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Newsletter 01-15-08 Abundance III

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*Centered in The HeartSpace*

In Joy

Tappin’ Love as the Energy of Creation

And Celebrating Our Oneness in Our Uniqueness


newsletter by Dayawanti D’Sa,


Psychology Practitioner and Applied Kinesiologist



`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨) my


`·.¸.·´ to



Jan 15th, 2008

Abundance III

Recently, I

posted two meditations focused on Abundance, messages # 21021 and 21022. 

Today, here

is another one from my friend and shaman, Therese Dorer, message # 21033. 

Today, I

wish for you: “May you be blessed with the abundance of Source and Earth.”



P.S.- Here

are links to all 3 meditations in one place:




From: Therese

Dorer [mailto:tdorer@...]

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008

3:52 PM

'Dayawanti D'Sa'

Subject: Hello Dayu from Therese

Hello Dayu hope all is well for you I am sending you my latest

work if you find it of interest then by all means use it be well my dear.

Take Care

Therese Dorer

Spiritual Consultant

Crystal Clear Insights



web site www.crystalclearinsights.ca

Conversations with Spirit

White Buffalo Calf Woman and Red Eagle


Therese Dorer

January 2008

Before me I see  two powerful Spirit Guides, White Buffalo Calf Woman

shows herself as a vision of white light and then transforms into a

representation of a woman dressed in white buckskin, with raven black hair in

two braids which fall down the front of her dress, she appears with her hands

outstretched to me in a gesture of inclusiveness and peace. A male guide stands

beside her, dressed in red buckskin, he holds an eagle feather, and I sense the

magnificence and powerful energy that emanates from this being  he tells me his

name is Red Eagle. These two beautiful representations of Spirit stand side by

side, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

White Buffalo

Calf Woman Speaks:

It is a good

to day to speak with all of you, and I welcome you to this conversation of

light and truth. As you journey upon your Mother Earth, you find yourself to be

in the year of 2008, this year I promise will not disappoint you; we from this

perceptual state see this year as a time of change and shifting energies. Are

you ready my dear ones to be challenged and shaken up? This is the year where your

seeds of intention will come to fruition and is a year of harvesting the good

will and strong seeds you have sown for these many years. I invite you to enjoy

the rewards that will flow to you. I encourage you to celebrate the fruits of

your labor and allow in the flow of love and light that will flood to your

earth, caressing and washing you clean. These refined energies will be

available to you as you go for your walks, and sleep at night. The angelic

realms are readily available to cleanse and rewire each and every one of you,

so that you can maintain the highest vibration possible for this year of 2008. This

refined energy is being sent from the highest realms for your transformation. We

understand that you are approaching a critical time upon the planet and we are available

to maintain the balance of light and love upon your planet and within your energetic

bodies. You, children of the earth are the conduits between heaven and earth

and so your well being is paramount to this cosmic transition that is


It will be

important to continue to have ideas and thoughts of where you desire to go next

and what you desire to attract to self. I suggest that this time is conducive

to doing that which you may have always longed to do, be that travel, write

your novel, sing your song, or spend time alone and discover the inner knowing

that waits for you.

I come

forward as a representative of the Divine Mother energy, and ask you to

acknowledge the Feminine energy that resides within you. The years ahead of 2000

are about embracing the female energy upon your planet. Wither you are born a

man or a woman does not matter, it is time to embrace your feminine knowing and

intuition.  In spirit form you are neither man nor woman, but a combination of

both connected to the oneness of all. So embracing the female energy will

benefit all parts of your being, allowing for your sensibilities to embrace the

nurturing, loving kindness that is available for you in the inner realms of

your being.

One of the

most powerful ways you can accomplish this, is to find time to spend on your

Mother Earth, this will give you a template of the vast love that your Mother

Earth holds for you and allow you to embrace this for yourself. Create a direct

relationship of reciprocity to your cosmic mother that you walk upon, build

your homes upon, drive you cars upon, but in many ways you take her for



relationship of reciprocity with your Mother Earth, will give you the benefit

of being grounded and connected to a larger cosmology.

Notice where

you source from my children of the earth, to external forces, your economy, the

newspapers stories, or television and radio? Is this who informs you of your


This year of

2008 will be full of change so it will be paramount for your well being to

source to a larger life force you can trust, and I would say that since you

choose to incarnate in human form upon this your Planet Earth, that it would

serve you well to take the opportunity to source to your First Mother, Mother

Earth. Sourcing does not have to be extraneous, quite the contrary, it is

always better if you go about your spiritual connections from a place of child

like wonder, delight, and joy. This will connect you to the energy of your

Mother Earth in a simple and sweet way; it is in the simple that you will find

the Divine.


when you were children and you delighted in the simple pleasures? Take the

opportunity to reenact that energy of child like wonder now. If you like to

garden play in the garden, if you enjoy hiking, skiing, walking, swimming, or

just finding a place in contemplation outside in nature this will feed your

soul. This connection to simple pleasures of the heart, will help you to

activate your strands of DNA and open your inner knowing, allowing you to

access the intuitive side of your being. I extol you to remember this is not

logical, so it does not require a rigid regime but one of following your heart

and soul into the play lands of the Mother Earth. I promise you she will be

waiting for you to receive your love, tears, regrets, fears, and joy. Go upon

your Mother and let her be your shoulder to cry upon, tell her of your dreams,

and desires, and let her embrace you with her open sky, firm ground. Let her

wash you clean of your worries and concerns, with the wind on your face and

burn the heavy dense energy with the rays of the sun, allow yourself to be

embraced by this huge magnificent mothering love, that is there for you now and

always. Notice in these forays upon the land what animals may come to you as

messengers, is there a hawk in the sky, or is a crow cawing its story to you.

