Guest guest Posted September 3, 2003 Report Share Posted September 3, 2003 I've been out of town--perhaps because of the holiday weekend others have been busy too.....Teri, please don't feel that you are being ignored. I am sure that there are many women here who can identify with your pain and concern. I hope to catch up with the letters soon....! I'll be writing answering as many as I can in the days to come. Patty ----- Original Message ----- From: Rogene S Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 6:45 AM Subject: Re: Rogene--Still very scared! Teri, I know how you're stressing . . . I'm sure the rest of the ladies who are here understand it too. . . The lack of response from others is probably because I've been so vocal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 3, 2003 Report Share Posted September 3, 2003 Teri, I'm so sorry I have never responded to you, currently I am going through some issues, medical and family related, and have been so busy, just been delteing messages not attentioned to me.It is realy an overwhelming time for me. So I am focusing all my energy to my family, my son , reading and prayer. I feel for you. I also felt the same way, I was never told that my smooth saline implants were encased in a silicone shell, if I had, I would have never gotten them, even at the young age of 20, when I got them.I was also told they would last me a lifetime, unless I was in a car accident. What a liar. I didnt get sick from them until at least the 4th year, I have read and heard that that is usually a common time, that the silicone begins to disinagrate from the shell, and problems arise. However I ignored these for a long time, and kept them another 3 years, until I was diagnosed with 2 full blown auto immnue diseases by blood tests and symptoms.Then I had paraylisi of the left dside of me face, bells palsy. Enough was enough. I was no longer going to listen to regular doctors as they do not know anything about implants whatsover, and do not have the time to investigate the issue.Its not that they dont care, its that they are ignorant to the topic. One was shocked to hear that saline were in silicone bags. Hello- what else would they been in- plastic? Im sorry about your problems. Thats terrible about the replacements. I couldnt imagine. God is trying to talk to you. He Is. I heard him for the 1st time in my life, tell me "Its your implants" against everything I believed and was told.Whne i was very ill. Thats how I found it here. That is how I had them removed and met a wonderful doctor. That is how I now am healing slowly. Go with God, go with your gut feeling on this. You are young, too young to be ill, the only thing wrong with you,the contributer, the main issue are those toxic bags. My joint pain is almost gone, and used to be so terrible in my hands and feet. Headaches, neck pain every moring. now they are gone. No more hair loss, eybrows are filling in, thyroid symptoms are slowly getting better (except a few) can think clearly, no more muscle twitching all over my body, (that was scary, I was tested for Lou Gericks disease with this electrical test)no more anxiety. I am so relieved to have them out. I cant tell how happy and full of peace I feel without them. I even told my husband that if I became so ill that I died, at least knowing I got them out, and wont carry them to my grave, burdening me, haunting me there, gives me a satisfaction I cant describe.Complete Peace. What a relief to be rid of them! Joe looked at me like I am nuts, but I truely feel this way. I am whole again.I have never eaten better, or knew more health issues than I practice now. I just may well be better off for having them in the long run. The implants may have stole 10 years off my life, but my eating,detoxing, relaxing, taking supplements, may return 20. Who knows, all I know is that I am better for it. I finally accept myself for who I am. I have to, I was killing myself to be something I cannot, or ever will be. I have self esteem.I respect my