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Food allergies

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Can food allergies be related to pain issues? I am having problems

with this damn foot again and I am so tired of it arg arg arg. Can

anyone tell me if there is a way to test yourself for food allergies

because I really cannot afford to go to one of these nature docs that

charge so much and are not covered on insurance. I am pretty sure I

am reacting to soy. When I eat my favorite cliff bars with the soy

protien I get really really bad gas and tummy aches. Other than soy

though I don't feel any reaction to food. I am really considering

though that I may need to change my diet. I know I am eating too much

sugar. It is not that I feel bad, but i just think I could feel

better. I need to be able to concentrate because this math class I am

taking is tough, for me. Anyhow any suggestions about this would be

appreciated. I am not on here as much as I would like to be lately

because my schedule is brutal right now, with work and school and

homework. Anyhow thanks ladies.


In , " *~Patty~* " <fdp@l...> wrote:

> Thanks ,

> I did get tested for food allergies back in 1998 by my naturopath

in Tucson and that is when I found the food allergy to chocolate and

brewer's yeast. (First time in my life I knew about being allergic

to chocolate!)


> Maybe I should be tested again. I have wondered about the wheat. I

seem to get either a runny nose or brain fog sometimes--not every

time--after eating wheat products. Eggs too. Food seems to have

become an issue in my life, where it never was before.


> So we are pretty much at around the same place with our anti-TPO

antibodies...I was just so shocked to see mine at 50 when it has been

at 7! I don't know what triggers it, so it sounds like I really do

need to take a look at my foods. I remember that guy that wrote the

book on how he cured his Hashimoto's--he did it pretty much through

diet, right?


> Thanks . I hope you are feeling better too! I am doing good--

have energy again, kids are back in school, I am getting back into a

schedule! I noticed a little pain in my hand joints and in my feet,

but I am hoping with working out again, and doing a fast (planning

one soon) will make it go away.

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----



> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 12:24 PM

> Subject: Re: hashimoto's,



> Patty, I know from my experience there are two thyroid antibodies

that they test for (I am unsure if there are more) Anti Thyroglobulin

and Anti thyroid peroxidase. (TPO) I was sopossed to be under two on

both, and the anti thyroidglobulin was at 12,000 for a year, that is

the one most likely to be high in the case of thyroid cancers, so

they really watch the nodules, as in my case.

> Meanwhile, the anti thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is usually the most

common marker found in women with Hashimotos, usually not seen in

relation to thyroid cancers. But some women have both, like me. I had

both markers. My TPO was at 1100, or 1200 for over a year. Then, 3

Months after explant, and being on Dr Mercola's diet, with no Gluten

(He believes that almost all thyroid is due to wheat intolerance, and

also infectious) Wheat is also listed to be related in a lot of

thyroid books, and on Shonman's site. Both went down , from

12,000 to 70 after explant, and the TPO from 1100 to 90 . (Now at 60)

> If you are asking me, I would look at your diet more closely and

see if you may have a fool allergy triggering it. Maybe Gluten, or

Dairy. I would cut out one, and have my doc retest in 4 weeks to see

if the antibodies go down, that's what I did with dairy. Then try the

other. I seem to be ok with Dairy but def not Gluten.

> Or simply, you could request to have a gliadon antibody testing,

to see if you are definitly allergic to wheat (celiac disease or

sensitivity) and that may help. Celiac disease or just a small case

of it, such as a sensitivity can trigger/cause RA, HAshimtos, Lupus,

and many other auto immune illness, that upon eliminating them from

your diet, everything calms down, and the secondary issues, like

perhaps thyroid for you, would correct itself. By doing the blood

test, you aren't cutting out a food that may be beneficial, as

and I were talking about, you would know for sure. I know they

say that the thyroid is really impacted/affected by food allergies. I

believe it.

> Also if you are low on thyroid (meds), or having thyroid

resistance (Dr Lowe-I want to go to him so bad!) then you will

continue to have high antibodies as the thyroid is struggling, and

stimulating itself to make more hormone, thinking it isnt making

enough. Does that make sense? Its so hard to explain, I had to re-

read some of my thyroid books two and three times to get it.

> And then there is mycoplasma infection, (didn't you say that was

in your implants) and its ability to get into the thyroid gland,

causing a toxic gland, (that is what goiters and hashimtos are

considered, and medically termed- " toxic " ) Perhaps you may want to

rule that out, and get a panel performed on to list any mycoplasma's

done. That infection had been found in thyroid glands, messing up

function, and causing disease. Dr Nicolson talks about it on his

site. Search it, Patty. www.immed.org

> Anyway, hope that helps a little, hope you doing well, hun.

--- Original Message

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