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I did it!!!

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This is great to read. I am officially starting my challenge on

Monday, and you ladies are really making me feel like I can do it

this time ( I am also a start-the-challenge-and-not-make-it-past-2-

weeks person)

I will get everything posted on Monday, and then be here every day

for my daily doses of encouragement!

Have A GREAT DAY!!!!!!



- In @y..., " moonflower8576 "

<moonflower8576@y...> wrote:

> Well, after 12 long weeks, I made it through the program.


> Beginning Stats:


> Height: 5'3 1/2 "

> Weight: 127 lbs.

> Body Fat: 22%

> Bust: 33 "

> Hips: 37 "

> Waist: 26 1/2 "

> Thigh: 22 1/2 "

> Calf: 15 "

> Upper Arm: 11 1/2 "


> End Stats:


> Height: 5'3 1/2 " (I wish THAT one could have gone up... :)

> Weight: 120 lbs.

> Body Fat: 16%

> Bust: 31 "

> Hips: 36 "

> Waist: 23 1/2 "

> Thigh: 21 "

> Calf: 14 1/4 "

> Upper Arm: 10 "


> I have the scanned-in " after " pictures, but I still don't have

> electronic copies of the " before " pics. I'm going to hold off on

> posting the " after " pictures until I have digital copies of

> the " before " shots to put up at the same time...


> It feels good to be done (for now), and it's even better to know

> that " real " people (translation: me) can get great results from


> program! :)


> -M

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, things have been busy with

work/home stuff.

Thank you everyone for all of your encouraging comments. I promise

I'll post the pictures VERY SOON; I'm buying a new scanner and I

can't post the pics until I get it... Hopefully by the end of this


As far as what I'm going to do now... I'm going to take it easy for

a couple of weeks. I didn't lift at all last week. I did a few

light cardio sessions, but for the most part, I just wanted to let my

body have some time off to recover. I started developing the typical

overuse injuries (tendinitis in my right elbow, wrist, and both

knees) toward the end of this challenge. I'd like to work on

maintaining the strength, endurance and muscle for now, which I will

probably do with 2-3 weight lifting sessions and 2-3 cardio sessions

each week. Most likely I'll work out 5 days a week and do a Pilates

class on the 6th day. It's easy for me to maintain, it's " new "

results that are rather difficult for me to come by. I'm also going

to stick (mostly) to the Body-For-Life nutrition plan. " Maintenance "

mode probably allows me a little more freedom with carbs and

unauthorized stuff, which makes it easier for me to eat out


In the spring, I'm going to start another challenge. I'd like to get

down to 12% body fat. Between now and then, I'm going to figure out

my maintenance levels for workouts and nutrition. I'm not starting

another challenge right away, because I worked myself a little too

hard during C1. I know how I operate, and when I have deadlines, I

push myself way too hard. So my probability of overuse injuries is

almost 100%... I have work left to do, but 16% is a good place to

rest for a while. And progress is progress, even if it's measured in

baby steps.

During the next several months while I'm figuring out " maintenance, "

I'm also going to start teaching what I've learned. That's right,

I'm becoming a personal trainer. I'm taking the ACE certification

exam in November. After I'm certified, I'll start working part

time. It's not really about the extra money (although that will be

nice), since I'm an engineer and I already work full-time. I just

want to share everything that I've learned. I guess it's part of

that " universal law of reciprocation " in the book.

Thank you again, Ladies, for all of your support! I'll try to post

here as much as possible.


> Hi Moonflower - You did great! Thanks for posting your results.

It's cool to see here the inches come off different people. So what

are you going to do now? Continue with another 12 week challenge?

Do you want to lose more fat or gain more muscle? 19% is I think,

where I would like to maintain. Can't wait till 10/10 to get my BF

checked again!

> Look forward to seeing your pictures,

> Park

> I did it!!!



> Well, after 12 long weeks, I made it through the program.


> Beginning Stats:


> Height: 5'3 1/2 "

> Weight: 127 lbs.

