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[One_InTheFlow] 95% Star Brain Meditation

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From: One_InTheFlow [mailto:One_InTheFlow ] On Behalf Of Dayu D'Sa

Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006

8:20 PM

Remembering the 95% in the Star Brain.

Healing the 5% Reptilian Brain with the

Triple Grid – of Turquoise, Gold and Platinum Rays

Shattering the Fear Matrix

From: Fredaricka Yarom


Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006

10:30 AM

Group of Forty; Earthchange

Things; Keth Luke; Robb; Fess; Akia Winterhawk; Dayu D'Sa;

Simona Deckers; Helga Haeusler; Ofra Ben Shitrit; Shulamit Levin; juergen

neckenich; Jan Custers

Subject: Turquoise Ray Activation

and Initiation of the 6th and 8th dimension frequencies

Hi everyone, from most

precious beloved Lord Kuthumi. Embracing all in Pure white Source Light,











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Please note that reading this information will have an effect on

you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar

process faciltated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the

presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do

not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in

the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your

Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session

have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of

great benefit to our readers.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and

wisdom to greet each of you upon this day and to bring to each of you the

blessings of understanding, wisdom, integration, and deeper awakening of the

authentic self. Greetings, beloved ones.

Greetings, Lord Kuthumi.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we

may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the

heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, we welcome you into the Light Temples of the

sixth dimensional fluid love vibration and the eigth dimensional vibration of Christed

Light and abundance in all its forms of light. Brothers and sisters, this is a

day of important connections. The connections I speak of are connected to all

the aspects of self that still believe in a system of separation. The turquoise

ray acts as a bonding agent between the masculine and feminine self. It acts as

an adhesive between all the aspects of light, wisdom and love, and the aspects

of yourself currently searching and trying to remember.

The turquoise ray is penetrating the third eye and bringing

with it a very high frequency vibration which in itself is initiating the

de-composition of the compositions of thought, belief, attitudes and

assumptions that make up the system you call your life. As a result of what

takes place today you will be taken through 12 minor

initiations for the purpose of facilitating your personal remembering process.

I choose not to refer to your process any longer as a process of illumination or growth, for in truth all it is, is simply remembering.

You are already

your full potential. Looking at the structure of energy determines this fact

because everything exists simultaneously therefore the perception of becoming your highest, most advanced and

awakened self is an illusion. All you are doing is remembering what you have

forgotten and those of you remembering are there to assist those who have

forgotten they have forgotten, and believe their current path to be the

beginning and end of everything. When a group begins remembering what lies

beyond the constructs or the composition of a structure which in fact is simply

a hologram, the power of the hologram weakens. This begins to cause breakages within the fields of the construct. The composition

then begins to de-compose and reveals what lies beyond it. For many years we,

the Lords of the Light accompanied by the Ladies of the Light, have worked

fervently with you and have assisted you in responding to the inner desire to

remember. Perhaps you can recall times in your life when you have simply just known something either is or isn’t,

and it is not something you have formally studied or consciously been told. It

is simply the inner knowing, and this inner knowing beloved ones, is the memory

stirring inside. Therefore we can take this a little further and say intuition as you know it doesn’t exist.

(pause) The reason why is because what you perceive as being a premonition from

the intuition is simply a memory

of that which has already happened. Now this changes the game, don’t you



I assure you in 2006 your mind will be able to do the splits

by the end of the year!!

Much laughter.

This is your year of moving beyond every single comfort zone you are

currently enjoying.


Even though sometimes the " comfort zone " can be

very uncomfortable!

Much laughter.

You truly are buggers for punishment, yes?

Raucous laughter.

However, it is self-imposed, brought on by your belief

systems. You will hear me saying this quite often during this year, and I will

keep on emphasizing it until you feel what the belief systems within you are creating. For years we have

told you your belief systems determine the quality of your life; now you have

an opportunity to see it, to feel

it through the experience of understanding it. 2006 is your greatest year of

change yet, and if you thought last

year was intense, well I have news for you!

More laughter.