body now. I take care of it tenderly.I have a sense of health awareness like never before. I enjoy my sex life fully now, without hard uncomfortable implants bothering me. Reminding me. Energy is back.I feel grateful for the health I do have. Are you serious about wanting them out? What are your symptoms? Do you have support around you? It is so important to have family or friends (Like us too) there to support you. I could have never done it without my mom, and esp my husband. How long have you been ill? Hang in there Terri, and if you need a friend to talk to, email me personally, and we'll chat by phone. I'm sorry about you feeling all alone. I realy am Im here for you, here on out. Love , >From: "easygoingchickie" >Reply- > >Subject: Rogene--Still very scared! >Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 06:52:09 -0000 > MSN 8: Get 6 months for $9.95/month. I have posted my messages ON this website and NOBODY BUT YOU HAS ANSWERED ME.(I have read all of everybody messages and felt pain for everybody and that is why I decided to GET THE COURAGE TO ASK FOR HELP KNOWING HOW IGNORANT I AM AND HAVE BEEN FOR NOT KNOWING ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THE LAST 4 1/2 years and how NAIVE I HAVE BEEN AND NOT ONE PERSON BUT YOU has replied to me. ALL MY MESSAGES HAVE BEEN VERY VERY HONEST AND NICE AND I HAVE NOT ATTACKED ANYBODY OR ANY DOCTERS WHICH I HAVE SEEN MANY MANY TIMES ON THIS WEBSITE IN THE PAST BUT NEVER JUDGED PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OR THIS WEBSITE FOR THAT. FEELING EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED OF MYSELF FOR NOT KNOWING WHAT HAS HAPPENED, I STILL REACHED OUT FOR HELP KNOWING HOW IT MUST LOOK LIKE TO EVERYBODY. GOD IS TELLING ME SOMETHING, THAT IS WHY I AM SCARED. LAST WEEK, GOD TOLD ME TO GET ON THIS COMPUTER AND FIGURE OUT WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH MY IMPLANTS because I felt something was just not right AND THAT IS WHEN I FOUND THIS WEBSITE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DID NOT KNOW For the last 4 1/2 years. FOR ALL I KNOW(GOOD POSSIBILITY FROM THE PAPERWORK I DO HAVE) I MIGHT HAVE HAD SILICONE IMPLANTS IN ME AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT. I WAS LOSING IT WHEN I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE SALINE IMPLANTS HAD A SILICONE SHELL AND WHEN I GOT OUT MY REOP FROM LAST YEAR, IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, THAT I WOULD CONSENT TO SALINE IMPLANTS, WHEN THAT IS WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT I HAVE. I have no idea what some of those terms means that my PS says was wrong with my implants and scar issure and so forth that is on the operative consent form and I am just trying to figure out what has happened to me and since all of you have gone thru this, I thought for sure with everybodys experiences (based on what I have explained) I would get some insight to what might have happened just like everybody else on this website. I am NOT ANGRY or bitter. I AM VERY VERY SCARED RIGHT NOW. I probably put more blame and anger ON MYSELF FOR MAKING THIS DECISION and NOT RESEARCHING MORE. THIS IS WHY I AM COMING TO THIS WEBSITE ASKING FOR HELP. I NEVER SIGNED TO BE IN THE MENTOR SILICONE STUDY, NEVER, I WOULD HAVE NEVER HAVE EVEN GOTTEN SALINE IMPLANTS IF I HAD KNOWN THAT IT HAD A SILICONE SHELL, LET ALONE HAVE SILICONE IMPLANTS. IF I HAD SIGNED, HE WOULD NOT BE LYING TO ME TELLING ME THEY ARE TEXTURED AND HAVING ME SIGN OVER MY IMPLANTS, HE WOULD JUST SHOW ME THE CONSENT FORM FOR THE STUDY. THAT STUDY CONSENT FORM IS WAY DIFFERENT THAN OTHER PAPERWORK, I WOULD HAVE NOTICED IT God is telling me something AND I am just trying to figure this out. I GUESS AFTER 4 1/2 YEARS, IT PROBABLY IS ABOUT TIME AND THAT IS WHY I REACHED OUT TO ALL OF YOU. FOR ME, I WOULD LIKE TO GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN WITH AS MUCH HELP AS I CAN GET, TO BE ABLE TO DEAL WITH WHAT PROBABLY HAPPENED AND MOVE ON. That is why I reached out to