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Re: Cost of Band to sleeve Conversion.

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Cost for conversion of Band to a Sleeve.... I'd like a price Quote for that too! I am currently at "Goal" . I am almost 4 years post op and have a 4cc Imed Band. I have been a "Goal" 3 years. I learned my Band "slipped and prolapsed", my band remains empty, No fill. I stay STARVED to maintain! I will also need the " band to sleeve" conversion . I'd to would Like to know the price of conversion. I have Insurance that now covers WLS . Nice yes... BUT I have a HIGE Deductible , and will have to pay 20% on top of that for JUST the removal of the my problematic Band.. Since I am at "Goal" and under a 35 BMI ( Praise be to God and the

Band! ) I will have to pay for the Sleeve operation OUT OF POCKET! Most Insurance will NOT pay for another form of WLS .. If the patient is under a 35 BMI, and your Diabetes is "Diet Controlled" with out the need of medications. Also if a post op no longer has certain co morb's .Go Figure? If I was still "Obese" and a 35 BMI with co morbs.. Or a 40 BMI... They would pay for the conversion ! The Insurance would pay only AFTER a 6 month Medically Supervised Diet , a lot of "Shrink" time and numerous trips to the Nutritionist. I think many existing Banders will need a conversation, if the statistics are correct. .Based on an endless number of unforeseen issues... as listed by studies some of which are..port leaks, port flips, ports coming lose completely, bands

slipping, bands eroding, Or basic Lack of ability to tolerate the placement of the band or the patients inability to lose weight effectively or the amount Medically needed. WOW! A LONG list of things we never expected we could face , let alone the high percentages of others that face the same variety of lap Band issues and failures. I will never Belittle my Band.. I'd never Lost the weight needed to enjoy the better health and a better lifestyle with out it. I send this message ..On Vacation..(that important to me!) I never Post , I only read. Any information would be helpful. Please read the attached study....) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18408979 2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=ShowDetailView & TermToSearch=16839478 & ordinalpos=2 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum3) http://all-about-lapband.com/problems/failure.html)

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