It will be grander, it will be

deep; by this I mean you will be able to go

deeper. That in itself will be the blessing of the journey, for you will be

able to penetrate the depths of yourself that have previously eluded you and

left you feeling disconnected, frustrated, and that have stirred that inner

sense that something is missing,

that you should be doing something but what it is you are not quite sure. Many

people will find the deeper aspect of their collective purpose on the planet.

You will come together in groups and you will unite with more members of your

star family. The reason why so many members of the star families are coming

together is because 2006 is the final year of anchoring

the star programmes of light; therefore it is the final phase of shattering the fear matrix.

The world you live in, that you perceive as your world is a composition made up of

an energy called fear. You have heard us mention before that the energies

promoting fear do so in order to be able to sustain themselves – like

attracts like; fear feeds fear. Fear needs

fear in order to grow, and this is why there are times in your life that you

find it almost impossible to

release yourself from fear. The composition of your world is made of a fibre

called fear. Now the sixth dimension of fluid love is the antidote to that poison which is why all

of you are feeling this urge, this inner desire, to connect with the sixth

dimensional energy of fluid love and be free. How many of you in the past few

weeks have felt within you this is your year for setting yourself free? This is

the year you will master the

aspects of the past that have kept

you in a state of confusion, running around like a crazy dog chasing its own

tail. Have any of you felt this?

Enthusiastically acknowledged!

Now you know why. This is

the most important

year of manifestation. This is the year, beloved ones, where you come face to

face with your immaculate god / goddess

self. It is the year where you

will create

heaven on earth. This is the time where you will really understand, beyond

the intellect, that hell is a state of mind, the state of mind you have chosen

to entertain, the state of mind you have in a way, been controlled … by, a state of mind

that has bombarded you externally, one that you have taken on as your own. And

2006 is the year of the greatest fall of the compositions of illusion; all

those constructs that lead you to feel separate, that create feelings inside of

you that lead to further disempowerment, separation and disconnection from Mother/Father God.

Awakening consciousness is not

about having to wake up. It is about, as I have said, remembering. The process

of surrendering manifests the process of remembering. You see, this world made

up of the fibre of fear, or let’s call it the hologram of fear,

constantly perpetuates vibrations resulting in people reacting and behaving in

ways that continue to feed fear. This is governed by a physiological aspect of

your being, and this is the oldest part of your brain – right in the very

centre – referred to as the reptilian brain. This is the part of you that

keeps you in survival. The star aspect of your brain, the 95% unused potential, is the part of you that knows how to thrive.

Your reptilian is the 5% you use

in all areas of your life, which perpetuates survival


That is the part of you that keeps the

so-called – and this is no disrespect to the animal kingdom – but

your animal nature in place. So

today we are here to assist you with the turquoise ray to begin moving focus and conscious consciousness

away from the reptilian brain and more into your star brain, or your greater

potential, bearing in mind that the potential already exists, it is already active;

you are simply learning how to utilise that part of your brain and in so doing remembering what you already know. Is this

clear so far?


The more you choose survival, the less you

will thrive. The more you choose to ignore or deny the aspect of yourself choosing to

experience liberation, the deeper your frustration; the deeper the frustration,

the more disillusioned and dysfunctional you will feel. The world is already in

the state of complete disillusionment and dysfunctional behaviour. The

reptilian brain that governs your

world will ensure survival be the

key motivating force, in other words the fear factor. You have the power, you

have the ability, you have the tools and the talents, and every other aspect required to take you

into full memory consciousness where you can tap into the full potential of

your brain.

In order to this we will also be working with all of you on a DNA level, for the DNA is

the language your body reacts to,

and with only 2 strands active

just like the reptilian aspect of your brain you are functioning on only 2

strands that are a part of the survival programme, rather than the whole picture. Activating all 12 strands then opens the playing field

for you to begin downloading all 144 000 strands of DNA of which every single strand vibrates to 144 000

different octaves of sound

emanating 144 000 vibrations of colour. (Long pause) Big,

don’t you think?


Therefore it is impossible for you to be able to comprehend

who or what you are. Don’t even go there – you’ll confuse

yourself. For now, focus on moving your consciousness beyond the 5% of your

current, active indulgence, …. and remember.

Please close your eyes everybody. Place yourself in a

comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths into your body and as you exhale

allow your body to relax and settle yourself comfortably in your seat. Place

both your feet firmly on the earth and your hands relaxed upon your lap.

