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Who Is Bipley

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Bipley is : The one who knows everything about anything Supports you with the Best of intentions Is a walking Encyclopedia And gives you a SWIFT KICK IN THE ASS when you need it . Hahah.. Samikarensvenson <karensvenson@...> wrote: I'm just wondering,since I'm new and have seen this name several times --Who is Bipley? >> > Or anyone who needs a good laugh..> Bipley, I am sure you will love this, and maybe Nina can translate it for Dr. A's nursing staff...> To my nurse friends as well as some who know nurses.. You're probably a nurse if: 1) The front of your scrubs reads "Nurses... Here to Save your butt, not kiss it!" 2) You occasionally park in the space with the "Physicians Only" sign...and knock it over. 3) You believe some patients are alive only because it is illegal to kill them. 4) You recognize that you can't cure stupid. 5) You own at least three pens with the names of prescription medications on them. 6) You believe that saying, "It can't get any worse" causes it to get worse just to show you it can. 7) You wash your hands BEFORE you go to the bathroom. 8) You believe that any job where you can drive to work in your pajamas is a cool one. 9) You consider a tongue

depressor an eating utensil. 10) Eating microwave popcorn out of a clean bedpan is perfectly natural. 11) You've been exposed to so many x-rays that you consider it a form of birth control. 12) You've ever heard a patient with a nose ring, a brow ring and 12 earrings say, "I'm afraid of needles." 13) You've ever placed a bet on someone's blood alcohol level. 14) Your family and friends refuse to watch medical sitcoms with you because you spend the whole time correcting everyone and pointing out upside down x-rays. 15) You don't get excited about blood unless it's your own. 16) You've sworn to have "Do Not Resuscitate" tattooed on your chest...soon. 17) Your idea of fine dining is anywhere you can sit down. 18) Your idea of a good time is a cardiac arrest at shift change. 19) You believe in the aerial spraying of Prozac. 20) You believe that the government should require permits to reproduce. 21) You have ever had a

patient look you straight in the eye and say, "I have no idea how that got stuck there." 22) You've had to leave a patient's room before you begin to laugh uncontrollably. Send this to all the nurses you know and those who appreciate the nurses in their lives!!! > > BIG HUGS, AND GOD'S BLESSINGS> Dawnita May> Lowpass, Oregon> 10/05/05 dob 240/130/120 5ft 3inches See My> latest photos at: http://dawnita1961.myphotoalbum.com/>

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