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Re: en bloc Kim dear

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Kim tell me more concerning your situation. Perhaps it's medically necessary to get implants removed.

Leats go over this?

1. Are you sick?

2. Do you have hardness around implants at all even a little?

3. Do you have a supportive PCP

4. CAn you get an MRI.5.How long have you had implants? and do you really know what type they were?

5. How many years ago.

YOu may be find getting just implants removed, especially if it was less than 5 years. How ever if you are having any of these symptoms you better pursue the issue more a) go back to PCP, tell him you want an MRI, complain of breast tenderness, pain and hardness. ( I barely had any local symptoms but kind of said it to hpefully get the insurance to pay. I started with my PCP and got them to write a letter to PS that she already felt I had capsular contracture ((one of the only medically necessary reasons they'll will take breast implants out for free., pain is helpfulor ruptures, but you can't even tell you've had a rupture)) Look I'm trying to save you money here. Do you have any insurance at all?

As far as remembering the doctor PRAY. Someone in your past may remmeber. I went to an old boyfriend who took me he remembered.

This is what happened to me. I had silicone breast implnats for 13 years until I had a major problem. They do have a shelve life. Say 8 years. Are you to that point? Have you had symptoms? and MRI? maybe you can buy yourself some time, and knowledge and get these out for free. There usually is not much problem doing so.

Focus on beefing up a capsular contracture story. Its all on a I to IV four Baker's scale. Write me back tonight! I love you. God Guide you.

kim <khadijashams@...> wrote:

Because I cannot afford to have my implants removed "en bloc" I am curious to know if anyone has noticed improvements in their health after having just the implants removed???, thanks for your advice, I just don't remember WHO or WHAT as far as the implant details. Like another member mentioned here, I was carefree and careless when making my decision to implant and didn't look back. Thanks. ~kim

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Can you explain this sentence for me? Just wondering where it came from, as I have never seen anyone say this before.

"YOu may be find getting just implants removed, especially if it was less than 5 years."

What is the significance of the 5 years?

Just to point out the significance of my own experience, I had my breast implants for 9 months and I was very sick. I still have abnormal blood work over 5 years after explant, but I have greatly improved in my health. I have lots of energy again, and live a totally normal, active and wonderful life again. I I firmly believe that if I had not removed the capsules I would never have recovered at all.

In fact, I know women who removed ONLY the implants, and have never recovered. I know women who removed only the implant, stayed sick, went back for another surgery to remove the capsule, and got better. It is clear from the evidence, from studies, and from women's experiences that removal of the scar capsule when ill from implants is absolutely imperative for full recovery to have the best chance. Taking chances without full removal of scar capsule upon explant is taking chances with your long term health.


----- Original Message -----

From: michelle king

Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM

Subject: Re: en bloc Kim dear

Kim tell me more concerning your situation. Perhaps it's medically necessary to get implants removed.

Leats go over this?

1. Are you sick?

2. Do you have hardness around implants at all even a little?

3. Do you have a supportive PCP

4. CAn you get an MRI.5.How long have you had implants? and do you really know what type they were?

5. How many years ago.

YOu may be find getting just implants removed, especially if it was less than 5 years. How ever if you are having any of these symptoms you better pursue the issue more a) go back to PCP, tell him you want an MRI, complain of breast tenderness, pain and hardness. ( I barely had any local symptoms but kind of said it to hpefully get the insurance to pay. I started with my PCP and got them to write a letter to PS that she already felt I had capsular contracture ((one of the only medically necessary reasons they'll will take breast implants out for free., pain is helpfulor ruptures, but you can't even tell you've had a rupture)) Look I'm trying to save you money here. Do you have any insurance at all?

As far as remembering the doctor PRAY. Someone in your past may remmeber. I went to an old boyfriend who took me he remembered.

This is what happened to me. I had silicone breast implnats for 13 years until I had a major problem. They do have a shelve life. Say 8 years. Are you to that point? Have you had symptoms? and MRI? maybe you can buy yourself some time, and knowledge and get these out for free. There usually is not much problem doing so.

