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Thanks for all your help

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thanks for that advice Sheila and everyone who has sent me stuff....I appreciate it.

Called Dr P on your advice ad I got my hand slapped for not taking my temp and pulse bi monthly!!!! think i can blame sleepless nights here! but will be on it now....

He advised me to start taking the Nutri adrenal extra again...if babe can tolerate it.....so I started that yesterrday (thankfully) if no improvement after a week- 10 days to call him....but not to change Armour dosage until we have found out what is the problem causing the ankle pain.....

Will send for Nutrispore and start that week after next.....but you aren't supposed to take Flucanozole whilst pregnant or breast feeding according to the literature.......

I gave all your advice alot of thought especially the candida...as I has improved to almost full health prior to and during my pregnancy with "pumpkin" (sweet name) with Armour 2 1/2 gr, 2 nutri adrenal extra, 1 thyro complex and 3 nutrispore...but had to stop all but Armour and change to nutri adrenal only as the others weren't good for babe, and whilst i was pregnant I ate very little sweet stuff prefering savoury food and chocolate gave me hideous heartburn so i stopped it......but obviously since having little one I've gone mad on sweet stuff so think I i could be having an absorbtion problem along with needing adrenal support.....which i had stopped as i ran out of nutri adrenal tabs and was feeling so good, I thouught I didn't need them!...silly me.... there is a lesson to be learnt by me....don't stop taking nutri adrenal supps.....EVER!

Will be in touch to let you know how i am doing.....

Thanks again

•:*¨¨*:• Adele•:*¨¨*:•

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Hi Adele

I would write to your GP (always put such things in writing as it has to go into your medical records). Perhaps now is the time to tell him exactly what you are doing, and how it was you came to have such a lovely bouncing baby boy. Tell him you had to see a private metabolic and nutritional consultant who diagnosed you with hypothyroidiosm. Tell him the truth that you were recommended natural thyroid extract and that it has worked for you. Tell him that T4 and T3 is standardised in Armour (we have all the written proof if he insists on having this) and that for some people they need a little bit more T4 or T3. Tell him that you feel you need to try the experiment and add a little T4 (25 mcgs) and would he be prepared to prescribe this to you.

Ash him , if he is not prepared to do this, if he would refer you to an endocrinologist. If that happens, you might get your prescription on the NHS.

However, knowing what problems we face, you CAN buy Thyroxine (T4) from www.internationalpharmacy.com

Luv - Sheila

thanks for all your help

and advise over the past few days...........Sheila can i get T4 without prescription? as i have only been diagnosed hypothyroid through Dr P not my GP so he is out of the question......Loveadelex

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