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pray for me

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You are not alone and we are praying for you.

Many of us did lose lots of weight before having successful treatment, and I

too was frightened. After I had a successful balloon dilation and could eat

and drink again the weight soon went back on and I felt like my old self

again. Please god by Christmas you will feel much better but two weeks must

seem like such a long way off when you are feeling so poorly. I agree with

you about the fatigue, I remember being tired, hungry and irritable for a lot

of the time and I don't suppose you are sleeping well. Have you tried food

supplement drinks? I used to add lots of cream to my soup and then sprinkle

grated cheese on top to increase the calorie content. Fluids are so

difficult to keep down as well as food but do keep trying just a little at a

time even if it does come up again some of it must get through.

You are so young it is horrible for you to have this condition and I often

think of you but in two weeks time please god you will be so much better.

From listening to the others in this group the operation has improved their

lives tremendously and they are so pleased that they had it done. You are

so lucky that it will be done by Christmas what a lovely pressie if you can

eat your christmas dinner!

Do remember that you are not alone, there are many here who have been through

some bad times with this - we are thinking of you and praying for you.

Good luck for the 18th, keep us posted.


But that was a few years ago, I had

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Someday you'll look back on all this and wonder how you managed to stay

alive. I never realized how sick I was or how bad I looked until after my

surgery when I started to eat more nutritiously again and people told me how

well I looked. At my lowest point, I weighed only 106 pounds and I'm 5'8 " !

What you need to do between now and your surgery is get anything and

everything you can into your system, regardless of how nutritious it is.

Can you manage milkshakes? Mashed potatoes? Puddings? Applesauce? Cream

soups? I often found that dry snack foods (personal favorite is Chex Mix)

worked well, as did almost anything sweet - chocolate chip cookies and

brownies usually worked, as did candy of nearly any type. Also, can you

take vitamins? Swallowing pills is tough, I know, but there are chewable

vitamins out there - even if you have to look in the children's section.

The important thing is to keep your strength up.

Good luck - keep your spirits up - and let us know how you're doing. I'm

putting you on my calendar right now!


Pray for me

> Hey everybody,

> I just found out on Thursday that I am having surgery on the 18th of

> this month. Only 2 weeks away. I am getting nervous, yes, but I

> pray that this cures, at least for long duration, my problem. I do

> ask for your prayers, though. I check myself on the scale every

> week, and I just keep losing weight quickly. In 2 weeks, I might

> lose ten more pounds. Has anyone else had such a problem with weight

> loss and fatigue? I am having the hardest time with lack of energy

> and being grouchy all the time. Please tell me I'm not alone

> stephanie young









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Dear :

My myotomy was on Dec. 17th of 1996, so I'll certainly have you in my

mind that whole week.

I'm sure you will do just fine. You're young,and I'm assumming aside

from the achalasia,basically healthy.

Although I'm old enough to be your mother( a young mother)'but

still some of the issues that bother you also bothered me. I too,

lost alot of weight. I was never too big to begin with. Five feet tall

and 100-102 lbs. normally.

When I first got sick I lost 10lbs in a very short period of time.

Losing 5lbs on a person as small as me would be very noticable,so you

can imagine what 10lbs must have looked like. I

could hardly find clothes to fit me,and I didn't want to wear little

girl's clothes. I hated the way I looked.and felt.

I looked forward to my surgery,because even though I knew I would

hurt for a little while,it wouldn't be long before i could eat again and

buy new clothes.

Anyone who has had surgery will tell you how scareiy it is,but right

before you go to sleep in the operating room, think that when you wake

up,you'l be better and the worst will be behind you. You have only good

thngs to look forward to now.

I live in NJ and I'm an operating room nurse,though for emotional

reasons I don't assist in our surgeries ;however I do just about

everything else. If I can be of any help to you or your family,please

let me know. My prayers are with you and I have no doubt that things

will only get better for you. Good-luck!!!!!


PS: just curious- what hospital are you having surgery in and who's your


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Thanks for the help, I do try to eat, but you know how your appetite just

seems to become less and less. I eat alot of soup, and munch on chips.

Drinking ensure seems to help me, but I am never very energetic. I will go

to the store and try and get some chewable vitamins. I want to make the

surgery as easy on my body as possible.

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Thanks for your input. I enjoy the reassurance that I WILL be okay. I am

anxiously awaiting the surgery, and trying to get all of my school work done

ahead of time.

I think that it will all be over b/f I know it. Did they give you pain

killers afterwards? For how long?

