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> ,

> I just dealt with this the other night. My band is tight during my

period and for about a week afterwards, then it is really loose. I

finally got to the loose stage in the month and I have been craving

potato chips and spinach dip. I sat down with a bag of chips, dip,

and a movie and I could get about 5 bites in and I was done. I was

actually sad, yep sad. I wanted the whole bag and the whole 8 oz of

dip, I used to be able to do that all the time :) :) This is where

the band comes in, no more do I get to feed that sickness of eating,

eating, eating. I had to grieve for my bag of chips that sat in my

lap and put away my dip for another time :) I too watch my husband

eat a sandwich and think, what a life!! I would give anything for a

sandwich. After I feel sorry for myself, I think, " hey, I could have

a sandwich and a bag of chips with dip " , it would come at the cost of

getting those 85+ pounds back!!!! So which do I want, 85lbs back or


> myself a little :) :) So far I have always chosen a little

deprivation :) Remember that our desire to eat a sandwich " like a

normal person " is probably saying I want to live like my old self, not

my new banded self. I make awesome homemade buns, I have thought to

myself, I just want one stinking bun, that's it!!! But is that ONE

bun, that lead me to eating 1/2 dozen of them before my band. It is

easy to tell ourselves we are sooo deprived, but really we aren't. We

just finally have control over a part of our lives we have never had

control over. I hope my rambling has helped, you are not alone that

is for sure. Hang in there and the 180's will soon be gone and the

170's will be staring you in the face :) :)


> Cyrena

> 240/153/150

> DOB: 1/19/07

> www.cyrenaweeks.blogspot.com

> I'm ready for my fill 12/11/07 :)


i know this is for kristen but that is just one of the most beautiful

things ive read here in regards to feeling deprived...thank you...this

touched my heart and made me shake my head in agreement and made me

feel way less alone.... i dont want my 125lbs back. no way.


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Hi, Rena. He put me on Nexum mups (I melt the tablet in water and drink it in the a.m.). I do that for 14 days. I was on Prilosec 14 days prior to getting to Mexicali. When he xrayed me, I was way too tight. They took out 1.5 of my 2.1 cc. I was on clear liquids for a week, just started thick liquids for a week. Start soft foods for a week, then reintroduce regular eating. I go back in a month for a check-up and a refill. I haven't thrown up in over two weeks. No pbing and more importantly no acid reflux. I'm feeling so much better and I am sleeping at night instead of throwing up every 45 minutes to an hour. Thanks for checking on me. I'm down 45 lbs. and all my clothes are so loose, even the ones that are only weeks old. It's a good day when you're banded, isn't it?

From: rena71857@...Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 06:26:58 -0800Subject: Re: (())

Hi , I guess I missed your post about getting better. I tried to find it online but after searching thru 4 pages of post I gave up...Maybe you can brief me on what Dr. A. did for you to make you better...I'm glad to hear you are better...

Take care

Rena Brown

DOB: 9/26/06


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...No barfing... good to hear!Told ya so!!! Prilosec until you got to Mexico then Nexium mups! HA! (sorry folks, private joke between , Gaby, and me)Congrats on the weight loss! You do realize, of course, that is 45lbs that will never return! YEE HAWWW! ;o)

I'm thrilled to hear you are doing better.On Nov 16, 2007 8:21 PM, <ldccox@...> wrote:

Hi, Rena. He put me on Nexum mups (I melt the tablet in water and drink it in the a.m.). I do that for 14 days. I was on Prilosec 14 days prior to getting to Mexicali. When he xrayed me, I was way too tight. They took out 1.5 of my 2.1 cc. I was on clear liquids for a week, just started thick liquids for a week. Start soft foods for a week, then reintroduce regular eating. I go back in a month for a check-up and a refill. I haven't thrown up in over two weeks. No pbing and more importantly no acid reflux. I'm feeling so much better and I am sleeping at night instead of throwing up every 45 minutes to an hour. Thanks for checking on me. I'm down 45 lbs. and all my clothes are so loose, even the ones that are only weeks old. It's a good day when you're banded, isn't it?

