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HI Bella

Look in the Files at McDonagh's anti-candida diet. Have you considered trying that one.

Luv - Sheila

Re: nne

Hi Lee,First off I think you are a very pretty woman and the photo's of the wedding day don't do you justice. I've just had friends tell me off for putting myself down and I'll pass that on now, you are lovely and don't go telling anyone any different.Please tell us more about the anti-candida diet because I am trying specifically to target candida. I am cutting out sugar but am not sure about what else needs to go - I'm guessing bread, pasta and the like?Well done for getting back on the diet and please keep it up because we sure need some success stories re. the dieting.Luv Bella>> > When the first pictures of my sister-in-law's wedding came through a couple of weeks ago, I cried. I mean, I really cried. I just thought I looked like a giant . . . whatever giant you can be in burgundy satin!> > The most success I had was implementing an anti-Candida diet as I was diagnosed with systemic candidiasis. I've been at it a week now, twice a day for anything from 20 to 45 minutes (I have big dogs!). So far, so good. My knees are sore, but they will be since they're arthritic to begin with. But, I'm tolerating it, and that's a good thing!> > > > ---------------------------------> Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.>

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I am a bit late - trying to do a bit of catch up as I am many messages

behind. Have just come across the ones where both nne and Lee are

feeling a bit bad about themselves.

Nobody 20 years older can expect to look like they did 20 years younger

(except if you have a friendly plastic surgeon around).

If I had to meet either of you from only the descriptions you have given of

yourselves I would more than likely walk straight past you. Seeing you

both in real life you are nothing like you are describing yourselves.

I will admit that the photographs do not do Lee jusice, even though they are

nice photographs.

A person is like a diamond and you only see the beauty of them when you see

them as a whole with all the facets, and you two are two very beautiful



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Hi Sheila,

I didn't spot any of the Candida info at first but I've read it all

now - very enlightening!

I know what I'm up to now and just have to bag up all the rubbish I've

been eating and throw it in the bin.

Luv Bella


> HI Bella


> Look in the Files at McDonagh's anti-candida diet. Have

you considered trying that one.


> Luv - Sheila

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