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Re: Size now, size to be

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What a great attitude! You have summed up so well what most of feel - excitement of a new you! Keep this positive attitude and I know you will be successful!

HeidiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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WOW! What a beautiful post!!! Are you a writer, by chance? I mean, a published one??? You are right, we have all been in the place where you are right now but few have the eloquence with which to describe it as you have. I, for one, appreciate your post even 2 years out of my surgery! It is rather odd to think of what your real body is like. I always said I had a large framed body...that I would never be all that small because of my bone structure. Well, I have now found out that I really am rather small, actually. I look at my wrists and they really are tiny! I had no idea that when measured, my body frame size comes up as petite! ME???? Hell, I wore sizes over 20 for so long that I would have never believed it possible for me to shop in the petite department! I had to start because the smalls in the regular department were too big. Almost in a state of

panic, I asked a small friend of mine, "So, what in the world do you do when Smalls are too big? Where do you shop?" I was totally dumbfounded when she said,"In the petite department." She looked at me like I was an idiot but I would have never thought! I'd never stepped into a petite department in all of my 44 years! Hell, as a young child I had to wear "Chubby" sizes (awful sounding name, isn't it??? great for the self-esteem of young girls!) I don't look anything like I thought I did. My face is completely different. I'm much more feminine than I ever thought I would look. I have broken down and started wearing heals at times and you are right, they are much more comfortable than they used to be. I always wondered how women wore such things as high heels when I was sitting there wearing my Crocs or tennis shoes. Now I understand....they weren't feeling the same pain I

was when I would put them on. And, yes, I have gone down 1.5 sizes in shoes! I had no idea that would happen! Rounded shoulders. I had those too. I also had a rather thick, soft chest (above my boobs). Now it is boney. Not to the point where it looks bad but it doesn't feel like my body. When I reach up to scratch an itch say, on my collarbone, I'm amazed at the fact that that bone actually protrudes now! There isn't much padding there at all! And ribs? Yes, I have them now when I didn't realize they existed before. Even my shin bones feel differently! Crazy, isn't it? My body is far from perfect. I have excess skin that drives me nuts at times. But, you know what? I'm growing to like my physical appearance and physical feeling more and more each day. I'm much more comfortable in my clothing choices.

I've always liked things a little *different*....not to be like everyone else. But, when overweight, I would have never worn anything that would call attention to me no matter what. The more I could blend in, the better (although, at 250 it was tough to blend in anywhere!!!). Now, I wear whatever I like! My sons sometimes roll their eyes and kind of laugh but I'm not inhibited at all now. If I want to wear boots with a dress....if I want to wear a knitted hat....(with boots and a dress)...I wear whatever I want to wear and I am LOVING IT! It is soooooo much fun! (I think my first realization that I was *coming out of that plus size closet* was when I bought a pair of WHITE pants!!! I hadn't had anything other than black, navy, or khaki for most of my life!Since then, I'm all out there! :) You are getting ready to embark upon one of the most amazing experiences of your life. Like you,

I wouldn't trade my life prior to banding for anything in the world but, oh, I cannot tell you how much I enjoy my life now! Living life as a small person is an incredible feeling that I do NOT take for granted at all! Please feel free to email me if you would like. Also, please continue to post on this message board. You have a gift of writing and all of us can enjoy your way with words! Keep in touch! Jenni Currie DOB 2/23/06 247/145/136 5 fills 3 unfills eeliegirl <eelie@...> wrote: I am still 10 days out from surgery and I love reading about all the success of those who have already had it done. I hope and keep telling myself that I fully expect to be one of those success stories.About a year ago I finally had to admit to myself that I really couldn't wear the size 28 I was in and went up to a 30. That's when I first started investigating lapband surgery. Now, over a year later, it's finally happening and I'm excited, nervous, determined, ambivilant, resigned to the fact that I've committed myself to this and all those other emotions y'all have all probably gone through too.My senior year in high school, I went on a diet in January and by graduation in May, I'd lost over 25 pounds and was into a size 16. I honestly can't remember being less than a size 14 since I was in about

the 7th grade.More and more, as I'm getting closer to surgery, I wonder what size my body really is. Yeah, I know right now it's a 30, but once I lose weight.... I tell myself that I'd be happy with a 14, maybe a 12. Then I read someone's post who's around the 150lb mark and that they're in size 10 or 8 and I wonder---that's about the weight I'd like to be. Is it possible that I could wind up being a size 10 or even an 8?I don't *feel* like I'm a size 30. 'Course it slaps me in the face every time I look in a mirror or see a picture someone snapped of me. ;o) I *know* I'm a size 30 and at times am repulsed by the way I look. (Which is why I have no full-length mirrors!)My shoulders. Will they always be a bit rounded or will they be those that look like I've got shoulder pads on whether I do or not? And shoe size. I don't even know if I'm really a size 9 or not. Maybe I won't have to look for wide