From: rena71857@...Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 06:26:58 -0800

Subject: Re: (())

Hi , I guess I missed your post about getting better. I tried to find it online but after searching thru 4 pages of post I gave up...Maybe you can brief me on what Dr. A. did for you to make you better...I'm glad to hear you are better...

Take care

Rena Brown

DOB: 9/26/06


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  • 3 months later...

Hi , I'm sorry you are having some trouble too...I was to tight one time and it is no fun at all...I too worried about my band slipping but it did not, so I really don't think you'll have to worry about that...My doctor told me it takes a lot of forceful vomitting to get your band to slip. So hopefully that is not the case with you...I wish you weren't having to go all the way back to MX. You do know you can still use Dr. or Dr. ...They are really great doctors too...I know you want to use Dr. Aceves and Compos but if it gets to much for you to go back and forth just let me know and I'll get you their numbers so you won't have to go so far...Dr. uses fluoro...That is who Jim & I will be using from now on (she comes to Tyler, TX, only 3 hour drive for us)...Not that I don't love Dr. but the fluoro is what sells me on her and since it is Jim & I now she makes the most sense to use... Call me if you need me for anything...Take care and get well... Hugs, Rena <lgr00_00@...> wrote: Hi ya Rena, So glad to hear Jim is doing much better. He is on the up hill now!!!...I am on the other hand...still not doing good. I called Nina yesterday because I just cant do this anymore...I am still not any better and I believe that because of being so tight and not being able to keep anything down, that I probably have

slippage. I made the fastest reservations I could get to DR A to get a unfill and to be checked out to see if any damage has been done. I cant wait....I feel like I cant even breath...gonna be such a relief to get a unfill. Anyway, keep me in your prayers that there isnt any damage and all I need is just a unfill. Talk to you later. PS ..Leaving on the 27th returning on 28th. rena brown <rena71857 > wrote: Hi Bipley, Yes, come to find out Jim has Gastritis. I was ready to rush him to the ER last Friday night. But after several calls to Nina, and then Dr. Compos called me several times as they were busy reviewing all of Jim's records to see what could be wrong when Nina remembered that another patient had in the past

had the same symptoms...I called and spoke with her and sure enough they were the same symptoms. So Dr. Compos had me get Mylanta and Prilosec and once Jim took that he could immediately tell a difference and by morning he was pain free...Thank God! I was really scared for him...I'm sorry to say I was having all kinds of doubts about him ever getting the band...I was scared he was going to die, that is how much pain he was in... So now we need to learn all we can about Gastritis...So I've included some information on Gastritis for the new people fixing to get the Lap Band...This could happen to anyone and it's better to be prepared...I will say Jim didn't have any problems until after we left the hospital and he was taking the pain pills they sent home with him...He may have taken the pain pills to often, I do know he used them all and so I personally believe the pain pills are what caused his problems...

Erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis After H. pylori, the second most common cause of chronic gastritis is use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These commonly used pain killers, including aspirin, fenoprofen, ibuprofen and naproxen, among others, can lead to gastritis and peptic ulcers. Other forms of erosive gastritis are those due to alcohol and corrosive agents or due to trauma such as ingestion of foreign bodies, stress from surgery... Definition Gastritis commonly refers to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, but the term is often used to cover a variety of symptoms resulting from stomach lining inflammation and symptoms of burning or discomfort. True gastritis comes in several forms and is diagnosed using a combination of tests. In the 1990s, scientists discovered that the main cause of true gastritis is infection from a bacterium called