> Body Fat: 22%

> Bust: 33 "

> Hips: 37 "

> Waist: 26 1/2 "

> Thigh: 22 1/2 "

> Calf: 15 "

> Upper Arm: 11 1/2 "


> End Stats:


> Height: 5'3 1/2 " (I wish THAT one could have gone up... :)

> Weight: 120 lbs.

> Body Fat: 16%

> Bust: 31 "

> Hips: 36 "

> Waist: 23 1/2 "

> Thigh: 21 "

> Calf: 14 1/4 "

> Upper Arm: 10 "


> I have the scanned-in " after " pictures, but I still don't have

> electronic copies of the " before " pics. I'm going to hold off on

> posting the " after " pictures until I have digital copies of

> the " before " shots to put up at the same time...


> It feels good to be done (for now), and it's even better to know

> that " real " people (translation: me) can get great results from


> program! :)


> -M

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 11/15/02 11:33:31 AM Pacific Standard Time,

djackht@... writes:

> Oh, I am evil, I have heard, but I don't care. I got my child the services

> he deserves, needs, and is entitled to. Thanks for all the input.



WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only YOUR child.... but all those other deserving kids too!

- Becky

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Oh, Becky, I feel so powerful right now, lol. Oh, it will be short lived,

but I don't care. Is that wrong? Here, as everywhere, there are so many

parents that are afraid of standing up. I'm glad that they are getting

services for all the kids. I wouldn't have given up even if they had said

they would get them for Austin. That wouldn't have been fair to the other

kids, and nobody would stand up for them. They have created a monster in me,

and they aren't gonna like it. I mean, I took a stand before, but now, I'm

gonna be so in their face to keep them honest, lol...


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Oh, I am evil, I have heard, but I don't care. I got my child the services

he deserves, needs, and is entitled to. Thanks for all the input.

Beth, Mom to Austin, 5/Down Syndrome, and Dakota, 5/nda

I think you are awesome! It is not always the easy road to do the right

thing. You did good! No wonder Austin picked you as a mom!

Gail, lucky mom to Ted! 11

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Beth, You also DID IT for other families as well. Hurray for you and your

very courageous self:)) I hope these folks appreciate it. I know I would.



I just got a phone call from the school corp. As you know, none of the

children at my son's school have received speech services this year. Well,

now, after my letter to the editor, as well as mailing copies of my complaint

to the state to all the school board members, and copying in the super, they

are doing something. The school board meeting is Monday.

Starting Tuesday, if it goes well with the board, Austin and 9 others will

receive services after school 3 days a week from the SP that services the

other 2 elementary schools. He will have 20 minutes a day. The other 40

children will be serviced by a substitute, following a plan drawn up by the

SP. This is ok'ed by the state. They were also informed that they should

have done this months ago.

I can't tell you how I feel right now. This isn't a permanent fix, but it

will get the children services until the regular SP comes back, in December

or January. They will make up lost services. And they are hiring a new

Director of Special Education Monday. We have not had one since before

school started. It's amazing what they can accomplish when they know they

are under a microscope. I will continue to keep it that way, too.

I was asked if I would be interested in participating on a parent's

committee, for the Director to use as a sounding board to find out what

parent's think of things. We would meet 4X a year, or so, that hasn't been

figured out. But, I said yes, of course. They tried flattery, you know, you

seem to know what you are doing type of stuff. Well, I figure that it will

also give me access to other parent's when it comes to making noise again,

should it come to that.

Oh, I am evil, I have heard, but I don't care. I got my child the services

he deserves, needs, and is entitled to. Thanks for all the input.

Beth, Mom to Austin, 5/Down Syndrome, and Dakota, 5/nda

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  • 11 months later...

Hey Congratulations Kirstin! Your on your way now and I see your are



I did it!!!

Okay, I know you are all going to die laughing because this was so


simple, but I made melt and pour for the first time last night! I


STOP! It was sooo fun!

