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Re: Re: To Debbye...

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I wish that I had known 11 years ago what I have researched in the

past few months. I think I knew deep in my heart that these were not

the wise decision even before I did it. It's funny how we put so much

stock in our "body image" and not in what we have inside. As I grow

older I feel like the inside of me is so much more important that what

I look like on the outside. Maybe it just comes with time and just growing up. Everything has a price and I think I have been paying

the price in my health for the past 8 years.

I know if your husband isn't supportive in this choice that can be very

difficult. I think my husband (married 15 years) is just tired of me feeling bad and has finally said "whatever you want to do" regarding mine. It is so important that we feel good, we have so much to do as

women and so little time to do it in. I have been thinking of nothing but

doing this so in a way I will just be glad to get on with life.

I will be thinking of you....keep in touch with me..... Debbye

Kristi <headred73@...> wrote:

Hi - He did my implants December 2000. I noticed capuslar contracture in the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went back to him and yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any reservations about using him again b/c the left breast looks 'perfect' in his terms and I have not had any problems with it as far as hardening. In the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and tingling in my arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I have started to see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after having an MRI. She is the one who related my problems with the implants. I started to research my symptoms on the internet and ran across this board. It is amazing how I never found anything negative on implants when I was considering having them put in... I guess you are so

excited at the time it does not matter. I am scheduled for explant surgery on September 26th. I am not having a lift as I have not had children yet and figure I would just wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my husband of 7 months is not being supportive of my decision to remove my implants... That is my only obstacle at this point. -- In , Deborah S Levy <deborahlevy1@s...> wrote:> Yes, he is doing my explant surgery also. I know what> you mean by his response because I got the same. I> think it might be part of the pc's ego thing but I'm not sure.> He was recommended to me by my internist and he is suppose> to be good, by all the information that I can find on him.> > He is doing a lift also because I've had the implants for 11 years.> > Is he removing yours in

September? Who did your implants and> how long have you had them? Have you had problems? > > Love to hear from you.....Debbye> > > Kristi <headred73@y...> wrote:> Hi. Thanks for responding to my post regarding Dr. Tebbett's. Is > he doing your explant surgery as well? I was amazed when I went to > him with complications and he acted as if NO ONE had ever had > problems with HIS implants before. If you went back to him - what > was his attitude towards your complaints? Do you feel comfortable > using him again? Is he waiving his surgeon's fee??> > Thanks - > Kristi> > >

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I think that your boyfriend should be more supportive.

What you are growing through , I have gone through as

well. But, you should tell him how seroius your

condition is. That is not right, him acting that way.

If your sick do not ignore it! The longer you wait the

worst it gets

--- Kristi <headred73@...> wrote:

> Hi -


> He did my implants December 2000. I noticed

> capuslar contracture in

> the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went

> back to him and

> yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any

> reservations

> about using him again b/c the left breast looks

> 'perfect' in his

> terms and I have not had any problems with it as far

> as hardening.


> In the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and

> tingling in my

> arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I

> have started to

> see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after

> having an MRI.

> She is the one who related my problems with the

> implants. I started

> to research my symptoms on the internet and ran

> across this board.

> It is amazing how I never found anything negative on

> implants when I

> was considering having them put in... I guess you

> are so excited at

> the time it does not matter.


> I am scheduled for explant surgery on September

> 26th. I am not

> having a lift as I have not had children yet and

> figure I would just

> wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my

> husband of 7 months

> is not being supportive of my decision to remove my

> implants...

> That is my only obstacle at this point.




> -- In , Deborah S Levy

> <deborahlevy1@s...> wrote:

> > Yes, he is doing my explant surgery also. I know

> what

> > you mean by his response because I got the same.

> I

> > think it might be part of the pc's ego thing but

> I'm not sure.

> > He was recommended to me by my internist and he is

> suppose

> > to be good, by all the information that I can find

> on him.

> >

> > He is doing a lift also because I've had the

> implants for 11 years.

> >

> > Is he removing yours in September? Who did your

> implants and

> > how long have you had them? Have you had

> problems?

> >

> > Love to hear from you.....Debbye

> >

> >

> > Kristi <headred73@y...> wrote:

> > Hi. Thanks for responding to my post regarding

> Dr. Tebbett's. Is

> > he doing your explant surgery as well? I was

> amazed when I went

> to

> > him with complications and he acted as if NO ONE

> had ever had

> > problems with HIS implants before. If you went

> back to him - what

> > was his attitude towards your complaints? Do you

> feel comfortable

> > using him again? Is he waiving his surgeon's

> fee??

