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mitral valve prolapse

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Thank you Kathy, your comments are appreciated.

By the way, sorry about the delay in answering your personal note. Personal ones take longer for me, as I have so many of them! It is hard to keep up. We have out of town guests, too, but I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can...keep writing though!


----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 4:32 PM

Subject: mitral valve prolapse

hi patty

I don't know how to respond to the emails now that I am getting them all in batches. It seems the only thing to click on is the private email address. Anyway, my husband had mvp and my son has it. It is actually quite common and usually not serious.

Skipped heartbeats can come from a variety of causes. Stress, perimenopause, illness---hypoglycemia--the list is endless. Many people get them now and again. I have been getting them for years. However, when I got strangely ill 2 years a go, I started having a very fast pulse and over 500skipped beats in a day. Even then the cardiologist blew me off. As soon as I went on ap therapy that was one of the first things to improve. Hope this helps. by the way, please answer my private email if you could. thanks.


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By the way, Kathy, would you rather receive the emails individually? You can change from daily digest if you don't like getting it that way...let me know.


----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 4:32 PM

Subject: mitral valve prolapse

hi patty

I don't know how to respond to the emails now that I am getting them all in batches. It seems the only thing to click on is the private email address.

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I meant to ask you...you mentioned that your husband had mvp (as in past tense?) and your son has it. Do you? And when you said you went on ap therapy, is that the antibiotic protocol?

I read in Shomon's book on hypothyroidism that she was diagnosed with it, and all they told her to do was make sure she took antibiotics before any dental work. Seems kinda benign, doesn't it? But those palpitations can sure scare you when there is no way to control the heartbeat!

So glad to hear that improved when you started (I'm assuming) the antibiotics. That sounds like it is bacteriologically related then! One more clue to the bacterial association of our implant/immune dysfunction problems.


----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 4:32 PM

Subject: mitral valve prolapse

hi patty

I don't know how to respond to the emails now that I am getting them all in batches. It seems the only thing to click on is the private email address. Anyway, my husband had mvp and my son has it. It is actually quite common and usually not serious.

Skipped heartbeats can come from a variety of causes. Stress, perimenopause, illness---hypoglycemia--the list is endless. Many people get them now and again. I have been getting them for years. However, when I got strangely ill 2 years a go, I started having a very fast pulse and over 500skipped beats in a day. Even then the cardiologist blew me off. As soon as I went on ap therapy that was one of the first things to improve. Hope this helps. by the way, please answer my private email if you could. thanks.


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  • 1 year later...

Hello and thank you for your warm welcome to a great support group,I

also don't know if mitral valve prolaspe is CMT related but it's making me

wonder and about my hearing the drs.say it could be related to CMT but they

aren't sure although I also have nerve damage in both ears and my mother bless

her heart she was dignosed with having meniers disease back in 1969 at Blufftons

clinic in Indiana although with no hearing problems except when she had one of

her spells from this disease that would cause her ears to ring,along with nausea

and loss of balance.

I forgot to mention that I also have tinninitis (rining of the ear) in left ear

and sometimes my right ear also,and my ear specialist says meniers disease is

not passed down generations so again I'm just wondering if all this isn't CMT

related and I'm certain now that my mother had this as she had high arches and

often saying her body felt stiff upon getting out of bed in the mornings.


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