Guest guest Posted September 22, 2004 Report Share Posted September 22, 2004 x=b3B3824,bvtv58G#a305896 Mycotoxins in Crude Building Materials from Water-Damaged Buildings by AEM Tapani Tuomi,1,* Kari Reijula,1 Tom sson,1 Kaisa Hemminki,2 Eeva- Liisa Hintikka,1 Outi Lindroos,1 Seija Kalso,3 Pirkko Koukila- Kähkölä,4 Helena Mussalo-Rauhamaa,5 and Tari Haahtela5 Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Uusimaa Regional Institute, FIN-00370 Helsinki,1 City of Vantaa Environment Center, FIN-01300 Vantaa,2 City of Helsinki Environment Center, FIN-00530 Helsinki,3 and HUCH Diagnostics, Mycological Laboratory,4 and Department of Dermatology and Allergic Diseases,5 Helsinki University Central Hospital, FIN-00250 Helsinki, Finland ABSTRACT We analyzed 79 bulk samples of moldy interior finishes from Finnish buildings with moisture problems for 17 mycotoxins, aswell as for fungi that could be isolated using one medium andone set of growth conditions. We found the aflatoxin precursor,sterigmatocystin, in 24% of the samples and trichothecenes in19% of the samples. Trichothecenes found included satratoxin Gor H in five samples; diacetoxyscirpenol in five samples; and3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol, verrucarol, or T-2-tetraolin an additional five samples. Citrinine was found in three samples. Aspergillus versicolor was present in most sterigmatocystin-containingsamples, and Stachybotrys spp. were present in the samples wheresatratoxins were found. In many cases, however, the presence offungi thought to produce the mycotoxins was not correlated withthe presence of the expected compounds. However, when mycotoxins were found, some toxigenic fungi usually were present, even ifthe species originally responsible for producing the mycotoxinwas not isolated. We conclude that the identification and enumerationof fungal species present in bulk materials are important to verifythe severity of mold damage but that chemical analyses are necessaryif the goal is to establish the presence of mycotoxins in moldymaterials. INTRODUCTION Mycotoxins are " natural products produced by fungi that evoke a toxic response when introduced in low concentrations to highervertebrates by a natural route " (J. W. , Editorial, Mycopathologia100:3-5, 1987). These compounds can cause a wide range of acuteand chronic systemic effects in humans and animals that cannotbe attributed to fungal growth within the host or allergic reactionsto foreign proteins. The over 400 known mycotoxins are all complex organic compounds, most with molecular masses between200 and 800 kDa, that are not volatile at ambient temperatures.Inhalant exposure to mycotoxins can occur by inhaling airborneparticulates containing mycotoxins, including dust and fungalcomponents. In agricultural settings, mycotoxicoses in both farmanimals and humans can result from oral, dermal, or inhalant exposureof mycotoxin-contaminated grain or dust (for reviews, see references. In laboratory mammals,symptoms can be induced by systemic, oral, dermal, subcutaneous,or inhalant exposure, with inhalant exposure in somecases being several orders of magnitude more toxic than dermalor even systemic administration. Toxigenic fungi have been isolated from building materials and air samples in buildings with moisture problems, where the residents have suffered from nonspecific symptoms possibly relatedto mycotoxin production, such as cough; irritation of eyes, skin,and respiratory tract; joint ache; headache; and fatigue. In some cases involving Stachybotryschartarum (Ehrenberg ex Link) , exposure has resulted inpulmonary hemorrhage, and S. chartarum isolates from suchsites have been shown to produce a number of mycotoxins, includingsatratoxins. Very few studies have, however, establisheda causal relationship between mycotoxin exposure and building-related illnesses. All known mycotoxins are fungal secondary metabolites, which means that mycotoxin production need not be correlated with thegrowth and proliferation of the producing species and that factorssuch as induction, end product inhibition, catabolite repression,and phosphate regulation will determine production.Therefore, even though some fungi can grow on almost any naturalor synthetic construction material, mycotoxin production occurspreferentially on materials that both allow these fungi to growand provide the conditions for mycotoxin production. From themany studies of the production of mycotoxins by fungal isolatesderived from agricultural environments, a great deal is known about the fungal species that are capable of producing known mycotoxinsand about the growth media and conditions