I just have one mold, but did three half-pound batches (I wanted to see


they all smelled like!) and had a blast.

Can't WAIT to progress from here...


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In a message dated 11/17/03 10:26:45 AM Eastern Standard Time,

kirstin_key@... writes:


> Okay, I know you are all going to die laughing because this was so mundanely

> simple, but I made melt and pour for the first time last night! I couldn't

> STOP! It was sooo fun!



Hey Kirstin-Congratulations! Join the gang of " addicted to making soap' " !

Caution-it only gets more and more addicting-run while you can! hehehehe.....

Seriously-have a ball and enjoy each step. There are so many neat things to

make. Great time to start-your family and friends can get gifts of soap for



Carol J

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  • 4 months later...
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LOL Congratulations !! You gonna be hooked on it now huh?


I did it!!!

I did it! I did my first batch of CP this weekend. I did the tongue test

and my tongue tingled about ½ " away.. it's soap! I can't believe I didn't

mess this up!!!



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  • 10 months later...
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, glad you got out there and did it! Sounds like great

exercising! I did my second round of Sansone Walk and Kick!

Whew! I figure by the end of the week, I'll get another segment in.

I'm doing half the DVD, not bad. :)

Girl, we are doing it! :)

*high five*


Swt GA HunnyBee


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i know how v difficult this is, i somehow cant get to

terms with that:( have to literally pull myself to get

up and go for exercise

Yesterday was an aweful day for me.......my hubby took

me for a movie after we merrily shopped for a rich n

expensive dress for myself (until now, the day was

exceptionally good for me) but then in the movie hall

i could not resist a 'samosa' which is a SIN for those

on a weight loss program. A samosa is a deep fried

Indian snack stuffed with potatoes, green peas and

other high calorie filling......it is a total BAN for

ME esp.....but i could not resist the damm

thing......I SLIPPED INTO IT.

What worse can happen than this is that i feel guilty

and to get over the LOW feelin I might eat the wrong

things again.....which is even more dangerous.....i am

tryin had to resist and to avoid the junk

more later


--- The Brosnahans <johnandjennb@...>


> I got up off my BIG butt and went to the gym!!!

> YIPPEEEE I did a hour of Cardio Power in the water

> and 30min. on the machines to tone. I felt great

> when I got out of there...plan on going back

> tomorrow too! Man..my legs are killing me!





Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web


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*high 5* you go girl! Im working on s DVD too..but I cant do much..I

am soooo out of shape *sighs* but Im gonna keep working on it until I

finish the thing! Keep up the good work!

Re: I did it!!!

, glad you got out there and did it! Sounds like great

exercising! I did my second round of Sansone Walk and Kick!

Whew! I figure by the end of the week, I'll get another segment in.

I'm doing half the DVD, not bad. :)

Girl, we are doing it! :)

*high five*


Swt GA HunnyBee


" I eat only when I am truly hungry and I never eat for any reason other than

true physical hunger. "

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Gowri Joshi " <gowrijoshi@...>

>What worse can happen than this is that i feel guilty

and to get over the LOW feelin I might eat the wrong

things again.....which is even more dangerous.....i am

tryin had to resist and to avoid the junk

Be kind to yourself. We're not perfect. Just try to plan better next time.

We can't go from overeating to perfectly controlled eating over night. It

is a really difficult transformation.


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Oh, my goodness! That's huge! Not only did you exercise for

*ninety* minutes (gulp), but you *left the house* to do it--my hat's

off to you.


<johnandjennb@g...> wrote:

> I got up off my BIG butt and went to the gym!!! YIPPEEEE I did a

hour of Cardio Power in the water and 30min. on the machines to

tone. I felt great when I got out of there...plan on going back

tomorrow too! Man..my legs are killing me!




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> I got up off my BIG butt and went to the gym!!! YIPPEEEE I did a

hour of Cardio Power in the water and 30min. on the machines to

tone. I felt great when I got out of there...plan on going back

tomorrow too! Man..my legs are killing me!


