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Found a little net info on what my doc thinks I might have (still not certain as

I would be young for it). I thought this rather fascinating that some consider

it to be caused by some sort of

unidentified infection (myco's, etc.?). Many actually treat it with long term

Doxy as well as the Presnisone. Seems we always come back to that, no matter

what direction we come at CFS

from.......I had a VERY infectious beginning to my illness, horrible pus in the

tonsils till they came out and extremely swollen lymph glands in the neck the

first 7 years......then they went down

and the other symptoms started (aches, pains, joint probs.,insomnia, on and on).

I think whatever we get just continues to go to a deeper level and migrates

through the body and its systems.

Going to have to talk to the doc about the Doxy, but don't think I'm up to all

the herxing rxns. <groan>.......





> Report #6840 7/2/96


> If you develop severe muscle pain and weakness, primarily in your shoulder or

pelvic muscles, check with your doctor.

> You may have a highly treatable condition called polymyalgia rheumatica.


> Polymyalgia rheumatica usually affects people over 60 years of age who were

previously healthy. The pain in their

> shoulder or pelvic muscles is so great that they often can't sleep nights and

that they are afraid to move their muscles

> days. Doctors order a blood test called a sed rate, and if it is very high,

they suspect polymyalgia rheumatica. If a person

> with polymyalgia rheumatica has headaches, doctors should suspect a much more

serious condition that can cause

> permanent blindness. They often biopsy arteries near the skull to diagnose

that condition. The only effective treatment is

> cortisone-type drugs like prednisone, which usually clear the horribly

crippling muscle and joint pain within a few days.

> Then doctors try to reduce the dose of prednisone to the smallest doses that

suppress muscle pain. Most people with

> this condition must continue to take prednisone for a year or two and then the

condition often goes away as mysteriously

> as it came. Most doctors feel that this condition is caused by some kind of

infection, even though they have never been

> able to associate any specific germ with this condition. Some doctors treat

polymyalgia with long-term antibiotics, such

> as doxycycline, in addition to the prednisone.


> I'm Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Fitness.


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  • 6 years later...
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I accidently brushed against a cactus and had a huge red spot swell on my leg.

It eventually went away but it scard me. This was before my recent sll diagnosis

and now it makes sense.

Schoenknecht in Waukesha Wis.

Hi everyone,

> I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with infections . I am

stage4 SLL diagnosed in 2001. I was stuck or stung by something while working

in my garden. Within 2 days my entire hand swoll up and I went to my doctor. I

had to IV injections of antbiotics for 6 days and now the dcotor has given my

oral antbiotics. My hand is still red but not swollen. I was doing pretty well

and have been on watch and wait since my diagnosis.

> Arlene




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Unless you have very low neutrophil counts and/or other immune system

compromises evident in your blood work results, there may not be a strong link

between your hand infection and SLL. Insect and spider bites are full of

infectious organisms, and the physical process of delivering the bite can can

also carry bacteria from the skin surface into the underlying tissue.


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Thanks for responding. My doctor felt that 3 days of IV antbiotics would

normally clear up the infection, but I needed 3 days more and I'm still not over

it. I'm now on oral anibiotics. She feels the infection is taking longer to

clear because of SLL. Then again she is not my oncologist. She is my general



Tim Klug <timjkl@...> wrote:


Unless you have very low neutrophil counts and/or other immune system

compromises evident in your blood work results, there may not be a strong link

between your hand infection and SLL. Insect and spider bites are full of

infectious organisms, and the physical process of delivering the bite can can

also carry bacteria from the skin surface into the underlying tissue.


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  • 6 months later...


you could try plain organic yogurt with a few drops of tea tree oil.. not much is needed. I have used this before and it works well.. It may take a few days however.


Hi all,

I would really appreciate some suggestions for the most effective way

to rid oneself of a vaginal infection. This infection is primarily

bacterial based, with a possible hint of candida.

Has anyone come across any information as the efficacy of using

grapefruit seed extract in douche form for this purpose?

In advance, Thank you for your help!



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godzilla paddles should help, see group page photos menu


> Hi all,


> I would really appreciate some suggestions for the most effective


> to rid oneself of a vaginal infection. This infection is


> bacterial based, with a possible hint of candida.


> Has anyone come across any information as the efficacy of using

> grapefruit seed extract in douche form for this purpose?


> In advance, Thank you for your help!


> Blessings,

> Meli


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why not both ingest & douche with CSilver ?

i know nothing about the grapefruit seed extract, sorry. i'm just so amazed

at the silver it's seeming like a magic bullet. bring on the werewolves,

i'm ready!