shoes any more. *Maybe* I'll actually start looking for shoes with heels because they won't be so darn uncomfortable any more. (But then again, I love my creature comforts! ;o))A waist. I will eventually have a *waist*!! :-O I'm not sure I've ever had one. I think I went from a log shape to a beach ball shape.I so dislike that most plus size clothes are dull, drab, and in styles that I wouldn't be caught dead in but that I have to wear because it's generally frowned upto to go to work naked. (And to incite riots because of it. ;o)) I am so tired of walking into a clothing store and automatically looking for the plus sizes. I am soooo looking forward to the day when I can walk in and not have to consciously avoid all the really cute things in all the bright colors simply because they're "not my size."I have no concept of what I'll look like when I'm at goal. Not just body-wise but face-wise. It's

odd...I don't even know what shape face I really have. I *think* it's oval but then again, it might be heart-shaped. Right now, it's just round.After all this, it might sound a bit odd, but I wouldn't give up a bit of my life as I've lived it up till now. It's shaped who I am and set me on the path to who I'll become. I think because I've always been overweight (ok, fine, I'm fat!) that I have a better empathy with people. I think that I will always have a bit more compassion in my heart because I have lived with a silent pain for so long. Besides, it's worth nothing to wish to change the past. It's done and dead and only worth the lessons it's taught me.And with that, I'm off to mumble quietly to myself again. ;o) in AR, just getting things off my chest. ;o)

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Wow, were you girls having deep nights last night or what. I was crying for the last post I just answered and now here's with deep thoughts and more pain...,I know you were just talking and maybe not even wanting a response, but your gunna get mine anyway ;) I'm like you, I would never have given up this journey!! NEVER!!! I would take every pain and heartache I have felt from being fat so that I can experience what I have now! I have a new compassion for people, a new understanding of others and a new concept of what I'm capable of living through. Never would I want to lose all that!You have worked so hard this year on your research, knowledge of what's to come, questions, all of this is not in vain. You are entering the new phase of your life

and you are so prepared for it. Give yourself a hug and realize how smart you are for gathering knowledge about YOUR new life. I had a bandster email me and ask what a fill is, he already had his band!!! He said, well, I guess this is what happens when you go to Mexcio. I said, no this is what happens when YOU don't do your research. No one is going to be able to say YOU aren't 100% prepared for this. Now that doesn't mean you have all the answers, you just know where to go when they pop up. It has been so fun getting to know you this year and I'm so excited for your day to come - so soon!!! Keep posting, keep asking, keep working toward the goal and then one day you will be shopping and start laughing at yourself because you are in the Junior section and you can't believe you like the stuff "those teenagers wear". LOLGod's blessings on you!!! Cyrena Weeks Size now, size to be

I am still 10 days out from surgery and I love reading about all the

success of those who have already had it done. I hope and keep

telling myself that I fully expect to be one of those success stories.

About a year ago I finally had to admit to myself that I really

couldn't wear the size 28 I was in and went up to a 30. That's when

I first started investigating lapband surgery. Now, over a year

later, it's finally happening and I'm excited, nervous, determined,

ambivilant, resigned to the fact that I've committed myself to this

and all those other emotions y'all have all probably gone through too.

My senior year in high school, I went on a diet in January and by

graduation in May, I'd lost over 25 pounds and was into a size 16. I

honestly can't remember being less than a size 14 since I was in

about the 7th grade.

More and more, as I'm getting closer to surgery, I wonder what size

my body really is. Yeah, I know right now it's a 30, but once I lose

weight.... I tell myself that I'd be happy with a 14, maybe a 12.

Then I read someone's post who's around the 150lb mark and that

they're in size 10 or 8 and I wonder---that' s about the weight I'd

like to be. Is it possible that I could wind up being a size 10 or

even an 8?

I don't *feel* like I'm a size 30. 'Course it slaps me in the face

every time I look in a mirror or see a picture someone snapped of

me. ;o) I *know* I'm a size 30 and at times am repulsed by the way I

look. (Which is why I have no full-length mirrors!)

My shoulders. Will they always be a bit rounded or will they be

those that look like I've got shoulder pads on whether I do or not?

And shoe size. I don't even know if I'm really a size 9 or not.

Maybe I won't have to look for wide shoes any more. *Maybe* I'll

actually start looking for shoes with heels because they won't be so

darn uncomfortable any more. (But then again, I love my creature

comforts! ;o))

A waist. I will eventually have a *waist*!! :-O I'm not sure I've

ever had one. I think I went from a log shape to a beach ball shape.

I so dislike that most plus size clothes are dull, drab, and in

styles that I wouldn't be caught dead in but that I have to wear

because it's generally frowned upto to go to work naked. (And to

incite riots because of it. ;o)) I am so tired of walking into a

clothing store and automatically looking for the plus sizes. I am

soooo looking forward to the day when I can walk in and not have to

consciously avoid all the really cute things in all the bright colors

simply because they're "not my size."

I have no concept of what I'll look like when I'm at goal. Not just

body-wise but face-wise. It's odd...I don't even know what shape

face I really have. I *think* it's oval but then again, it might be

heart-shaped. Right now, it's just round.

