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----- Original Message ----- From: Dave and Patty Faussett


Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 4:25 PM

Subject: breast implant removal

Hi Dorothea,

I received your letter from Ilena, and I hope you will be able to check out the doctors she has recommended to you. I also have a list of doctors in CA--have you tried seeing some of them already? (see the list below). You may have to be firm in your decision to remove without replacements and let the doctor know you will not compromise. It seems many of them just do not understand how devastating this issue is for some of us.

Please let me know if you find this list helpful.



Dr. Gilbert Lee P/S

11515 El Camino Real, Suite 150

San Diego, CA 92130 (858)720-1440

FAX 858.509.7738



UCLA School of Medicine200 Medical PlazaLos Angeles, California 90065DR. JAMES P WATSONUCLA School of Medicine200 Medical PlazaLos Angeles, California 90065(310) 825-5510 – appointments(310) 206-7520 – officewww.uclaplasticsurgery.com


1113 Alta AvenueSuite 200Upland, CA 91786Tel: (909) 949-2525 Fax: (909) 949-2268 E-Mail: info@...http://www.arrowheadaesthetics.com/aapsa-li.htm

Upland, California is outside of Los Angeles; he will act quickly if he knows you need them out; no insurance; no credit cards, cash only; does en bloc explant

Dr. Kennedy P/S

1050 B Ave. Suite A,

Coronado CA 92118 (619)437-4449

For more info, call Lynda, 1-619-755-8127 Be certain to get in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.

DR. MAREK DOBKE , M.D.Associate Professor 7 Head, Division of Plastic Surg.4510 Executive Dr., #103San Diego, CA 92121619-294-3746


He is Head of Plastic Surgery at University of Calif. at San Diego

DR. BERNARD S. ALPERT, plastic surgeon,

45 Castro St. Suite 150,

San Francisco, CA 94114



Dr. Jae Chun P/S

1101 Bayside Dr., Suite 100 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 1-949-644-5000

For more information on the Plastic Surgeons in the lower California area, contact Lynda in Solana Beach, CA at 1-619-755-8127. If you decide to fly in from another area for explant or related surgeries, she has a beautiful seaside resort where you can stay. She will also pick you up from the airport, take you to facility for your explant, your follow-up visits to the P/S and see that you are cared for afterwards to the best of her ability. She has been through it herself. The charges are modest in comparison to the wonderful services sheoffers.As a result, she also

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