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> infection



> Hi all,


> I would really appreciate some suggestions for the most effective way

> to rid oneself of a vaginal infection. This infection is primarily

> bacterial based, with a possible hint of candida.


> Has anyone come across any information as the efficacy of using

> grapefruit seed extract in douche form for this purpose?


> In advance, Thank you for your help!


> Blessings,

> Meli







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Yogurt or even acidophilus capsule suppository might help and

it's tried and true for vaginal infection, but you'll get 100%

effectiveness with ozonated olive oil. Dr. Pressman makes it;

write: saul at plasmafire dot com


On 22 Nov 2006 at 16:01, Beck-blood-


Digest Number 1718 wrote:


> Posted by: " " mels.here@... mels.here

> Date: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:44 pm ((PST))


> Hi all,


> I would really appreciate some suggestions for the most effective way

> to rid oneself of a vaginal infection. This infection is primarily

> bacterial based, with a possible hint of candida.


> Has anyone come across any information as the efficacy of using

> grapefruit seed extract in douche form for this purpose?


> In advance, Thank you for your help!


> Blessings,

> Meli

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My wife had the same problem. We are treating with 'Godzilla' (see

group in ) and twice daily insertion

of yogurt to reestablish the natural bacteria. It's taking time but

seems to be working.

Good Luck!

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  • 6 months later...
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" Roy:

What test identified Chlamydia? "

Thanks for asking, .

I never actually tested positive for a current chlamydia infection. I was having

very obvious symptoms in the fall of 06, and in fact had engaged in behavior

that could very well have exposed me. ( Had unprotected sex.)

I panicked and took some antibiotics (levaquin) on my own, but after three days

(during which I got better, by the way) I realized I needed to see my doctor for

a proper diagnosis and antibiotic treatment.

When I went to him and explained that I had taken three days of antibiotic, but

that I was pretty sure I had a chlamydia infection, he decided to do a serum

antibody test for chlamydia. Such a test would not define a current infection,

but would give some idea of exposure. The normal range on a serum antibody test

for chlamydia, I was told, was 0 to .9 of whatever they were testing. My test

showed 2.7, and I was put on doxycyline. (In fact, he started the doxycycline

right away, even before the test results were back.)

I took doxy for 3 weeks, and my worst ReA began almost exactly with my starting

the doxy. As I have posted several times, I may never know how much of my

suffering these six months is ReA, how much induced by doxy, or how much a

strange combo.

I have assumed since then that, whatever may still be wrong with me, 3 weeks of

doxycyline 200mg a day had taken care of any chlamydia. In fact, my urethritis

did get better and go away most of the time, with only short-term flares.

It's this last flare of a month now that is so worrisome.

By the way, in January and again last month I was given a swab test for

chlamydia infection, was assured that the tests were very sensitive and

accurate, and was told both times I do not have chlamydia (which I damn well

shouldn't after 3 wks doxy and no sex).

The second test, the nurse immediately examined the swab by microscope (before

it was sent to lab for testing), She said this was of course not to check for

chlamydia, which can not be detected visually, but just to see about white cell

presence and some other things to indicate an infection of any sort. She said I

actually had less visual signs of an infection than the average person tested,

whether they were infected or not. Any discharge I have had has been completely


I have been sitting on a two-week prescription for levaquin which I had never

used. I filled it a month ago and took it for 10 days (500 mg). I honestly can't

say exactly why. I think I was hoping it would help. The bad news is it didn't

seem to affect the urethritis. The good news is that it didn't devastate me the

way the doxycycline did, which may mean that my underlying ReA is getting

better. It may also mean I can tolerate a fluoroquinolone better than I can

doxy, but if so I am probably the only soul on the planet for which that is

true. Try Googling for adverse effects for doxy and all you ever get is

heartburn and nausea. Google the same thing for levofloxacin (levaquin), and a

whole universe of suffering and lawsuits will appear before you.

Go figure.

I am now going to try to live one day at a time and hope that this seemingly

eternal flare of urethritis will just someday burn itself out.

Thank all of you who share this site for your experience and encouragement.

Roy Spencer


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

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I am going through a similar scenario and have been for over a year.

