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Re: why am i feeling pain?

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I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska@...> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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I've had this happen too. It's usually when I've moved wrong,

worked my abs heavly, or lifted something heavy. The port is

stitched to the muscle and it can get pulled a little and cause

this. Usually gets better soon. Hope this helps.



> I have felt this lately.  Please let me know if you know what is

happening. It just happens occassionally.  It's kinda like something

is stinging or burning.  I noticed it happens more when I turn to

the right.





> ________________________________

> From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska@...>


> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AM

> Subject: why am i feeling pain?



> today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards my

> belly button. Anyone else feel this?- a


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Justene Hang in there. The first month is truly the hardest. I felt pain around the port site for quite sometime. I still have strange pains rarely when I move the wrong way. Remember you had a surgery. The porst site cut through muscle. I know you can do this.

You're probablly mourning theloss of one of your closest friends...food. This was a bad relationship though, and it was literally killing us!

Are you losing weight?

What is your protien level?

Are you tracking calories?

Careful of some of thse shakes, you need whey protein.

Also there are protein bullet that are pretty good. I reccomend tropical punch. Whenever my weight loss stops t is because I am not limiting calories and putting protein first. I think I may need a fill now. I was at 178 and I've gaind 3 pounds :(...not bad considering in the south we love one another with food....I try to stay out of the lounge.

Don't get depresses though. I've tried to call you, but I haven't got you. I'm just a couple of buttons away. Posting on here will really help you feel connected and less alone. Before long, I'll be looking up to you.

You can do this....I know it.

From: e <jaj9816@...>Subject: Re: why am i feeling pain? Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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Wow you have had some real emotional mood swings. Sitting down and just talking with nie might be the best thing for both of you. I have always felt the good communication is the best thing two people can have. He can't read your mind--you are upset over what food you eat or don't eat because he is watching. Explain that this is your job to do (watch what you are eating) and that you appreciate all his efforts, but could he just back away from this. This really is about you and NO one else. Tell him what he could do that would be helpful to you--sometimes people just need to be told what you need from them. So tell him what you need most from him is emotional and verbal support. Good for not turning to food when you were upset and angry. Isn't it nice that food isn't our comfort zone anymore. Try just having a talk, sometimes the thing you want most is just to be able to talk with someone--not to have them solve your problems. Just being hear or validated is the most important support we could have.

Sorry about the speeding ticket, but you will get through this. Keep coming back and saying how you feel--we all have been there. If you don't want to answer people when the ask you how much you have lost, Try different things, like oh about 2 dress sizes, or just say quite a bit. Or just smile and say I feel so much better now, and I don't keep track of how much I have lost. Or the standard--why do you need to know? For me most of the time they always want to know HOW I have lost the weight. You know like we use to ask people--because we thought they had the miracle way that we all wanted.

Take care,


In a message dated 12/15/2008 6:37:04 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, jaj9816@... writes:


Thanks for the words of comfort. Yes, I'm still loosing weight, but it's gradual. However, inches are leaving everywhere. My mood swings are killing me. It doesn't take much at home to set me off. I do fine while I'm at school , I guess it's because we stay busy. I wish no one knew b/c they're always asking me how much I've lost. Also, I feel pressure at home b/c we spent all of this money to have it done and if I put something in my mouth that isn't on the "nice list" then I feel like I'm letting them down. nie is really great, but I'm beginning to feel like he's the food police. I can't stand that. He's not trying to be forceful, he feels like he's helping the only way he feels like he can. It's more me than it is him. I blow up then feel bad later. Saturday, I got so aggrivated with him and ph that Jess and I left for a while. We originally were going to go to school so I could decorate and grade papers, but instead, since I was so frustrated we drove to Springfield to go Christmas shopping. nie still has no idea that we went. We're hiding the presents in the trunk. Normally, if something upset me like that I'd turn to food. Shopping was a better alternative because we didn't spend hardly anything. We discussed on the way how we were going to shop smart and made a list. It was awesome to just spend some time with Jess. We visited nearly the entire way. Unfortunately, on the way home I got focused on the music instead of the speed. Therefore, I got a ticket for Christmas. Not sure just when I'll tell him.

Today, I'm doing broth. I'll try to get some Whey protein the next time I go to town. I got some of the Atkins Protein shakes. They have 190 cal with 8 grams of protein.

Gotta go, your hubby's here, we've got to go for play practice.

