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tinnitus? or something else?

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Hi All,

I've got a question for you all. I have had tinnitus

for many years, so I am very familiar with what my

tinnitus sounds like, the various sounds and " tunes "

if you will. After my implant surgery a year ago, I

had what many have, new weird sounds as the brain got

settled in with the implant and electrodes. Most of

that has passed.

For the past few months, I periodically get a very

new, very odd sound. I can hear it with or without the

speech processor (I have the Freedom) and I wonder if

it's a new kind of tinnitus for me or something else

going on. I had it just yesterday and it lasted for

several hours.

While all my " old " sounds were high pitched, usually

like a high note being played without a break, this

one is like--I guess it's like a lower frequency

motorized sound, a complicated hummmmmm grumble

grumble hummmmmmm. I know that is funny looking but I

haven't a better description! I've been in a number of

wildly varying settings when it happens and I think

I've ruled out any " real life " background sounds: it's

not the car engine, the refrigerator, etc.

Any thoughts?




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