However, my problems intensified after a short course of Cipro, also an FQ

antibiotic. My urinary tract pain has been unyielding since January of 2006. I


through extended courses of doxy just in case I had an STD or Lyme disease. No

benefit or negative side effects during the doxy. I was also given a shorter

course of a sulpha drug, again with no improvement. So, I continue to wonder

if I have ReA or if the Cipro has caused the many crazy things that have gone

on with my body. The docs reject the notice of long term reactions to FQ's

even though as you pointed out there are a ton of people reporting problems on

the web. I have several other symptoms which do not fit the ReA profile so I

continue to struggle with the diagnosis. Don't know if this helps but I

wouldn't down play the possibility of Levaquin causing at least some of your



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  • 2 years later...

Hi is been a while since the last time i was in touch, i can tell you that I had

my second spinal fussion surgery in 18 months, they also change the battery of

my SCS of my belly to my back because it was very sore.  I have 2 SCS one for my

lower extremities and another for my left arm, and suppose to have another one

for my left arm, i am having a lot of problems with the SCS, and the last one

was that when they change the battery i got a serious infection, my body was

rejecting the battery.  I spend 8 days in the hospital and send home with a picc

line to have 21 days of antibiotics (vancomycin and zosyn), two days ago i

finished and they tooked the picc line out.  Hoping that the infection dont come

back, because then the dr have to take out the battery with the leads.  I am

having a lot of pain in my right hip radiating to my leg.  this is since they

put the battery in my back.  Is been 2 months of pain, infection and

rehabilitation.  Since

they put the SCS i am having a lot of problems, because they did the implant in

january and got infection also in all my wounds because i became allergic to the

stitches and sterile strips that the dr. used.  Is been very difficult i have

RSD in both arms and trying the SCS to get rid of some narcotis.

Take care and God bless you all

From: Corn <butterfliesrfree309@...>

Subject: Re: All wired & Buzzing Away


Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 3:47 PM


So glad the surgery went well and the stimulator is helping you. Sorry for the

setbacks, but the important thing is that the stimulator is giving you the pain

relief that you were looking for.

It is a miracle in how quickly you get pain relief from the stimulator. I felt

the same way. I went into the hospital ready to give up hope, and came out a

different woman.

Just remember to take things slow, follow what the dr tells you, and let your

 body heal.

Sue C

____________ _________ _________ __

From: velria <radiant.salubrity@ bigpond.com>

Stimulator@gro ups.com

Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 7:24:31 AM

Subject: All wired & Buzzing Away


Hi All,

Still in hospital. But I'm in mission complete stage.

Wow - I couldn't believe after just half an hour of having it switched

on the different feeling in my body. I know I still have a long way to go with

it yet, but I'm feeling so excited about it now. I'm sure the days are going to

get better in time.

Had a couple of little upsets. The PCA drug they had me on, I ended up

reacting to it. One of the side effects is that it triples your pain

and gives you one awful migraine. Got that under control. They used 2 different

type of dressings on for the top and the other for the bottom.

Guess who's allergic to the one on the bottom, it blistered and they blisters

broke. I'm considering these to be minor mishaps!!

We share a great day now Deanne, You finally got to meet your little man on the

3rd and I got to start a new begining in life as welll.

What a fantastic day the 3rd September is!!

While i was feeling a little better, I just thought I'd let you know

that so far touch wood *tapping head* all is going well.

Won't be back home for another week yet. But I'll get around to reading

everyone's messages.

New Woman

Cheers to all

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  • 1 year later...
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My son has had 3 surgeries, the last a Mastoidectomy.

Saturday we went to see his allergist who noticed an infection in his bad ear.

What is the chance this means the ctoma is coming back?

Also his surgeon is out for an undefined amount of time, not sure he is coming

back or not. So we see a NEW dr who is to a nuero-otologist.

Very nervous....


Found c-toma age 7 (?) after an ear infection would not go away. 1st surgery

found a large congenital ctoma. destroyed hearing.

2nd surgery was supposed to use prothetic ear bones but found, again, a large

c-toma reoccurance.

His ear has been dry and clean since. until now....

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  • 8 months later...

Is it any particulary type of infection ?where did you find this question ?thank you From: Balsam_Majid <balsam_majid@...> Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 1:21 PM

Subject: Infection

Ore question

Percentage of people indicated to hospital by infection?






Sent from my iPad

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These r called nosocomial infections and the ans is 10%(scully)Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 8, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Chloe Berg <chloe.berg86@...> wrote:

Is it any particulary type of infection ?where did you find this question ?thank you From: Balsam_Majid <balsam_majid@...> Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 1:21 PM

Subject: Infection

Ore question

Percentage of people indicated to hospital by infection?






Sent from my iPad

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