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Description Gastritis should not be confused with common symptoms of upper abdominal discomfort. It has been associated with resulting ulcers, particularly peptic ulcers. And in some cases, chronic gastritis can lead to more serious complications. Nonerosive H. pylori gastritis The main cause of true gastritis is H. pylori infection. H. pylori is indicated in an average of 90% of patients with chronic gastritis. This form of nonerosive gastritis is the result of infection with Helicobacter pylori bacterium, a microorganism whose outer layer is resistant to the normal effects of stomach acid in breaking down bacteria. The resistance of H. pylori means that the bacterium may rest in the stomach for long periods of times, even years, and eventually cause symptoms of gastritis or ulcers when other factors are introduced, such as

the presence of specific genes or ingestion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Study of the role of H. pylori in development of gastritis and peptic ulcers has disproved the former belief that stress lead to most stomach and duodenal ulcers and has resulted in improved treatment and reduction of stomach ulcers. H. pylori is most likely transmitted between humans, although the specific routes of transmission were still under study in early 1998. Studies were also underway to determine the role of H. pylori and resulting chronic gastritis in development of gastric cancer. Other forms of gastritis Clinicians differ on the classification of the less common and specific forms of gastritis, particularly since there is so much overlap with H. pylori in development of chronic gastritis and complications of gastritis. Other types of gastritis that may be diagnosed include: Acute stress

gastritis--the most serious form of gastritis which usually occurs in critically ill patients, such as those in intensive care. Stress erosions may develop suddenly as a result of severe trauma or stress to the stomach lining. Atrophic gastritis is the result of chronic gastritis which is leading to atrophy, or decrease in size and wasting away, of the gastric lining. Gastric atrophy is the final stage of chronic gastritis and may be a precursor to gastric cancer. Superficial gastritis is a term often used to describe the initial stages of chronic gastritis. Uncommon specific forms of gastritis include granulomatous, eosiniphilic and lymphocytic gastritis. Causes and symptoms Nonerosive H. pylori gastritis H. pylori gastritis is caused by infection from the H. pylori bacterium. It is believed that

most infection occurs in childhood. The route of its transmission was still under study in 1998 and clinicians guessed that there may be more than one route for the bacterium. Its prevalence and distribution differs in nations around the world. The presence of H. pylori has been detected in 86-99% of patients with chronic superficial gastritis. However, physicians are still learning about the link of H. pylori to chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers, since many patients with H. pylori infection do not develop symptoms or peptic ulcers. H. pylori is also seen in 90-100% of patients with duodenal ulcers. Symptoms of H. pylori gastritis include abdominal pain and reduced acid secretion in the stomach. However, the majority of patients with H. pylori infection suffer no symptoms, even though the infection may lead to ulcers and resulting symptoms. Ulcer symptoms include dull, gnawing pain, often two to three hours after

meals and pain in the middle of the night when the stomach is empty. Erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis The most common cause of this form of gastritis is use of NSAIDS. Other causes may be alcoholism or stress from surgery or critical illness. The role of NSAIDS in development of gastritis and peptic ulcers depends on the dose level. Although even low doses of aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may cause some gastric upset, low doses generally will not lead to gastritis. However, as many as 10-30% of patients on higher and more frequent doses of NSAIDS, such as those with chronic arthritis, may develop gastric ulcers. In 1998, studies were underway to understand the role of H. pylori in gastritis and ulcers among patients using NSAIDS. Patients with erosive gastritis may also show no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include anorexia nervosa, gastric pain, nausea and

vomiting. Other Forms of Gastritis Less common forms of gastritis may result from a number of generalized diseases or from complications of chronic gastritis. Any number of mechanisms may cause various less common forms of gastritis and they may differ slightly in their symptoms and clinical signs. However, they all have in common inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Diagnosis Nonerosive H. pylori gastritis H. pylori gastritis is easily diagnosed through the use of the urea breath test. This test detects active presence of H. pylori infection. Other serological tests, which may be readily available in a physician's office, may be used to detect H. pylori infection. Newly developed versions offer rapid diagnosis. The choice of test will depend on cost, availability and the physician's experience, since nearly all of the available tests have an accuracy rate of 90% or better.

