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Hi, I'm new here.

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Hi, I'm Jowanna, I'm 32 and live in Australia. I recently joined

this group as I spend a fair amount of time sharing information about

breast implant problems with friends, co-workers and friends of

friends etc who are having problems with implants that are basically

being ignored by their Doctors. I also have a general interest in

health and healing.

Recently I hit a hitch though and I wondered if anyone here could

help. I was asked if I knew anything about silicone testicle implants

and possible problems - I don't. I did a search on which wasn't

very helpful, but this group came up. If anyone could guide me in the

direction of more info, it would be most appreciated.

Thanks, Jowanna.

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Hi Jowana welcome to the group. I Don't think we have many members in

your part of the world. I would love to visit Australia, that is kind

of my dream vacation! I am curious about your story too, maybe

someday you will take time to share it with the group. Anyhow as far

as testicular implants, geeze I just have not heard much about them.

I am sure they can carry the same risks as a silicone breast implant

though. I mean it is a foreign object in the body. I am sure part of

why we don't hear much about it is due to there being less of them

than breast implants. I would asume they are only used in cases where

a man has lost a testicle, not like implants in the breast that are

used simply for cosmentic reasons most of the time. Do you have men

that are experiencing the same illnesses as us? I would suggest that

they follow the same protocol that the sick women are doing as the

illness and cure would be about the same. I am sure this would be

tough to deal with as a man, esp with out having support of many

others in the same boat. Hopefully upon removal of the implanted

device the symptoms will lessen and go away.

Take care

In , " jowanna "

<aussie_punk_shocker@y...> wrote:

> Hi, I'm Jowanna, I'm 32 and live in Australia. I recently joined

> this group as I spend a fair amount of time sharing information


> breast implant problems with friends, co-workers and friends of

> friends etc who are having problems with implants that are


> being ignored by their Doctors. I also have a general interest in

> health and healing.

> Recently I hit a hitch though and I wondered if anyone here could

> help. I was asked if I knew anything about silicone testicle


> and possible problems - I don't. I did a search on which


> very helpful, but this group came up. If anyone could guide me in


> direction of more info, it would be most appreciated.

> Thanks, Jowanna.

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Hi Jowanna,

There is a study on file in our group that discusses silicone testicular implants in children and the resulting autoimmune condition associated with it. Here it is:


DO SILICONE IMPLANTS INCREASE THE RISK OF SYSTEMIC LUPUSERYTHEMATOSUS(SLE)> IN CHILDREN?>> Jerry C. os, Imundo. Columbia University College of Physicians> and Surgeons, New York, NY. 10032, P. Chander. New York Medical College,> Vahalla, NY. 10595.>> Silicone breast implants have been reported to increase the risk for> development of autoimmune disease in adults. We report the occurrence of> systemic lupus erythematous in two children, a 15 year old boy in 1992, 12 years after a silicone testicular prosthesis was implanted in the scrotum for cosmetic reasons (unilateral cryptorchidism), and a 10 year old girl in 1981, two years after a silicone scleral sponge was implanted in her eye (retinal detachment).> Both developed lupus nephritis requiring treatment with prednisone and> azathioprine to control their disease. 2/50 children who have had renal biopsies for lupus nephritis at Babies Hospital between 1977 - 1993 have had silicone implants prior to their developing SLE.>> In addition, we have examined a silicone testicular implant electively> removed from an asymptomatic 7 year old boy and demonstrated significant> granular mural small vessel staining with anti-sera to IgM. mild staining> with anti-IgG and minimal staining with anti-IgA, C1 and C3 in> the fibromuscular tissue around the implant. We are unaware of any reports> describing microvascular immune complex deposits in the surrounding soft> tissues. These observations, although limited, suggest development oflupus in children in association with silicone implants at sites other than the breast.

Jowanna, here is one other website you might want to take a look at:


Alternatively, the financial incentive together with a surgeon's perspective that implant surgery was the solution to women's demeaned body-image, overshadowed the welfare of a vulnerable group of health consumers. It took until 1994, after hearing further evidence that silicone was responsible for an escalating incidence of auto-immune/connective tissue disease amongst women with breast implants, and a much smaller number of men with penile and testicular implants, for the FDA to finally place a moratorium on its use in reconstructive surgery.