that induce production. It is known that some species includestrains that produce mycotoxins and others that lack this ability. It also has been established that many of the knownmycotoxin producers are frequent colonizers in indoor environments. Less is known, however, about the presenceof mycotoxins in indoor environments, and it is only in recent years that the presence of some mycotoxins has been verified incrude building materials.In fact, most mycotoxins have yet to be extracted from eitherair samples or bulk material derived from indoorenvironments. Satratoxins belong to the macrocyclic trichothecene class of mycotoxins. Over 100 trichothecenes with irritatory and immuno suppressive effects are known. Most trichothecenes were originallyisolated from species of Fusarium, but they also may be producedby other fungi, such as species of Stachybotrys, Trichothecium,Cylindrocarpon, Myrothecium, Trichoderma, Vertinosporum, and Acremonium. Other mycotoxins potentially presentin indoor environments include the carcinogenic aflatoxins andtheir precursor, sterigmatocystin, which has immuno suppressive and carcinogenic properties. Fumonisins, ochratoxins (nephrotoxicand carcinogenic), zearalenone (estrogenic), gliotoxin (immunosuppressive),patulin (carcinogenic and neurotoxic), and citrinine (nephrotoxic)also may be present (reviewed in reference). Penicilliumand Aspergillus species also may produce mycotoxins, commonlyfound in association with indoor air problems). Aspergillusochraceus Wilhelm (ochratoxin A), Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius(fumitremorgins, gliotoxin, and verrucologen), Aspergillus versicolor(Vuillemin) Tiraboschi (sterigmatocystin), Aspergillus flavusLink (aflatoxins), Aspergillus parasiticus Speare (aflatoxins),and Penicillium citrinum Thom (citrinine) are among those of particularconcern. Sterigmatocystin also may be produced byA. flavus, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus rugulosus, Aspergillusunguis, Bipolaris spp., and Chaetomium spp., while Penicilliumverrucosum and Penicillium viridicatum may produce citrinine. In the present study, over a period of 4 months, we collected samples for mycotoxin analysis from four major environmental laboratories in southern Finland that are collectively responsiblefor over 90% of the mycological analyses performed on moisture problem sites in this area. Samples were selected based on mycologicalanalyses down to genus level. A group of 17 mycotoxins likelyto be encountered in indoor environments were analyzed, including 4 macrocyclic trichothecenes, 10 nonmacrocyclic trichothecenes,citrinine, sterigmatocystin, and ochratoxin A. As only one setof growth conditions was used to isolate fungi growing on oneparticular medium, we did not attempt to identify the fungi responsible for producing the mycotoxins in each case. Rather, our objectives were to establish (i) whether these mycotoxins occur in moisture problem sites, (ii) in what materials individual mycotoxins occur, and (iii) which fungal species are associated with mycotoxin-containing samples. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample composition. We analyzed 79 bulk samples of moldy interior finishes, including samples of wallpaper, cardboard, wood, plywood, plasterboard, paper-covered gypsum board, mineral wool, plaster, sand, soil, linoleum, polyurethane insulation, pipe insulation, and paint.The samples were collected from buildings where a moisture problem had been detected either by a municipal inspector or by an occupational hygienist. Additionally, in all these buildings, the examining inspector, hygienist, or physician had recorded the presence of symptomatic individuals, or possibly a mold-induced disease. The79-sample subset was selected from a larger group based on two criteria: (i) selected samples were usually covered with visible fungal growth, and (ii) one or more of the following species dominated in CFU measurements: Fusarium spp., Stachybotrys spp., Trichotheciumspp., Cylindrocarpon spp., Myrothecium spp., Trichoderma spp.,Verticinosporum spp., Acremonium spp., Bipolaris spp., Chaetomiumspp., A. fumigatus, A. ochraceus, A. nidulans, A. flavus, A. unguis,A. versicolor, A. rugulosus, P. verrucosum, P. citrinum, and P. viridicatum. Samples were collected over a period of 4 months by health inspectors, occupational hygienists, or environmental inspectors and made available to us by the City of Helsinki Environment Center, Helsinki, Finland; the City of Vantaa Environment Center,Vantaa, Finland; the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Uusimaa Regional Institute, Helsinki, Finland; HUCH