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Natural glutathione

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All the following nutrients could help increase glutathione levels: N-Acetyl Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, vitamin C, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, zinc, and other nutrients.

Natural sources include eggs, broccoli, avocados, garlic, onions and cauliflower.

If nutritional supplementation is desired, Dr. Grossman recommends 500 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine, 100-200 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid, 1500 mg of vitamin C, 200 mcg of selenium, 400 I.U.Õs of vitamin E, 50 mg of vitamin B2 and B6, 30 mg of zinc.


Natural Sources for Glutathione

Glutathione is present in virtually all foods, but the best sources include fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, and animal food products. Processing can reduce glutathione quantities in food.

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yeah! Garlic! It's on the list!

I've avoided it for some time now, but yesterday I decided, enough is enough! I'm going back to my garlic, and I ate 12 cloves in one sitting. Did the same thing today. I actually was amazed at how much better I felt yesterday after eating all that garlic! I felt like a new woman and even started dancing! he he

Needed it again today, so I stink! But it is worth feeling so good again. Must be that glutathione boost!

----- Original Message -----

From: *~Patty~*

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 4:00 PM

Subject: Natural glutathione


All the following nutrients could help increase glutathione levels: N-Acetyl Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, vitamin C, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, zinc, and other nutrients.

Natural sources include eggs, broccoli, avocados, garlic, onions and cauliflower.

If nutritional supplementation is desired, Dr. Grossman recommends 500 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine, 100-200 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid, 1500 mg of vitamin C, 200 mcg of selenium, 400 I.U.Õs of vitamin E, 50 mg of vitamin B2 and B6, 30 mg of zinc.


Natural Sources for Glutathione

Glutathione is present in virtually all foods, but the best sources include fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, and animal food products. Processing can reduce glutathione quantities in food.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Ian and Sue,

I'm not familiar with faecal metals tests, but know that when I had heavy

metal tests done, they gave me DMPS chelator prior to taking sample, which

loosens some mercury into the blood stream, and is how they detect if

mercury exists or not. So I am curious if they gave Sue any type of

chelator to get the metals moving? Otherwise it makes sense that they would

find nothing, because mercury generally doesn't just flow naturally in large

quantities out of our system - so would not be detected. It seems almost

impossible that if she had amalgams, that she doesn't have any mercury in

her system, unless she underwent heavy chelation.

Mercury really messes with the brain. I was telling somebody today that I

think that it short-circuits my brain because the neurological symptoms are

so extreme when I have a release.

I have found buddhist practices help me to gain control over my brain when I

get poisoned. Much of it is simple stuff, just learning how to feel happy

towards others when I feel like hell inside, and this act of feeling happy

towards others pulls myself out of my messed up mind. The other side is

that buddhism has elements where one can gain mind control through simple

chanting. I don't mean to preach, just telling how it is for me.

I also have strong judgements about Paxil. It nearly killed me. My doctors

couldn't figure out why I still had high levels of anxiety so just kept

cranking up the dose until I hit 50mg per day. When that didn't work they

added a second SSRI. I exploded in uncontrollable rage and became afraid to

go outside because I thought I may blow up and end up in jail. I'm normally

a conservative quiet type of guy so this was way out of line.

Then they decided to put me on even worse meds for scizophrenia. I finally

abandoned all my doctors, risked loosing all my long-term disability, and

became my own doctor - using resources like this group, and naturopaths -

but using my own judgement rather than taking their diagnosis at face value.

That was one year ago. Today I feel like a different human being.

Although not fully healed I have cleaned up about 15 layers of problems.

It started a pattern of suicidal thoughts that follow me to this day. Its

not bad anymore, but having spent years on paxil with so many suicidal

thoughts starts to create new *triggers* that take a while to disolve. I

had to invent new thoughts to have when I had a suicidal trigger -

essentially cancelling those thoughts. Now it has become natural to cancel

it out before I have any further thoughts about it.

I also found glutathione supplements extremely helpful for paxil side

effects and when I withdrew from the medication (very slowly). Mercury is

also known to cause extreme glutathione depletion. So between paxil and

mercury one can get very depleted.

Something that was very helpful was when I began having Shiatsu bioenergy

therapy. That completely leveled out my rage and gave me back *some* sanity

when I was in my worst state. But I found I needed Shiatsu almost every

week to keep up with the negative effects from paxil & mercury poisoning.

So I bought an Aqua-Chi Machine to exercise my energy meridian and keep my

energy in tact. That reduced my anxiety and gave me clarity of mind.

