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An In-Depth Meditation from the Masters of Manifestation

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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Fredaricka Yarom <fyarom@...>Date: Jan 9, 2008 9:57 AM

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>Hi everyone, from most precious Lord Kuthumi and most precious Saint Germain. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Fredaricka


Transcript 8 December 2007

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Saint Germain

Channeled through Chanel Lingenfelder

A 5-Fold Flame Initiation.

" Trust "

Current Print – 19 A4 Pages.

Please note - The information of this Transcript is free and should be made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not add, change or alter any of its contents

Should you wish to experience this or any other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee the blessings of compassion, the blessings of divine enlightenment, the blessings of a whole new way of being and the blessing for you to be able to transport yourself into an

absolute new way of thinking which will enable you to manifest for yourself all of that which you desire within your reality greetings beloved ones

Greetings Lord Kuthumi

It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each of you here firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones beloved brothers and sisters of the light we are absolutely delighted to be here yet again, to gather in this space bringing forth another message of encouragement for you. We welcome you in the presence of this magnificent energy as we extend this to you as a gift to take home with you, to bless your homes with once you leave here.

The vibrations of light that are being send forth to this planet beloved ones are vibrations to wake up a new way of consciousness within everyone. We are honored to be able to have the presence of such a little one this day. (Sophia's little

girl in the audience) We welcome this little one as she is one of our regular visitors. The magical thing about this beloved ones is, that the energy of the awakening Christ consciousness upon your planet is an energy that is not at all exclusive, thus not only available to those on a path of enlightenment, thus those consciously working at raising their vibrations but rather, it is naturally extended to each and every being upon this planet. In reality each child carries a specific vibration to be here in support of the changing over of the energies from a limited consciousness to an enlightened consciousness thus every child and adult is indeed an unconscious carrier of this energy. In other words every child being born upon this planet that carries specific energies of the golden, crystal, or an Indigo vibration, all carry within their life plan extra intention and that is to support the grounding of the Diamond consciousness and the Christ consciousness, to

infiltrate in to every part of the planet unconsciously. Their immense gifts and powers are also naturally extended to all other children upon this planet for they are the little ones that have come to lift the planet out of its misery. They come to lift this planet out of the lower vibration which kept the planet within its limited years thus prevented the planet from shedding its limitedness embracing its full Light potential. It was unable to do this for eons mater how enlightened the collective spirits of Lady Gaia was.

Beloved ones all the children upon your planet need to be nurtured and taken

care of, there is no need to take specific or special care of the ones whom have come to make a difference, for you are already being taken care of. Your energy field now needs to extend itself in a very serious way to help uplift the vibrations of all the little children upon your planet and by that we mean not just the ones mentioned but all children including the little ones, the older ones and the teenagers, age matters not, children are children. The children upon this planet are the ones that have come to awaken the keys that will set fort the motion of the changing years in other words they are here to support the unfolding energy of Ascension bringing enlightenment into a divine state of being. When you able to sit down and speak and have a conversation with some of the older folk they are often unable to understand, unable to twist their brains around the whole new consciousness that is unfolding upon your planet. But indeed should you have a similar

conversation with the children they would be delighted to hear as you speak of that which they know of, this is truth. You will find that the children of this planet beloved ones, have a readiness as they have come forth to assist you and the likes of you with your DNA rewire and in return your love and support enables them to live with love in a new conscious way.

Beloved ones, stepping out of the lower energies of duality takes a lot of courage and we have gone into absolute details about this in the past with this group and many others throughout the globe. There is a need for all of you that are able to consciously work with this energy and are able to communicate and shift vibrations on etheric levels, to set the

intent to help others raise their vibration thus facilitate a shift in perception thus consciousness so that they are finally able to understand what is truly taking place here. Not many beings upon your planet are able to relate to this energy just yet, as they are currently unable to understand the truth of the awakening living consciousness of this planet. They are unable to understand that within every drop of water there is life, thus memory, thus consciousness, they are not as yet able to understand let alone embrace the presence of the spiritual masters and ascended masters whom are currently and in future times extending their energy towards this planet some physically some is etherically. They're unable to grasp the fact about the truth and reality of the presence of many craft that surrounds the planet let alone their purpose of being here which is in support of the changes of planet earth. They are not able to understand that when events occur such

as your Tsunami that took place nearly 36 months ago, that this if not intended as a disaster but rather an inevitable cleanse which ultimately supports enlightenment. Beloved ones they are not able to understand the fact that their children are indeed awaken and enlightened and know a far greater deal than what they are able to comprehend. These are the very ones that you have to embrace, hold their hand, carry them upon the rays of your soul to support them in waking up to a brand new consciousness of enlightenment, but be that as it may there is absolutely no judgment against anyone who are still prefers to glide within the realms of deep sleep walking, there is absolutely no judgment against any of those whom are still not able to understand the unfolding bigger picture, let alone see and experience it.