Wow - you are doing great! I am walking but am not ready

for anything more ambitious yet. I'm thinking of joining Curves

where I might not be as inhibited.


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Wow!!!! WTG!

From: The Brosnahans


Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005

4:31 PM


Subject: I did it!!!

I got up off my BIG butt and went to the gym!!!

YIPPEEEE I did a hour of Cardio Power in the water and 30min. on the

machines to tone. I felt great when I got out of there...plan on going back

tomorrow too! Man..my legs are killing me!

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Deep breath – pick yourself up and

move on, Don’t focus on this slip-up, we’re all human. You’ll

do more harm than good if you dwell on it.

From: Gowri Joshi


Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005

8:54 PM


Subject: Re: I did


i know how v difficult this is, i somehow cant get to

terms with

that:( have to literally pull myself to get

up and go

for exercise


was an aweful day for me.......my hubby took

me for a

movie after we merrily shopped for a rich n


dress for myself (until now, the day was


good for me) but then in the movie hall

i could not

resist a 'samosa' which is a SIN for those

on a weight

loss program. A samosa is a deep fried

Indian snack

stuffed with potatoes, green peas and

other high

calorie filling......it is a total BAN for


esp.....but i could not resist the damm



What worse

can happen than this is that i feel guilty

and to get

over the LOW feelin I might eat the wrong


again.....which is even more dangerous.....i am

tryin had to

resist and to avoid the junk

more later


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, your words did make a difference to me. <bryefield@...> wrote:

Deep breath – pick yourself up and move on, Don’t focus on this slip-up, we’re all human. You’ll do more harm than good if you dwell on it.

From: Gowri Joshi [mailto:gowrijoshi@...] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 8:54 PM100-plus Subject: Re: I did it!!!

i know how v difficult this is, i somehow cant get toterms with that:( have to literally pull myself to getup and go for exerciseYesterday was an aweful day for me.......my hubby tookme for a movie after we merrily shopped for a rich nexpensive dress for myself (until now, the day wasexceptionally good for me) but then in the movie halli could not resist a 'samosa' which is a SIN for thoseon a weight loss program. A samosa is a deep friedIndian snack stuffed with potatoes, green peas andother high calorie filling......it is a total BAN forME esp.....but i could not resist the dammthing......I SLIPPED INTO IT. What worse can happen than this is that i feel guiltyand to get over the LOW feelin I might eat the wrongthings again.....which is even more dangerous.....i amtryin had to resist and to avoid the junkmore laterGowri“I eat only when I am truly hungry and I never eat for any reason other than true physical hunger.”100-Plus Files page 100-plus/files100-Plus Links page 100-plus/links

Celebrate 's 10th Birthday! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web

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  • 1 year later...
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You look great! You're so cute!

E wrote: Wow. I freakin DID IT!!! AAHHH


K, here are my stats...

Beginning Weight/BF

166.7 pounds and 29.8% body fat

End Weight/BF

158 and 19.2% body fat

Loss of 19.4 pounds of fat and gain of 10.7 pounds of muscle (hoorway for extra



3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off each thigh, my biceps stayed the same about

but that's good because they de-cellulited and now I have a bump!!

Only lost 1 inch of fmy bust (yes!!) and lost 3 inches off my hips.. I consider

my hips my 'pooch' and love handles, even if I'm supposed to measure at the

greatest protusion of my butt.. I bet I lost 3 inches off that too! LoL...

Oh, and here's the link again :)


OH, and my bro is gonna redo my back pic for me on Tuesday, hooray!

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you look fabulous


> Wow. I freakin DID IT!!! AAHHH OMG OMG OMG!


> K, here are my stats...


> Beginning Weight/BF

> 166.7 pounds and 29.8% body fat

> End Weight/BF

> 158 and 19.2% body fat


> Loss of 19.4 pounds of fat and gain of 10.7 pounds of muscle

> (hoorway for extra testosterone!!)