Endoscopy, or the examination of the stomach area using a hollow tube inserted through the mouth, may be ordered to confirm diagnosis. A biopsy of the gastric lining may also be ordered. Erosive or hemorrhagic gastritis Clinical history of the patient may be particularly important in the diagnosis of this type of gastritis, since its cause is most often the result of chronic use of NSAIDS, alcoholism, or other substances. Other forms of gastritis Gastritis that has developed to the stage of duodenal or gastric ulcers usually requires endoscopy for diagnosis. It allows the physician to perform a biopsy for possible malignancy and for H. pylori. Sometimes, an upper gastrointestinal x-ray study with barium is ordered. Some diseases such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, an ulcer disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract, may show large mucosal folds in the stomach and duodenum on radiographs or in endoscopy.

Other tests check for changes in gastric function. Treatment H. pylori gastritis The discovery of H. pylori's role in development of gastritis and ulcers has led to improved treatment of chronic gastritis. In particular, relapse rates for duodenal and gastric ulcers has been reduced with successful treatment of H. pylori infection. Since the infection can be treated with antibiotics, the bacterium can be completely eliminated up to 90% of the time. Although H. pylori can be successfully treated, the treatment may be uncomfortable for patients and relies heavily on patient compliance. In 1998, studies were underway to identify the best treatment method based on simplicity, patient cooperation and results. No single antibiotic had been found which would eliminate H. pylori on its own, so a combination of antibiotics has been prescribed to treat the infection. DUAL

THERAPY Dual therapy involves the use of an antibiotic and a proton pump inhibitor. Proton pump inhibitors help reduce stomach acid by halting the mechanism that pumps acid into the stomach. This also helps promote healing of ulcers or inflammation. Dual therapy has not been proven to be as effective as triple therapy, but may be ordered for some patients who can more comfortably handle the use of less drugs and will therefore more likely follow the two-week course of therapy. TRIPLE THERAPY As of early 1998, triple therapy was the preferred treatment for patients with H. pylori gastritis. It is estimated that triple therapy successfully eliminates 80-95% of H. pylori cases. This treatment regimen usually involves a two-week course of three drugs. An antibiotic such as amoxicillin or tetracycline, and another antibiotic such as clarithomycin or metronidazole are used in combination with bismuth subsalicylate, a

substance found in the over-the-counter medication, Pepto-Bismol, which helps protect the lining of the stomach from acid. Physicians were experimenting with various combinations of drugs and time of treatment to balance side effects with effectiveness. Side effects of triple therapy are not serious, but may cause enough discomfort that patients are not inclined to follow the treatment. OTHER TREATMENT THERAPIES Scientists have experimented with quadruple therapy, which adds an antisecretory drug, or one which suppresses gastric secretion, to the standard triple therapy. One study showed this therapy to be effective with only a week's course of treatment in more than 90% of patients. Short course therapy was attempted with triple therapy involving antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor and seemed effective in eliminating H. pylori in one week for more than 90% of patients. The goal is to develop the most effective therapy combination

that can work in one week of treatment or less. MEASURING H. PYLORI TREATMENT EFFECTIVENESS In order to ensure that H. pylori has been eradicated, physicians will test patients following treatment. The breath test is the preferred method to check for remaining signs of H. pylori. Treatment of erosive gastritis Since few patients with this form of gastritis show symptoms, treatment may depend on severity of symptoms. When symptoms do occur, patients may be treated with therapy similar to that for H. pylori, especially since some studies have demonstrated a link between H. pylori and NSAIDS in causing ulcers. Avoidance of NSAIDS will most likely be prescribed. Other forms of gastritis Specific treatment will depend on the cause and type of gastritis. These may include prednisone or antibiotics. Critically ill patients at high risk for bleeding may be