Beloved ones this is once again a plea for every one of you present here and for those whom will come to read these words to never ever entertain the energy of judgment, to never judge another for their inability wake up for their time will come too, when the time is right. Beloved ones beloved brothers and sisters of light, please come to understand that each and every being upon this planet in their own given time will awake and find a way to the light for there many different avenues and many different roads and they all lead to Rome not so? It is not your job to decide that if a certain road is not paved or tarred in a certain way it will not reach Rome for believe me they might choose for now to travel by cart through thick mud but this will not prevent them from reaching Rome, although it may slow them down a little in getting there. They will always find the road back

to Rome for there is only one Rome and just so there is only One Creator.

For many it has been a troublesome year as you have almost come to reach the very end of this energy. Many as with the likes of you have regularly gathered throughout the year working on ways of improving yourself by shifting your consciousness in a conscious way, and you did this not just for the self but for your fellow man, for this we honor you and we give thanks to you for if it were not for your energy none of this would've been able to take place. Reflecting back upon the year that was, each of you and millions others had to face every avenue within your life that was still unbalanced and even though perhaps many have not yet healed in the way your

desire or wish, thus even though you have not as yet brought yourself into the full balance that you desire, it matters not for you have worked on the expansion of your consciousness and therefore you have extended from yourself the energy of hope and faith, belief and ultimately unconditional love.

Beloved ones, with the new changing energy that will come to greet you within 2008 you will be required to become more centered within the self thus at times of trouble be still and know who you are. You are asked to step aside allowing the drama of life to unfold in the way it is set out to. One of the most important energies that often sparks an absolute grid of fire within your defense mechanisms is the energy of temptation, and by

saying this we don't mean for you to walk through the garden and not taste any of its fruits, but rather we suggest for you to be very aware of the low energy thought forms that are tempting you to venture upon shaky grounds. In other words, be very aware of those energy forms that are tempting you to loose your faith. That energy of late is plentiful and very active, for man very easily steps into the shoes of fear and the inability to tap into true belief which prevents them from stepping forth carrying a whole new vibration of light, for that which you feel comfortable with, no matter how dysfunctional it may seem, is what gives one comfort. You have an expression that says " better the devil you know than the one you don't know " not so?


Well we wont go there for beloved ones in this case the devil that you need to know is the uncertainty within the self which causes uncertainty and shakiness that so easily gets one drawn into the temptation of disbelief. Tempting you to loose your faith, belief, and ability to be firm within yourself for this is the energy that you are being tested against and thus you will come to face this challenge again and again.

As we have previously suggested you are now entering a whole new phase of light, a time that is absolutely filled with love and light, with enjoyment and tranquility and above all unconditional love. To enable you to live within this space beloved ones you have to find this very space within, therefore

please understand that when others that you care for and share amongst that lives within limited consciousness, ones that live within fear and conflicting energies are unable to understand that which you share with them, understand where they come from, you have been, understand that they are not as yet able to see and understand the ways that you are able to. Be aware not to go into judgment for this will bring you into a state and vibration that you do not want to be within. Judgment brings one once again into an untrusting state, thus unable to bring one into right-mind-heart-space, and ultimately unable to open up the sacred mind and heart. 2008 offers you a whole new vibration of unconditional love through the opening of the high heart and high mind which will support your belief and knowing that anything, absolutely anything is possible, know that the lower part of human thinking supports the

lower ego and this brings forth the energy of competition. Once you are able to move past this you will be able to move into the next plateau of being thus acceptance.

Beloved ones, 2008 is a year where each of you will be asked to come to rest. It is a year where every aspect of the self that is not yet fully at ease and at peace will be challenged. This is the year where although there will be challenges there will be a whole new energy vibration for you and the planet, as major changes and shifts are installed cosmically. There is an absolute gift extended to you and that is for you to come into the peace of who you truly are. We gave you a gift and blessing of content during the last gathering and now need to share with you

the reality of the meaning of content. This is not a slow, shy, lazy energy but rather to be within a place and space within your heart and mind where you feel absolutely secure within yourself. An energy where you feel absolutely at ease as you wake up each day within the same love that you retired into the night before. This means that you are ready to embrace anything for you are at ease within everything thus you are able to embrace all that you are. Content is sitting at the edge of your bed staring into blank space with a beautiful smile on your face when you awake in the morning or before you retire at night, beloved ones this is what spiritual content brings, an inner knowing that stretches beyond any boarders of disbelief. S piritual content brings one into a divine state of absolute knowing and this is what activates the inner core of the crown chakra and in so doing it illuminates all of the energy bodies sending out signals into the other chakras singing out

loud " Hallelujah I am "

So the energy of the new year expresses that no matter what transpires within your world you have to be at ease with where you are at for if you are unable to be at ease with any facet of your life, or uneasy about any part of your belief systems and that goes without saying your habits, your careers or jobs, or any aspect of you the being, it will be challenged for you to heal it thus move it into a divine state. For if you live within the energy of unconditional love and non-judgment there will be no conflict will there?