Diagnostics,Mycological Laboratory, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; and the Department of Dermatology and AllergicDiseases, Helsinki University CentralHospital. Isolation and identification of fungal species. Fungal propagules were isolated from a suspension of 10 g of material in 90 ml of buffer solution (0.3 mM KH2PO4, 2.1 mM MgSO4,2 mM NaOH, 0.02% Tween 80). Dilutions from 102 to 105 were spread on 2% malt extract agar (Difco, Detroit, Mich.).Plates were incubated, in the dark, at 25°C for 7 days prior to enumeration and identification. Fungi were identified morphologically to species or genus level. Preparation and analysis of mycotoxin samples. Mycotoxins were extracted with aqueous 95% methanol, purified by a hexane wash and solid-phase extraction, separated by reverse-phasehigh-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), identified by tandemmass spectrometry, and quantified using electrospray ionization(ESI) on a quadrupole ion trap mass analyzer, as described previously. The analytes were introduced to the mass spectrometry detector by injecting 10 µl of sample through an HPLC system consisting of an Alliance 2690 separations module (Waters Associated, Milford,Mass.) connected to a Lichrocart 250-3 Purospher RP18 column (Merck,Darmstadt, Germany) online with a four-by-four Purospher precolumn(Merck), both operated at 30°C ( chromatography column oven model 7981, HPLC Technology Company Ltd.). A methanol- aqueousbuffer (10 mM ammonium acetate) solvent system was used. Sodiumacetate (20 µM) was added to solvents for enhancement of cationizationin ESI-mass spectrometry. An initial methanol concentration of20% was held for 4 min, after which the concentration of methanol was raised linearly to 70% at 8 min. This concentration was held for 11.5 min, after which the concentration was raised linearly within 1 min to 90%. The final concentration was held for 15.5 min. The flow rate was 400 µl/min. Between samples, 10 µl of puremethanol was injected into the column and the column was eluted for 4 min with 90% methanol before lowering the methanol concentrationto 20% in 1 min and conditioning for 4 min with this solvent.This protocol minimized cross contamination of samples. Mass spectral analysis was performed on a Finnigan LCQ (Finnigan Corp., San , Calif.) fitted with an ESI probe. The operating conditions were optimized using T2 toxin, roridin A (RDRA), andT2- tetraol. These conditions were as follows. The ESI probe was operated in the positive ion mode and set at a voltage of 1.10 kV. Pressurized nitrogen (690 kPa) was used as auxiliary and sheath gas with a flow rate of 2.5 and 47 dm3/min, respectively. Helium was used for collision-induced dissociation at a pressure of 275 kPa. Capillary temperature was 260°C, and capillary voltage was 46 V with a tube lens offset of 55 V. Thesystem includes two octapole ion guides with an interoctapolelens in between. The first octapole direct current offset potential was 3.24 V, and the second was 6.5 V, with the interoctapolelens voltage set at 16 V and the octapole RF amplitude at 400. The electron multiplier voltage was set to 800 V. For collision-induceddissociation experiments, the relative collision intensity in the ion trap varied from 12.6 (verrucarol) to 25.0 (satratoxinH [sATH] and RDRA). Maximum injection time was 200 ms, and totalmicroscans were set to 3. Samples were not analyzed in replicates.To each sample, 2 µg of the alkaloid reserpine was added as aninternal standard prior to the extraction procedure. Each sampleseries of six samples contained one or more blank samples to exclude the possibility of false positives. Blank samples were analyzed prior to injecting the actual samples and once more after thelast sample had been analyzed. The ion trap, particularly whenused as a tandem mass spectrometric device as in the present study,is qualitatively reliable. However, the accuracy of the quantitative analysis was limited by the characteristics of the ion trap, which is a semiquantitative rather than a precise quantitative instrument. Yields of the extraction and purification procedure ranged from 7 to 92%, and detection limits ranged from 0.02 to 200 ng. Irrespective of the compound, the intensity of atleast two major fragments was used for quantitation purposes. RESULTS Thirty-four of the 79 samples analyzed (43%) contained one or more of the mycotoxins. Mycotoxins were found inmost of the material categories tested, with most (82%) of themycotoxin-positive samples containing cellulosic matter, suchas paper, board, wood, or paper- covered gypsum board. Fifteen samples (19%) contained