Begin by imagining the turquoise colour in your third eye

chakra. Imagine it whispering to you upon the ethers of love, and the colour

caressing your senses, and gently beginning to move through all your chakras

balancing, calming, and soothing your body, your mind, your heart and spirit.


In your mind call upon Archangel , (short pause) call

upon the Universal Goddess Mother Shekinha, (short pause) call upon Lord Ra;

(short pause) invite the Golden Emissaries of the Light to be with you.(short

pause) Call upon the platinum ray of love to enfold you; (short pause) invoke

your personal guides and angels (short pause) . If you have a favourite animal

call this animal forth to join you. (short pause) If you have a favourite

crystal, imagine this crystal manifesting in your hands now. (short pause) Call

upon the elements – fire, earth, water and air – and ask the Mother

Goddess Gaia of the earth upon which you reside to support you and hold your

energy for the duration of your anchoring process. (pause)

We now call upon the collective consciousness of the sixth

dimensional body of fluid love; we call upon the collective consciousness of

the eighth dimensional body of Christ Light, and we call forth the sixth

dimensional body of fluid love of each of you as an individual and your eighth

dimensional body of Christ Light. Allow these to manifest in your presence in

whichever way your imagination guides you. (pause) Now imagine yourself joining

hands with all of the beings of the Light whom we have invoked and called

forth. (pause)

Take a look around at this grand circle of mentors, and

guides; acknowledge their love, acknowledge their light and their willingness

to be there to support you.

(pause) Move your focus to their third eye and you will notice that every being

present has a turquoise light glistening in their third eye chakra. During the

year 2006 your third eye chakra

will activate its turquoise ray through all 144 000 dimensions of current

consciousness connection based on your personal level of remembrance as a soul.

The Lords and Ladies present with you assure you that during this time they

will facilitate all the levels of remembrance that you personally are ready

for. They assure you of their protection and their facilitation of healing, release, integration and initiation for the

duration of the year that lies before you. (pause)

Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale fully, and as you

do so notice how the turquoise vibration increases in light in each

being’s third eye, and as you breathe

this light strengthens in brightness until you see no faces, only a brilliant

turquoise light. (pause)

Become aware as all of the beings now begin to hum a sound. This

particular humming sounds results in the spontaneous opening of your heart and

third eye chakras, and with each in breath you take the turquoise light begins

gravitating toward you until this light fills your nostrils and as you breathe

it moves up to your third eye and down to your heart chakra. (pause) Breathe in

deeply, allow the turquoise light to move through every fibre of your being and

exhale fully. (pause) This turquoise light is able to penetrate all the

mechanisms of defence held within or around the cellular structure of your

body. Allow the colour ray to do what it must, and feel the vibration of the

humming of the magnificent beings who share space with you now activating minor

chakras within and around your body, resulting in an increased vibration or

sensation of energy within you and around you. (pause)

Some of you may feel the temperature of your body beginning

to increase or a tingling of energy in your hands or feet or throughout your

body. Simply breathe the energy through you, and you are perfectly safe. (pause) Now imagine the

golden vibration of Lord Ra moving to the centre

of the circle, and this golden light, turquoise light and the light of your

soul begin to unite. (pause) Feel the golden vibration of Lord Ra - the

presence of the great central sun, bringing you life force, vitality and

energy. (pause) Lord Ra emanates more and more of the golden light; this energy

stirs the activation of all the dormant strands of your DNA in a very gentle

and harmonious way. (pause)

Imagine yourself standing with all these beings, and you are

filled with turquoise and golden light. (pause) Now imagine a feminine being

moving forward. This is the Lady Shekinha, the universal mother who holds the

platinum ray. (pause) She extends her hands out to you and her entire body

vibrates with the magnificent silver of platinum, and she gives this to you,

(pause), your heart and third eye respond by receiving that which she extends

to you, and it too flows through all the chakras of your physical body and

moves through your cells, and it too begins

stirring the dormant strands of DNA of your masculine and feminine principle so

as to further support your remembering process. (pause) Take a few moments to

allow the energy to settle within you, still aware of the humming. The humming

facilitates the proper integration of these energies. (pause)

Continue to breathe in fully, and exhale fully. (pause) Now

very gently move your focus to your brain. (pause) Imagine a ball of energy

made up of the turquoise, gold and platinum rays that you have integrated into

your chakras and the cells of your body. (short pause) Imagine the part of your

brain referred to as the reptilian brain. (short pause) Gently guide this ball

of turquoise, gold and platinum energy to the centre of your brain, and place

it in the reptilian brain part. (pause) Ask all the beings of the higher world

to facilitate the proper positioning and anchoring of this ball of light.