No S

o the new energies are transporting you into living within spiritual ease, to be at ease and to be divinely and spiritually content and this means that you are able to carry the security within yourself of who you are. We as well as all other beings that are facilitating messages and guidance always inspire you to be who you are. Now if we take the essence of 'be who you are' then this is what content truly means for being in content means being at ease with the self and all others in any which way. Perhaps you may want to change certain things for the better or brighter but ultimately being content means being very happy with where you are at. If there is anyone that cannot stand their lives they are in discontent. So even though you may not be very happy that you still

cannot fit into a size 8 garment after your diet, just be content with the fact that you have one that fits you. (Laughter). S o see it as something to look forward to oppose to moping about that which isn't.

Beloved ones there is no more time and energy and absolutely no more need for you to complain about anything anymore. With the new 2008 energy influx you will be offered an extremely refined vibration of light. Before we made our presence felt this morning, before the transmission began we increased the vibrations in the room to reach very similar energy intensity to that which you can expect in times to come, did you feel this?

All answer Yes!

This was done in preparation to help you feel the vibrations of that which is to come for indeed the vibrations of 2008 and the years beyond energy will increase in intensity with each new day and way of thinking, allowing you to reach a state of refinement and enlightenment where you will come to the full understanding of your cosmic origins. Where you will be able to understand and communicate on an inter-galactic level, where you will come into a state of absolute knowing and NOTHING will be able to take you off course for that is where all of this is leading up to. To enable you to start shifting taking on new refined levels, it has to be facilitated a little at a time otherwise you might blow yourself right out of the cosmos! (laughter). You

need to be here, you need to love yourself being here and with that you need to love this planet with every breath that you have for that is why you came here.

So ahead of you lies contentment with a difference and this includes a powerful energy surge that may take a while getting use to and in alignment with and this is the energy of content sexuality


Whether you believe it or not you are actually a

sexual being, does anyone have a problem with this? S

ilence If you do we'd have to call upon one of the cosmic commanders to escort you out of here for one of the main energies of this planet is about coming to terms with your sexuality. It is about the male/female positive/negative, Yin/Yang. The male and female both carries the positive/negative charges. The truth of the matter is that within each of you earthlings there is a positive/negative charge present. Everything upon this planet, within and beyond all of existence is about energy. All of Creation is about energy, which is about movement, shifts, changes, Magnetics, and laws both universal and cosmic. To get you

into a state of contentment beloved ones or to be able to show you the way towards stepping forth upon the enlightened carpet of contentment, you need to be extremely comfortable with your sexuality claiming your sensuality. Now this is not a lesson in sexuality but… – long pause – (Kuthumi returned saying) sorry about that we were just engaging in an inner dialogue (me Chanel was communicating with Kuthumi and the interference caused an interruption in the channel)….long silence

Beloved ones this is not a lesson of sexuality but rather it is about understanding that within you the polarity of male/female is always prevalent and of utmost importance for your evolution. To be content means that you need to acknowledge your

sexuality and therefore 2008 brings to each of you a magical invitation to create sparks within your love life as you are asked to dare to love again, stepping out of the cocoons of isolation allowing the self to embrace the energy of another again. If you have reached the stage where you no longer feel the drive, the passion or the need to be sexually active then be content with where you are at and stop judging those that wants and needs to explore this some more. S upport others that expresses a desire to want to share their journey ahead with a partner and be sure to know that as long as you have to still meet aspects of yourself that you are A) unfamiliar with, B) in denial about, C) unhappy with, you are not going to find that special person. First meet yourself, come face to face with all of that which you need to still give to the self, all that you still need to heal within the self, and beloved ones explore all of the paths that life presents to you with the

knowing that you need to hold your own hand and lead the self out of the old into the new.

Humanity was not given the blessing of being part of the earth experience to be alone. You were given the gift of pro-creation yes sure there is nothing upon your planet be that within the animal, human, plant or any other kingdom that is more sacred and special than to give way to birth. Therefore giving birth to another is one of the most incredible gifts ever given but that is not the only reason why you are here and for this reason it is quite acceptable that some couples prefer not to or are unable to give birth. You are here dancing within the cosmic sea of divine love and with this you intertwine as beings, as souls, and if you could

see yourself from our viewpoint you will come to see how two beautiful flames meet up, dancing in the moonlight as you intertwine some more and do the dance of life upon the planet of love. S ometimes you may wish to rest a little between dances, sometimes you give birth to another, but every time you take on the dance of love again, that flame that becomes as ONE is so beautiful, so empowered for this expresses a double spark of The Creator's Essence, for the two of you within your single-mindedness came together and created as one. When two energies combine and bring their love together melding as one, they carry forth a flame of divine enlightenment, a natural flame that is created when two meet and explores the same path of thought and being. If they are not on a similar path of thought conflict is the order of the day therefore when one takes on a partner they must be able to understand/accept your way of thinking for they do not have to vibrate on the same identical

consciousness, but must share the same values of respect.

