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article re: Whaet imtolerance, and even bibical

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This is an interesting article but I don't agree with it 100% at all.

I don't think we would be very healthy today if all we ate is

vegatables and meat. I think that grain is important to humans in

general. It may not be for everyone, but niether is meat or dairy. I

just know that I have several books here on wheat that really show

how good it is for you. i am not talking about processed junk, but

whole wheat. Anyhow there are other experts that I think would agree

that wheat is good and nutritious so again it is just an opinion. I

do agree that most people eat too much of this processed stuff,

breads, pasta etc. That is 100% correct!

In , " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>


> To the group: Re;Wheat

> A friend of yours highly recommend you read this health article:

http://www.mercola.com/2003/jul/2/celiac_disease.htm. This article

comes from http://www.mercola.com, one of the Web's most visited and

trusted health information sites.

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, weren't you a big fan of the Zone for a while? I remember you talking all about the diet and how great you felt on it. What made you go back to wheat and regular foods?

Anyway, Dr Mercola had a huge success rate with what he is doing, his No Grain book is a top seller- on top of his wellness center being the 2nd largest in the world says something is working-actually most holistic doctors will tell you to stay away from wheat, as it is a major allergy. I have seen several, as Dr Mercola is 2 hours away- in the last few years, (but suffice to say, I just came to a peace about the travel) and all of them said the same thing. He sees almost all his patients with auto immune illnesses with very high insulin levels, decreasing these foods naturally helps in the healing process. Insulin inhibits. Some people do fine with them, like you- that is great, and makes life a lot easier.

I great eating this way, and feel terrible when I don’t. Probably because when I start eating grains, it raises insulin, which turns to sugar and that feeds my mycoplasma infections, and yeast. They thrive on that stuff. The diet isn't hard, esp. when you put your mind to it, it is the 1st few months, but now I crave all the raw foods, and hate any wheat -refined or otherwise. I don't believe that if I just gave it time, I would just feel better. Actually on his live cells on my blood, I had proof I got worse- And he knew I was cheating, so never again! When I went off the diet, I felt like crap anyway. I had allot of infections, and still do to deal with. I wish I could eat anything, its so much easier- and probably could when I get better, but I view this as a great learning experience for me, and a season of healing, and it really intruges me. I do love wheat bread though. That took time.

----- Original Message -----

From: naturalbeauty38

Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 8:43 PM

Subject: Re: article re: Whaet imtolerance, and even bibical

This is an interesting article but I don't agree with it 100% at all. I don't think we would be very healthy today if all we ate is vegatables and meat. I think that grain is important to humans in general. It may not be for everyone, but niether is meat or dairy. I just know that I have several books here on wheat that really show how good it is for you. i am not talking about processed junk, but whole wheat. Anyhow there are other experts that I think would agree that wheat is good and nutritious so again it is just an opinion. I do agree that most people eat too much of this processed stuff, breads, pasta etc. That is 100% correct!In , "JOSEPH PALANCA" <juliejp61@m...> wrote:> To the group: Re;Wheat > A friend of yours highly recommend you read this health article: http://www.mercola.com/2003/jul/2/celiac_disease.htm. This article comes from http://www.mercola.com, one of the Web's most visited and trusted health information sites.

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Your right I was doing the zone for awhile and ya know what I feel

better on the zone than eating tons of crap no doubt BUT when I

started eating this wheat cereal I started to notice a big time

difference in my hunger! I felt satisfied and also have been able to

maintain my wieght better. I just feel that the wheat is really

really good for allot of us. I am sorry that you cannot tolerate it.

have you ever tried the whole wheat cereal? Anyhow I am not

trying to upset you by posting this material at all, it is just for

the benefit of the group that I wanted to share this information. I

hope you don't think I am doing this to hurt you. It is not like that

at all. I really feel that many can find better health through the

use of WHOLE WHEAT. I don't eat allot of other grains but there are

some others that are good too. I avoid the processed food as much as

possible but it is nice to be able to eat what I want now, it has

taken awhile but I am able to eat normal again and feel really good.

In , " JOSEPH PALANCA " <juliejp61@m...>


> , weren't you a big fan of the Zone for a while? I remember

you talking all about the diet and how great you felt on it. What

made you go back to wheat and regular foods?

