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The Creation Process - Abraham's Version or Parallel Reality Version? (or both)

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The Creation Process - Abraham's Version or Parallel Reality Version?

(or both)

The Creation Process

Robin Retallick

How do our lives work? If it's not

* luck

* fate

* the law of averages

that serves things up to us, then how do things manifest into our

reality? Well it seems that we create our own experiences - either

deliberately or by default. Having been a student of Abraham for some

time, and also having been exposed to science as is searches for the

Theory Of Everything , I've formed some ideas on how this seems to


Let's look firstly at the Abraham version of the Creation Process -

Step 1. Ask

Step 2. The Universe Delivers

Step 3. Allow

1. Ask - actually you cannot help but ask because with every thought

you are asking (creating). Often we create by default because when we

give our attention to something, (wanted or unrwanted) we're

unconsciously creating, but either way, we're always asking.

2. The Universe Delivers - this happens without fail every time.

3. Allow - your work here is to get yourself into the place of

feeling good about what you desire - to work your way up the scale

from doubt to certainty. it's like tuning a radio - you can't receive

FM88.5 when you're tuned to FM101. Getting to the place of feeling

good about it is tuning your receiver to the right wavelength.

But then some Abraham answers in various seminars led me to further

questions. For example on the subject of parallel universes -

Question: " If I make a decision to go in a certain direction, is

there an alternate reality (parallel universe) in which I'm going in

the other direction? "

Abraham: " Yes - every thought ever thought still exists. "

And " thoughts think " i.e. thoughts create thoughts.

Hmm - I've had some trouble getting my mind around the concept

of " thoughts thinking " . Then on the subject of " vibrational escrow " -

Abraham: " Whether you are allowing it or not, we can see the results

of your creation ... We see what's waiting for you in vibrational

escrow " .

It seems probable to me that while we're occupying our time/space

reality, we're always going to have trouble both understanding and

describing the infinite. But best I can figure, the process must be

something like this:

Our mind (thoughts) create a reality. All the realities we create

exist - in parallel universes. Then it's simply - Which alternate

reality do we choose to step into?

So for what it's worth, here's two versions:

The Abraham Version:

1) You ask - you're always asking whether it is deliberate or not

2) The Universe delivers

3) Allow - by being vibrationally aligned with what you want

The Parallel Reality Version:

1) Ours mind (thoughts etc) create a reality

2) All realities we create exist in parallel universes

3) We choose which reality we want to step into

Of course in the end, knowing how it works is only relevant if it

helps you to get to the place of believing that it works! And if

you've arrived intellectually at that place, then there's only one

thing left to do -

Step 3:

* Allow

* Tune in to the future you want, not the one you don't want

* Maximize the time you spend joyfully envisioning your desires

* Minimize the time you spend in tension, fear, worry, anger,


* Work yourself up the vibrational scale

* Choose which reality you want to step into and picture yourself in


For some help with all of this, I'm building up a " Self-Help " section

of processes and resources that will help you get yourself into the

place where you create the future you want - deliberately and not by



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