Focus on beefing up a capsular contracture story. Its all on a I to IV four Baker's scale. Write me back tonight! I love you. God Guide you.

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I have to throw in my own 2 cents here too. I would say if your only

going to remove the implants and not the capsules to me ya might as

well keep the implants and at least you will still have the boobs! I

know some will think i am nuts but I would not bother doing it half

way. I mean esp if you kind of like the way you look with them,

because I do not believe you can get better with capsules in your

body so if your going to be sick might as well have the boobs too. I

knew that when I was sick I had to do it right or I was not going to

bother at all. It may cost a little more to get it done right but you

will be DONE with surgery this way, and you won't be kicking yourself

down the road for not having got the capsules out. What if later on

they are impossible to get out? Why take the chance? Makes no sense

to me. I know allot of girls on explantation.com that are not sick

have them removed that way because they just don't want the implants

or don't like them or whatever, for them it is a personal choice and

I don't knock them for it but even in that case I still think it is

kind of taking the chance that later you could still have some kind

of autoimmune issues creep up that you might not have other wise had.

Anyhow again, if you can get it all out that is the best way to go.

To me it was all or nothing. But that is just an opinion, you can try

to get better with the capsules in or even with the implants in if

you think you can. I just know for me I was way too sick to take any

chances are being ill the rest of my life.

Good luck to you in your decision

In , " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...> wrote:

> ,

> Can you explain this sentence for me? Just wondering where it came

from, as I have never seen anyone say this before.

> " YOu may be find getting just implants removed, especially if it

was less than 5 years. "


> What is the significance of the 5 years?


> Just to point out the significance of my own experience, I had my

breast implants for 9 months and I was very sick. I still have

abnormal blood work over 5 years after explant, but I have greatly

improved in my health. I have lots of energy again, and live a

totally normal, active and wonderful life again. I I firmly believe

that if I had not removed the capsules I would never have recovered

at all.


> In fact, I know women who removed ONLY the implants, and have never

recovered. I know women who removed only the implant, stayed sick,

went back for another surgery to remove the capsule, and got better.

It is clear from the evidence, from studies, and from women's

experiences that removal of the scar capsule when ill from implants

is absolutely imperative for full recovery to have the best chance.

Taking chances without full removal of scar capsule upon explant is

taking chances with your long term health.

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: michelle king


> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM

> Subject: Re: en bloc Kim dear



> Kim tell me more concerning your situation. Perhaps it's

medically necessary to get implants removed.

> Leats go over this?

> 1. Are you sick?

> 2. Do you have hardness around implants at all even a little?

> 3. Do you have a supportive PCP

> 4. CAn you get an MRI.5.How long have you had implants? and do

you really know what type they were?

> 5. How many years ago.

> YOu may be find getting just implants removed, especially if it

was less than 5 years. How ever if you are having any of these

symptoms you better pursue the issue more a) go back to PCP, tell

him you want an MRI, complain of breast tenderness, pain and

hardness. ( I barely had any local symptoms but kind of said it to

hpefully get the insurance to pay. I started with my PCP and got

them to write a letter to PS that she already felt I had capsular

contracture ((one of the only medically necessary reasons they'll

will take breast implants out for free., pain is helpfulor ruptures,

but you can't even tell you've had a rupture)) Look I'm trying to

save you money here. Do you have any insurance at all?

> As far as remembering the doctor PRAY. Someone in your past

may remmeber. I went to an old boyfriend who took me he remembered.

> This is what happened to me. I had silicone breast

implnats for 13 years until I had a major problem. They do have a

shelve life. Say 8 years. Are you to that point? Have you had

symptoms? and MRI? maybe you can buy yourself some time, and

knowledge and get these out for free. There usually is not much

problem doing so.

> Focus on beefing up a capsular contracture story. Its all

on a I to IV four Baker's scale. Write me back tonight! I love

you. God Guide you.

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