After all this, it might sound a bit odd, but I wouldn't give up a

bit of my life as I've lived it up till now. It's shaped who I am

and set me on the path to who I'll become. I think because I've

always been overweight (ok, fine, I'm fat!) that I have a better

empathy with people. I think that I will always have a bit more

compassion in my heart because I have lived with a silent pain for so

long. Besides, it's worth nothing to wish to change the past. It's

done and dead and only worth the lessons it's taught me.

And with that, I'm off to mumble quietly to myself again. ;o)

in AR, just getting things off my chest. ;o)

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First of all congrats on your upcoming surgery! This will be the

beginning of a new life for you! The lap band allows for slow enough

weight loss for your mind to catch up with your body. I personally

think this is the way it should be. My advise would be to follow all

the rules and watch as the new you unfolds! It is funny to

realize " hey, I'm not a big person " ! And yes, my shoe size, hat size,

ring size have all changed which I wouldnt have even thought of. Enjoy

the journey and try to aprreciate every step of the way!

Best of luck


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I love this post! I know exactly how you feel, and once you start loosing you will be amazed at all the changes your body goes through. I am also "round" faced, but after 54# my cheeks don't look like I am chipmuck hoarding nuts for the winter! When I had my surgery on 6/22/07 I was wearing 22-24's and 2X to 3X shirts. I weigh 199 right now and I can wear XL shirts from the regular clothes sections and size 16 pants. It is just so hard to imagine your body changing like it does. One thing I will tell you is that this is going to be the ride of your life, so stay relaxed and enjoy every step of the way.

Size now, size to be

I am still 10 days out from surgery and I love reading about all the success of those who have already had it done. I hope and keep telling myself that I fully expect to be one of those success stories.About a year ago I finally had to admit to myself that I really couldn't wear the size 28 I was in and went up to a 30. That's when I first started investigating lapband surgery. Now, over a year later, it's finally happening and I'm excited, nervous, determined, ambivilant, resigned to the fact that I've committed myself to this and all those other emotions y'all have all probably gone through too.My senior year in high school, I went on a diet in January and by graduation in May, I'd lost over 25 pounds and was into a size 16. I honestly can't remember being less than a size 14 since I was in about the 7th grade.More and more, as I'm getting closer to surgery, I wonder what size my

body really is. Yeah, I know right now it's a 30, but once I lose weight.... I tell myself that I'd be happy with a 14, maybe a 12. Then I read someone's post who's around the 150lb mark and that they're in size 10 or 8 and I wonder---that' s about the weight I'd like to be. Is it possible that I could wind up being a size 10 or even an 8?I don't *feel* like I'm a size 30. 'Course it slaps me in the face every time I look in a mirror or see a picture someone snapped of me. ;o) I *know* I'm a size 30 and at times am repulsed by the way I look. (Which is why I have no full-length mirrors!)My shoulders. Will they always be a bit rounded or will they be those that look like I've got shoulder pads on whether I do or not? And shoe size. I don't even know if I'm really a size 9 or not. Maybe I won't have to look for wide shoes any more. *Maybe* I'll actually start looking for shoes with heels

because they won't be so darn uncomfortable any more. (But then again, I love my creature comforts! ;o))A waist. I will eventually have a *waist*!! :-O I'm not sure I've ever had one. I think I went from a log shape to a beach ball shape.I so dislike that most plus size clothes are dull, drab, and in styles that I wouldn't be caught dead in but that I have to wear because it's generally frowned upto to go to work naked. (And to incite riots because of it. ;o)) I am so tired of walking into a clothing store and automatically looking for the plus sizes. I am soooo looking forward to the day when I can walk in and not have to consciously avoid all the really cute things in all the bright colors simply because they're "not my size."I have no concept of what I'll look like when I'm at goal. Not just body-wise but face-wise. It's odd...I don't even know what shape face I really have. I

*think* it's oval but then again, it might be heart-shaped. Right now, it's just round.After all this, it might sound a bit odd, but I wouldn't give up a bit of my life as I've lived it up till now. It's shaped who I am and set me on the path to who I'll become. I think because I've always been overweight (ok, fine, I'm fat!) that I have a better empathy with people. I think that I will always have a bit more compassion in my heart because I have lived with a silent pain for so long. Besides, it's worth nothing to wish to change the past. It's done and dead and only worth the lessons it's taught me.And with that, I'm off to mumble quietly to myself again. ;o) in AR, just getting things off my chest. ;o)

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I'm going to respond enmasse mostly because I'm pressed for time.

But I wanted to thank all of you who responded. Cyrena, you're

right...I didn't really need a reply as these were mostly my thoughts

and feelings but it's nice to know that I'm not alone in those.

Jenni, no, I'm not a writer but my best and oldest friend is and

she's taught me a lot about expressing myself. And I sooo understand

the " I've got big bones. " I've always assumed I do but more and

more, I'm wondering. I guess only time will tell. ;o)

Deborah, Heidi, thank you so much for the encouragement and empathy.

I know at times I'm going to be anxious for the weight to go but I

hope it's just a slow-but-sure thing.

, I marvel at what 50-ish pounds can do! :o) It may be awhile

before I'm where you are now, but that's ok. I didn't get this way

overnight; I don't expect to get out of it overnight either.

And now, I'm going to take my cat to the vet. Later all! :o)

in AR

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