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Rogene,Kim, , -To ALL

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THANK YOU for all of your kind words and questions for me to answer

to help me get as close to the truth as I can. I think I know what

happened to me and I can't believe that docters who have done nothing

but great things for my mother(heart transplant) have poisoned me and





Here is answers to some of the questions you asked me to understand

better and questions that I have. Please read end referring to

Mentor Silicone Study:

Does it take silicone implants longer than 4 1/2 years to

deflate/rupture, because if it does, then yes, I must have had

textured saline, but if it doesn't, EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN


have been experiencing various physical challenges like reaching for

something and I loose grip, running to objects that are right in

front of me, even walls, my hair has been coming out in little

clumps, which it has never in my life, my speech comes out not right

at times, and I get chills then sweats. I even mentioned to my

friends(THE GOD HONEST TRUTH) that I might have MS and I should get

checked but then I thought it might be long hours at office and busy


Feb 1999- My PS told me that I it looked like I had deformed tissure

in in my left breast that is why by breasts were so uneven and that

might qualify me as reconstructive surgery for silicone breasts and

to try to get my insurance to pay for it. He says they look and feel

better and I said no, I don't want to deal with that. I was in so

much pain when I left from my BA that I didn't even realize that I

got no paperwork or implant info.

July 2002-After 3 1/2 years since BA, my right implant deflated. I

go in and THEY PUSH really hard this Mentor Silicone Study and said

the Silicone gel is new and approved, I said no, and they replaced

the right implant and gaive me for the first time a Disclosure and

Operative Consent form and ID card. One month later, my breasts are

not the same size/different. He says he will remove the cc in the

left and leave implant. He removes cc and it still looks different.

Sept 2002--I go back and they push again really hard on the Mentor

Silicone Study how it is new and approved, and I said NO. I tell him

that I want him to add more saline in the left so that it looks

hopefully like my right. I thought I would give it time for my

breasts to drop just in case they started to look more the same.

Aug 2003--After 4 1/2 years since BA, I realize that now my left

implant is starting to deflate and one day after my right breast

starts to swell and look strange. I got on the computer right before

I went out of town for business and looked at a couple of PS in Dallas

(websites) to check my implant. It states that textured has a high

deflation and cc rate and they don't hardly use anymore. That is all

the info I got because I had to leave on a business trip and when I

returned was when I was scheduled for reop. I go in with my best

friend and ask him why he put textured in when he knew that they had

high deflation and why he just didn't last year replace with smooth.

I then ask him why I never got any of my paperwork or id card from my

first surgery and he gets defensive and starts talking about putting

the smooth in and that after all of this, he hope that I am just

unlucky when it comes to implants and he hopes the smooth will work

for me. I said that I would like to know if it was the implants being

bad and he tells me that sometimes Mentor won't pay unless it is

deflation and in some cases, better they don't see implants. The

next day I go in for surgery and the first thing they do is have me

sign a release form from Mentor to examine my implants to see what is

wrong. Now, they want to see what is going with my implants. So I

signed the form because I thought at this time that is what I had to

do for Mentor to pay for surgery and that I would know what was wrong

with my implants. I replace both implants with smooth saline.

Last week as I am recovering, I go to put away my Disclosure and

Operative to file and it has all this stuff on it that he never went

over or that was on it when I signed it. He says, treat capsulomis,

removal of part/deflt something, replacement with new smooth saline

implants, asymmetry infection, nipple calcification, bruising, scar

hemmota, seroma, increased nipple sensation. I go to the computer to

find out what all of that meant and I that is when I pull up all

these articles and your website. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE SHELL TO


I start to feel very sick to my stomach and I get out the Diclosure

and Operative from last year when he replaced my right implant and it

says removal rt deflat imp and replace implant. Then it says,

something that was very strange, it says, see op consent for saline

implants signed and dated today. Why would I consent to saline

implants when I already did in 1999 if that is what I had in me.

THAT IS ALL THAT IS ON THAT Dislcosure and Consent form, when I know

I had CC with the right implant and everything that comes with that

just like I did with this last one.

I get the MENTOR SILICONE STUDY info they had sent with me last year

to read when I had that right deflate. I had never read it until

now, it says since 1992 this study has allowed 2 different silicone

implants, one with saline and silicone and one with all silicone, to

be used for cancer deformities, and replacement of damaged implants.

What scared me even more is it says IF IMPLANT HAS TO BE REMOVED,

MENTOR requests the implant be returned to them to analyze and this

could have implications in any legal action involving your implant.