trichothecenes, 5 containing the macrocyclic trichothecene satratoxin G or SATH,and 10 containing one of the nonmacrocyclic trichothecenes, diacetoxyscirpenol(DAS), deoxynivalenol (DON), 3-acetyl-DON (3-Ace-DON), T2-tetraol,or verrucarol. The most prevalent toxin was sterigmatocystin,which was detected in 19 samples (24%), while three samples (4%)contained citrinine (Table 2). Fungi associated with mycotoxin-containing samples. Eighteen of 63 samples contaminated with Aspergillus spp. contained sterigmatocystin, with A. versicolor occurringmost frequently (13 samples). Three sterigmatocystin-containing samples did not yield any Aspergillus isolates. Species of Penicilliumwere isolated in two of the three cases where sterigmatocystinwas found in the absence of Aspergillus spp. In addition to 14 samples containing sterigmatocystin, toxin-containing samples contaminated with Penicillium spp. included two of the three citrinine- containingsamples. The majority of the 56 samples that contained Penicilliumspp., however, were negative for both citrinine and sterigmatocystin. Species of Fusarium were detected in 12 samples,only two of which were associated with the production of nonmacrocyclictrichothecenes characteristic of Fusarium spp. Satratoxins, with one exception, were found only in associationwith Stachybotrys species. Some species were more frequently associated with mycotoxin- containing materials, even when the toxins found were not characteristicof these species. For example, A. ochraceus was foundon eight occasions, all of which were associated with the production of mycotoxin. Yet, ochratoxin A, which is characteristic of this species, was not detected in any of the analyzed samples. On the other hand, all six samples containing Aspergillus niger werefree from mycotoxin. DISCUSSION The present samples are a subset selected from a large pool of buildings with moisture problems and were biased in their microbiologyas examined on one particular universal growth medium. Therefore,we cannot draw any conclusions regarding the fungal frequencyon moisture-damaged building materials in general. One in fivesamples of material from which species of Aspergillus were recovered contained detectable levels of sterigmatocystin, making it the single most prevalent toxin in this study and, perhaps, indicatingthat sterigmatocystin is more ubiquitous than previously thought.As in previous studies, most sterigmatocystin- producingstrains appeared to be A. versicolor, but it also is possiblethat this toxin may have been produced by Penicilliumspp. Spread plating on malt extract agar favors the growth of rapidly growing species of Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Alternariaat the expense of the generally slower-growing species of Stachybotrys,Acremonium, and Fusarium. The isolation of Fusarium spp.might require direct plating on medium specific for this purpose. In the present study, 15% of materials were contaminatedwith Fusarium species, but 10 of 12 samples containing nonmacrocyclictrichothecenes characteristic of Fusarium spp. yielded no Fusariumcultures. Verrucarol has been reported in Stachybotrys spp.,but judging from extensive reviews of the mycotoxins characteristicof different species of Fusarium and other fungi, it is highlyunlikely that the other nonmacrocyclic trichothecenes present(DAS, DON, 3-Ace-DON, and T2-tetraol) originated from fungi otherthan Fusarium spp. It seems that the procedure used to isolate the fungi left most of the Fusarium spp.undetected. The mycology of the building materials did not correlate well with the toxin contents, although when a mycotoxin was found in a sample, representatives of a fungal genus known to containtoxigenic species were present. It is possible for toxigenic specieswith different growth requirements to be present in the same sample,as they may have proliferated during different stages of the waterdamage. For example, a surface may be overgrown by S. chartarum,which prefers cellulosic matter with a high water content, withnitrogen deficiency promoting satratoxin production, but at an earlier stage of the water damage, at a lower relative humidity,A. versicolor could havedominated. Our findings agree with those of Gravesen et al., in which sterigmatocystin was detected in 19 of 23 samples of building materials artificially contaminated with strains of Aspergillussp. recovered from Danish buildings with moisture problems. Theyalso found trichothecenes in six of eight natural samples tested.Previously, in Finnish water-damaged buildings, trichotheceneswere detected in dust and construction material samples, as