From: Muchmore <melissamuchmore > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 9:58:23 AMSubject: Re: why am i feeling pain?

Justene Hang in there. The first month is truly the hardest. I felt pain around the port site for quite sometime. I still have strange pains rarely when I move the wrong way. Remember you had a surgery. The porst site cut through muscle. I know you can do this.

You're probablly mourning theloss of one of your closest friends...food. This was a bad relationship though, and it was literally killing us!

Are you losing weight?

What is your protien level?

Are you tracking calories?

Careful of some of thse shakes, you need whey protein.

Also there are protein bullet that are pretty good. I reccomend tropical punch. Whenever my weight loss stops t is because I am not limiting calories and putting protein first. I think I may need a fill now. I was at 178 and I've gaind 3 pounds :(...not bad considering in the south we love one another with food....I try to stay out of the lounge.

Don't get depresses though. I've tried to call you, but I haven't got you. I'm just a couple of buttons away. Posting on here will really help you feel connected and less alone. Before long, I'll be looking up to you.

You can do this....I know it.

From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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Thanks for the words of comfort. Yes, I'm still loosing weight, but it's gradual. However, inches are leaving everywhere. My mood swings are killing me. It doesn't take much at home to set me off. I do fine while I'm at school , I guess it's because we stay busy. I wish no one knew b/c they're always asking me how much I've lost. Also, I feel pressure at home b/c we spent all of this money to have it done and if I put something in my mouth that isn't on the "nice list" then I feel like I'm letting them down. nie is really great, but I'm beginning to feel like he's the food police. I can't stand that. He's not trying to be forceful, he feels like he's helping the only way he feels like he can. It's more me than it is him. I blow up then feel bad later. Saturday, I got so aggrivated with him and ph that Jess and I left for a while. We originally were

going to go to school so I could decorate and grade papers, but instead, since I was so frustrated we drove to Springfield to go Christmas shopping. nie still has no idea that we went. We're hiding the presents in the trunk. Normally, if something upset me like that I'd turn to food. Shopping was a better alternative because we didn't spend hardly anything. We discussed on the way how we were going to shop smart and made a list. It was awesome to just spend some time with Jess. We visited nearly the entire way. Unfortunately, on the way home I got focused on the music instead of the speed. Therefore, I got a ticket for Christmas. Not sure just when I'll tell him.

Today, I'm doing broth. I'll try to get some Whey protein the next time I go to town. I got some of the Atkins Protein shakes. They have 190 cal with 8 grams of protein.

Gotta go, your hubby's here, we've got to go for play practice.

From: Muchmore <melissamuchmore@...> Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 9:58:23 AMSubject: Re: why am i feeling pain?

Justene Hang in there. The first month is truly the hardest. I felt pain around the port site for quite sometime. I still have strange pains rarely when I move the wrong way. Remember you had a surgery. The porst site cut through muscle. I know you can do this.

You're probablly mourning theloss of one of your closest friends...food. This was a bad relationship though, and it was literally killing us!

Are you losing weight?

What is your protien level?

Are you tracking calories?

Careful of some of thse shakes, you need whey protein.

Also there are protein bullet that are pretty good. I reccomend tropical punch. Whenever my weight loss stops t is because I am not limiting calories and putting protein first. I think I may need a fill now. I was at 178 and I've gaind 3 pounds :(...not bad considering in the south we love one another with food....I try to stay out of the lounge.

Don't get depresses though. I've tried to call you, but I haven't got you. I'm just a couple of buttons away. Posting on here will really help you feel connected and less alone. Before long, I'll be looking up to you.

You can do this....I know it.

From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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I have some protein you can have. It does have a slight flavor, so careful how much you add.

Oh heavens a ticket....one more thing for me to tease you about!

Remember to just take a deep breath. Make a list of things you like to do and do those instead of eat. I used to post on this baord like crazy...it kept my hands busy....blog, do the photo albums you like, or download music....pretty soon the weather will be nice again. ny is a very concrete type of guy. I think he only thinks in terms of black and white...no gray. The people watching will help hold you accountable....holiday season is a yucky food time.