I am surprised that you didn't come up with much on a search on , as I found quite a few links when I plugged in "silicone testicular implants, illness", or "testicular implants, autoimmune disease". But you are right, there is not alot in the way of studies. Basically, however, you will find that almost all discussions of silicone testicular implants will be in conjunction with silicone breast implants, as they are really the same thing, just different in size. The men are suffering adverse affects similarly, although women are more likely to suffer based on the fact that they are exposed to much greater amounts of silicone, and have much more volatile hormonal involvement. It is a fact that autoimmune disorders affect women at a much higher rate than men, and it would lead us to the question of estrogenic activity. But in any case, yes, the men with penile implants and testicular implants suffer too.

Hope this helps you!


----- Original Message -----

From: jowanna

Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2003 7:01 AM

Subject: Hi, I'm new here.

Hi, I'm Jowanna, I'm 32 and live in Australia. I recently joined this group as I spend a fair amount of time sharing information about breast implant problems with friends, co-workers and friends of friends etc who are having problems with implants that are basically being ignored by their Doctors. I also have a general interest in health and healing. Recently I hit a hitch though and I wondered if anyone here could help. I was asked if I knew anything about silicone testicle implants and possible problems - I don't. I did a search on which wasn't very helpful, but this group came up. If anyone could guide me in the direction of more info, it would be most appreciated. Thanks, Jowanna.

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Oh darn, sorry everyone, that was supposed to be a personal message to Rogene!

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 11:49 AM

Subject: Re: Hi, I'm new here.

I think the message got through--not sure, as the one I sent from my personal email address came back. But I went to the member page on the group and posted from there, so I hope she got it.


----- Original Message -----

From: Rogene S

Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 12:03 AM

Subject: Re: Hi, I'm new here.


If you would like to contact bobitz22@... , he is willing to discuss his experience with a testicular implant.


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> Hi Jowana welcome to the group.

Hi and thank you (-:

> I am curious about your story too, maybe

> someday you will take time to share it with the group.

I don't really have a story of my own regarding breast implants,

I've never had them and never will - that's not to say I haven't

considered it, I have at times. I guess I was just fortunate to

stumble accross information regarding their safety a long time ago.

It would also be fair to say that I don't have much time for Doctors

or orthodox medicine :-)

I have worked in strip clubs on and off for the last 4 years or so

and an ever increasing number of women I work with have breast

implants. To me it seemed like almost all of them have health

problems of varying degrees. I really started to research the issue

after one of my best friends began having a whole string of health

problems, (and still is.) At work the conversation back stage has

often solely been about implant problems. Aside from that I have

heard so many girls complain about on-going health problems which

Doctors haven't been able to help them with or diagnose - ALWAYS the

same sort of symptons women with breast implants are known to suffer

from. No-one else seems to make the connection for some reason.

Unfortunatly, although I get asked alot for info and my opinion, no-

one so far has really wanted to belive that their implants are making

them sick. Also because most people trust their Doctors they will

assume that their Doctors WOULD know if there really was a problem.

I'm literally watching some women get sicker and sicker every week,

it's very sad.

> Anyhow as far

> as testicular implants, geeze I just have not heard much about


> I am sure they can carry the same risks as a silicone breast


> though. I mean it is a foreign object in the body.

So far, I have come accross a couple of referencies to this, but

nothing that I can really refur people to look at.

>Do you have men

> that are experiencing the same illnesses as us?

Possibly - numbness and tingeling, panick attacks, I'm not sure if

there's anything else as yet. The implant in question is a 20 year

old solid silicone implant. The man had never thourght twice about it

until he happened to ask me about some articles I'd photocopied and I

gave him the full rave about breast implants. He has thourght for

some time that the implant may have gotten smaller. Also theres the

question - is it possible that silicone could be carried via semen

and cause simular problems in the sex partner?

> I would suggest that

> they follow the same protocol that the sick women are doing as the

> illness and cure would be about the same. I am sure this would be

> tough to deal with as a man, esp with out having support of many

> others in the same boat. Hopefully upon removal of the implanted

> device the symptoms will lessen and go away.

Yes, it would be great if I could find a suport group somewhere for

him as I'm sure it would help. Thanks again!