Mutual respect and understanding is without doubt the main ingredient in any relationship if you are not from the same school of thought. Without this no matter how hot the flame there will be no core of divine enlightenment forming from the sparks of your flames. Many people join lives carrying their Essence of Creators S park from an individual expression to a At-One-Ment expression, and it matters not if they are from the same sex or opposite sex vibration. If you could see yourselves through our eyes you will see only divine flames, no male/female flames but merely expressed divinity. We cant and don't discriminate between those who chooses the experience of A,B, and C

oppose to X,Y and Z. the same goes for colour, race, creed, and sex there is no judgment for all of you are magical candles of divine enlightenment doing the dance within the Cosmic S ea of Creation and for all of you that are able to embrace the passion and compassion of this beautiful earth within every aspect of your being, the gift is to find yourself living in a truly enlightened cosmically aware state of being.

Beloved ones, with contentment and being at ease with your sensuality and sexuality, in understanding a little more about the unfolding Laws of Creation and by carrying the awareness of the God-Consciousness seed within the self, know that 2008 will bring forth many changes. The actual changes and events that may or

may not be are not important but what is important is for you to be comfortable with where you are at. If you are comfortable within your daily lives, then you need not fret about that which is to come. If it is not meant for you to be prepared, then it is not meant to be so for that is what trust, enlightenment and illumination is all about. When you are absolutely content there will be no more fear, no judging, no conditions to your love, the victimization that drowns your personalities will be no more, and the energies of greed and lust will be no part of your reality and you will not support any realities that gives life to this. S o 2008 serves as a gateway that will generally bring forth much deeper understanding for all. Over the next year to come each will be asked to face and in many instances shift your belief systems. You will come to a time where you will actually not be able to project any future truths as you will come to realize that this too changes with

each new wind, as you become very comfortable with being in the moment. You will come to face new energy shifts that will rewire your energy fields with such power, so much so if you are not within the present moment you will not be able to cope, so with this you are encouraged to stay within the present moment, be powerfully in the now as you embrace the fact that you are an amazing spiritual multi-dimensional being, and with that, in fact anything is possible. You will be challenged on every level to let go of that which no longer serves you for the greater good of yourself. You will be asked to let go of every microscopic bit of judgment, criticism, the questioning, the doubt, fear, guilt, the pain, the shame and imbalance, all of it.

Beloved ones 2009 will be an incredible powerful year where much of the huge shifts will be actively underway or some even completed. By the year 2009 there must be no more lower vibrations of greed upon this planet and if so it will be dealt with very harshly and powerfully. When 2009 comes into being all wars upon this planet must come to an end. 2009 will bring the energy of extreme refinement allowing you to taste every single bit of energy that manifests into your field of reality. In other words, before you place a blade of grass within your mouth you will understand and connect with the root system that gave birth to that blade of grass. As you connect to the basis of this energy (its root system) before you take use it for personal consumption, you will connect with its origin (its mother seed) and communicate your nutritional need for it, and give your thanks for it.

To get to this stage the worlds of politics, religion and education has to be cleansed and balanced. You may or may not be aware of the fact that major shifts have already taken place within these sectors. In your world of politics you will soon enter a time where absolutely no corruption will be able to be covered up. Absolutely no issues of denial will be entertained by those of authority within religion. Where the systems of education will make vast changes within their reality as they come to realize that they can no longer teach the way they have been for their systems are completely outdated and this is already evident. If you think back at all the changes that took place between 2005 and 2007 you will come to understand that what is about to take

place this next year will be ten-fold in power compared to which transpired over that two year period.

Beloved ones before I make way for the energy of S aint Germain I'd like for you to make a point of being in a constantly state of awareness. I'd like for you to work with the self so that you along with your loved ones may join hands as you take yourself into a much higher and refined state of being and living. Pause

Please visualize yourself in a magnificent violet energy as we ask

you to sit back and relax and prepare for the energy of the 7th ray that will illuminate your energy field allowing a personal connection to the energy field of S aint Germain. Adonai.