I'm proud of you.

ps if your read NSV it means non scale victory like the bra hang over going away

PB is productive burping...not quite a vomit, but food comes up...I've never done this

Here DOB is date of banding mine was 03/15/08

and this mess is... begin weight/now/hope for future....mine was 245/181/145

feels good to be honest here and tell it all...it is like a whole other family that gets it...the struggle, the bad food relationship, and the fear of failure ...and they'll kick you back into shape.........oh and if Cyrena says it then its the gospel truth

these are things I've learned along the way and would want any beginer to know

From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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Suzanne, this is sooooo true. Once my husband asked me if I wanted a grilled chicken breast and I jumped down his throat....honesty from the beginning could have prevented tis irrational build up. Needless to say he never says a word now.

From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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Hey girl,

Well, nie knows about the ticket. I was reading your email and read about the ticket before I thought about it. He just chuckled, especially when I read that I was seeing him as ("food police"). I also ended up reading him what I wrote to you about him. He really does want what's best for me. He tries. Suzanne was right I needed to talk with him and it helped.

I think I can do the high protein once I'm on solid food, but it's difficult right now. I have a small journal that I kept towards the end of last week. I'll try it again tomorrow. I blew it tonight. Did you eat many yogurts? I really like the whipped yoplait, but they're not very filling. I worry that I'm eating too much, but Gabby said that since most of it is liquids that they pass through quicker. Today I ate a little chilli b/c we went to a restaurant thinking they'd have soup, but they didn't. The beef was nearly pureed. I only had four little bites (which I chewed really really really good) and it filled me up, but the soups and yogurt don't seem to do it on their own. I might still be eating too big of bites.

I'm fixing to share something really personal that I've never shared with any of my other students' parents.....my underwear are getting really baggy. I love that feeling. While my hips and legs are losing inches my waist doesn't seem to be going down as fast. I was wondering if it was because I still have some swelling from the surgery. What do you think?

I'm going to start a list of things to do instead of eating tonight. Your a genius...a pure genius.

By the way, you're looking Great! I meant to tell you after the band concert, but I forgot. You're a great inspiration.

________________________________From: Muchmore <melissamuchmore@...> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 1:34:40 PMSubject: Re: why am i feeling pain?Suzanne, this is sooooo true. Once my husband asked me if I wanted a grilled chicken breast and I jumped down his throat....honesty from the beginning could have prevented tis irrational build up. Needless to say he never says a word now.From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AMI have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I

turn to the right.________________________________From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a________________________________Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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Hey Suzanne,

I took your advice and talked with nie. He's wonderful and was very understanding. He also knows about the ticket now. My husband is blind, but is amazing. Because of this he's often felt inadequate because he can't do all the things he used to do and what he feels a husband/father should do for his family. What he does he does very efficiently. Since we're newly married and I've been single for 39 years it's hard for me to share personal things. It's something I'm still getting use to. I wear my feelings on my sleeves when it gets personal. It's all part of the healing. nie is a nurturer. He loves to help, solve problems, only I get to feeling suffocated a times. He always wants to talk about everything, but I don't want to always share. We'll make it though, it just takes time.

I really appreciate your response.


DOB 325/306/145

From: "SuzanneSH@..." <SuzanneSH@...> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 9:51:42 AMSubject: Re: why am i feeling pain?


Wow you have had some real emotional mood swings. Sitting down and just talking with nie might be the best thing for both of you. I have always felt the good communication is the best thing two people can have. He can't read your mind--you are upset over what food you eat or don't eat because he is watching. Explain that this is your job to do (watch what you are eating) and that you appreciate all his efforts, but could he just back away from this. This really is about you and NO one else. Tell him what he could do that would be helpful to you--sometimes people just need to be told what you need from them. So tell him what you need most from him is emotional and verbal support. Good for not turning to food when you were upset and angry. Isn't it nice that food isn't our comfort zone anymore. Try just having a talk, sometimes the thing you want most is just to be able to talk with

someone--not to have them solve your problems. Just being hear or validated is the most important support we could have.

Sorry about the speeding ticket, but you will get through this. Keep coming back and saying how you feel--we all have been there. If you don't want to answer people when the ask you how much you have lost, Try different things, like oh about 2 dress sizes, or just say quite a bit. Or just smile and say I feel so much better now, and I don't keep track of how much I have lost. Or the standard--why do you need to know? For me most of the time they always want to know HOW I have lost the weight. You know like we use to ask people--because we thought they had the miracle way that we all wanted.