While they facilitate this, I request that all of you repeat

after me and this you can do in the silence of your mind:

" I, (state your name), consciously call forth the process

of remembering that which my star brain, the 95% of my brain currently unused,

to come into consciousness, to come to life and remind me of that which I have

forgotten. I call upon the assistance of the Lords, the Ladies, the Angels and

the Archangel beings of the Light, who

specialize in the area of facilitating the reactivation of dormant DNA and

brain function, and I consciously request this process be anchored and fully

activated in my life. I agree to follow the plan of light and direction presented

to me by these beings of the light, and in so doing I shall remember. I, (state

your name), choose love, I consciously choose to remember, I consciously choose

to become one with all that created me. I am all, that I am. "

Take a deep breath in, exhale through your mouth. Allow the

energy to settle in your body. (pause) Let us continue. In your mind:

" I call forth the turquoise ray to act as a bonding

agent between all the aspects of myself currently experiencing separation. I

ask for the assistance of the turquoise ray to assist me in regrouping myself

and remembering my connection to all that is of the Light. I ask my doorkeeper

guide to intervene in every situation that I may magnetically pull toward

myself as a result of old paradigm thinking that may in any way whatsoever

result in me falling back into the old way of thinking, believing and behaving.

I choose love. I choose freedom. I choose to consciously remember all that I

am, for I am all, that I am. "

Take a deep breath in and exhale through your mouth. (pause)

Your guides will now activate a recalibration to support your body; this will

ensure that the energy flows unhindered up and down your spine, aligning with

all your chakras. (pause) Let us continue now.

" I wish to give thanks to all of the beings of the

light who have heard my request. I give thanks to you Father/Mother God for

creating this opportunity for me to remember. I give thanks for all I have

remembered and I give thanks to myself

for manifesting this opportunity to remember that I am all, that I am one, and that I am able

to become all that I am. I give thanks to all that is for blessing

me with all that I am, and all that I have. I give thanks for all I have been

and for everything I have experienced, for they are the tools and the gifts

that have brought me here. I thank me and I thank God. I thank all that is for

reminding me of all that I am. "

Take a deep breath in, exhale as this energy settles in your

chakra system. (pause) Finally, continue with:

" I ask that all that I remember manifest gracefully and

harmoniously in perfect and miraculous ways. I ask that I be held in the power

of God’s light, in the power of Mother God’s love, so that I may

comfortably and consciously recognise the signs and guidance that come from

Spirit to support me on my path of remembering. Thank you, thank you, thank

you. So it is, so it shall be done. "

Beloved ones, now imagine all of this energy that you have

invoked and that has settled within your being connecting with every member of

this group, and with all their

guides and all the beings of the light who are present with all of us (pause).

Imagine these vibrations extending through

the dimensions, (pause) imagine the turquoise, gold and platinum

energy embracing the collective sixth and eighth dimensional bodies of Mother

Earth; (pause) imagine it penetrating her body, and connecting with all the

sixth and eighth dimensional bodies of all the lightworkers across your planet

(pause). See this filter of energy connect with all the sixth and eighth dimensional

bodies of the children of your planet, and moving to connect with all the sixth

and eighth dimensional bodies of your sleeping brothers and sisters, currently

in existence on your planet. (pause)