Bon Jour, I am S aint Germain (speaking in distinct French accent) greeting you, bringing to you love and blessings, bon jour. It is very important for you to understand that you will come soon into a time again where you are asked to take another very clear and refined look at yourself. You see the time is here for you and your family and your friends to take on a new way of seeing your lives and to take on a new understanding of who you truly are. You are asked to step into a true new way of embracing the true Creator Essence that is

you. You are asked to become one with your trees, birds and all of nature as it is time for you to understand that you have to put your arms around all of that which is in your reality, the same way you hug a tree you are asked to hug your family, to embrace all that is within your life, all that is important for you which should be that which you already have in your life, for all of that which is not important is not suppose to be there. Why do all have to have so much? perhaps it is the same for all of you to have so many possessions just to have, even if you don't need them, have it just in case, yes? You have 50 000 cups in your cupboard (laughter) just incase you have 50 000 guests arriving? (laughter) perhaps it's a thing of this and some other continents where the human mind is very unsure about itself and very often unable to embrace the love of the Creator Essence, therefore it needs 50 000

cups to do so which is not in judgment, it is just unnecessary. Why have all of the things that you have if you are not in need of these things?

You have only one bed to sleep upon yes?

Yes We sincerely hope so (laughter), perhaps you can have two or three and lie across them all not so? (laughter) yes. My dear friends I am S aint Germain, I am asked to extend towards you the Violet, Golden and S ilver flames, I am the keeper of the 7

th Ray which is the energy of ceremonial magic and

order, and this energy brings to you the understanding of the magical part of who you are. Beloveds, the magical part is for you to understand that you are able to manifest for yourself anything that you desire, know that there is a dormant miracle within each and everyone of you waiting to come out, come alive, to deliver the essence of the possibility and reality of miracles for you, to deliver to you the ability to make things happen and this you call magic. Many people have much unpleasantness and negative energies that are attached to the word magic, for they do not understand this in the way they are supposed to. If you take the mystery out of the magic you will understand that all magic truly is, is a manifested miracle. Miracles beloveds are the Energy of God saying 'You Can'. Miracles are the energy behind magic thus manifestation that allows you to change your beliefs, as it puts you into a state of understanding a very different belief and offers you the option

of planning for that which you want or do not want. It is the miracle that gives to everyone the understanding that anything can happen yes. It is about hope; hope is an energy that will always be there to support you, so that you are able to live in an awaking miracle. Ceremonial magic and order, the 7

th ray, is the energy that is currently activating the awakening of your planet into a much more refined state of being and it is for this reason that many people at this time are able to have a much closer connection to the colour violet than previously. Did you realize this?


Many people that were previously very uncomfortable with the colour violet are now much more comfortable with this colour and this to a very large

extend is due to the activity of the 7th Violet Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Order which is currently coming into full power as it brings to you the new age of the golden Aquarian days. It is time for you dearly beloveds to take up your power and be able to take into yourself the power and strength to be able to stand within your powerful self and to be who you magically are. In these times it is very important for you to realize that if you are the type that runs away and hide behind the tree you better run, go, (laughter) because we are going to find you and so will everyone else and then they will know that you are a weakling that runs away and hide (laugher) for in true reality the energy that is now being

flooded towards the earth and that which is to come within the month of Jan uary 2008 is extremely powerful further awakening the consciousness of 'I Am' do you understand the concept?

Yes You will be able to express this within your mind and at the same time embrace this within your heart as you will be able to digest this energy embracing it into everything that you are. You will carry the I am consciousness within every drop of your blood, within every cell of your bones as you stand proud in all that you are for that is how you will move forth, through this acknowledgement. And that is what the energy of 2008 is all about. I am bringing to you a blessing of charm and that is to inspire you to get excited and be within joy once

again therefore I am asking you to seriously reflect on your ways and remove all that you truly need no more, besides that which you have too much of another needs, so share instead of hoard. When you keep things to yourself and never share with others no-one shares with you because you have everything, so why don't you share with others and then they will give to you and you like to get things don't you (laughter). You have 50 000 cups in the cupboard (laughter) it is crazy, unheard of, what do you think that all the visitors from the ships (space) will come to you and you have to give them all tea at the same time? (screeches of laughter). They don't drink your tea (laughter).

To enlighten yourself, you have to lighten yourself.

To lighten yourself you have to lessen your load so clean out, clear out all that you don't need and want by sharing it out. It is often sad to see how many people upon your planet live within island consciousness cutting themselves off from others, from family, just living singular perhaps with your immediate little family but away from others. This results in wrapping your family in cotton-wool keeping yourself cocooned upon your island. This often results in nothing ever happening beyond your world for there is nothing but cotton wool and thus what can you expect, nothing for sure. Ceremonial magic and order is the understanding that you need never hide away within your cotton wrapped worlds as you come to the understanding that even as an individual you are part of unity consciousness.