Once you make your intention known that you are available for information from

the Mother Earth she will speak to you my dear ones. Truly she is always

speaking to you but if you are distracted with the external world of guilt,

fear, worry, and frustration it is impossible to hear her voice, of love,

light, and truth.

Red Eagle Speaks:

Greetings to

you all! I come forward this day to encourage you to recognize your warrior

strength, and embrace the fullness of your power. This year of 2008 will hold

many challenges for some of you and so I encourage you to trust that you are a

powerful warrior and have the strength you will need to face these challenges. I

come from Eagle energy and ask you to consider the wisdom of allowing yourself

to view your world from eagle vision, and see your world from a higher

perceptual state.

The time is

right for you to fly wing to wing with spirit, and bring forth the higher

vision for self.

Many of you

hold the vantage point of the little mouse on the forest floor, constantly

running too and fro and paying attention to all of the little details,

micromanaging your lives with busyness.

Eagle energy

is one of allowing you to see your life from a detached perspective, where you

do not take a position, or stand, but are aware of the vast possibilities that

life has to offer. Being available to see your life from the larger vision, you

can recognize that you are truly warriors and allow in the wisdom and knowing to

flow to you from your soul. In the worlds history the traditional warrior

energy has been one of confrontation and force. I propose to you, to go forward

as peaceful warriors of light, and love.

To access

this wisdom I ask you to provide yourself with opportunities to go into

stillness and take time for reflection.

This is not

the time to make decisions too quickly but rather to sit with these choices and

take time to run them through your knowing and wisdom for self. Allow time for

reflection and notice what is best for you. Some of you are addicted to

busyness and this has become all consuming, and time for reflection feels as if

it is illusive in the day to day activity of life. The notion that you must be

occupied constantly is only a distraction from the true intention of your journey

upon the Mother Earth. I suggest that your purpose is to find that piece of joy

that allows you to experience consciousness without the pitfalls of shadow,

such as doubt, worry, frustration, and all the faces of fears that you attract

to your energy body. Finding your bliss will allow you to transcend the obvious

and give you a glimpse of the Garden of Eden that is right before you. It is a

myth that you were thrown out of the Garden, you are living in the Garden right

now. It is only your filters of fear and doubt that cast the shadow so large

that you deny yourself the opportunity to see the beauty, with clarity and

wisdom. You are so much more than you give yourself credit for, my most

beautiful warriors of light. I ask you to embrace the totality of your being

and allow your strength to come forward. As you do this for self, I promise you,

that you will notice others will step into their power as well. By stepping

forward as leaders and doing what is best for you, you give permission to

others to follow your lead, when you choose to stay in a place of doubt and

uncertainty you confirm for others their worst fears that they are less than.

We have told you before you are all connected to one another, and this is true

my dears. It is important to remember as you heal and step forward into your

power you are healing seven generations forward and seven generations back. You

can be the warrior for self, your children, grandchildren, and for your

grandfathers, and grandmothers. You have all been victims, and perpetrators, in

other lifetimes reenacting the same old dramas time and time again. I come

forward today to ask you WHY? Is it not time to take control of your life and

live in to the highest potential of your being? To live a life with no worry,

guilt, anger, or hate, all of the many faces of fear, is the reason you

incarnated into this life time. The fears have been portrayed upon your planet

many times, and now you have an opportunity to say enough. There has never been

a more powerful time for this to happen, all of the stars of the cosmos are

lined up to support you in you earthly endeavors. Yes you choose to come here

as a light warrior my dear ones, not a mouse afraid and timid. You would not be

reading these words if you were not ready to absorb these understandings.

I ask you

not to take what I say at face value, but run it through your cosmology and

knowing see if this feels like truth for you. You are masters of the light and

so the respect for each of you is immense. You said yes when the call came

forward to return yet again to your beloved Mother Earth.

As I thank these two magnificent beings for their wisdom and knowing,

they present a gift for each of you reading these words. White Buffalo Calf Woman gives a gift of a new born

white buffalo calf. Red Eagle gives the gift of an eagle feather. I ask for

words of wisdom for the gifts.

White Buffalo

Calf Woman:

I give you

the gift to the newly born white buffalo calf, may your year be full of child

like wonder, and the knowing that there is enough for you, for buffalo

symbolizes abundance, and the abundance of the universe knows no limits. The

color white is to connect you to the highest realms of knowing the pure white

light of higher consciousness. I thank you children of earth for this

opportunity for conversation.

Red Eagle:

My gift of

feather for you to feel the lightness of the sweet touch of spirit in your

life, the touch of a feather is subtle and yet it can uphold an eagle in the

sky to fly high above and reach the highest realms. You too can touch and

connect to the highest realms of wisdom with your intention and focus. To all

my relations, I send you these words from my heart.


through Therese Dorer

Email tdorer@...



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