> Anyway, Dr Mercola had a huge success rate with what he is doing,

his No Grain book is a top seller- on top of his wellness center

being the 2nd largest in the world says something is working-actually

most holistic doctors will tell you to stay away from wheat, as it is

a major allergy. I have seen several, as Dr Mercola is 2 hours away-

in the last few years, (but suffice to say, I just came to a peace

about the travel) and all of them said the same thing. He sees

almost all his patients with auto immune illnesses with very high

insulin levels, decreasing these foods naturally helps in the healing

process. Insulin inhibits. Some people do fine with them, like you-

that is great, and makes life a lot easier.

> I great eating this way, and feel terrible when I don't. Probably

because when I start eating grains, it raises insulin, which turns to

sugar and that feeds my mycoplasma infections, and yeast. They thrive

on that stuff. The diet isn't hard, esp. when you put your mind to

it, it is the 1st few months, but now I crave all the raw foods, and

hate any wheat -refined or otherwise. I don't believe that if I just

gave it time, I would just feel better. Actually on his live cells on

my blood, I had proof I got worse- And he knew I was cheating, so

never again! When I went off the diet, I felt like crap anyway. I

had allot of infections, and still do to deal with. I wish I could

eat anything, its so much easier- and probably could when I get

better, but I view this as a great learning experience for me, and a

season of healing, and it really intruges me. I do love wheat bread

though. That took time.

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: naturalbeauty38


> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 8:43 PM

> Subject: Re: article re: Whaet imtolerance, and

even bibical



> This is an interesting article but I don't agree with it 100% at


> I don't think we would be very healthy today if all we ate is

> vegatables and meat. I think that grain is important to humans in

> general. It may not be for everyone, but niether is meat or

dairy. I

> just know that I have several books here on wheat that really


> how good it is for you. i am not talking about processed junk,


> whole wheat. Anyhow there are other experts that I think would


> that wheat is good and nutritious so again it is just an opinion.


> do agree that most people eat too much of this processed stuff,

> breads, pasta etc. That is 100% correct!











> wrote:

> > To the group: Re;Wheat

> > A friend of yours highly recommend you read this health


> http://www.mercola.com/2003/jul/2/celiac_disease.htm. This


> comes from http://www.mercola.com, one of the Web's most visited


> trusted health information sites.




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Wow, my 3 yr son has dermatitis, used to be bad until I added GLA and fish oils, I bet he may have a senstivity, as I do. I know they say that celiac is most found in people of european desent, and My husbands Italian. Actually, gluten/wheat intoleranace is so pronounced there, and they are so fully aware of it, that every child in Italy must be tested for it before the age of 5. Dr Mercola believes if that did that here, over 60% would test for gluton antibodies. I should try to take out all forms of wheat from Tyler for a week, and see if his skin gets better. Thanks for the tip.

Tyler eats so good as it is, I mean he is wonderful to watch eating. Yesterday , he ate 2 fruits for breakfast, scrambles egg with a peice of toast, lunch was: raw carrots and cucumbers with olives, apple slices with 3 organic chicken strips, and for dinner, fresh steamed green beans, small amount of pasta, tomatoes from the garden. I guess that detoxing and eating healthier is better for my son too. So there is a positive in everything, right? Anyway, sorry to babble thanks for he tip on dermatitis and wheat.