Unity is the way of the new world, togetherness is needed for you to love, support and care for each other, for in the new way of your earth there is no more separation, even though you may be living in separate ways, there will be no more island consciousness. Within this new world there is refined telepathic vibrations available as you are able to communicate the same to every person, being, plant, animal and all other consciousness, and this will be done just by simply understanding that you are able to communicate with all that you wish to, so island consciousness is no longer a possibility, thus let go of the islands, let them slide into the oceans as you are the U in Unity Consciousness holding it all together. The golden rule that brings about 5


dimensional communication and telepathy is the fact that you are no longer able to hide anything from each other (laughter) oh there is a problem, a big problem I already see you go into your Casino (screeches of laughter) you want to see the number inside (laughter), no dear ones, it is not needed for with the new vibration of light you will see what you are saying in the heart as you communicate through the

3rd eye, communicating from one Ajna to another and so in this way you will not be able to hide anything from each other no more now isn't that fun! (laughter)

Beloveds you were given many messages about the time ahead of you, so I am going to ask you within the Presence of the 7

th ray, to keep in your mind and heart ever day that you are part of God Consciousness that you have in fact within you the aspects of the Creator, that you have in fact within you the way to automatically surrender to your inborn navigation and to trust this to guide you along your journey instead of forcing your way. S o in part of the message that Kuthumi has shared with you I S aint Germain also share with you the importance of claiming your world as you are a part of the Power and the Grace of the Holy of Holies and in so doing understand that it was never meant for you to experience harm or suffering for any specific reason. It is only meant for you to live in a wonderful and magnificent way, to be uplifted in your life and not to get stuck within the clutches of misery no matter the outcome.


o the new 5th dimensional energy is not able to accommodate lust, victim consciousness, and the like, but what it is able to bring into your conscious reality is the understanding and acceptance that if there is anything that you want and you don't have at the time, then this is so because perhaps you don't need it at the time and with this you don't label and entertain enfolding events within your lives as either luck or lack.

You will come to see that which you don't have as a lesson of growth by understanding the lesson behind the absence oppose to the lack thereof thus not as being 'hard done by'. It is no longer acceptable for you to even think like this. S o with the illumination of the violet ray understand that the true essence of this energy is for you to embrace your God Consciousness thus for you to understand and resonate with your beliefs. It is for you to be at ease within your minds, never to live within fear of what may or may not be the case. It is for you to claim your power and be it, to be an individual serving oneness within unity consciousness and not being an island unto your own. The violet ray is the ray that amplifies the energy of Aquarius increasing as time goes by and will be active upon this planet for many, many years to come. Each of you can connect with this energy, all you have to do is set the

intention, invoke the flame, and ask for me S aint Germain to come forth to assist you. Also you may use the energy of Amethyst which will help you embrace the violet flame vibrations.

If you are unable to move ahead as if something is holding you back or preventing you from doing what you desire, then certainly invoke the presence of the violet flame to overcome this, if not we shall hit you with some of those 50 000 cups (screeches of laughter) and say down you go! (laughter). It is time for you to fully embrace unity consciousness.

It is also the violet flame energy that will blaze through every institution of religion for I am supporting the awakening spiritual consciousness and the understanding that the true basis of all theology should be about the acknowledgement of the divine self and that this divine self is the energy that then connects the lower self and the higher self to the God-self forming the personal holy trinity within. This then awakens the understanding that you are indeed a divine being, on a divine mission, in support of unity and this is what I have come to bring to you this morning, and before I make my way I shall give to you another energy activation if you like (YE S , YE S ) very good (laughter), make yourselves ready (giggles). Long silence.

I am going to ask you now to transport your mind into a magical mystical beautiful temple of light, and please follow the guidance carefully for this initiation is a little different to that which you have previously done. This is a fine-tune-energy vibration. S o transport yourself to a magical mystical beautiful land, where only love, beauty, and divines are evident everywhere. Transport yourself through its beautiful gardens and come to stand before the most beautiful temple you have ever known. This is the Violet Flame temple, it is massively huge in seize and in appearance a very modern geometrical shape taking on the formation of the S tar of . Pause. This entire temple reflects an amethyst-violet energy. Now with this vision within your minds make your way inside the temple any which way you choose, you may walk in, glide in or simply direct a thought which will transport you instantly

inside its inner walls, this is the 5th dimension so its up to you. Become aware of all its magnificence that is reflected towards you; absorb its beauty and splendor and extreme high ceilings. Pause.

Now make sure within your mind that you are standing within the core centre of the temple and as you do so a violet ray is extended down from the roof top centre, allow this energy of the 7

th ray to travel through all your energy bodies, through all your energy centers and into the earth, just be as you bathe within this magical mystical violet energy. Pause.

Now become aware that the violet energy is increasing its power influx, as this ray increases its potency to support you in any way you desire. Pause. Now visualize yourself receiving the blessings of this energy. Pause. Now very slowly within your mind's eye open your eyes and once fully opened you will see me, S aint Germain standing right in front of you. Just stand, don't move, as I extend to each of you the magical gift of the violet-amethyst energy as I gift to you the first gift of this initiation being the violet flame. Pause. Now take this gift from my hand and place this flame in the level of your crown chakra. Pause.

