him

Dayu: like u want to go back to him?

Bianca: yes and no. It's like I realize the past was the past...

Dayu: so what are the emotions?

Dayu: sadness that u can't have the great sex again?

Dayu: the passion?

Bianca: the sadness seems to have gone

Bianca: I think we must have cleared quite a bit about this already.

Bianca: not so much now though

Dayu: how do you feel now?

Bianca: much better

Bianca: like my brain is going a thousand miles a minute now

Bianca: strange

Dayu: stoppers are at zero...

Bianca: yeah!!

Dayu: SUDS are not zero...

Dayu: there may still be issues or emotions to clear...


Dayu: so what emotions...issues are up now?

Bianca: hmm.

Dayu: it doesn't sound like you are complete with this guy...

Bianca: don't know what to say

Bianca: need to end this chapter and move on with my life in the present

Bianca: question is if there is still a connection to this man, how do I move on


Dayu: can you finish up the dialog with him?

Bianca: ok

Dayu: be him and listen to what he has to say...

Bianca: o

Bianca: ok

Dayu: just take a step up right behind him... then step into him... and be

him... and speak to Bianca... or the lady from that life...

Dayu: can u type it too?

Bianca: I have loved you from the time we first laid eyes on you......yes my

heart was torn

Bianca: strange why did I type we?

Bianca: my passion for you will live on for all eternity

Bianca: be with the one you love now

Bianca: cherish him

Bianca: bring this passion into your life now

Dayu: " strange why did I type we? " ... i don't know... old English? or is this

guy in this life, too?

Bianca: dont know

Bianca: " know that.. "

Bianca: Dayu, it's foggy now

Dayu: fix it ; sm ; tt; peace; roots

Dayu: so now if what he had to say is complete...

Dayu: then be Bianca and respond to him...

Bianca: ok

Dayu: if not, let him speak some more...

Bianca: Thank you for loving me

Bianca: thank you for showing me the miracle of true love

Bianca: and such beautiful physicality

Bianca: to help me bring that love forward in time to make me whole again

Bianca: ok

Dayu: feel complete?

Bianca: I let you go in return

Dayu: does it feel complete?

Bianca: was bawling the whole time during that Kalos process

Bianca: feel better now

Dayu: now go to your special place

Bianca: yes like there is a smile and a wave good bye

Bianca: ok

Dayu: and invite a full potential for intimacy, love, passion...the works...

Dayu: it may even be him!

Bianca: do I just say exactly that " i invite a full potential? "

Dayu: sure u cud do that!

Dayu: full potential image..

Dayu: FPI

Bianca: ic

Dayu: What is ic?

Bianca: i see

Dayu: ok!

Dayu: any image?

Bianca: I see myself as graceful, with flowing hair and dressed in white flowing


Bianca: in slow motion

Dayu: wonderful!

Dayu: ask this fpi if there is anything she'd like to say to you... or show u...

Bianca: feel like I'm confident in my sexuality there

Dayu: super!

Bianca: she says " just be you "

Bianca: " enjoy the freedom "

Dayu: ok, u willing to do that?

Bianca: yes

Dayu: cool....

Dayu: keep me posted...

Dayu: i think we've cleared this one 100% now!


Bianca: oh GOOD!

Bianca: starnge feeling in the pit of my stomach again. could be all this

healing energy


Bianca: one sec need my hand held

Dayu: feeling in stomach...good or bad? ask fpi!

Dayu: good or bad..?

Bianca: um

Bianca: good think

Dayu: cool... so enjoy it...!

Bianca: I will


Bianca: sounds good. I have a quick question if I could ask

Dayu: ok..what is it...

Dayu: i really have to go soon...


Bianca: am I suppose to call on the assitance of my FPI at any other time?

Dayu: of course...any time you need!!! 24/7!

Dayu: lion cub or Bianca with long flowing hair...

Dayu: they r helping u with diff needs...

Bianca: ok thanks

Dayu: diff parts of yourself...

Dayu: 'ok... good ..keep me posted then..ok?

Dayu: lots of love to you

Dayu: great job!!! really great!

Bianca: ok hugs!


Dayu: u said i could use this as a case history, right?

Dayu: same alias? Bianca?

Bianca: absolutely.

Bianca: yes Bianca

Dayu: ok... and i'll take out _________'s name from ur email.....can i keep the

rest as it is?

Dayu: a lot of people will be able to relate to it...

Bianca: yes , I think so, I forget exactly what it said , but I trust your


Bianca: go for it.

Dayu: the part about the warm fuzzies.. i mean.. is that ok to share??? quite

innocent actually!

Bianca: oh sure!

Dayu: good...

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