treated with preventive drugs to reduce risk of acute stress gastritis. If stress gastritis does occur, the patient is treated with constant infusion of a drug to stop bleeding. Sometimes surgery is recommended, but is weighed with the possibility of surgical complications or death. Once torrential bleeding occurs in acute stress gastritis, mortality is as high as greater than 60%. Alternative treatment Alternative forms of treatment for gastritis and ulcers should be used cautiously and in conjunction with conventional medical care, particularly now that scientists have confirmed the role of H. pylori in gastritis and ulcers. Alternative treatments can help address gastritis symptoms with diet and nutritional supplements, herbal medicine and ayurvedic medicine. It is believed that zinc, vitamin A and beta-carotene aid in the stomach lining's ability to repair and regenerate itself. Herbs thought to stimulate the immune system and

reduce inflammation include echinacea (Echinacea spp.) and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis). Ayurvedic medicine involves meditation. There are also certain herbs and nutritional supplements aimed at helping to treat ulcers. Prognosis The discovery of H. pylori has improved the prognosis for patients with gastritis and ulcers. Since treatment exists to eradicate the infection, recurrence is much less common. As of 1998, the only patients requiring treatment for H. pylori were those at high risk because of factors such as NSAIDS use or for those with ulcers and other complicating factors or symptoms. Research will continue into the most effective treatment of H. pylori, especially in light of the bacterium's resistance to certain antibiotics. Regular treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers has been recommended, since H. pylori plays such a consistently high role in development of ulcers. It is

believed that H. pylori also plays a role in the eventual development of serious gastritis complications and cancer. Detection and treatment of H. pylori infection may help reduce occurrence of these diseases. The prognosis for patients with acute stress gastritis is much poorer, with a 60 percent or higher mortality rate among those bleeding heavily. Prevention The widespread detection and treatment of H. pylori as a preventive measure in gastritis has been discussed but not resolved. Until more is known about the routes through which H. pylori is spread, specific prevention recommendations are not available. Erosive gastritis from NSAIDS can be prevented with cessation of use of these drugs. An education campaign was launched in 1998 to educate patients, particularly an aging population of arthritis sufferers, about risk for ulcers from NSAIDS and alternative drugs. Looking

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Hi , Thanks for thinking of him...He is doing 100% better...Now were just waiting for him to heal completely and then we'll go see Dr. for his 1st fill...Of course that is still at least 6 weeks away...He is hating c. broath already...LOL...Brings back memories... Take care, Rena vanessa bobo <vjbobo2003@...> wrote: Rena, I am so glad that Jim has finally got some relief. I was really worried about him when you said that his stomach was so distended. Now, maybe he can get on track and loose the weight. Just keep taking care of him! Re: JIM HAS GASTRITIS Hi Bipley, Yes, come to find out Jim has Gastritis. I was ready to rush him to the ER last Friday night. But after several calls to Nina, and then Dr.

Compos called me several times as they were busy reviewing all of Jim's records to see what could be wrong when Nina remembered that another patient had in the past had the same symptoms...I called and spoke with her and sure enough they were the same symptoms. So Dr. Compos had me get Mylanta and Prilosec and once Jim took that he could immediately tell a difference and by morning he was pain free...Thank God! I was really scared for him...I'm sorry to say I was having all kinds of doubts about him ever getting the band...I was scared he was going to die, that is how much pain he was in... So now we need to learn all we can about Gastritis... So I've included some information on Gastritis for the new people fixing to get the Lap Band...This could happen to anyone and it's better to be prepared...I will say Jim didn't have any problems until after we left the hospital and he was taking the pain pills they sent home with

him...He may have taken the pain pills to often, I do know he used them all and so I personally believe the pain pills are what caused his problems... Erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis After H. pylori, the second most common cause of chronic gastritis is use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These commonly used pain killers, including aspirin, fenoprofen, ibuprofen and naproxen, among others, can lead to gastritis and peptic ulcers. Other forms of erosive gastritis are those due to alcohol and corrosive agents or due to trauma such as ingestion of foreign bodies, stress from surgery... Definition Gastritis commonly refers to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, but the term is often used to cover a variety of symptoms resulting from stomach lining inflammation and symptoms of burning or discomfort. True gastritis comes in several forms and is

