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[SymphonicHealth] Formaldahyde in Meat? (fwd)

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" If having endured much, we at last asserted our 'right to know' and if,

knowing, we have concluded that we are being asked to take senseless and

frightening risks, then we should no longer accept the counsel of those

who tell us that we must fill our world with poisonous chemicals, we

should look around and see what other course is open to us. "


" My toxicasa (world) is your toxicasa (world). "

Judith Goode

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Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 22:33:00 -0600

From: Ruby <ruby@...>



Subject: [symphonicHealth] Formaldahyde in Meat?

Formaldahyde in Meat?


Summary of Aspartame Methanol/Formaldehyde Toxicity


" These are indeed extremely high levels for adducts of formaldehyde, a

substance responsible for chronic deleterious effects that has also been

considered carcinogenic.


" It is concluded that aspartame consumption may constitute a hazard

because of its contribution to the formation of formaldehyde adducts. "

(Trocho 1998)

" It was a very interesting paper, that demonstrates that formaldehyde

formation from aspartame ingestion is very common and does indeed

accumulate within the cell, reacting with cellular proteins (mostly

enzymes) and DNA (both mitochondrial and nuclear). The fact that it

accumulates with each dose, indicates grave consequences among those who

consume diet drinks and foodstuffs on a daily basis. " (Blaylock 1998)

Methanol from aspartame is released in the small intestine when the

methyl group of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin (Stegink

1984, page 143). A relatively small amount of aspartame (e.g., one can of

soda ingested by a child) can significantly increase plasma methanol

levels (Davoli 1986a).

Clinically, chronic, low-level exposure to methanol has been seen to

cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, ear buzzing, GI distiurbances,

weakness, vertigo, chills, memory lapses, numbness & shooting pains,

behavioral disturbances, neuritis, misty vision, vision tunneling,

blurring of vision, conjunctivitis, insomnia, vision loss, depression,

heart problems (including disease of the heart muscle), and pancreatic

inflammation (Kavet 1990, Monte 1984, Posner 1975).

The methanol from aspartame is converted to formaldehyde and then formic

acid (DHHS 1993, Liesivuori 1991), although some of the formaldehyde

appears to accumulate in the body as discussed above. Chronic

formaldehyde exposure at very low doses has been shown to cause immune

system and nervous system changes and damage as well as headaches,

general poor health, irreversible genetic damage, and a number of other

serious health problems (Fujimaki 1992, He 1998, 1994, Liu 1993,

Main 1983, Molhave 1986, National Research Council 1981, Shaham 1996,

Srivastava 1992, Vojdani 1992, Wantke 1996). One experiment (Wantke 1996)

showed that chronic exposure to formaldehyde caused systemic health

problems (i.e., poor health) in children at an air concentration of only

0.043 - 0.070 parts per million!

Obviously, chronic exposure to an extremely small amount of formaldehyde

is to be avoided. Even if formaldehyde adducts did not build up in the

body from aspartame use, the regular exposure to excess levels of

formaldehyde would still be a major concern to independent scientists and

physicians familiar with the aspartame toxicity issue.

In addition to chronic formaldehyde poisoning, the excitotoxic amino acid

derived from aspartame will almost certainly worsen the damage caused by

the formladehyde. Synergistic effects from aspartame metabolites are

rarely, if ever, mentioned by the manufacturer. Aspartame breaks down

into a free-form (unbound to protein) excitotoxic amino acid which is

quickly-absorbed (as long as it is not given in slow-dissolving capsules)

and can raise the blood plasma levels of this excitotoxin (Stegink 1987).

It is well known that free-form excitotoxins can cause irreversible

damage to brain cells (in areas such as the retina, hypothalamus, etc.)

in rodents and primates (Olney 1972, Olney 1980, Blaylock 1994, Lipton

1994). In order to remove excess, cell-destroying excitotoxic amino acids

from extracellular space, glial cells surround the neuron and supply them

with energy (Blaylock 1994, page 39, Lipton 1994). This takes large

amounts of ATP. However, formate, a formaldehyde metabolite, is an ATP

inhibitor (Liesivuori 1991). Eells (1996b) points out that excitatory

amino acid toxicity may be the " mediators of retinal damage secondary to

formate induced energy depletion in methanol-intoxication. " The

synergistic effects from the combination of a chronic formaldehyde

exposure from aspartame along with a free-form excitotoxic amino acid is

extremely worrisome.

It appears that methanol is converted to formate in the eye (Eells 1996a,

Garner 1995, Kini 1961). Eells (1996a) showed that chronic, low-level

methanol exposure in rats led to formate accumulation in the retina of

the eye.

More details about chronic Methanol / Formaldehyde poisoning from

aspartame can be found on the Internet at


How did the manufacturer convince scientists and physicians that it is

" safe " to be exposed regularly to low levels of an exceptionally toxic

poison? Answer: Deceptive research and deceptive statements!

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May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


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