wellas from samples of artificially enriched microbial media.We hypothesize that sterigmatocystin and trichothecenes occurfrequently in cellulosic construction materials of problem houses,where some of the fungi used to select the samples analyzed inthe present study (A. ochraceus, Stachybotrys, Fusarium, Trichoderma,and Acremonium) have proliferated as a result of prolonged exposureto high wateractivities. Risk assessment of the inhalation of mycotoxins cannot be made from the analysis of bulk samples of construction materials,even if dose responses of humans to airborne mycotoxins were known.However, as many of the fungi that we isolated can elicit allergenicreactions in addition to being toxic, it seems that care should be exercised when moisture-damaged sites are torn downor renovated. Sterigmatocystin is an International Agency forResearch on Cancer class 2B carcinogen and also has immunotoxicproperties, while satratoxin G and SATH are probably thechemical agents responsible for stachybotryotoxicosis in mammals. In a recent study, S. chartarum and A. versicolorwere implicated as causes of building-associated pulmonary diseasein workers in three adjacent office buildings. A. versicolor predominatedin the indoor air, and S. chartarum was isolated from bulk samplescontaining parts-per-million levels of satratoxins. Unfortunately, sterigmatocystin could not be isolated in that study, due to peak interference in UV-HPLC. In addition to the work of Hodgson etal. (2 to 5 µg/g), satratoxins have previously been found in building materials by Johanning et al. (16 µg/g), Croftet al. (not quantified), and et al. (17 µg/g). To our knowledge, sterigmatocystin has not previously beenextracted from building materials naturally contaminated by fungi.The levels of satratoxins in our present study (0.77 µg/g of extracted material) were lower than those previously found inbuilding materials naturally contaminated by S. chartarum but as high as those found in building materials artificially inoculated with S. chartarum and incubated to enrich toxins and almost as high as those encountered with Stachybotrys-contaminatedrice or fodder. Mycological analyses of air and crude building materials are routinely performed in environmental laboratories to evaluate the extent and spread of damage in buildings with moisture problems and to assess the risk to residents. The isolation of toxigenic species does not substantiate the presence of mycotoxins. However,the present study demonstrates that when mycotoxins are foundin bulk materials, some genus known to include toxigenic species usually is present, even if strains from the fungal species probably responsible for producing the mycotoxin are not recovered. In this context, we suggest that the sources of mycotoxic fungal contamination should be removed and necessary precautions should be taken to prevent exposure to potentially harmful aerosolized particles during renovation of buildings with moisture problems. As the techniques to collect and analyze airborne propagules develop, mycotoxins can be analyzed from indoor air, enablingan assessment of the possible health consequences of mycotoxinsfor residents of water- damaged buildings. In future studies, the ubiquitousness of mycotoxins in indoor environments can be evaluatedwhen more mycotoxins are added to the analysis protocol and whenmore moldy materials are sampled. There are techniques availableto analyze most fungi present in environmental samples. Identifying the fungi responsible for producing mycotoxins in building materialswill require using such techniques in combination with the enrichmentof pure fungal isolates on building materials and extraction of mycotoxins from these isolates. The present study underlines the need for such research. In the largest screen from indoor environments with respect to the number of mycotoxins and samples analyzed, we found mycotoxins in more than 40% ofsamples. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the Academy ofFinland. We thank a Vanninen at VERIFIN (Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention) for furnishing of mycotoxin standards; Tapio Suorti (Vantaa), Kari Vähämäki(FIOH), and Marjatta Malmberg (HUCHS) for collecting samples;Taru Järvimaa (Vantaa) and Tuula Laakso (Helsinki EnvironmentCenter) for identifying fungal species; Sirkku Kokko (HUCHS),Tuovi Karpeeki (FIOH), and Marita Airaksinen and Sulasalmi(Vantaa) for preparing mycological samples; and Hilkka kauppiat FIOH for performing the mycotoxin samplepretreatments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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