diagnosed using a combination of tests. In the 1990s, scientists discovered that the main cause of true gastritis is infection from a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Description Gastritis should not be confused with common symptoms of upper abdominal discomfort. It has been associated with resulting ulcers, particularly peptic ulcers. And in some cases, chronic gastritis can lead to more serious complications. Nonerosive H. pylori gastritis The main cause of true gastritis is H. pylori infection. H. pylori is indicated in an average of 90% of patients with chronic gastritis. This form of nonerosive gastritis is the result of infection with Helicobacter pylori bacterium, a microorganism whose outer layer is resistant to the normal effects of stomach acid in breaking down bacteria. The resistance of H. pylori means that the bacterium may rest

in the stomach for long periods of times, even years, and eventually cause symptoms of gastritis or ulcers when other factors are introduced, such as the presence of specific genes or ingestion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Study of the role of H. pylori in development of gastritis and peptic ulcers has disproved the former belief that stress lead to most stomach and duodenal ulcers and has resulted in improved treatment and reduction of stomach ulcers. H. pylori is most likely transmitted between humans, although the specific routes of transmission were still under study in early 1998. Studies were also underway to determine the role of H. pylori and resulting chronic gastritis in development of gastric cancer. Other forms of gastritis Clinicians differ on the classification of the less common and specific forms of gastritis, particularly since there is so much overlap with H. pylori in

development of chronic gastritis and complications of gastritis. Other types of gastritis that may be diagnosed include: Acute stress gastritis--the most serious form of gastritis which usually occurs in critically ill patients, such as those in intensive care. Stress erosions may develop suddenly as a result of severe trauma or stress to the stomach lining. Atrophic gastritis is the result of chronic gastritis which is leading to atrophy, or decrease in size and wasting away, of the gastric lining. Gastric atrophy is the final stage of chronic gastritis and may be a precursor to gastric cancer. Superficial gastritis is a term often used to describe the initial stages of chronic gastritis. Uncommon specific forms of gastritis include granulomatous, eosiniphilic and lymphocytic gastritis. Causes and symptoms Nonerosive H. pylori gastritis H. pylori gastritis is caused by infection from the H. pylori bacterium. It is believed that most infection occurs in childhood. The route of its transmission was still under study in 1998 and clinicians guessed that there may be more than one route for the bacterium. Its prevalence and distribution differs in nations around the world. The presence of H. pylori has been detected in 86-99% of patients with chronic superficial gastritis. However, physicians are still learning about the link of H. pylori to chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers, since many patients with H. pylori infection do not develop symptoms or peptic ulcers. H. pylori is also seen in 90-100% of patients with duodenal ulcers. Symptoms of H. pylori gastritis include abdominal pain and reduced acid secretion in the stomach. However, the majority of patients with H. pylori infection

suffer no symptoms, even though the infection may lead to ulcers and resulting symptoms. Ulcer symptoms include dull, gnawing pain, often two to three hours after meals and pain in the middle of the night when the stomach is empty. Erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis The most common cause of this form of gastritis is use of NSAIDS. Other causes may be alcoholism or stress from surgery or critical illness. The role of NSAIDS in development of gastritis and peptic ulcers depends on the dose level. Although even low doses of aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may cause some gastric upset, low doses generally will not lead to gastritis. However, as many as 10-30% of patients on higher and more frequent doses of NSAIDS, such as those with chronic arthritis, may develop gastric ulcers. In 1998, studies were underway to understand the role of H. pylori in gastritis and ulcers among patients using

NSAIDS. Patients with erosive gastritis may also show no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include anorexia nervosa, gastric pain, nausea and vomiting. Other Forms of Gastritis Less common forms of gastritis may result from a number of generalized diseases or from complications of chronic gastritis. Any number of mechanisms may cause various less common forms of gastritis and they may differ slightly in their symptoms and clinical signs. However, they all have in common inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Diagnosis Nonerosive H. pylori gastritis H. pylori gastritis is easily diagnosed through the use of the urea breath test. This test detects active presence of H. pylori infection. Other serological tests, which may be readily available in a physician's office, may be used to detect H. pylori infection. Newly developed versions offer rapid diagnosis.