Continue to breathe throughout the process for you are now

an anchor of this energy; you are a receiver and transmitter of this triple

grid. Wherever you go you anchor it, whoever you come into contact

with you ignite the triple grid

within them; therefore breathe, and allow the energy to flow. (pause) See your

planet as a pulsating ball of energy, made up of turquoise, gold and platinum

energy. (short pause) Now imagine these 3 colour vibrations opening portals all

over the planet, which act as gateways for tormented and trapped souls who are

ready to move through. (pause) Open your heart chakra, project the frequency of

fluid love to usher these souls to the dimensions of light. (pause) Breathe in

deeply, exhale fully. (pause) These portals will remain open for the next 3

hours. The energy will facilitate the release of all the souls who are ready to


Beloved ones, the Golden Emissaries of the Light will

continue to support you in the integration of the turquoise ray. Our anchoring

with you today is bringing forth a very auspicious new energy, one that will

facilitate greater remembrance of the truth and

a greater ability to see the authentic self. This new vision results

in greater stirrings and inner desires to know

the self in all its aspects, to understand what has been responsible for the

composition of the world as it is, and in so doing will find the exit and the

entrance to the new way of being.

The de-composition of the current matrix of fear will at

times result in the energy feeling volatile, erratic and frenetic. When you

experience this or see others experiencing it, imagine yourself standing the

centre of a ball of gold, platinum and turquoise energy. This will recalibrate

your energy. It will centre you and protect you. Use the colour turquoise as

much as is possible. Carry the turquoise as a mineral with you, visualise the

turquoise ray, and give thanks for the opportunity you have chosen to

accelerate your process of remembrance unlike before. Be prepared to see your

world transformed; be willing to move beyond the comfort zone. By taking risks

you get to know yourself. You develop self-respect, self-trust, and of course,


It is time now to bring you back into the full consciousness

of your physical body. You will notice the humming begins to ease until there

is silence. Take a moment to give thanks to all of the beings of the light with

whom it is you currently hold hands. (pause) Give thanks to all the aspects of

yourself that have willingly participated in today’s initiation. (pause)

Welcome your turquoise aspect; (pause) welcome the vibration and the

nourishment that comes from this ray of light. (pause) Give thanks to yourself

for making the choice to be a part of today’s celebration. (pause)

Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhale through your

mouth, drawing your consciousness back into your physical body. (pause)

Focus your attention on your physical body; move your

fingers, move your toes, rotate your wrists and your ankles, draw your

shoulders back, move your neck around and ground yourself back in your body.

Beloved ones, the vibration of the turquoise ray is able to

penetrate the dense vibrations created by third dimensional consciousness. The

vibration begins to stimulate many of the electrical flows of current within the

brain, and in fact awakens dormant nerve endings. As these sensors awaken so

one’s attitude changes. The more you learn about the world around you,

the more your consciousness expands, and you see how much easier it is to remember. The only thing we wish to

discuss as far as a caution is concerned – be careful not to get trapped

in feelings of despondency or

negativity, which may come up as a result of the remembrance and above all the

recognition of how the systems of control have been set in place and how they continue to manipulate people

into not believing in themselves.

Let us also advise you at this time that the technology in

your modern world will continue to increase in so-called sophistication. I strongly urge you not to get caught up

in it. All of the modern technologies of your world have made your life

crazier. It has given you less time rather than more time. What happened in

your life before technology became as it is today? Think about your parents and

your grandparents, before cellular telephones existed, even fax machines or

computers. What happened to

everybody when office hours came to an end? What happened over so-called rest

days? What happened?

Amusement. Reply: we had time to think and reflect.

Thank you. You had time

to rest. Modern technology has taken all of that away from you. So

it has not

made life easier; it has in fact

unleashed the monster you call stress.

Modern technology distracts you, disempowers you; it owns you. Try going away somewhere for a few days without

your cellular telephone, without your laptop computer, without any technology that will link you to

anyone else. Yes, some people may think you have been abducted! ……

but so what. (Much amusement!) People must remember

to respect rest. Your body will not be able to maintain

the pace, and you will see, as it is already actually quite evident,

that disease will increase; diseases that have before not been around will

manifest, death will occur at much younger ages – in fact, you will be

going back to the old age where in the past a common cold or flu would kill a

person, now modern day stress will kill a person. There is no anti-biotic for


You have to take control of your life. I

don’t know if any of you may remember, there was a time when people

feared robots or machines would take over the world? Guess what … it has

happened. Technology rules your life. The computers already rule you;

your cellular phone determines

your time on or off; people expect

everybody to be available 24/7. That is a

complete invasion of the sacred space of rest time.