~ Jowanna.

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Hi Patti,

Thank you so much for all of the info - it's been a great help


> I am surprised that you didn't come up with much on a search on

>, as I found quite a few links when I plugged in " silicone

>testicular implants, illness " , or " testicular implants, autoimmune

>disease " . But you are right, there is not alot in the way of studies

Sometimes it's all in the wording!!! You know I've become so

exhausted trying to think of new terms to search under, that I didn't

even think of the obvious such as 'testicular implants illness'. I

shall do some new searches in a minute!

~ Jowanna.

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You're a smart woman! I am so glad you've decided never to walk down the tortuous path of having breast implants, and I guess you've seen for yourself how women are getting ill. I have to admire you for taking the stance that you do, especially in the line of work you do. I hope you will be a shining light to those women you know who are ill....maybe you can steer some of them this way so they can see for themselves that what they are going through is common to those of us who have had breast implants and got sick, and that they can get them out and get better or improve greatly. However, I am sure for many of them, getting the implants out isn't an option.

Hmmmm, that is a good question about the semen carrying silicone and causing problems in the sex partner. I am not sure. But in any case, with the solid silicone implant, it is highly likely that it has begun to break down. We have a study or two in our files about the breakdown of solid silicone implants and the destruction of surrounding bone.

I have never heard of support groups for men with problems associated with silicone implants, but I do know that every once in awhile we come across men who are searching for answers who have penile implants, testicular implants, or any other kind of solid silicone implant and having similar symptoms. They just aren't as willing to get into discussing their private issues like women are. Talk about feeling all alone!

Thanks for sharing Jowanna!


----- Original Message -----

From: jowanna

Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 8:47 PM

Subject: Re: Hi, I'm new here.

> Hi Jowana welcome to the group. Hi and thank you (-:> I am curious about your story too, maybe > someday you will take time to share it with the group. I don't really have a story of my own regarding breast implants, I've never had them and never will - that's not to say I haven't considered it, I have at times. I guess I was just fortunate to stumble accross information regarding their safety a long time ago. It would also be fair to say that I don't have much time for Doctors or orthodox medicine :-) I have worked in strip clubs on and off for the last 4 years or so and an ever increasing number of women I work with have breast implants. To me it seemed like almost all of them have health problems of varying degrees. I really started to research the issue after one of my best friends began having a whole string of health problems, (and still is.) At work the conversation back stage has often solely been about implant problems. Aside from that I have heard so many girls complain about on-going health problems which Doctors haven't been able to help them with or diagnose - ALWAYS the same sort of symptons women with breast implants are known to suffer from. No-one else seems to make the connection for some reason. Unfortunatly, although I get asked alot for info and my opinion, no-one so far has really wanted to belive that their implants are making them sick. Also because most people trust their Doctors they will assume that their Doctors WOULD know if there really was a problem. I'm literally watching some women get sicker and sicker every week, it's very sad.> Anyhow as far > as testicular implants, geeze I just have not heard much about them. > I am sure they can carry the same risks as a silicone breast implant > though. I mean it is a foreign object in the body. So far, I have come accross a couple of referencies to this, but nothing that I can really refur people to look at.>Do you have men > that are experiencing the same illnesses as us? Possibly - numbness and tingeling, panick attacks, I'm not sure if there's anything else as yet. The implant in question is a 20 year old solid silicone implant. The man had never thourght twice about it until he happened to ask me about some articles I'd photocopied and I gave him the full rave about breast implants. He has thourght for some time that the implant may have gotten smaller. Also theres the question - is it possible that silicone could be carried via semen and cause simular problems in the sex partner? > I would suggest that > they follow the same protocol that the sick women are doing as the > illness and cure would be about the same. I am sure this would be > tough to deal with as a man, esp with out having support of many > others in the same boat. Hopefully upon removal of the implanted > device the symptoms will lessen and go away. Yes, it would be great if I could find a suport group somewhere for him as I'm sure it would help. Thanks again! ~ Jowanna.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Deb,

Welcome to the group. My Hannah is about the same age as your twins

(12/23/02) and is getting casted for DOCband #3 tomorrow. There are

many babies in the group who have worn bands later in age than our

babies and had great results. Like you said, it will take longer

but he should see good correction. We've seen Sherri from the

Paramus office and she was very nice. Do you have to get the

precert from your ins co to begin treatment? I'd call them everyday

if I were you so they get on it! Make yourself a pain if you need

to because, like you said, time is ticking away!