The choice of test will depend on cost, availability and the physician's experience, since nearly all of the available tests have an accuracy rate of 90% or better. Endoscopy, or the examination of the stomach area using a hollow tube inserted through the mouth, may be ordered to confirm diagnosis. A biopsy of the gastric lining may also be ordered. Erosive or hemorrhagic gastritis Clinical history of the patient may be particularly important in the diagnosis of this type of gastritis, since its cause is most often the result of chronic use of NSAIDS, alcoholism, or other substances. Other forms of gastritis Gastritis that has developed to the stage of duodenal or gastric ulcers usually requires endoscopy for diagnosis. It allows the physician to perform a biopsy for possible malignancy and for H. pylori. Sometimes, an upper gastrointestinal x-ray study with barium is ordered. Some diseases such as

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, an ulcer disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract, may show large mucosal folds in the stomach and duodenum on radiographs or in endoscopy. Other tests check for changes in gastric function. Treatment H. pylori gastritis The discovery of H. pylori's role in development of gastritis and ulcers has led to improved treatment of chronic gastritis. In particular, relapse rates for duodenal and gastric ulcers has been reduced with successful treatment of H. pylori infection. Since the infection can be treated with antibiotics, the bacterium can be completely eliminated up to 90% of the time. Although H. pylori can be successfully treated, the treatment may be uncomfortable for patients and relies heavily on patient compliance. In 1998, studies were underway to identify the best treatment method based on simplicity, patient cooperation and results. No single

antibiotic had been found which would eliminate H. pylori on its own, so a combination of antibiotics has been prescribed to treat the infection. DUAL THERAPY Dual therapy involves the use of an antibiotic and a proton pump inhibitor. Proton pump inhibitors help reduce stomach acid by halting the mechanism that pumps acid into the stomach. This also helps promote healing of ulcers or inflammation. Dual therapy has not been proven to be as effective as triple therapy, but may be ordered for some patients who can more comfortably handle the use of less drugs and will therefore more likely follow the two-week course of therapy. TRIPLE THERAPY As of early 1998, triple therapy was the preferred treatment for patients with H. pylori gastritis. It is estimated that triple therapy successfully eliminates 80-95% of H. pylori cases. This treatment regimen usually involves a two-week course of three

drugs. An antibiotic such as amoxicillin or tetracycline, and another antibiotic such as clarithomycin or metronidazole are used in combination with bismuth subsalicylate, a substance found in the over-the-counter medication, Pepto-Bismol, which helps protect the lining of the stomach from acid. Physicians were experimenting with various combinations of drugs and time of treatment to balance side effects with effectiveness. Side effects of triple therapy are not serious, but may cause enough discomfort that patients are not inclined to follow the treatment. OTHER TREATMENT THERAPIES Scientists have experimented with quadruple therapy, which adds an antisecretory drug, or one which suppresses gastric secretion, to the standard triple therapy. One study showed this therapy to be effective with only a week's course of treatment in more than 90% of patients. Short course therapy was attempted with triple therapy involving antibiotics and a proton