I now

extend to you another gift and this being the energy of the divine silver flame. Pause. This flame will empower you to heal all of your imbalances which will give you the gift of strength and standing strong within yourself, and for you to embrace absolutely every aspect of the self no matter how you may see your own imperfections. I extend to you a pure silver energy flame in the shape of the S tar of from my hand. Take this glittering flame from my hand and place it within your sacral area. Pause.

Now I extend to you another flame of pure gold, this takes on the form of the golden nugget (wisdom and power) and I now ask that you place this gift within your heart. Pause. Once you are comfortable with this we both bring our

hands together in the prayer way giving thanks to each other, I leave your energy field with a blessing as you extend your love to me. Again close your eyes still standing within the violet temple with the violet flame pouring down upon you grounding you into all that is as above, so below awakening the I Am consciousness within. Pause. Be comfortable with your flame gifts within the crown, within the sacral and the gift within the heart. You have amethyst violet flame within the crown, the Silver S tar of flame within the sacral and the gold flame nugget within the heart. Pause. These three energies represent the violet, silver and golden flame energies from my core. Pause. Close your eyes within your mind and just be. Long pause.

Now I invite you to feel another energy, become aware that magical heat energy begins to manifest within all your bodies. Pause. Be at ease within this peaceful yet extremely powerful vibration. Pause. Now very slowly open your eyes and as you do so you are looking into the eyes of Archangel standing in front of you. Long pause.

Connect and just be within this powerful energy. Pause. Archangel now extends from his hand his magical Blue Flame, a tiny flame that burns about 2-3cm high from the palms of his hands. Long pause.

Now take the flame out of his hands and then move this flame across everyone of your chakras as you ignite his blue flame energy very prominently into every one of your energy centers. Take the flame and move it from the base, and feel your base centre come alive with this powerful flame, then move it up to the sacral and light up this area, then to the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the 3

rd eye and lastly light up the crown and as you do so the crown flame begins to form a divine blue flame the surrounds your entire electro magnetic field. Pause. Now visualize yourself within this most divine blue energy flame of . Pause. When you are ready bring your palms together and raise your hands in the prayer way giving thanks to Archangel for his divine blessing of protection this day. Pause. Close your eyes again as 's energy ease out from your field. Pause.

You are now standing within the blue, violet, gold and silver flames. Pause. You have the amethyst violet within the crown, the silver within the sacral, the gold within the heart, the blue within every chakra and surrounding your magnetic field and aura. Become calm, relax and just be. Long pause.


till with your eyes closed become aware that a group of angels begin to manifest forming a circle around you. Pause. These

beings form as part of your personal support team, guiding you within every way. Pause. Now visualize that each and every one of these angels have a different musical instrument and they begin to play a very gentle composition, feel and hear the energies of what ever instrument you can imagine, the harp, the Cello, the guitar, the piano, just listen to this beautiful music that are played for you personally, soft and gentle to begin with and slowly getting more powerful and dramatic and at its crescendo open your eyes gently and look into the beautiful eyes of Jesus. Pause.

Now, Master Jesus hands to you a pure white flame similar in seize to that of . Pause. Now take this flame and ignite the white flame within your base

chakra. The stronger the flame become the more it begins to illuminate all of the chakras bonding them with an illumination tube of energy that links all of your centers. Pause. This tube runs along the spine extending beyond your energy field into the earth and reaching high up into the heavens. Pause. This is the Light of The Christ Flame that is with you always. Pause. Now the beloved Jesus manifests another white flame which encapsulates the outer blue flame of on the periphery of your energy field. Pause. S o you have the surrounding white flame of protection, as well as The Christ Consciousness Flame within. Pause. You have the blue flame within and surrounding your energy, the violet flame within the crown, the golden flame within the heart and the silver flame within the sacral. Pause.

Now extend your thanks to The Lord Jesus for the gifts given to you. Pause. Now again close your eyes and visualize all of these magnificent etheric gifts gifted to you. Very Long pause.

When you are ready within your imagination once again open your eyes slowly and you are again outside the violet temple back where you started off. Now in your minds eye recall all of the gifts you have been blessed with, the violet, silver, golden, white and blue flame of Oneness. Pause. Now close your eyes again and give thanks in your heart for this initiation. Pause. When you are ready ground yourself properly back into your physical reality, into

your physical body, ground yourself into the earth through the chair that you are sitting upon, and know that you deserve all of these gifts. Be sure to call upon me any time to help and guide you into manifesting all of that which you desire. I am S aint Germain, au revoir. A: Au Revoir.