I am having surgery at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, with Dr. Dort

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Hi :

I also have a problem with weight loss and fatigue. I've visited

many doctors. As we all know: there is no cure for achalasia, only relief.

I am seeking divine Healing!

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Yes! I definately had trouble with weight loss and fatigue. With your

surgery booked, the end is in sight! In the meantime have you tried

drinking Boost or Ensure? I know they don't taste that great but they are

really nutricious and they will help you keep your energy up.

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When I had my myotomy last year, I was given shots for pain (presumably

since swallowing pills at that early stage might have caused problems). To

tell you the truth, I remember not needing anything after the first

afternoon. The most painful part of the operation is the gas they use

during laparoscopy tends to settle in your upper back and shoulders. You'll

feel like you've been tackled by a football team. Moist heat, like a

heating pad, helps as does rubbing muscle relaxing creams like Aspercreme.

Here's another tip: keep a large pillow (like a bed pillow) over your

abdomen and if you feel a sneeze, cough or are laughing, pressing the pillow

against you will help minimize the " tugging " feeling you get with these

sudden movements.

Good luck -


Re: Pray for me

> Abby,

> Thanks for your input. I enjoy the reassurance that I WILL be okay. I am

> anxiously awaiting the surgery, and trying to get all of my school work


> ahead of time.

> I think that it will all be over b/f I know it. Did they give you pain

> killers afterwards? For how long?

> I am having surgery at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, with Dr. Dort








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> Hey everybody,

> I just found out on Thursday that I am having surgery on the 18th


> this month. Only 2 weeks away. I am getting nervous, yes, but I

> pray that this cures, at least for long duration, my problem. I do

> ask for your prayers, though. I check myself on the scale every

> week, and I just keep losing weight quickly. In 2 weeks, I might

> lose ten more pounds. Has anyone else had such a problem with


> loss and fatigue? I am having the hardest time with lack of energy

> and being grouchy all the time. Please tell me I'm not alone

> stephanie young

Hello stephanie

I'm a fellow sufferer from India and I've looking for cure for

achalasia through this group. This group has been the most helpful of

all the help I got for my problem. I'm sure you must have felt the


I'm presently trying homeopathy and keeping surgery an option for

later as this group gives a lot of info about surgery as well as a

positive response about it.

I wish you all the best for your surgery. We all in this group pray

that you get cured.

God bless you.

good wishes


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yes, yes, yes, I had and to some degree still get tired to easily. but like

someone here said don't worry your end is in sight. Right now I am taking

children's chewable and it seems to help but I will be taking my regular

vitamins when I get them. And you will be in our prayers but don't worry I am

sure you will not need them. if you have faith in your Doctor and it sounds

like you do, you will come out just fine. Take Care and Happy holidays!


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I have been drinking Ensure for the past 2 or 3 months. Honestly, they quench

my thirst, but they do nothing more. I am aware that they give me the

nutrients, or at least some of them, that I need, but no energy. I am always

tired, even though I drink 3 of them a day.

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  • 7 years later...
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For those of you who believe in prayer, start praying, I just asked my

dad to help me pay for my surg. I didnt qual. for the loan, and don't

have enough saved up yet. I believe that this surg is an answer to my

prayers, so I know HE can make a way. My dad is not happy that I want

to go out of the country to get " sliced and diced " on.

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Thanks Cyrena, He would be worried no matter what I did at 37yrs old, I'm still his little girl, now I will just be littler. I am so excited!!! I am suprised at all the people who think I am stupid for doing this. I would be happy for anyone wanting become healthier. I am going by myself, thats what worries me most, the trip back and not having anyone to help. I am going to get wheelchair assistence if possable. Cyrena Weeks <cyrenaweeks@...> wrote: momary32, I was praying for all evening. I'm so excited to see that your dad is helping you out. I know that is such a hard position to be in, I'm so glad he could see will be worth it all!!! Keep us posted on how you are doing!! Cyrena pray for me For those of you who believe in prayer, start praying, I just asked my dad to help me pay for my surg. I didnt qual. for the loan, and don't have enough saved up yet. I believe that this surg is an answer to my

prayers, so I know HE can make a way. My dad is not happy that I want to go out of the country to get "sliced and diced" on.

