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EnergyFlows - Part I: Manifests a Job, a Vehicle and More..

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EnergyFlows - Part I: Manifests a Job, a Vehicle and More.

, a Canadian living in Canada, had done around 4-5 sessions

with me

over a period of several months, starting in May 2004. She had also done a

soul retrieval with a shaman (this is something I recommend when the

client's default Level of Consciousness is consistently under the critical

point of 200, referring to the Map of Consciousness from Power Versus


by Hawkins).

She had subsequently moved to another city and then back. Each time

we did

an emotional clearing using Energyflows, BSFF, TAT and the Well-Being

Quotient, she manifested jobs and various other things. She has asked me

to use an alias in telling her story, so apart from changing her name, the

text is exactly as it was sent to me. A write-up of her last session is

continued in Part II of this case-history, in which she overcomes her


over her father's death and finally frees herself by letting go of the

expectations that he had had of her not working, of her not having a


but of being a home-maker, doing housekeeping, and of finding herself a

suitable husband who would earn for her, which although par for his

background as an immigrant from Eastern Europe, did not help her to


consistent abundance in the here and now, the year 2004!!!! Here are

excerpts from her previous emails, plus her soul retrieval as written

up by

the shaman, which she forwarded to me. You can get an idea of the flow of

her progress from the emails.


Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:38 AM

I would like to speak with you about EFT and the other healing methods you

use. Also i would like to book a session with you. What is your number or

how do i reach you? I am located in ___________, Canada. I am not sure


you are located. Look forward to hearing from you. Thankyou


>From: " katina o'neil " <ksmo@...>

>Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 11:53:29 -0700


>Good morning ,

>Here are my notes from your soul Retrieval - May 17th 2004






>I prepared as usual for distance work calling in 's higher self in

>spirit form. My guides gathered and the journey began. The journey

>was difficult in keeping the focus. I thought was probably not

>connected to the process. After our subsequent telephone call, I

>found out that was the case. However, with the help in the spirit

>world, my intention and determination to stick with the process the

>journey continued with excellent results. Huscar met me at the gateway

>to the Uhupacha - lower world, and said there was a soul part that was

>ready to come back for . In the Chamber of Souls I called 's

>name and eventually found a young girl about 9 years old wearing a

>2-piece bathing suit. She said she was ready to come back and be

>re-united with . I asked Huscar if there was any information

>around why the soul part split off. He said would remember

>something which happened at a beach when she was young that caused this

>part of her to separate and find safety and sanctuary in the lower

>world. Next I went to the Chamber of Contracts to find any contract

>associated with this soul part. The information received was that

> agreed in this lifetime to demand respect for herself so she

>could say the things she came here to say. This fear around lack of

>respect was part of the issue arising that caused the soul part to

>leave. At the Chamber of Passions I saw that the passion for

>around this soul part is the immense joy she can receive helping people

with information.

>In the Chamber of Gifts, was given a crystal to charge and

>invigorate the throat chakra. The throat chakra governs the Power of

>the Will, choices and responsibility. It is here that we block the

>flow of information between the heart and mind. Before I left I asked

>Huscar if there was a Power Animal that wanted to support in her

>process and a Dolphin appeared. I returned to this state of

>consciousness and blew the soul part into the heart and crown chakra

>and the Dolphin into the heart chakra.


>Hope you can work with Dayu soon to integrate this powerful soul part

>that has returned to you. Let me know how the process goes and when

>you would like to work on the next Soul Retrieval or anything else that

>is coming up for you.

>In the spirit of love,



>Katina O'Neil

>Co-Creative Health Consulting




Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:58 PM

Hello Dayu,

I trust all is well with you. I had my first soul retrieval session

yesterday. I am going to wait till i am settled in ________ for my next

session. I am leaving this weekend to ___________. I want to speak to you

and would like to know if you are available this afternoon. I look forward

to hearing from you soon. Thankyou


Having done her soul retrieval and a follow-up session with me to


the soul retrieval that day, was more easily able to be assertive

with a friend who was taking advantage of her generosity and

friendship, and

not paying her for some baby-sitting she had done for her, when their

agreement had clearly been that she would get paid $50 for that day.


Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:06 PM

" I have finally arrived in __________. I

left Friday night and arrived Sat morning. I feel very good. I am so

happy I

decided to do this. I feel many wonderful things are starting to

unfold for

me. I am enjoying it here so long it doesnt snow!! I am going job hunting

tommorrow and will be working on my real estate course. I will keep in


with you and let you know how everything is going. Take care and i will

speak with you soon. "


Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 12:44 PM

" I am informing you of my new work.

I manifested a job in _________ as a Housekeeping supervisor. I work


october. I am so excited about this new adventure!! I start on monday and

work full time. I trust you havent cashed the cheques in. I will have the

payment in two weeks . I will keep you posted. Thankyou for your

understanding. Bless you "


Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:22 PM

" I would like to share my phenomenal results i have recieved since I have

had a few sessions with Dayu. I have never before manifested with such


since working with Dayu. Since working with Dayu i have found my life has

changed in such a way its amazing!! This stuff is so powerful. I


a free car!! A client of mine phoned me up out of the blue and offered

me a

1992 Nissan Sentra with three months of insurance paid for!!!! It gets


better. I also manifested a wonderful job and i have only been there

for one

month and have already been offered and opportunity to advance, better pay

and benefits. I feel wonderful!! The results i recieve from the tools Dayu

teaches me are unbelievable. I am manifesting gifts everywhere i turn.

Opportunities are showing up everywhere and I have the energy to go for

them. I have cleared so much stuff from a few sessions. Dayu is someone i

would highly recommend if you are serious about change and want permanent

results in your life. She is a godsend!!! I truly have not worked with

anyone who is as gifted as she is. Bless you!! "


(Continued in EnergyFlows - Part II ..)




Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA [Fin & Bkg], CKHFT [Dip - A.K.]

Energy Flows Coach

Applied Kinesiologist

Certified Kalos Health Facilitator Trainer <http://www.kalos.org/>


EFT, BSFF, TAT Trainer, iSt 9x9, PEAT, Dyslexia, Silva Method, Allergy


Toxins, Light Language, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Meditation enthusiast:

<http://www.sos.org/> www.sos.org Member: Nat'l Assoc of Naturopaths,

Montreal, Canada








International Phone Consultations: 1 (786) 293-8123

To Schedule Appointments: <mailto:sequoia40@...>


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