everybody. In the last 4 1/2 years I have had my right implant replaced 2x(on my third) and my left 1x(On my second)and a CC removal surgery on the left. I KNOW SINCE 2 WEEKS AGO KNOW FOR SURE I HAVE MENTOR SMOOTH SALINE IMPLANTS IF MY IMPLANTS WERE SILICONE, since 1999, I would think that would be a WAY WORSE SITUATION BUT I DO NOT KNOW AND THAT IS WHY I AM REACHING OUT TO SEE IF THIS HAS HAPPENED AND IF IT POSSIBY DID, WOULD IT BE WORSE, WITH THE THINGS HE SAYS I HAD GOING ON (SYMMEtry infection, hemotoa, and the rest of what I stated. Lets face it, THERE IS A REASON THEY WANTED MY IMPLANTS BACK, and since I threatened with the attorney, only to get them to call me back to get my breasts fixed, and challenged him with all the questions on why he put textured implants in me and not getting paperwork or card from first BA, there is a reason they wanted them back. My Mentor card from last year is just a little paper ID with nothing marked, my Mentor card I just got is plastic like a Credit Card and I got one for my right and one for my left. I am just trying to piece the last 4 1/2 years together and I just wanted everybody's input and help(as much as one possibly could from my " nightmare " } which I value and repect being that you all of went thru the same pain. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY LEGAL ACTION, I just would like to get to the TRUTH AS much as possible. I HAVE ALREADY GAVE THEM WHAT THEY WANTED, WHICH WAS THE IMPLANTS, SO I HAVE NOTHING TO GO ON LEGAL WISE ANYWAY. THAT IS WHY THEY HAD ME SIGN THEM OVER TO THEM, SO THEY TOOK CARE OF THE LEGAL END OF IT. I am reaching out because I JUST WANT TO GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN FOR MYSELF TO MAKE PEACE, SO I CAN INFORM OTHER WOMEN WHAT HAPPENED TO ME OR WHAT I THINK HAPPENED TO ME BASED ON WHAT HAS HAPPENED. That is why I have been spilling my guts out to everybody on this website. Rogene, you have been a kind and dear soul for acknowledging my " cry for help " . Everything is hitting me from the last 4 1/2 years of lies and deceit and I just want to MAKE SURE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, I AM EDUCATED AND UNDERSTAND WHAT HE MEANS BY ALL OF THINGS THAT IS ON MY OPERATIVE FORM AND GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN BY SHARING THESE THINGS WITH EVERYBODY Teri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 4, 2003 Report Share Posted September 4, 2003 Teri, I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I have been sick for about three years and I was just explanted on Aug. 22nd. I am feeling alot better every day. There is hope and there is help out there. I have dealt with some ignorant doctors, but you just keep looking because there are some good ones out there. Finding this support group will help you out, I'm sure, as it did me. I know it's hard, but just think that you now know what the problem is, so you can start dealing with it. Don't blame yourself, you were misled. I was too. I was barely 19 years old when they put those things in me. Stay positive. You're going to get better. Colleen From: " easygoingchickie " <coolchickie@...> Reply- Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 06:52:09 -0000 Subject: Rogene--Still very scared! I have posted my messages ON this website and NOBODY BUT YOU HAS ANSWERED ME.(I have read all of everybody messages and felt pain for everybody and that is why I decided to GET THE COURAGE TO ASK FOR HELP KNOWING HOW IGNORANT I AM AND HAVE BEEN FOR NOT KNOWING ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THE LAST 4 1/2 years and how NAIVE I HAVE BEEN AND NOT ONE PERSON BUT YOU has replied to me. ALL MY MESSAGES HAVE BEEN VERY VERY HONEST AND NICE AND I HAVE NOT ATTACKED ANYBODY OR ANY DOCTERS WHICH I HAVE SEEN MANY MANY TIMES ON THIS WEBSITE IN THE PAST BUT NEVER JUDGED PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OR THIS WEBSITE FOR THAT. FEELING EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED OF MYSELF FOR NOT KNOWING WHAT HAS HAPPENED, I