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no one wants to check into it here either, I don't know why. I have one friend (skinny red head) who is so excited for me. Maybe the larger ones are just jealous. my daughter said she was afraid if I get skinny I wont be able to give good hugs anymore :( now, that broke my heart......although she is 18 after all. I think she is scared that I will want to barrow all her cloths. Cyrena Weeks <cyrenaweeks@...> wrote: I didn't

call ahead, I just stopped at the ticket counter when we were getting off the airplane, it took almost a 1/2 hr for one to show up so if it is possible to book that ahead, I would. I love the reactions you are getting, my family wasn't that creative. Their big issue was that I was going to be kidnapped. They obviously had never met Ernesto. HA HA Nobody with mess with that man :) One thing I had to keep reminding myself is that none of my family did the research, I did. They hadn't called all the referrals and talked directly to Dr. A's patients, I did. They were all going on what they had seen on TV or heard about other places in Mexico, not Mexicali. Although, when I tried to share my research none of them wanted to listen to that, but oh well :) Here we are now. :) When I sent pics of the hotel, my sister in law said "you must really want to say I told you so". :) I just smiled and said, I'm

grateful I'm where I am at now :) Cyrena Re: pray for me do you call a head of time to get the wheel chair?? The funny thing is, I am a nurse, so you would think they would realize I won't do anything jeopardize my health. my nurse friends are not much better, they say things like, "the reason it so cheep is that all the interments are washed and reused. my daughter thinks my organs will be sold on the black market. I even had one person say that during surg. they will

stuff my stomach full of drugs. I think they have been watching too much tv. Cyrena Weeks <cyrenaweeks> wrote: ,I had someone with me and still asked for the wheelchair assistance. It makes life soo much easier. I could have easily done that trip alone, but my husband said "NO". :) He was just worried about me, now I have done the trip alone and it is no big deal :) Bring a good book or 2 if your a fast reader and get ready to relax. Yep I said relax :) I know what you mean about people thinking it is a bad idea. My husband told MY mom that he was thinking of getting banded and she said "oh, come on now, you don't need that". LOL He is 100lbs

overweight like I was when I had my surgery. HA My family did NOT embrace my surgery idea and really really freaked over the Mexico thing :) Oh well, now my mom says stuff like, you look so good, you must feel so good. And she is right! I do feel really good. I can "do" so much more now I'm amazed. I love to work outside now, I used to HATE being outside. I had no idea it was because I was so overweight. Well, sorry I got long winded there, keep us posted and ask any questions you have!! Cyrena

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...I think your friends need a basic culture lesson. Maybe tell them to read a book instead of letting the media teach them everything they need to know about the world around them. ;o)I had people do the same thing to me before my surgery. Suffice it to say, they got a hard and fast education in Mexico. ;o) I don't like ignorance. grrrrrrrrrrrr Not the kind of ignorance that can be resolved by a little education.

Tell them to check with the US CDC, the hospital infection stats are lower in Mexico than they are in the US hospitals. It's true.On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Hill <momary32@...> wrote:

do you call a head of time to get the wheel chair?? The funny thing is, I am a nurse, so you would think they would realize I won't do anything jeopardize my health. my nurse friends are not much better, they say things like, " the reason it so cheep is that all the interments are washed and reused. my daughter thinks my organs will be sold on the black market. I even had one person say that during surg. they will stuff my stomach full of drugs. I think they have been watching too much tv.

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oh if only the world was educated, what a better place it would be. but some say ignorance is bliss. They are worried about me. I felt similar when I had a friend tell me about his surg. 5 yrs ago. it has taken me this long to actually do it for myself. I believe that infection is lower there, I won't even work in a hospital, I feel the viruses as soon as I walk in the door. My friend is a nurse too, she got MRSA from working in a burn unit for a yr. Here in MO they close off hospital wings because of the MRSA. Makes me want to vomit. and the smell of C-Diff. OMG, sorry, it's just nasty. I am getting more excited as the days go by. A bunch of us from work are going out FRI. for my last steak for a long time!!!!! I will saver every last juicy bite. Bipley <Bipley@...> wrote: ...I think your friends need a basic culture lesson. Maybe tell them to read a book instead of letting the media teach them everything they need to know about the world around them. ;o)I had people do the same thing to me before my surgery. Suffice it to say, they got a hard and fast education in Mexico. ;o) I don't like ignorance. grrrrrrrrrrrr Not the kind of ignorance that can be resolved by a little education.Tell them to check with the US CDC, the hospital infection stats are lower in Mexico than they are in the US hospitals. It's true. On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at

3:44 PM, Hill <momary32 > wrote: do you call a head of time to get the wheel chair?? The funny thing is, I am a nurse, so you would think they would realize I won't do anything jeopardize my health. my nurse friends are not much better, they say things like, "the reason it so cheep is that all the interments are washed and reused. my daughter thinks my organs will be sold on the black market. I even had one person say that during surg. they will stuff my stomach full of drugs. I think they have been watching too much tv.

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