> K...


> 3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off each thigh, my biceps stayed

> the same about but that's good because they de-cellulited and now I

> have a bump!!


> Only lost 1 inch of fmy bust (yes!!) and lost 3 inches off my

> hips.. I consider my hips my 'pooch' and love handles, even if I'm

> supposed to measure at the greatest protusion of my butt.. I bet I

> lost 3 inches off that too! LoL...


> Oh, and here's the link again :)


> http://www.bodyforlife-tracker.com/searchprofile.cfm?id=17374


> OH, and my bro is gonna redo my back pic for me on Tuesday, hooray!





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Great progress pics--you look mahvelous!



E wrote:


> Wow. I freakin DID IT!!! AAHHH OMG OMG OMG!


> K, here are my stats...


> Beginning Weight/BF

> 166.7 pounds and 29.8% body fat

> End Weight/BF

> 158 and 19.2% body fat


> Loss of 19.4 pounds of fat and gain of 10.7 pounds of muscle (hoorway

> for extra testosterone!!)


> K...


> 3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off each thigh, my biceps stayed the

> same about but that's good because they de-cellulited and now I have a

> bump!!


> Only lost 1 inch of fmy bust (yes!!) and lost 3 inches off my hips.. I

> consider my hips my 'pooch' and love handles, even if I'm supposed to

> measure at the greatest protusion of my butt.. I bet I lost 3 inches

> off that too! LoL...


> Oh, and here's the link again :)


> http://www.bodyforlife-tracker.com/searchprofile.cfm?id=17374

> <http://www.bodyforlife-tracker.com/searchprofile.cfm?id=17374>


> OH, and my bro is gonna redo my back pic for me on Tuesday, hooray!






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You look fantastic! Great job!



> Wow. I freakin DID IT!!! AAHHH OMG OMG OMG!


> K, here are my stats...


> Beginning Weight/BF

> 166.7 pounds and 29.8% body fat

> End Weight/BF

> 158 and 19.2% body fat


> Loss of 19.4 pounds of fat and gain of 10.7 pounds of muscle

(hoorway for extra testosterone!!)


> K...


> 3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off each thigh, my biceps stayed the

same about but that's good because they de-cellulited and now I have a



> Only lost 1 inch of fmy bust (yes!!) and lost 3 inches off my hips..

I consider my hips my 'pooch' and love handles, even if I'm supposed

to measure at the greatest protusion of my butt.. I bet I lost 3

inches off that too! LoL...


> Oh, and here's the link again :)


> http://www.bodyforlife-tracker.com/searchprofile.cfm?id=17374


> OH, and my bro is gonna redo my back pic for me on Tuesday, hooray!





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Way to go ! Great job... you look great. Congrats to Ellie on

the marathon. Reading about riding really makes me miss my bike and

makes me crave a bit a nice long ride. Living in NYC I just write off

that a long challenging ride is not possible, but I know that's not

true. There are great riding clubs here and beautiful trails to be

explored. I've been inspired. Thanks everyone!

With loving kindness,


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Great results... yeah.. wow...great! ~ Lin

E wrote:

Wow. I freakin DID IT!!! AAHHH OMG OMG OMG!

K, here are my stats...

Beginning Weight/BF

166.7 pounds and 29.8% body fat

End Weight/BF

158 and 19.2% body fat

Loss of 19.4 pounds of fat and gain of 10.7 pounds of muscle (hoorway for extra



3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off each thigh, my biceps stayed the same about

but that's good because they de-cellulited and now I have a bump!!

Only lost 1 inch of fmy bust (yes!!) and lost 3 inches off my hips.. I consider

my hips my 'pooch' and love handles, even if I'm supposed to measure at the

greatest protusion of my butt.. I bet I lost 3 inches off that too! LoL...

Oh, and here's the link again :)


OH, and my bro is gonna redo my back pic for me on Tuesday, hooray!

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