STILL REACHED OUT FOR HELP KNOWING HOW IT MUST LOOK LIKE TO EVERYBODY. GOD IS TELLING ME SOMETHING, THAT IS WHY I AM SCARED. LAST WEEK, GOD TOLD ME TO GET ON THIS COMPUTER AND FIGURE OUT WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH MY IMPLANTS because I felt something was just not right AND THAT IS WHEN I FOUND THIS WEBSITE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DID NOT KNOW For the last 4 1/2 years. FOR ALL I KNOW(GOOD POSSIBILITY FROM THE PAPERWORK I DO HAVE) I MIGHT HAVE HAD SILICONE IMPLANTS IN ME AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT. I WAS LOSING IT WHEN I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE SALINE IMPLANTS HAD A SILICONE SHELL AND WHEN I GOT OUT MY REOP FROM LAST YEAR, IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, THAT I WOULD CONSENT TO SALINE IMPLANTS, WHEN THAT IS WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT I HAVE. I have no idea what some of those terms means that my PS says was wrong with my implants and scar issure and so forth that is on the operative consent form and I am just trying to figure out what has happened to me and since all of you have gone thru this, I thought for sure with everybodys experiences (based on what I have explained) I would get some insight to what might have happened just like everybody else on this website. I am NOT ANGRY or bitter. I AM VERY VERY SCARED RIGHT NOW. I probably put more blame and anger ON MYSELF FOR MAKING THIS DECISION and NOT RESEARCHING MORE. THIS IS WHY I AM COMING TO THIS WEBSITE ASKING FOR HELP. I NEVER SIGNED TO BE IN THE MENTOR SILICONE STUDY, NEVER, I WOULD HAVE NEVER HAVE EVEN GOTTEN SALINE IMPLANTS IF I HAD KNOWN THAT IT HAD A SILICONE SHELL, LET ALONE HAVE SILICONE IMPLANTS. IF I HAD SIGNED, HE WOULD NOT BE LYING TO ME TELLING ME THEY ARE TEXTURED AND HAVING ME SIGN OVER MY IMPLANTS, HE WOULD JUST SHOW ME THE CONSENT FORM FOR THE STUDY. THAT STUDY CONSENT FORM IS WAY DIFFERENT THAN OTHER PAPERWORK, I WOULD HAVE NOTICED IT God is telling me something AND I am just trying to figure this out. I GUESS AFTER 4 1/2 YEARS, IT PROBABLY IS ABOUT TIME AND THAT IS WHY I REACHED OUT TO ALL OF YOU. FOR ME, I WOULD LIKE TO GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN WITH AS MUCH HELP AS I CAN GET, TO BE ABLE TO DEAL WITH WHAT PROBABLY HAPPENED AND MOVE ON. That is why I reached out to everybody. In the last 4 1/2 years I have had my right implant replaced 2x(on my third) and my left 1x(On my second)and a CC removal surgery on the left. I KNOW SINCE 2 WEEKS AGO KNOW FOR SURE I HAVE MENTOR SMOOTH SALINE IMPLANTS IF MY IMPLANTS WERE SILICONE, since 1999, I would think that would be a WAY WORSE SITUATION BUT I DO NOT KNOW AND THAT IS WHY I AM REACHING OUT TO SEE IF THIS HAS HAPPENED AND IF IT POSSIBY DID, WOULD IT BE WORSE, WITH THE THINGS HE SAYS I HAD GOING ON (SYMMEtry infection, hemotoa, and the rest of what I stated. Lets face it, THERE IS A REASON THEY WANTED MY IMPLANTS BACK, and since I threatened with the attorney, only to get them to call me back to get my breasts fixed, and challenged him with all the questions on why he put textured implants in me and not getting paperwork or card from first BA, there is a reason they wanted them back. My Mentor card from last year is just a little paper ID with nothing marked, my Mentor card I just got is plastic like a Credit Card and I got one for my right and one for my left. I am just trying to piece the last 4 1/2 years together and I just wanted everybody's input and help(as much as one possibly could from my " nightmare " } which I value and repect being that you all of went thru the same pain. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY LEGAL ACTION, I just would like to get to the TRUTH AS much as possible. I HAVE ALREADY GAVE THEM WHAT THEY WANTED, WHICH WAS THE IMPLANTS, SO I HAVE NOTHING TO GO ON LEGAL WISE ANYWAY. THAT IS WHY THEY HAD ME SIGN THEM OVER TO THEM, SO THEY TOOK CARE OF THE LEGAL END OF IT. I am reaching out because I JUST WANT TO GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN FOR MYSELF TO MAKE PEACE, SO I CAN INFORM OTHER WOMEN WHAT HAPPENED TO ME OR WHAT I THINK HAPPENED TO ME BASED ON WHAT HAS HAPPENED. That is why I have been spilling my guts out to everybody on this website. Rogene, you have been a kind and dear soul for acknowledging my " cry for help " . Everything is hitting me from the last 4 1/2 years of lies and deceit and I just want to MAKE SURE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, I AM EDUCATED AND UNDERSTAND WHAT HE MEANS BY ALL OF THINGS THAT IS ON MY OPERATIVE FORM AND GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN BY SHARING THESE THINGS WITH EVERYBODY Teri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 5, 2003 Report Share Posted September 5, 2003 Teri, I am not sure what you mean by getting to the and your doctor alone know what happened to you, and the only thing we can do is tell you what we have also been through and what has helped us to get better. I hope you have found the info on this site to be instrumental in helping you to realize that all is not as it seems with breast implants. Now that is the truth! Breast implants have been totally hyped for so long...while there are hundreds of thousands of women who have suffered from them. Some have suffered way, way more than others, but the scope of suffering is huge. I am so sorry you are just discovering this. If breast implants were marketed properly (and it is my opinion that they shouldn't be marketed at all, knowing how horribly some women suffer), all women would know exactly what they were getting into at the time they go for consultation. I think it is unconscionable that doctors are allowed to "sell" implants without going over the potential problems in GREAT detail. I am talking about way more detail than they currently give, which is basically a token statement to say they did it, without actually making sure the patients fully and completely understand ALL of the risks involved, from short term to long term and everthing in between. This was my experience, and it sounds like it was yours too. It happens all the time. God is taking care of you--He has led you down a path that has brought you information you needed to know. Just trust your heart...He will speak to you there. You'll know the right thing to do. Hugs, Patty ----- Original Message ----- From: easygoingchickie Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 11:52 PM Subject: Rogene--Still very scared! I have posted my messages ON this website and NOBODY BUT YOU HAS ANSWERED ME.(I have read all of everybody messages and felt pain for everybody and that is why I decided to GET THE COURAGE TO ASK FOR HELP KNOWING HOW IGNORANT I AM AND HAVE BEEN FOR NOT KNOWING ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THE LAST 4 1/2 years and how NAIVE I HAVE BEEN AND NOT ONE PERSON BUT YOU has replied to me. ALL MY MESSAGES HAVE BEEN VERY VERY HONEST AND NICE AND I HAVE NOT ATTACKED ANYBODY OR ANY DOCTERS WHICH I HAVE SEEN MANY MANY TIMES ON THIS WEBSITE IN THE PAST BUT NEVER JUDGED PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OR THIS WEBSITE FOR THAT. FEELING EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED OF MYSELF FOR NOT KNOWING WHAT HAS HAPPENED, I STILL REACHED OUT FOR HELP KNOWING HOW IT MUST LOOK LIKE TO EVERYBODY. GOD IS TELLING ME SOMETHING, THAT IS WHY I AM SCARED. LAST WEEK, GOD TOLD ME TO GET ON THIS COMPUTER AND FIGURE OUT WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH MY IMPLANTS because I felt something was just not right AND THAT IS WHEN I FOUND THIS WEBSITE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DID NOT KNOW For the last 4 1/2 years. FOR ALL I KNOW(GOOD POSSIBILITY FROM THE PAPERWORK I DO HAVE) I MIGHT HAVE HAD SILICONE IMPLANTS IN ME AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT. I WAS LOSING IT WHEN I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE SALINE IMPLANTS HAD A SILICONE SHELL AND WHEN I GOT OUT MY REOP FROM LAST