If you insist on not taking an in-breath, I assure you your

physical body will decompose. Nature is there to rehabilitate life, and you

disregard it; you deny it. Run right through it or run right past it. Beloved

ones, the modern world has its fantastic contraptions but believe me, it is

depriving you of life; true quality of life. I challenge you to lose your phone

for a week, (much amusement) - to disconnect your computer for a few days,

…. or better yet switch it off at the close of day, and do not under any circumstance switch

it on until the beginning of the next day. You

begin to teach people how to remember

what it was like to rest. If you don’t, no-one will, and if you are not going to set the boundaries to

take time out no-one is going to give you that space.

Remember, 2006 is the year of manifesting abundance, and you

get to choose what it is – the abundance, that is. Have I made myself



Are there any questions I can assist anyone with regarding

what we have discussed today?


Lord Kuthumi, last year we did an initiation with Lord

Buddha anochoring the thirteenth strand of DNA, or activating it. Can you

explain how this relates to today’s activation, with the 12 strands?


Beloved one, you must bear in mind there are various levels

of consciousness currently in existence. Today we have worked with the

turquoise ray and the integration of the sixth dimensional and eighth

dimensional bodies for the planet and for each individual. Within that

vibration all 12 strands of DNA need to be recalibrated and reactivated to be

able to respond along those lines. The thirteenth strand of DNA activated by

Lord Buddha was in alignment with the seventh and fifth dimensional energies

that had been brought into reactivation during the year 2005.

Does that answer your question?

It does, thank you.


Master Kuthumi, what is the biggest risk I can take right



I don’t know. What do you think it is?


Or should I rather say, which one will benefit me the most


Again I don’t know. What do you think?

More laughter.

Which one pulls you the strongest?

To start creating, Lord Kuthumi, these herbs of mine, to

start that.

Then get off your pretty little tuch and get going!


Does that answer your question?

More laughter.

It’s like saying believe and I believe, but the

practical – I don’t know how to start, I mean I can do everything,

I have hands, I’ve got a brain, I can do everything – but I just do

not know which steps will start getting me going. Maybe it’s because I

think of what has to go into it

and not just for the sake of creating.

Anyone who wishes to create must create for the sake of

creating. Everything else then comes together with it. You have the basic

structure, you have the idea. Why do you want to work with herbs?

To bring healing,

or to at least help humanity to bring healing.

And because it’s my purpose

for this lifetime.

Then you have the understanding of why you wish to create it.

Therefore, begin creating, speak

of that which you are doing to others and make your product available. Is this


Yes, it is actually as simple as that?

Yes. And always has been! Blessings be with you sister.

Laughter. Thank you.


Lord Kuthumi, with my Alpacas, what is their awareness? I

mean, they see me, and they see kind of what I am doing, what is the awareness

that they have about what I’m trying to do? What is the consciousness of

them? They come here and many people regard animals just as animals, but are

animals – are they themselves going through a whole ascension process?

Are they fully aware in their bodies here, of what they’re doing here?


The animal kingdom is aware of the fact that part of their

role is to awaken unconditional love in humanity. Each species of animal

presents a different aspect of unconditional love. The Alpacas, being a form of

energy facilitating the anchoring and integration of 6th dimensional fluid

love, are a part of perhaps the most important key ingredient of unconditional

love. The Alpacas are aware of

what their role is, which is why their fleece holds the vibration. An animal

can choose to shut down, which then means the energy vibration cannot be

channelled through them, just like a human can make the same choice. Animals

are fully conscious beings; they are not influenced

by the same set of belief systems that humans are, therefore they

are more in touch with nature, or

the natural system of life. They

are not as controlled or governed by the synthetic world, or what is considered

the hologram, the matrix, whatever you want to call it. Does that answer your


Yes, it does. So 2 tons of Rose Quartz, is that sufficient

on the farm?!

For now, yes. (laughter)

And then, Alpaca that let’s say are on farms where

people are less conscious, and just regard them purely as animals. Are they shut down or are they fully

functioning in terms of their consciousness?