pump inhibitor and seemed effective in eliminating H. pylori in one week for more than 90% of patients. The goal is to develop the most effective therapy combination that can work in one week of treatment or less. MEASURING H. PYLORI TREATMENT EFFECTIVENESS In order to ensure that H. pylori has been eradicated, physicians will test patients following treatment. The breath test is the preferred method to check for remaining signs of H. pylori. Treatment of erosive gastritis Since few patients with this form of gastritis show symptoms, treatment may depend on severity of symptoms. When symptoms do occur, patients may be treated with therapy similar to that for H. pylori, especially since some studies have demonstrated a link between H. pylori and NSAIDS in causing ulcers. Avoidance of NSAIDS will most likely be prescribed. Other forms of gastritis Specific treatment will depend on the cause and type of gastritis. These may include prednisone or antibiotics. Critically ill patients at high risk for bleeding may be treated with preventive drugs to reduce risk of acute stress gastritis. If stress gastritis does occur, the patient is treated with constant infusion of a drug to stop bleeding. Sometimes surgery is recommended, but is weighed with the possibility of surgical complications or death. Once torrential bleeding occurs in acute stress gastritis, mortality is as high as greater than 60%. Alternative treatment Alternative forms of treatment for gastritis and ulcers should be used cautiously and in conjunction with conventional medical care, particularly now that scientists have confirmed the role of H. pylori in gastritis and ulcers. Alternative treatments can help address gastritis symptoms with diet and nutritional supplements, herbal medicine and ayurvedic medicine. It

is believed that zinc, vitamin A and beta-carotene aid in the stomach lining's ability to repair and regenerate itself. Herbs thought to stimulate the immune system and reduce inflammation include echinacea (Echinacea spp.) and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis). Ayurvedic medicine involves meditation. There are also certain herbs and nutritional supplements aimed at helping to treat ulcers. Prognosis The discovery of H. pylori has improved the prognosis for patients with gastritis and ulcers. Since treatment exists to eradicate the infection, recurrence is much less common. As of 1998, the only patients requiring treatment for H. pylori were those at high risk because of factors such as NSAIDS use or for those with ulcers and other complicating factors or symptoms. Research will continue into the most effective treatment of H. pylori, especially in light of the bacterium's resistance to certain antibiotics.

Regular treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers has been recommended, since H. pylori plays such a consistently high role in development of ulcers. It is believed that H. pylori also plays a role in the eventual development of serious gastritis complications and cancer. Detection and treatment of H. pylori infection may help reduce occurrence of these diseases. The prognosis for patients with acute stress gastritis is much poorer, with a 60 percent or higher mortality rate among those bleeding heavily. Prevention The widespread detection and treatment of H. pylori as a preventive measure in gastritis has been discussed but not resolved. Until more is known about the routes through which H. pylori is spread, specific prevention recommendations are not available. Erosive gastritis from NSAIDS can be prevented with cessation of use of these drugs. An education campaign was launched in 1998 to educate

patients, particularly an aging population of arthritis sufferers, about risk for ulcers from NSAIDS and alternative drugs. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Hi ,I'm glad your results came back somewhat good. Can I ask what the goal of the D & C is? Is it due to heavy bleeding or was there something else? I'm sorry I didn't remember the details. How amazing to be in the 80's!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! You go go go girl! We promised those plateaus don't last forever, we really weren't lying!! :) OK, let's see 44lbs in 6 months?? It is definitely doable, but like the beginning of this journey, not easy :) You will do awesome! How are you doing with following the rules - no drinking w/meals, 1/2 cup serving for a meal, chew chew chew??? Where are you at with your fills? Have you been tight or able to eat more?I have been out of touch with moving, so sorry I'm probably

making you repeat yourself but I'm anxious to catch up with you :)Take care Cyrena 240/130/150 I'm a loserHey band fam,I just had my first week back at school and it was quite busy. I weighed today...and I'm a loser again! 189....I'm in the 80s haven't been here in ten years. After four children I gotta admitthings aren't the same, but I'm still really excited. Maybe I can do this my voices are saying. Of course people who haven't seen me in a while are definatley giving me a boost. Do you guys think I can lose 44 pounds by Feb? I'll be 30 then and I really want to own that number. Also, I know I mentioned my female issues before. My doc did a biopsy and it isn't cancer, but I have to hav a dnc on tuesday. Anyone been through this? I'm hping it helps restore me to working order.

Thanks for listening or should I say reading?march 2008 dob245/189/145

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