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I've been thinking about you and "Stomach Cancer" all day.

I am not an expert and I would love an expert's opinion on this so if you are out there, please chime in.

Here is my novice opinion. By getting the VSG or the sleeve you maybe doing something positive to avoid stomach cancer. We all know the health benefits of excess weightloss, I'm not talking about that. Here is what I'm talking about. Our cells are constantly dividing and you get cancer when those cells go bad, divide and go turn against us. So if you remove those cells in our stomach's then they are not there to go bad. IT's like the women (or man for that matter) who is at high risk for breast cancer, has the bracka testing, finds out she has the gene and so she has a double masectomy of her healthy breasts to avoid cancer. Now she could still get cancer in her lymph nodes, under her arm or anywhere else but by removing her breasts she has lowered her chance.

Wouldn't this apply with the stomach. If we were to get stomach cancer, where in our stomach would it show? Is that the part that Dr. A has already removed? So maybe you have prolonged your life, cheated cancer, and avoided chemo and radiation therapy.

Come on cancer specialists, prove me right!



I am considering getting sleeved......but since it is a relatively new surgery what will the results be in say 10 years.....will we still be enamored?Sent from my iPad

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I'm not an expert....but I'll buy what you're selling, K!!LOL! Makes good sense to me!!Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 5, 2011, at 6:01 PM, "kspencer67" <kspencer67@...> wrote:


I've been thinking about you and "Stomach Cancer" all day.

I am not an expert and I would love an expert's opinion on this so if you are out there, please chime in.

Here is my novice opinion. By getting the VSG or the sleeve you maybe doing something positive to avoid stomach cancer. We all know the health benefits of excess weightloss, I'm not talking about that. Here is what I'm talking about. Our cells are constantly dividing and you get cancer when those cells go bad, divide and go turn against us. So if you remove those cells in our stomach's then they are not there to go bad. IT's like the women (or man for that matter) who is at high risk for breast cancer, has the bracka testing, finds out she has the gene and so she has a double masectomy of her healthy breasts to avoid cancer. Now she could still get cancer in her lymph nodes, under her arm or anywhere else but by removing her breasts she has lowered her chance.

Wouldn't this apply with the stomach. If we were to get stomach cancer, where in our stomach would it show? Is that the part that Dr. A has already removed? So maybe you have prolonged your life, cheated cancer, and avoided chemo and radiation therapy.

Come on cancer specialists, prove me right!



I am considering getting sleeved......but since it is a relatively new surgery what will the results be in say 10 years.....will we still be enamored?Sent from my iPad

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I will make an appointment.........see how it turns out.......thanks for everythingSent from my iPadOn Oct 4, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Margo <margo.nelson@...> wrote:

In the unlikely event that you did have stomach cancer, you could live even with a full gastrectomy - not the most wonderful prospect, but possible. However, keep in mind that the greater likelihood is that you will become disabled, ill, or dead as the result of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, etc. related to obesity ... stomach cancer is a much more remote possibility, and there are a number of cancers (breast cancer among them) also linked to obesity - which you will reduce your risk of developing when you lose weight.

All surgery is a risk, and it is smart to be aware of possible downsides, but you also need to consider the risks involved with NOT having surgery.Best Wishes,Margo(At goal, 124 pounds down, 19 months post-op)

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Fernvega <fernvega@...> wrote:

Yes ...I too found out it was done quite awhile back ,on a patient with cancer.......2 very dear persons to me died of stomach Cancer and they had this surgery performed........I Keep thinking what if I get stomach cancer...whAt will be left to be removed? This is an elective surgery for me...for them it was not.... This may sound stupid....but that is my primary fear......of course I am severely overweight.....high blood pressure...and all....

and I am probably a walking time bomb....But This majoooor what if ..haunts me........I am 45 years old and want a new lease on life......Sent from my iPadOn Oct 1, 2011, at 12:44 PM, "kspencer67" <kspencer67@...> wrote:


Have you received many replies from this posting?

I did my research about a year ago and found that the "gastric sleeve gastrectomy" has been done for many years on patients with stomach cancers, ulcers (before they treated with antibiotics) and other stomach conditions. There is a large population of people living into their old age and experiencing the side effect of weightloss. I wish I had studies and numbers to quote. I had that a year ago when I was making that decision. But google it and find your numbers. They also started performing the sleeve for those patients with 40+ bmi's where surgery for bypass was too risky due to health, and with the hopes of getting their health back and then converting. So many lost their weight the convertion wasn't necessary.

Do your research and let us know what you find. Good luck.


I am considering getting sleeved......but since it is a relatively new surgery what will the results be in say 10 years.....will we still be enamored?Sent from my iPad

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Hi everyone,

I have one thing to say on this subject. You are going to die much sooner and faster from being fat than anything else ever happening to you. You have NO way of looking into the future. So I sat GO for it. This is ALL about becoming healthy.



In a message dated 10/5/2011 4:00:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, kspencer67@... writes:


I've been thinking about you and "Stomach Cancer" all day.

I am not an expert and I would love an expert's opinion on this so if you are out there, please chime in.

Here is my novice opinion. By getting the VSG or the sleeve you maybe doing something positive to avoid stomach cancer. We all know the health benefits of excess weightloss, I'm not talking about that. Here is what I'm talking about. Our cells are constantly dividing and you get cancer when those cells go bad, divide and go turn against us. So if you remove those cells in our stomach's then they are not there to go bad. IT's like the women (or man for that matter) who is at high risk for breast cancer, has the bracka testing, finds out she has the gene and so she has a double masectomy of her healthy breasts to avoid cancer. Now she could still get cancer in her lymph nodes, under her arm or anywhere else but by removing her breasts she has lowered her chance.

Wouldn't this apply with the stomach. If we were to get stomach cancer, where in our stomach would it show? Is that the part that Dr. A has already removed? So maybe you have prolonged your life, cheated cancer, and avoided chemo and radiation therapy.

Come on cancer specialists, prove me right!



I am considering getting sleeved......but since it is a relatively new surgery what will the results be in say 10 years.....will we still be enamored?Sent from my iPad

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