>From: Ed Ralston

>Reply- > >Subject: Re: Re: article re: Whaet imtolerance, and even bibical >Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 05:56:34 -0700 (PDT) > >Dr. D'Adamo has great success with his diet, I was on a BB of his for years, and it was amazing to hear of the arthritis and weight problems that were resolved in Os who left off wheat. Wheat is the number one food that will put weight on Os. I realized years ago, I was allergic, but once I got it all out of my diet, I no longer had mucous in my nose all the time. If I eat one piece of cake I WILL have a sinus infection I produce so much mucous. My hubby being "A" type blood can have some forms of wheat. Here is a serach on Dr. D's site, just stick the word wheat in there and you can see what blood types can eat what, if any, forms of wheat. That may be why some respond positively, it is compatible. Here is the URL for the search: http://www.dadamo.com/faq/smartfaq.cgi?answer=988881869 & id=988813483 > >If you are curious about any food, you can search it, it would be interesting to plug in foods that made you sick and make you feel good and see if they are an AVOID or BENEFICIAL. > >Here is just a short article on Dr. D'Adamos site that I think is interesting: > >How can it be that wheat isn't good for anyone? Hasn't it been a staple in man's diet for thousands of years? > >Wheat as we know it in the millennia of this era is not the same as it was at the very beginning. The genetics of wheat show that its development is very complex. Today's grain has developed from three naturally occurring groups of wheat. Through natural crossings, mutations, and natural selection these have evolved into all the many varieties of wheat grown worldwide. >In essence, the 'hard wheat' that we eat nowadays has a protein content as high as 13%, versus the more ancient wheats which had a protein content of, at most, about 2%. Increasing the protein content has had the effect of making wheat a viable source of protein for many people around the world, but has also increased the allergenic (gliandin, gluten and lectin containing), pro-inflammatory and metabolic-blocking portions of the plant almost seven-fold. >Aside from the under-investigated metabolic effects of wheat lectin, classic hypersensitivity to wheat is found in many infants and adults. Reactions are often localised in the GI tract. In a study of asthmatic patients, 46% (children) and 34% (adults) were found to have IgE to wheat as tested by Pharmacia & Upjohn, Diagnostics CAP System. In another study, specificity for wheat allergen using the same system was 98%. Wheat allergy was found to cause a persistent food hypersensitivity in atopic dermatitis patients (75% remained intolerant). In 102 grass-pollen allergic children, 12% were found to be allergic to wheat. >http://www.dadamo.com/faq/smartfaq.cgi?answer=988881869 & id=988813483 > > > >JOSEPH PALANCA wrote: >, weren't you a big fan of the Zone for a while? I remember you talking all about the diet and how great you felt on it. What made you go back to wheat and regular foods? > Anyway, Dr Mercola had a huge success rate with what he is doing, his No Grain book is a top seller- on top of his wellness center being the 2nd largest in the world says something is working-actually most holistic doctors will tell you to stay away from wheat, as it is a major allergy. I have seen several, as Dr Mercola is 2 hours away- in the last few years, (but suffice to say, I just came to a peace about the travel) and all of them said the same thing. He sees almost all his patients with auto immune illnesses with very high insulin levels, decreasing these foods naturally helps in the healing process. Insulin inhibits. Some people do fine with them, like you- that is great, and makes life a lot easier. >I great eating this way, and feel terrible when I don’t. Probably because when I start eating grains, it raises insulin, which turns to sugar and that feeds my mycoplasma infections, and yeast. They thrive on that stuff. The diet isn't hard, esp. when you put your mind to it, it is the 1st few months, but now I crave all the raw foods, and hate any wheat -refined or otherwise. I don't believe that if I just gave it time, I would just feel better. Actually on his live cells on my blood, I had proof I got worse- And he knew I was cheating, so never again! When I went off the diet, I felt like crap anyway. I had allot of infections, and still do to deal with. I wish I could eat anything, its so much easier- and probably could when I get better, but I view this as a great learning experience for me, and a season of healing, and it really intruges me. I do love wheat bread though. That took time. >----- Original Message ----- >From: naturalbeauty38 > >Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 8:43 PM >Subject: Re: article re: Whaet imtolerance, and even bibical > > >This is an interesting article but I don't agree with it 100% at all. >I don't think we would be very healthy today if all we ate is >vegatables and meat. I think that grain is important to humans in >general. It may not be for everyone, but niether is meat or dairy. I >just know that I have several books here on wheat that really show >how good it is for you. i am not talking about processed junk, but >whole wheat. Anyhow there are other experts that I think would agree >that wheat is good and nutritious so again it is just an opinion. I >do agree that most people eat too much of this processed stuff, >breads, pasta etc. That is 100% correct! > > > > > > > > >In , "JOSEPH PALANCA"

>wrote: > > To the group: Re;Wheat > > A friend of yours highly recommend you read this health article: >http://www.mercola.com/2003/jul/2/celiac_disease.htm. This article >comes from http://www.mercola.com, one of the Web's most visited and >trusted health information sites. > > > >

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