YEAR, IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, THAT I WOULD CONSENT TO SALINE IMPLANTS, WHEN THAT IS WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT I HAVE. I have no idea what some of those terms means that my PS says was wrong with my implants and scar issure and so forth that is on the operative consent form and I am just trying to figure out what has happened to me and since all of you have gone thru this, I thought for sure with everybodys experiences (based on what I have explained)I would get some insight to what might have happened just like everybody else on this website. I am NOT ANGRY or bitter. I AM VERY VERY SCARED RIGHT NOW. I probably put more blame and anger ON MYSELF FOR MAKING THIS DECISION and NOT RESEARCHING MORE. THIS IS WHY I AM COMING TO THIS WEBSITE ASKING FOR HELP.I NEVER SIGNED TO BE IN THE MENTOR SILICONE STUDY, NEVER, I WOULD HAVE NEVER HAVE EVEN GOTTEN SALINE IMPLANTS IF I HAD KNOWN THAT IT HAD A SILICONE SHELL, LET ALONE HAVE SILICONE IMPLANTS. IF I HAD SIGNED, HE WOULD NOT BE LYING TO ME TELLING ME THEY ARE TEXTURED AND HAVING ME SIGN OVER MY IMPLANTS, HE WOULD JUST SHOW ME THE CONSENT FORM FOR THE STUDY. THAT STUDY CONSENT FORM IS WAY DIFFERENT THAN OTHER PAPERWORK, I WOULD HAVE NOTICED IT God is telling me something AND I am just trying to figure this out. I GUESS AFTER 4 1/2 YEARS, IT PROBABLY IS ABOUT TIME AND THAT IS WHY I REACHED OUT TO ALL OF YOU. FOR ME, I WOULD LIKE TO GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN WITH AS MUCH HELP AS I CAN GET, TO BE ABLE TO DEAL WITH WHAT PROBABLY HAPPENED AND MOVE ON. That is why I reached out to everybody. In the last 4 1/2 years I have had my right implant replaced 2x(on my third) and my left 1x(On my second)and a CC removal surgery on the left. I KNOW SINCE 2 WEEKS AGO KNOW FOR SURE I HAVE MENTOR SMOOTH SALINE IMPLANTS IF MY IMPLANTS WERE SILICONE, since 1999, I would think that would be a WAY WORSE SITUATION BUT I DO NOT KNOW AND THAT IS WHY I AM REACHING OUT TO SEE IF THIS HAS HAPPENED AND IF IT POSSIBY DID, WOULD IT BE WORSE, WITH THE THINGS HE SAYS I HAD GOING ON(SYMMEtry infection, hemotoa, and the rest of what I stated. Lets face it, THERE IS A REASON THEY WANTED MY IMPLANTS BACK, and since I threatened with the attorney, only to get them to call me back to get my breasts fixed, and challenged him with all the questions on why he put textured implants in me and not getting paperwork or card from first BA, there is a reason they wanted them back. My Mentor card from last year is just a little paper ID with nothing marked, my Mentor card I just got is plastic like a Credit Card and I got one for my right and one for my left.I am just trying to piece the last 4 1/2 years together and I just wanted everybody's input and help(as much as one possibly could from my "nightmare"} which I value and repect being that you all of went thru the same pain. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY LEGAL ACTION, I just would like to get to the TRUTH AS much as possible. I HAVE ALREADY GAVE THEM WHAT THEY WANTED, WHICH WAS THE IMPLANTS, SO I HAVE NOTHING TO GO ON LEGAL WISE ANYWAY. THAT IS WHY THEY HAD ME SIGN THEM OVER TO THEM, SO THEY TOOK CARE OF THE LEGAL END OF IT. I am reaching out because I JUST WANT TO GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN FOR MYSELF TO MAKE PEACE, SO I CAN INFORM OTHER WOMEN WHAT HAPPENED TO ME OR WHAT I THINK HAPPENED TO ME BASED ON WHAT HAS HAPPENED. That is why I have been spilling my guts out to everybody on this website.Rogene, you have been a kind and dear soul for acknowledging my "cry for help". Everything is hitting me from the last 4 1/2 years of lies and deceit and I just want to MAKE SURE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, I AM EDUCATED AND UNDERSTAND WHAT HE MEANS BY ALL OF THINGS THAT IS ON MY OPERATIVE FORM AND GET TO THE TRUTH AS MUCH AS I CAN BY SHARING THESE THINGS WITH EVERYBODYTeri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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