Finally I became a pranic healer and performed energy cleansing on myself.

I still use all 3 methods on a regular basis.

Something I didn't realize all the while was that my thyroid was causing a

lot of turbulance. It was being poisoned by mercury and flouride (they used

to use flouride in the old days to slow down the thyroid of people with

over-active thyroid. I discovered that black and green tea contain high

levels of flouride absorbed from the environment and I was drinking about 8

cups a day - so my thyroid was underactive). So I quit drinking black/green

tea, stopped using flouride toothpaste, had amalgams removed, and went on

mercury detox. It stopped my thyroid from degenerating anymore, but still

not fixed. Now I eat coconut oil everyday to help my thyroid (in addition

to T4 supplements).

My thyroid continues to be the trigger that can throw me off - feeling

extremely ill with ear aches, chest pain, and nausea. I'm seeing a

specialist in two weeks to hopefully shed some light on whats going on with

my thyroid. It seems obvious that it has been poisoned, but I can't get it

to settle down into a consistent pattern. One specialist mentioned that he

believes in the 98% T4, 2% T3 rule. He said people with mercury poisoning

sometimes have trouble converting T4 to T3. So even though TSH tests for T4

look fine, T3 is not being created so one can still have an extreme

imbalance. So taking 2% T3 together with 98% T4 corrects this imbalance.

I'm hoping to try this combo. It can be dangerous to take T3 so that is why

I am seeing a specialist.

I do a special medicine buddha practice every Tuesday at a buddhist temple.

In this practice I am able to send healing power to anyone who needs it. My

Dad has an enlarged prostate and was scheduled for surgery that would

disable him for 6 weeks. I told him to pospone his operation, and try some

natural methods first. I have done 4 medicine buddha sessions within the

last 3 weeks, got him on USANA supplements, and his prostate is already

getting better. In future medicine buddha sessions I will think of everyone

in our group, to send out healing for everyone. Everytime I do it I get

stronger in health and mind.



>From: McAfee <amcafeerr@...>



>Subject: natural Glutathione

>Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 23:33:57 -0500


>I have some strong judgments about Paxil




>and other drugs that I think cause deep damage emotionally and

>physically. It may take years for it to come out through slow detoxing

>but well worth the process.

>If she is not exercising, lymph massages can help move the toxins. She

>is going to feel sick when all of it gets kicked up unless there is

>some method to remove it from her body. Ion Cleanse foot baths may

>help. I have seen much more colors and junk with the Ion foot baths

>than with the Q2 foot bath. Far Infared Saunas don't get that hot and

>help remove toxins via the skin. I have not tried this but have heard

>rave reviews.


> Since Paxil causes severe Glutathione depletion, Barley and raw

>organic milk and colostrum are natural and great for Glutathione


>http://www.phporder.com/ProductPage.aspx?ItemID=235 & ID=jhmb


>Definitely do a QXCI or similar machine to find underlying deficiencies

>and causative factors. I have been doing the QXCI for 6 months every

>couple of weeks and it has been great to check how my body is being

>balanced from my various products and treatments. I also had removed a

>couple of entities from me that were attached to me and draining my


>all the best to you,


>On Feb 8, 2005, at 6:31 PM, Sue and Ian Kemp wrote:


> >

> > Thanks and Glenn for your kind messages of support.

> >

> > Some extra info based on your questions. Acupuncture was tried on Sue

> > (by the same doctor who used the Oberon machine that seemed to start

> > the ES off) but it didn't have any effect apart from a possible slight

> > negative one. Also, we've just had a faecal metals test done and it

> > now shows her recorded level of mercury is so low as to be

> > undetectable (either inorganic or organic). Of course we have nothing

> > to compare it against - we wish we'd done this test before she had her

> > amalgams removed.

> >

> > The other thing I forgot to mention was that Sue was on SSRI's

> > (Seroxat/Paxil) on and off for some years and we do wonder whether

> > this led to a buildup of something non-metabolisable in her system.

> > One very strange thing that happened a few months ago was that she

> > went to a massage practitioner who felt that her lymph glands were

> > swollen and congested and gave her a facial massage. Sue felt really

> > better for a few hours afterwards, but then a dreadful " black fog "

> > descended on her mind which gave her almost uncontrollable despairing

> > and suicidal thoughts. Over the following months this returned

> > frequently, usually linked with exposure to chemicals/solvents etc.