The majority of them are fully functional, for they will be

– might we say for a lack of a better word – strategically placed in areas where they can deliver or offer the sixth dimensional energy of fluid love, therefore

people interacting with them may have an experience shortly afterward –

it could be days or weeks or months – depending on the soul’s

choice, that results in the opening of their heart, or the manifestation of

some level of unconditional love. In other words, the transformative healing process will manifest. This is one of the

purposes for your particular project of light – people coming to

experience the vibration through the pure form, such as an animal. The reason

why animals are so powerful as healers and

anchors of vibrations such as love is because they are not affected

by the same set of belief systems as humans are, therefore their brain is not

as shut down as humans are. They see what humans do not see, as do other

animals, and I speak of what has been called the etheric worlds or the other

dimensions. Is this clear?

It is, thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, is the MRA machine of Dr Emoto – Masaru

– the next step in my aloe odyssey, and the Hado Conference, is it

important that I do attend that?


Sister, the machine will be of great benefit to your work. This

we can confirm. As far as the conference is concerned, sister that is entirely

your choice. You need to feel for yourself what the benefit will

be, therefore look at the reasons behind your choice to make the trip. Research

what in actual fact it is you

would benefit and if it is perhaps that you already know a lot of what will be shared, are you going in order to

feel more confident in your abilities to carry out that which is part of your

life purpose? Are you going to receive never before heard of technology or

information that will greatly support that which you wish to do? All of this

will help you make your decision. Is there something else that would be of

greater benefit to your personal healing

or development or remembrance process? Be clear about your motives and that will give you your


Thank you very much.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, many of the sapphire tablets have

disintegrated since they were first manufactured. With us now entering the

sixth dimension, do you suggest that they be re-manufactured in the same form?


Sister they must be re-manufactured, most certainly, because

it is an old vibration, and the form is open to creation! And some may not

choose to be in the original butterfly form. Is this clear?

Yes it is. How does the sapphire now function? We

don’t hear of it much, you don’t mention it much.

The sapphire at this time is still holding the vibration of

the throat chakra. The sapphire ray was activated last year and made way for

the turquoise ray to come forth. It is also one of the deeper vibrations of the

masculine or god force energy which is facilitating the integration of the

platinum ray of the feminine force. In 2007 the sapphire ray will play a far

more conscious role in the healing

and the development of the human system on a physiological and psychological

level. Because it is – or its main

focus is about bringing the purest vibration of communication, you will see

that it weaves a web through all

the chakras as well as the dimensions

that humanity is remembering to reintegrate. Is that clear?

It is.


Lord Kuthumi, I have a problem which I’m trying to

understand. Could you shed some light on the right application of " going

with the flow " versus thinking and planning and preparing.


Certainly. Because you are a conscious being with an

intellect, with a desire, with an ego, and all the other things that come with

being human it is important for the soul to have

something to consciously work with

or toward. Having goals in place

facilitates a process of remaining focused. How

the goals manifest is debatable. One can have short term, mid-term and long

term goals. Let us say, for instance, you have a goal of taking a trip to

another land. It is, let us imagine, the trip of a life time, one you have

wanted to do since you were a little boy, but the trip entails taking many

weeks away from home and a vast amount of financial resources. Perhaps these

resources would then make other areas of your life vulnerable.

Having set the intention or the goal of making the trip is

the active action to be taken by the individual. How it unfolds is up to the collaborative

effort of your soul, your higher self and your conscious self. If Spirit

delivers guidance that takes you in a direction that you weren’t planning

on, one needs to weigh up the motivation behind choices one may or may

not make. Many times people set intentions but fight the process by behaving in

old ways like fighting the

process, by trying to control systems in

moving in a particular direction, or ignoring

guidance and then become disillusioned because what they have set the intention

for does not manifest. Going with the flow means recognizing, honouring and

entertaining – or another word would be researching –

that which Spirit brings in the form of guidance or opportunities. This

guidance or opportunity may manifest as a business idea which you research and

realise can bring a very lucrative

passive income which means there is no worry about depleting your current

savings to finance your trip of a lifetime. But if one had not paid attention to the idea of pursuing a

specific venture and decides that one has to look at a specific focus then one

could sabotage the self. Asking means

listening; setting intentions means

taking action but allowing room

for the flow of life to guide you. This is also referred to as flexibility. The moment you see something

not flowing that is the moment one must stop and consider perhaps a

different direction is required, or

a different attitude, or

some assistance in seeing the situation from a different perspective. Anything

that is controlled, frigid, or locked in an idea or space will manifest in some

form of sabotage in one way or another. Does that answer your question?

