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Request for Concept Papers: CCM Activation Grants 2008

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CCM Activation Grants 2008

Increasing access to sexual and reproductive health services in Africa via Global Fund Round 8 grants


The Global AIDS Alliance (GAA) is soliciting concept papers from local and national civil society organizations (CSOs) in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Zambia to develop and implement intensive country-level advocacy campaigns to increase access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services supported by the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The campaigns will be supported by a “CCM activation grant” of up to US$20,000 to be implemented over a period of 8 months, beginning March 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008. The deadline for submitting concept papers is 21 January 2008.

The CCM activation grants form one component of a broader effort to increase funding for integrated SRH programs and services within the Global Fund’s Round 8 grant cycle. Partners that receive a CCM activation grant will be expected to

· participate in an Africa-wide advocacy workshop 27– 29 February 2008 in sub-Saharan Africa (location to be confirmed); travel and lodging expenses within Africa will be fully covered and should not be included in the grant application;

· contribute to regional and continent-wide information sharing and collaboration to leverage expertise and experience across individual countries;

· serve as an expert resource to inform GAA’s advocacy efforts; and

· participate in monitoring and evaluating both GAA’s and the overall success of the initiative in achieving its stated goals.


The Global AIDS Alliance seeks to mobilize a comprehensive, evidence-based response to the global AIDS crisis while addressing the epidemic’s fundamental links to global health, gender, and income inequities. Based in Washington, DC, GAA conducts advocacy aimed at donor governments and multilateral institutions to fulfill their political and financial commitments for achieving universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care by 2010. GAA partners with rights-based advocates in implementing countries to promote governmental accountability and tangible improvements to the quality of life for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. We demand faster, bolder action and concrete results to stop AIDS while protecting the dignity and rights those most at risk of infection and its consequences.

For more information, please see www.globalaidsalliance.org


The global community has committed itself to achieving universal access to reproductive health by 2015, and affirmed the linkages between SRH services and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care. The WHO and other agencies that provide technical expertise to the Global Fund further identify integrated SRH/HIV/AIDS services as a “best practice” that should be included in Global Fund disease-component proposals. However, in order to ensure that SRH linkages are translated into concrete programs and services via Global Fund grants, Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) must include integrated programming in their country proposals.

To that end, the objectives of the Initiative are twofold.

1. At the country level, catalyze Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) to include integrated SRH programming within Global Fund Round 8 proposals by mobilizing political commitment and country demand for SRH.

2. At the global level, advance Global Fund policy, institutional, and operational reforms to foster an enabling environment for the submission and approval of Country Coordinated Proposals that include integrated SRH programs and services.

The initiative is a collaborative civil society effort of GAA along with Population Action International (PAI), Interact Worldwide, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and Friends of the Global Fund Africa. It is funded through contributions from non-corporate/non-governmental private donations from organizations and foundations.


21 January 2008 Deadline for submitting concept papers to GAA

25 January 2008 Notification of invitation to submit proposals

11 February 2008 Deadline for submitting proposals to GAA

15 February 2008 Notification of grant awards

27-29 February 2008 Advocacy Workshop to kickoff Global Fund Round 8 demand creation, Nairobi, Kenya (tentative, location to be confirmed)

1 March 2008 Global Fund launches Call for Proposals Round 8

1 July 2008 Global Fund deadline for submission Round 8

Aug – Sept 2008 Global Fund Technical Review Panel (TRP) meets on Round 8

November 2008 Global Fund decisions on Round 8 proposals


Independent, indigenous civil society organizations and networks based and engaged in national-level advocacy in one of the initiatives’ focus countries (listed at the beginning of this document). Organizations should be in existence for at least 3 years, although exceptions may be made on the basis of individual proposals. Preference will be given to women-led organizations. Ideally, funding will contribute to and strengthen the organization or networks’ overall priorities and capacity and complement broader national and regional advocacy strategies aimed at protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights and addressing the causes and consequences of HIV/AIDS.


CCM activation grants are intended to support advocacy activities to catalyze demand for integrated SRH programs and services within proposals submitted by CCMs in the Global Fund Round 8 funding cycle. The objective of these activities is to create a favorable social and political environment for integrating sexual and reproductive health priorities and services in Global Fund programs including access to contraceptives; counseling, testing, and treatment for sexually transmitted infections; positive prevention; integrated prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT+); youth-friendly services; maternal health; and efforts to detect and address gender-based violence. Sample activities include

Targeted outreach to members of the CCM;

CCM watchdog activities to promote governmental accountability for sexual and reproductive health commitments;

Coalition building activities to bring together diverse stakeholders to advocate on behalf of sexual and reproductive health and rights, including people living with HIV/AIDS, children’s advocates, and human rights champions; and/or

Media outreach and public education to demonstrate country demand for SRH services.

Grants may include relevant and reasonable core/operating costs.

Funds may not be used for

Religious proselytizing

Electoral activities or the support of political parties

Governmental activities

Academic studies



· Concept papers should be submitted to the attention of Alia Khan, Global Partnerships Advisor, via e-mail (akhan@...) or facsimile (+1 (202) 789-0715) no later than 21 January 2008.

· No more than 2 pages. English language submissions are preferred, however French and Portuguese submissions will be accepted.

· Contact information

o Name of organization

o Primary contact person’s name and title

o Address (physical and postal)

o Telephone and fax numbers

o E-mail, Skype user name, and web address (if available)

· Organizational information

o Organizational description, mission, size, date established, and primary activities

o National –level advocacy experience related to sexual and reproductive health and rights

o Experience with the Global Fund

o Organization’s primary beneficiaries and stakeholders

· Brief project description

o Key strategies for building governmental support for sexual and reproductive health and rights

o Advocacy targets, for example, national ministries, policy makers, and members of national Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM)

o Potential allies

o Sample tactics, for example, coalition building, media outreach, public education activities, etc…

· Size of grant requested


GAA will notify all applicants on the status of their concept paper submissions no later than 25 January 2008. Organizations invited to submit proposals will be required to do so by 11 February 2008, and final notification will be given no later than 15 February 2008. Final review and approval of concept papers and proposals will be made by GAA. GAA may consult with members of the project team (see “About the initiative,” above) and seek external reviewers whose names and organizational affiliation will be disclose to all applicants.

Detailed guidelines for proposal submissions will be made available. Organizations will be asked to submit, among other information, details regarding

Expected outcomes and timeline

Plans for evaluating the proposed activities

Governance structure, management, and financial accountability

Contact information for 2 references


For additional information, questions, and/or feedback on this notice, please contact

Alia Khan, Global Partnerships Advisor

Global AIDS Alliance


+1 (202) 789-0432 x. 208


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