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----- Original Message ----- From: Tit 4 Tat

K's Monthly

Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:42 AM

Subject: K's Monthly


10 Reasons to Love the Body You Have

September 2003Aphrodite, that luscious Greek Goddess who spread love across the land and charged up the voltage in relationships would be amused with our 10 Reasons to Love the Body You Have poster. (#10: Sex is better with someone you love. So love yourself.) So would a German Government professor of mine who shared his love of Mercedes Benz engines, called me ³comrade² and shaved his fairly hairless head long before pro basketball players made it a national fashion trend. I remember his head, glinting in the lights and bobbing to punctuate a certain nuance in Bundestag procedure, and I¹ve appreciated a nicely balded pate ever since. The thought of that professor getting hair plugs is a hoot and I¹m sure he would find the plug thing deppert. (Note to guys: please stop trying so hard. Be your sexy selves OK?)Lynda Hinkle, an educator and poet, wrote 10 Reasons to Love the Body You Have to challenge us to stop beating ourselves up about our selves. I read it on her website meowpower.org, loved it and had to have it. So Tit 4 Tat and Meow Power teamed up to publish the list in a poster form -- perfect for sticking in a place where people spend a little time. At a recent festival where Tit 4 Tat was a vendor, the poster was displayed and it was fun to watch people read it -- you could tell when they got to one they liked because they¹d break out into smile or laugh. The festigoers' overall favorite Reason to Love the Body You Have was #3: Not liking yourself requires just as much energy and self delusion as thinking you are awesome. Why not choose to delude yourself that you are the most amazing human being that ever walked the earth instead? I just mailed a poster and couple cds to my daughter for her birthday. She¹s getting ready to start college and I hope she has the good fortune as I did to have some outstanding teachers who challenge her to really think. (Amazing the amount of stuff we learn that¹s not listed in the course outline.) And I hope she has the good fortune to find friends who love her for who she is. And I hope she appreciates Reason #7: You were cooked in your mom¹s stomach. Don¹t criticize your mom¹s cooking. You know how dangerous that can be.Yours in no silicone, no saline, no sir!‹ KP.S. 10 Reasons to Love the Body You Have is also available wholesale.

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