I don't know what kind he put in me and he thought I would cave in

because of all the trouble and sign those consent forms and when I

started asking questions this last time about my first procedure and

no card with my best friend there the whole time, and then when I

started questioning the implants and the kind, but THIS TIME THEY

TOOK THE IMPLANTS when last year they didn't care and I signed


My family is the greatest but I am scared that my brother and Dad

would freak on my PS(HA)and I think that right now it bring more

stress on me. I do have THE BEST FRIENDS a girl can have and that is

why they are very concerned on what has happened because I have

mentioned these symptoms way long ago and didn't know it might be my

implants, so I am not imagining just because I have read it. I have

done nothing but DENY WHAT I HAVE READ, BUT GOD IS not letting me.

What are my next steps? I do know I have to have them removed. I do

know that.


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Teri, I had the safest, as they say - smooth saline, and I still was very ill, at a very young age. So it wasn’t poor health, or age, or silicone gel, it was that implant. It took over 6 and half hours to get them out. Gross, and a mess. I would go with Rogene said, to contact Dr Melhemed in Texas, as he is close with you, and understanding. I did email him a while ago, when researching where to explant, and if I remember correctly, he does not always do, or thinks there is a need for a total capsulotomy with smooth, and I didn’t like that. This was over a year and a half ago, perhaps he didn’t then, and does now. Again, I may remember incorrectly, if I am wrong, please forgive me, but I think that is what he told me. Still- he may do it properly if requested.

Make sure to tell him, you want the capsule removed in tact, in one peace. This is very important, because if you don’t have that done, that scar tissue , surrounding your implant, trying to seclude your body tissues from contact with the implant, will disburse all flakes of silicone, and other toxins into your bloodstream. Making/Keeping you very ill. And if not removed at all, as a lot of PS do, your body may continuously react to the capsule left in, thinking it is still the implant. I would get past all the wondering, if it is silicone gel or not, if they both the same, ect. What What we do know is that all implants will make you sick, whether it is to different degrees or not. If you are reacting, it doesn’t matter what type it is, all your body sees is a foreign object. And we all have the same exact symptoms. That is undeniable. No No one can argue that.

1) I would email him, and see his response.

2) Start researching with your ins company to se if they will cover for explant. Because that may take some time. I have BCBS, and I needed two letters of medical necessity by two doctors to have them approve it, which took me seeing over 10 doctors, showing them all this research, and begging for blood work, along with precious time. Most thought I was crazy. But I kept going. When I did get the letters, ins covered it, everything but the lift. Thank the Lord.

3) Start looking into building up your immunity for surgery, and beyond. www.plastikos.com has a lot of info on it. That was my explanting PS, and knows a lot about silicone poisioning. Also Also look up Patty's info on this site's archives in detoxing, and strengthening. Cut out sugar if you can, and pops, starches, and other bad stuff. Bad fats. Look into treating for fungal/candida infection as this is common in implanted women. Just start by doing one step at a time. Maybe this week, talk to our recommended docs. Next week, look into your ins policies. The following look into diet changes, and boosting immunity. If you feel overwhelmed , slow down, and take baby steps. This is normal, I know I felt overwhelmed to the T. And remember, we are all here for you, Teri. Always. Love,

