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UPDATED ACTION: Sign On--Call for Increase Funding to Stop Global AIDS

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Updated Action -- January 25, 2002 -- Stop Global AIDS Campaign

More Organizational Sign-On's Needed:

Call for Urgent Action by President W. Bush

and Congress to Fully Fund the Fight Against AIDS

1. Read the Statement below to see if your organizational can sign-on.

If yes, please an email to pzeitz@...; Please provide

the name of your organization and its location (state and country);

2. Please pass this email on to your listserve, consider posting on your

website, and encourage as many organizations as possible to sign

on to this statement;

3. This statement will be used by advocacy groups who are meeting

members of Congress in their Districts and in Washington Offices.

It will also be sent to the President and all key Administration officials.

The statement is designed to demonstrate the broad-based coalition

that is supporting increased US government funding to stop global AIDS;

4. Updated versions of this organizational " Call for Action " will be

posted at www.globalaidsalliance.org


(Update as of 25 January 2002)

Our organizations are humanitarian, religious, and other groups committed to a

full-scale effort to stop the global AIDS pandemic and its related causes, particularly

in the impoverished regions of the world, which have been the hardest hit by the AIDS

crisis. Because of the unprecedented impact of the crisis, we call on President

W. Bush and the US Congress to provide $2.5 billion in FY 2003 resources

to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria and to bilateral AIDS programs.

Without bold investment now, projections are that 100 million people will become

infected by 2007. The AIDS pandemic and its related causes in Africa, Asia and

elsewhere threaten to destabilize nations and undermine global security. We believe

taking immediate action to ensure adequate resources to combat AIDS, TB, and

Malaria is one of the best ways the US can exert leadership in a troubled world.Respectfully,

US-based Organizations

ACT UP/Cleveland

ACT UP/East Bay

ACT UP/Philadelphia

Africa Faith & Justice Network

African Services Committee

AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic, Yale Law School

American Jewish World Service

Artists Against AIDS Worldwide

Artists for a New South Africa

Berkeley Gray Panthers

Bishop's Task-Force on AIDS -- Greek Orthodox Diocese of Chicago


Boston Global Action Network Africa AIDS Project

Central Conference of American Rabbis

Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance

Disciples Advocacy Washington Network

Doctors of the World, USA

Elders for Survival

Episcopal Church, USA

Equal Partners in Faith

Federation of Temple Sisterhoods

Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa

Global AIDS Action Network

Global AIDS Alliance

Global Immunity

Global Partnerships for Excellence in Education, Research, and Service

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Harvard AIDS Coalition

Health and Human Rights Interest Group, Univ of Mass Medical School

Health GAP Coalition

Hope for African Children Initiative

Hospice Alliance of Colorado

The Hunger Project

Management Sciences for Health

Marin Interfaith Task Force on Central America

Medical Mission Sisters: Alliance for Justice

Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office

Middle East Children's Alliance

Missionary Oblates of Immacuate

MIT United Trauma Relief

National Association of Black Social Workers

NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby

North Coast HIV/AIDS Coalition

Northwest Coalition for AIDS Treatment in Africa

NYC AIDS Housing Network

OneDiaspora Project

Orphans and Vulnerable Children's Task Force

Pan-African Charismatic Evangelical Congress

Partners in Health

Pearl S Buck International

Pendulum Project

Physicians for Human Rights

Presbyterian Church (USA), Washington Office

Project Concern International


Search for a Cure

Society of Missionaries of Africa

Student Global AIDS Campaign-Tulane Medical School Chapter

Students for Global Public Health

The Futures Group International

TransAfrica Forum

Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Unitarian Universalist Association

U.S. Doctors for Africa

Washington Office on Africa

Washington State Africa Network

Women of Reform Judaism

World Conference for Religion and Peace

Wyoming: Positives For Positives

Yale AIDS Network

Youth Against AIDS

International Organizations

ACT UP/Paris

Association of People With AIDS in Kenya

CARE Thailand / Raks Thai Foundation

Chisomo Children's Club, Malawi

Development Aid from People to People, Zambia

Hospice Africa, Uganda

Jerusalem AIDS Project, Israel

Kenya AIDS Intervention/Prevention Project Group, Kenya

Liberal Association for the Movement of People, India

Lilongwe Diocese - Catholic Church, Malawi

No Limit for Women Project, Cameroon

Organization of Development Program for the Underprivileged, Bangladesh

Population Concern, United Kingdom

Rabeya Hai Welfare Trust, Bangladesh

Selian Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania

Society For The Advancement of Women, Malawi

The Grail, South Africa

Youth Net and Counseling, Malawi


Dr. Zeitz

Executive Director

Global AIDS Alliance

Box 820

Bethesda MD 20827-0820

tel: 301-765-2046

cell: 267-254-5857

fax: 301-765-6091




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