I am Kuthumi returning to deliver to you the closing message of this morning's transmission. Greetings. Please be sure that you are thoroughly grounded. Being initiated into this most intense 5

fold flame of Oneness as it is known beloved ones is yet another gifted tool which will support you within the new unfolding energy, your new way of life. It is a tool beloved ones that specifically is given to help you further activate levels of divine perception and understanding, it is also a gift of divine enlightenment that will bring you into a state of knowing that that which is ahead of you is truly an absolute enlightened way of being also known as the golden Aquarian peace years that will serve you passionately and compassionately. The gifts you have been initiated into will bring forth absolute protection in any which way and form that you require. Call upon these divine flames of enlightenment, work with them, ask them to help burn away all of that which you no longer need, want or not have the courage to let go of. Allow these flames to bring forth a new way of understanding your divine truth even if you are unable to comprehend it fully at this time. Allow

these flames to bring forth a balance within your emotions so not to be unemotional or over emotional. S o that you will be strong within the light of that which you truly are and stand firm within the knowing that at any and all times you are truly guided, guarded and protected but you need make sure that you are fully grounded at all times is this clear?


Are there any urgent questions that we may assist with this morning?

Q: Lord Kuthumi yes please it is not related to the meditation or initiation that we have been through, but I would like to ask you whether it is true that the planet Jupiter is about to become our second sun on the 23

rd of December 2007. A: beloved sister if it is so you will be absolutely thrilled for half of you would've disappeared not so?

Q: Well I don't know (laughter).

MK: Beloved sister many speculations are currently doing the earth rounds. Much of this is in fact to create a fear factor within many lives, and to bring unsettledness within

everyone's lives. To be perfectly honest with you not even we of the angelic realms knows what will take place on the 21st, the 23rd or the 25

th December this year or any other year that is to come. There is no known route and therefore no predictions of any kind are acceptable. We always advise and inspire those that are there to guide not to take on the journey of creating specific situations for the simple reason that NOTHING I S SET IN STONE. There is nothing within the pathway of Creation that is absolutely guaranteed to take place, nothing, not one thing. What ever happens in your timeline, or times to come, will happen as part of a Cosmic Shift, thus part of a change of energy that is needed within this system. There is an alignment between the planet Jupiter, Pluto and the sun at that time that will create a very powerful energy that will challenge your spiritual beliefs and your

root beliefs on every level in every which way possible. This we have already shared with you, even at the beginning of this transmission for this is the preparation energy for the year 2008, a most transformative and powerful year of great change. Beloved sister in the year 1998 a plan was set out for much destruction to take place upon this planet and this even included some of the shore lines of this beautiful country of yours, none of this transpired. Many predictions were made, many that involved this country to a large extent were made over the years and as the predictions were set, the stone disintegrated. You cannot have a thought manifest without matter. No-one is able to tell what will be not even 5 minutes from now for no-one knows and for this very reason we plead with all lightworkers upon this planet to stop their involvement in futuristic readings for no-one knows; therefore nothing can be set in stone. The most common stone found upon this planet is

referred to as granite. Allow the blessings of our holy Father/Mother God, the blessings of our Supreme Creator to engrave within this granite the love that you are so that you at any and all times no matter what changes take place upon the earth or within this Galaxy will never ever move your focus into fear. Beloved sister, at this stage we are unable to tell you about the physical events which may or may not happen next week or at any other time, but what we can tell you is that although Jupiter is many times the size of the earth in fact over 300 times bigger than your earth, it is at this stage nowhere near able to take on a energy vibration similar to your sun. Does this answer your question?

Yes, thank you.

You are welcome


Any other questions? None

Beloved ones, as we come to the end of this morning's transmission we would like to give you a very gentle reminder to take heed of that which was shared with you. We would like to extend to you a blessing of divine enlightenment to carry you through this time where you celebrate the Birth of Christ and remember it is the thought behind

the celebrations that matters, the intention. As you know we do not support any greed or lust consciousness, thus when it comes to celebrating the Birth of Christ be it actual or symbolically, be sure to know what the intention behind the celebration is, is it a shopping frenzy, a propaganda or from the heart in memory. The important thing for you is to stay calm and stay centered for as you know the time zone that you are about to enter into is very shaky especially around the time of the solstice where the earth goes through a unstable period shifting and changing and this is apart from all the other shifts that are already in motion, this is apart from the orbital and other shifts taking place elsewhere amongst many other planets, so the most important thing for you to focus on is stay positive, stay grounded, stay focused, and keep shining your light the best way you know how to. Do not allow yourself to get caught up in any energies that will make you feel

apprehensive or anxious in any way for this only supports the foundations of destruction. Remember that ultimately there is only ONE Being that knows the outcome of all that is, and that is neither you nor me. So in light of the holiday times ahead of you I give to you my love. I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and the Master of The Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee in love, Adonai.

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