----- Original Message -----

From: easygoingchickie

Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 9:30 PM

Subject: Rogene,Kim, , -To ALL

THANK YOU for all of your kind words and questions for me to answer to help me get as close to the truth as I can. I think I know what happened to me and I can't believe that docters who have done nothing but great things for my mother(heart transplant) have poisoned me and used me. GOD NEVER GIVES US ANYTHING WE CANT HANDLE and I will overcome. I KNOW THAT I WILL MAYBE NOT EVER KNOW THE TRUTH, I JUST WANT TO GET AS CLOSE TO IT AS POSSIBLE, SO I CAN BE PREPARED WITH WORSE CASE SCENARIO. Here is answers to some of the questions you asked me to understand better and questions that I have. Please read end referring to Mentor Silicone Study:Does it take silicone implants longer than 4 1/2 years to deflate/rupture, because if it does, then yes, I must have had textured saline, but if it doesn't, EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING TO ME PHYSICALLY MAKES SENSE. For the last 2 to 3 years I have been experiencing various physical challenges like reaching for something and I loose grip, running to objects that are right in front of me, even walls, my hair has been coming out in little clumps, which it has never in my life, my speech comes out not right at times, and I get chills then sweats. I even mentioned to my friends(THE GOD HONEST TRUTH) that I might have MS and I should get checked but then I thought it might be long hours at office and busy weekends.Feb 1999- My PS told me that I it looked like I had deformed tissure in in my left breast that is why by breasts were so uneven and that might qualify me as reconstructive surgery for silicone breasts and to try to get my insurance to pay for it. He says they look and feel better and I said no, I don't want to deal with that. I was in so much pain when I left from my BA that I didn't even realize that I got no paperwork or implant info.July 2002-After 3 1/2 years since BA, my right implant deflated. I go in and THEY PUSH really hard this Mentor Silicone Study and said the Silicone gel is new and approved, I said no, and they replaced the right implant and gaive me for the first time a Disclosure and Operative Consent form and ID card. One month later, my breasts are not the same size/different. He says he will remove the cc in the left and leave implant. He removes cc and it still looks different. Sept 2002--I go back and they push again really hard on the Mentor Silicone Study how it is new and approved, and I said NO. I tell him that I want him to add more saline in the left so that it looks hopefully like my right. I thought I would give it time for my breasts to drop just in case they started to look more the same. Aug 2003--After 4 1/2 years since BA, I realize that now my left implant is starting to deflate and one day after my right breast starts to swell and look strange. I got on the computer right before I went out of town for business and looked at a couple of PS in Dallas(websites) to check my implant. It states that textured has a high deflation and cc rate and they don't hardly use anymore. That is all the info I got because I had to leave on a business trip and when I returned was when I was scheduled for reop. I go in with my best friend and ask him why he put textured in when he knew that they had high deflation and why he just didn't last year replace with smooth. I then ask him why I never got any of my paperwork or id card from my first surgery and he gets defensive and starts talking about putting the smooth in and that after all of this, he hope that I am just unlucky when it comes to implants and he hopes the smooth will work for me. I said that I would like to know if it was the implants being bad and he tells me that sometimes Mentor won't pay unless it is deflation and in some cases, better they don't see implants. The next day I go in for surgery and the first thing they do is have me sign a release form from Mentor to examine my implants to see what is wrong. Now, they want to see what is going with my implants. So I signed the form because I thought at this time that is what I had to do for Mentor to pay for surgery and that I would know what was wrong with my implants. I replace both implants with smooth saline.Last week as I am recovering, I go to put away my Disclosure and Operative to file and it has all this stuff on it that he never went over or that was on it when I signed it. He says, treat capsulomis, removal of part/deflt something, replacement with new smooth saline implants, asymmetry infection, nipple calcification, bruising, scar hemmota, seroma, increased nipple sensation. I go to the computer to find out what all of that meant and I that is when I pull up all these articles and your website. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE SHELL TO SALINE IMPLANTS WERE SILICONE.I start to feel very sick to my stomach and I get out the Diclosure and Operative from last year when he replaced my right implant and it says removal rt deflat imp and replace implant. Then it says, something that was very strange, it says, see op consent for saline implants signed and dated today. Why would I consent to saline implants when I already did in 1999 if that is what I had in me. THAT IS ALL THAT IS ON THAT Dislcosure and Consent form, when I know I had CC with the right implant and everything that comes with that just like I did with this last one. I get the MENTOR SILICONE STUDY info they had sent with me last year to read when I had that right deflate. I had never read it until now, it says since 1992 this study has allowed 2 different silicone implants, one with saline and silicone and one with all silicone, to be used for cancer deformities, and replacement of damaged implants. What scared me even more is it says IF IMPLANT HAS TO BE REMOVED, MENTOR requests the implant be returned to them to analyze and this could have implications in any legal action involving your implant.I don't know what kind he put in me and he thought I would cave in because of all the trouble and sign those consent forms and when I started asking questions this last time about my first procedure and no card with my best friend there the whole time, and then when I started questioning the implants and the kind, but THIS TIME THEY TOOK THE IMPLANTS when last year they didn't care and I signed nothing.My family is the greatest but I am scared that my brother and Dad would freak on my PS(HA)and I think that right now it bring more stress on me. I do have THE BEST FRIENDS a girl can have and that is why they are very concerned on what has happened because I have mentioned these symptoms way long ago and didn't know it might be my implants, so I am not imagining just because I have read it. I have done nothing but DENY WHAT I HAVE READ, BUT GOD IS not letting me.What are my next steps? I do know I have to have them removed. I do know that.Teri

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