Take care,


In a message dated 12/15/2008 6:37:04 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, jaj9816 (DOT) com writes:


Thanks for the words of comfort. Yes, I'm still loosing weight, but it's gradual. However, inches are leaving everywhere. My mood swings are killing me. It doesn't take much at home to set me off. I do fine while I'm at school , I guess it's because we stay busy. I wish no one knew b/c they're always asking me how much I've lost. Also, I feel pressure at home b/c we spent all of this money to have it done and if I put something in my mouth that isn't on the "nice list" then I feel like I'm letting them down. nie is really great, but I'm beginning to feel like he's the food police. I can't stand that. He's not trying to be forceful, he feels like he's helping the only way he feels like he can. It's more me than it is him. I blow up then feel bad later. Saturday, I got so aggrivated with him and ph that Jess and I left for a while. We originally were

going to go to school so I could decorate and grade papers, but instead, since I was so frustrated we drove to Springfield to go Christmas shopping. nie still has no idea that we went. We're hiding the presents in the trunk. Normally, if something upset me like that I'd turn to food. Shopping was a better alternative because we didn't spend hardly anything. We discussed on the way how we were going to shop smart and made a list. It was awesome to just spend some time with Jess. We visited nearly the entire way. Unfortunately, on the way home I got focused on the music instead of the speed. Therefore, I got a ticket for Christmas. Not sure just when I'll tell him.

Today, I'm doing broth. I'll try to get some Whey protein the next time I go to town. I got some of the Atkins Protein shakes. They have 190 cal with 8 grams of protein.

Gotta go, your hubby's here, we've got to go for play practice.

From: Muchmore <melissamuchmore> @groups. comSent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 9:58:23 AMSubject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

Justene Hang in there. The first month is truly the hardest. I felt pain around the port site for quite sometime. I still have strange pains rarely when I move the wrong way. Remember you had a surgery. The porst site cut through muscle. I know you can do this.

You're probablly mourning theloss of one of your closest friends...food. This was a bad relationship though, and it was literally killing us!

Are you losing weight?

What is your protien level?

Are you tracking calories?

Careful of some of thse shakes, you need whey protein.

Also there are protein bullet that are pretty good. I reccomend tropical punch. Whenever my weight loss stops t is because I am not limiting calories and putting protein first. I think I may need a fill now. I was at 178 and I've gaind 3 pounds :(...not bad considering in the south we love one another with food....I try to stay out of the lounge.

Don't get depresses though. I've tried to call you, but I haven't got you. I'm just a couple of buttons away. Posting on here will really help you feel connected and less alone. Before long, I'll be looking up to you.

You can do this....I know it.

From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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Hey e,

What you are feeling is very normal. For 39 years you took care of you. And to have someone so willing to be there for you would feel a little smoothing to me too. You are a pretty independent lady and there is nothing wrong with that either. You always want to be able to take care of yourself. It takes time to feel comfortable to talk about all kinds of things. And you do that one day at a time. Don't stop talking and saying how you are feeling. You have the right to feel the way you do. And if you can't talk about it at the time, say I can't talk right now give me two hours or 24 hours and I promise you that we will talk with you. When you don't talk he feels like he did something wrong and if you let him know that you will talk then he will learn to give you some space too. A marriage or a relationship is going to be one of the hardest things that you will do besides this weight loss. So to have both of them going on at the same time is double stress along with working a job too. Be kind to yourself and do a little self talking to "you". I am glad what I said helped. I am 63 and it took me a lot of years to figure a lot of this out. I am so very lucky that I have someone who understands me so well and is so very supportive of me. I didn't always have someone in my life like this. Bob found me about 4 years ago and life is GRAND since then.

Hang in there, keep posting what you are feeling. There is always someone out there with some good advise.



In a message dated 12/16/2008 6:32:23 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, jaj9816@... writes:

Hey Suzanne,

I took your advice and talked with nie. He's wonderful and was very understanding. He also knows about the ticket now. My husband is blind, but is amazing. Because of this he's often felt inadequate because he can't do all the things he used to do and what he feels a husband/father should do for his family. What he does he does very efficiently. Since we're newly married and I've been single for 39 years it's hard for me to share personal things. It's something I'm still getting use to. I wear my feelings on my sleeves when it gets personal. It's all part of the healing. nie is a nurturer. He loves to help, solve problems, only I get to feeling suffocated a times. He always wants to talk about everything, but I don't want to always share. We'll make it though, it just takes time.

I really appreciate your response.