, mom to Hannah, casting for DOC #3 tomorrow

Cape Cod, MA

> My name is Debbie (Deb) whatever. I have twins that are 15 months

> old and one of them needs a DOCBand. It's a moderate case


> needs to be done. I'm hoping it's not going to take too long, but


> know he's on the later side of this. Has anyone had their child

> banded this late? Oh he was 2 months early, so his corrected age


> 13 months, she said that was a good thing. We're going to Cranial

> Tech in NJ. OMG they're so nice there. We're waiting to hear


> insurance's initial response is. TICK TICK TICK, I just feel that

> time is wasting now.


> Deb - Mom of and in NJ

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Hi Debbie/Deb/Debra (or Deborah?) ;)

Welcome to our group!!

Has been casted for his DOCband yet? I've heard great things

about the NJ Cranial Tech, you're in great hands. My Abby wore a

DOCband from 11.5 mos - 15.5 mos & rec'd good correction. It is

later to begin treatment so you'll most likely not receive full

correction, but you should still see some correction.

Glad you found us. Keep us posted on .

Debbie/Deb/Deborah :) Abby's mom DOCGrad


> My name is Debbie (Deb) whatever. I have twins that are 15 months

> old and one of them needs a DOCBand. It's a moderate case


> needs to be done. I'm hoping it's not going to take too long, but


> know he's on the later side of this. Has anyone had their child

> banded this late? Oh he was 2 months early, so his corrected age


> 13 months, she said that was a good thing. We're going to Cranial

> Tech in NJ. OMG they're so nice there. We're waiting to hear


> insurance's initial response is. TICK TICK TICK, I just feel that

> time is wasting now.


> Deb - Mom of and in NJ

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Hi , They are so nice there. I don't know yet when He's going

to be casted. We're still waiting to hear about insurance. I was

hoping to get it done this week but who knows. We saw someone named

Sherri Hensrud there. So I don't know if we've met Charlotte or not

yet. But someone named took the pictures. He was very nice.

Thanks for the welcome!!!

Deb and DOCBand in NJ

--- In Plagiocephaly , " stripes6060 " <taime@o...>


> Hi Deb,

> Welcome to the group! I used Cranial Tech in NJ, aren't they

> wonderful. We just adored Charlotte, please tell her and

> said hi. In the photos section, in the Before and After file in


> DOCband folder you can see a pic of a baby that was DOCbanded at


> months old. His correction is amazing. When is going to be

> casted?



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Hi , thanks for the info. Who do I call, the insurance co or

Cranial Tech?


--- In Plagiocephaly , " " <sarahhollis@y...>


> Hi Deb,

> Welcome to the group. My Hannah is about the same age as your


> (12/23/02) and is getting casted for DOCband #3 tomorrow. There


> many babies in the group who have worn bands later in age than our

> babies and had great results. Like you said, it will take longer

> but he should see good correction. We've seen Sherri from the

> Paramus office and she was very nice. Do you have to get the

> precert from your ins co to begin treatment? I'd call them


> if I were you so they get on it! Make yourself a pain if you need

> to because, like you said, time is ticking away!

> , mom to Hannah, casting for DOC #3 tomorrow

> Cape Cod, MA


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Hi Debbie/Deb/Deborah, Thanks for the welcome. Not casted yet,

still waiting on insurance. We're calling Cranial Tech right now to

see if they have any word yet. Crossing our fingers that we don't

have any hassle with insurance. Ha ha ha.

Deb and

> Hi Debbie/Deb/Debra (or Deborah?) ;)

> Welcome to our group!!

> Has been casted for his DOCband yet? I've heard great things

> about the NJ Cranial Tech, you're in great hands. My Abby wore a

> DOCband from 11.5 mos - 15.5 mos & rec'd good correction. It is

> later to begin treatment so you'll most likely not receive full

> correction, but you should still see some correction.

> Glad you found us. Keep us posted on .

> Debbie/Deb/Deborah :) Abby's mom DOCGrad

> MI



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