> > It has almost disappeared in the last 2-3 months; several possible

> > reasons but the 2 most likely are the glutathione infusions and

> > avoidance of potential chemical triggers.

> >

> > What is a QXCI machine?

> >

> > Ian

> > Re: Greetings and case history from new members

> >

> >

> > Welcome to the list.

> > Wow. I am really sorry to hear that your wife Sue is in such a

> > condition. Sounds like you've already been down a long road and steep

> > learning curve. I look forward to hearing more about what works and

> > what doesn't.

> > I suggest seeing someone with a QXCI machine to get a better

> > diagnosis/treatment of what is going on. Vaccination related issues,

> > viruses in addition to the nerve damage from the

> > toxins/pesticides/chemicals/metals, etc. are still possibilities.

> > It sounds like her body is so depleted she can't get a foot hold. I

> > suggest raw organic colostrum to rebuild her digestive/immune system

> > (especially since the antibiotics digestive systems). Doing liver

> > cleanses and other flushes my just cripple her more at this point

> > though eventually getting her organs back is essential.

> > Acupuncture and hands on energy work (with Barbara Brennan Healing

> > Graduates) will help balance, boost and heal her energetic system.

> > We can be dealing with biowarfare issues (mycoplasma, genetically

> > modified viruses and chemicals) as well as DNA altering/ activating

> > radiation and toxins.

> > Essiac may be too strong for her but check it out and amino acids

> > that

> > boost Glutathione and Human Growth Hormone are contained in Somalife

> > gHP.

> > http://www.healthsuperstore.com/somalife/index.asp

> > I am sure you will get a lot of help from this list. I look forward

> > to

> > hearing how Sue recovers, hopefully soon.

> >

> >

> >

> > On Feb 6, 2005, at 6:56 PM, Sue and Ian Kemp wrote:

> >

> >>

> >> We've just become members of the group and have been invited to say

> >> something about ourselves and our experiences, so here goes! (Sorry,

> >> this has taken a few days to write and I've already done several other

> >> posts or replies)

> >>

> >> I'm Ian and I'm not electrosensitive, but I act as scribe for my wife

> >> Sue, who is and therefore can't use the PC. We live in Abingdon, near

> >> Oxford, UK.

> >>

> >> Sue has had ES since October 2004. She was fit and well until 6 years

> >> ago when she had to have all her wisdom teeth out and developed ME/CFS

> >> (physical exhaustion symptoms) as a result of all the antibiotics.

> >> After conventional medicine had no effect, we tried a strict

> >> anti-candida diet plus probiotics, and she recovered almost totally

> >> after a few months. 3 years ago she had a stress-related illness and

> >> had to give up work, and this worsened a year ago. She couldn't take

> >> any antidepressants this time because she got bad side reactions, also

> >> to most herbs and supplements. (I've lost count of how many she tried

> >> - there are 2 cupboards full of them). In August 2004 she had her

> >> mercury amalgam fillings removed and this seemed to make things worse.

> >> She developed chemical sensitivity immediately after this.

> >>

> >> In October we went to an " alternative " clinic and the doctor used a

> >> machine called " Oberon " to scan her brain to try to detect body

> >> problems. That day a buzzing began in her head and she has had this

> >> on and off ever since, getting steadily worse and rather like

> >> tinnitus. It doesn't seem to be one of the more common symptoms of ES

> >> according to websites, but it seems to be clearly EM related as it is

> >> worse in our car, near the TV/computer screen, under fluorescent

> >> lights, and in most parts of our house.

> >>

> >> We've recently been to a private hospital (Breakspear Hospital, Hemel

> >> Hempstead, UK) and they've done lots of tests on Sue for various

> >> things, including possible food intolerances. One clear result, which

> >> we had suspected, was that her glutathione was extremely low. They

> >> have given her intravenous infusions and this has clearly reduced the

> >> chemical sensitivity but as yet nothing has helped the buzzing. We

> >> turn all the power off in the house at night and this at least gives

> >> Sue a reasonable night's sleep. In the last 1-2 months she's also

> >> become sensitive to both bright sunlight and strong artificial light

> >> (street lights etc) which make the buzzing worse. It gets much better

> >> if she goes into the fresh air, particularly countryside and forest,

> >> but this does not last after she comes back into the house.

> >> Fortunately the " classic " physical-exhaustion ME/CFS has never come

> >> back.

> >>

> >> Best wishes to everyone, Ian and Sue

> >>

> >>

> >>

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