DOB 325/306/145

From: "SuzanneSHaol" <SuzanneSHaol> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 9:51:42 AMSubject: Re: why am i feeling pain?


Wow you have had some real emotional mood swings. Sitting down and just talking with nie might be the best thing for both of you. I have always felt the good communication is the best thing two people can have. He can't read your mind--you are upset over what food you eat or don't eat because he is watching. Explain that this is your job to do (watch what you are eating) and that you appreciate all his efforts, but could he just back away from this. This really is about you and NO one else. Tell him what he could do that would be helpful to you--sometimes people just need to be told what you need from them. So tell him what you need most from him is emotional and verbal support. Good for not turning to food when you were upset and angry. Isn't it nice that food isn't our comfort zone anymore. Try just having a talk, sometimes the thing you want most is just to be able to talk with someone--not to have them solve your problems. Just being hear or validated is the most important support we could have.

Sorry about the speeding ticket, but you will get through this. Keep coming back and saying how you feel--we all have been there. If you don't want to answer people when the ask you how much you have lost, Try different things, like oh about 2 dress sizes, or just say quite a bit. Or just smile and say I feel so much better now, and I don't keep track of how much I have lost. Or the standard--why do you need to know? For me most of the time they always want to know HOW I have lost the weight. You know like we use to ask people--because we thought they had the miracle way that we all wanted.

Take care,


In a message dated 12/15/2008 6:37:04 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, jaj9816 (DOT) com writes:


Thanks for the words of comfort. Yes, I'm still loosing weight, but it's gradual. However, inches are leaving everywhere. My mood swings are killing me. It doesn't take much at home to set me off. I do fine while I'm at school , I guess it's because we stay busy. I wish no one knew b/c they're always asking me how much I've lost. Also, I feel pressure at home b/c we spent all of this money to have it done and if I put something in my mouth that isn't on the "nice list" then I feel like I'm letting them down. nie is really great, but I'm beginning to feel like he's the food police. I can't stand that. He's not trying to be forceful, he feels like he's helping the only way he feels like he can. It's more me than it is him. I blow up then feel bad later. Saturday, I got so aggrivated with him and ph that Jess and I left for a while. We originally were going to go to school so I could decorate and grade papers, but instead, since I was so frustrated we drove to Springfield to go Christmas shopping. nie still has no idea that we went. We're hiding the presents in the trunk. Normally, if something upset me like that I'd turn to food. Shopping was a better alternative because we didn't spend hardly anything. We discussed on the way how we were going to shop smart and made a list. It was awesome to just spend some time with Jess. We visited nearly the entire way. Unfortunately, on the way home I got focused on the music instead of the speed. Therefore, I got a ticket for Christmas. Not sure just when I'll tell him.

Today, I'm doing broth. I'll try to get some Whey protein the next time I go to town. I got some of the Atkins Protein shakes. They have 190 cal with 8 grams of protein.

Gotta go, your hubby's here, we've got to go for play practice.

From: Muchmore <melissamuchmore> @groups. comSent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 9:58:23 AMSubject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

Justene Hang in there. The first month is truly the hardest. I felt pain around the port site for quite sometime. I still have strange pains rarely when I move the wrong way. Remember you had a surgery. The porst site cut through muscle. I know you can do this.

You're probablly mourning theloss of one of your closest friends...food. This was a bad relationship though, and it was literally killing us!

Are you losing weight?

What is your protien level?

Are you tracking calories?

Careful of some of thse shakes, you need whey protein.

Also there are protein bullet that are pretty good. I reccomend tropical punch. Whenever my weight loss stops t is because I am not limiting calories and putting protein first. I think I may need a fill now. I was at 178 and I've gaind 3 pounds :(...not bad considering in the south we love one another with food....I try to stay out of the lounge.

Don't get depresses though. I've tried to call you, but I haven't got you. I'm just a couple of buttons away. Posting on here will really help you feel connected and less alone. Before long, I'll be looking up to you.

You can do this....I know it.

From: e <jaj9816 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain? @groups. comDate: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:38 AM

I have felt this lately. Please let me know if you know what is happening. It just happens occassionally. It's kinda like something is stinging or burning. I noticed it happens more when I turn to the right.

From: knitteralaska <knitteralaska> @groups. comSent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:20:50 AMSubject: [Dr-Aceves-bandster s] why am i feeling pain?

today I felt a burning pain all day below my port scar towards mybelly button. Anyone else feel this?- a

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