It does. Just to be quite sure, it does not mean to abandon

thinking and planning?

No. Not at all, no. The

universe supports action, therefore take the plan, whatever it may be, and put

it into action. Leave the rest up to God, and Spirit will guide you.

Is this clear?

Yes, thank you.

You are welcome.


Master Kuthumi, can the ego also come in and lead you into

another direction, telling you another thing other than the soul?


Yes it can. The ego will lead you in a direction usually

that either manifests in a sense of fear, doubt, perhaps certain levels of

disillusionment, second guessing the self – there is a difference between

caution and completely denying the self of an experience because of fearful

motivations. The fear of taking risks because a,b,c,d,e and f can all go wrong

– how often would anything like that go wrong? Will you deny yourself

quality of life because of " what ifs " , or is one willing to take the

risk of the what ifs and see where God will guide you? Do you understand?

I also recently read the other day that when you put up

goals or intents that you should try not to put places, people, time, things

and events into them, because then you will manifest what you thought yesterday

or you will be thinking with your old belief system and you then you will

automatically manifest the same thing again the next day, or the future.

This is correct if one is coming from a fearful aspect. If

one is working with the new energy, trusting the flow, setting intentions on a

daily basis to be guided by Spirit and to manifest the highest will of

one’s soul then it will be a new energy every day, and Spirit will take

one to where the soul desires. Is this clear?


Very well. Beloved ones I shall take one last question.

Lord Kuthumi, greetings.



Please could you help me start remembering about the

language of light.


It shall be done. Have pen and paper handy!


And so it is then, beloved ones, that we bring our

transmission to a close. However, let us remind you that that which you have

integrated within yourself today will result in a quickening of the need,

the inner desire, to remember.

You will find yourself coming across information that triggers your memory, or

information that challenges your belief systems. You will see that magnetically

you attract to yourself situations that challenge your comfort zone. You will

see yourself manifesting opportunities that take you beyond the boundaries that

you have come to accept as your limitation.

Make a choice, this year, to do something that you have

never done before, something perhaps you have never believed possible for you to accomplish or do. By choosing

to do something like that you challenge

your belief systems, you set yourself up in a position to be able to prove to

yourself that you are far more than

you currently believe you are. And in proving to yourself that you are capable

of doing that which you have never done before you build self-respect, and you gain self-knowledge, both of which are key ingredients

in self mastery, and therefore the full liberation of the self to move beyond

the composition which is an

illusion held in place by one

little word called BELIEF!

I trust that today you shall leave with the knowing in your heart

that the time of the greatest change of your path is upon you. I trust that you

will leave here today with the stirring inside of the core of your being to remember and to experience more of you, to

experience more of the great creative force that exists in your universe. Tap

into it, use it, play with it, allow it to guide you and play with you.

Discover just what an amazing sense of humour the universe has!! You have been

led to believe that life is serious business. What if I told you, you chose to

incarnate because you needed some time out to play?!?



More laughter.


I think our inner child is very happy about that, our inner children are very happy about that!

So beloved ones, if there is nothing else you decide to do

this year, just make one choice and that is to have a little more fun. And


I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom,

and I remind you that we are ever

present, and that it is safe to trust in the many invisible arms that hold you,

that comfort, that carry and nurture you. Remember you are never alone, and the

reason being we are all one, therefore we are with you always in all ways.

May the love and the light of Mother/Father God shine

brightly upon the pathway before you, and if you feel beside yourself, pull

yourself together!


Blessings and Adonai.

Adonai, Lord Kuthumi. Thank you.


083 478-6777

Founder/Director - The Lightweaver™ & The Lightweaver Children's

Fund, Kuthumi's Library of Light™, & The Lightweaver University

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