> >

> > Thanks -

> > Kristi

> >

> >

> >

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Oh darn, Kristi,

I hope your husband will come around and see how important this is for your health. You sound like you have had some major health issues...all ones that we have already experienced and overcome with implant removal. I had the numbness, tingling, vision disturbances (but I don't think I had spots...that is something I've heard other women complain about, with loss of vision in a part of the eye, or similar experiences with spots), and the pain in the back of the head and neck. All of those symptoms are gone for me now. I am sure in time you will see improvements, and since you have not had children yet, you should end up looking just great! (Hopefully you will use an experienced surgeon....)

My husband really didn't want me to get rid of the implants at first too, but mostly because he wanted me to make sure it wasn't something else. I was like, well, either way these things have to go! With all the stories I heard from ill women, there wasn't any way I could feel right about keeping the implants, regardless of what I had or what the cause was. But I knew deep in my heart it was the implants....there were just too many strange things going on when I had been a superduper health freak before.

I pray that your husband will see the real issue here..and that he will see that to have you as his healthy, beautiful wife, the implants just dont' fit into the picture....they are the problem.

Take care,


----- Original Message -----

From: Kristi

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:00 PM

Subject: Re: To Debbye...

Hi - He did my implants December 2000. I noticed capuslar contracture in the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went back to him and yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any reservations about using him again b/c the left breast looks 'perfect' in his terms and I have not had any problems with it as far as hardening. In the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and tingling in my arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I have started to see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after having an MRI. She is the one who related my problems with the implants. I started to research my symptoms on the internet and ran across this board. It is amazing how I never found anything negative on implants when I was considering having them put in... I guess you are so excited at the time it does not matter. I am scheduled for explant surgery on September 26th. I am not having a lift as I have not had children yet and figure I would just wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my husband of 7 months is not being supportive of my decision to remove my implants... That is my only obstacle at this point.

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You are lucky to have a supportive husband, and your outlook is so right! I hope that you see much improvement without your implants, but you already have crossed a major hurdle by recognizing that you need to just do this and get on with life. That is what happens when the implants go, too. We are free to pursue our future, pursue getting our health back, and learn a whole new set of values in the process..and learn to be wiser when dealing with the medical establishment.



----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:53 PM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...


I wish that I had known 11 years ago what I have researched in the

past few months. I think I knew deep in my heart that these were not

the wise decision even before I did it. It's funny how we put so much

stock in our "body image" and not in what we have inside. As I grow

older I feel like the inside of me is so much more important that what

I look like on the outside. Maybe it just comes with time and just growing up. Everything has a price and I think I have been paying

the price in my health for the past 8 years.

I know if your husband isn't supportive in this choice that can be very

difficult. I think my husband (married 15 years) is just tired of me feeling bad and has finally said "whatever you want to do" regarding mine. It is so important that we feel good, we have so much to do as

women and so little time to do it in. I have been thinking of nothing but

doing this so in a way I will just be glad to get on with life.

I will be thinking of you....keep in touch with me..... Debbye

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Thanks for those supportive words....I can't wait until I get back

to my old body but I guess I wouldn't have had this growth without

this experience.

Take good care.....*~Patty~* <fdp@...> wrote:


You are lucky to have a supportive husband, and your outlook is so right! I hope that you see much improvement without your implants, but you already have crossed a major hurdle by recognizing that you need to just do this and get on with life. That is what happens when the implants go, too. We are free to pursue our future, pursue getting our health back, and learn a whole new set of values in the process..and learn to be wiser when dealing with the medical establishment.



----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:53 PM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...


I wish that I had known 11 years ago what I have researched in the

past few months. I think I knew deep in my heart that these were not

the wise decision even before I did it. It's funny how we put so much

stock in our "body image" and not in what we have inside. As I grow

older I feel like the inside of me is so much more important that what

I look like on the outside. Maybe it just comes with time and just growing up. Everything has a price and I think I have been paying

the price in my health for the past 8 years.

I know if your husband isn't supportive in this choice that can be very

difficult. I think my husband (married 15 years) is just tired of me feeling bad and has finally said "whatever you want to do" regarding mine. It is so important that we feel good, we have so much to do as

women and so little time to do it in. I have been thinking of nothing but

doing this so in a way I will just be glad to get on with life.

I will be thinking of you....keep in touch with me..... Debbye

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Hang in there Kristi...

You only have a few more weeks. I know you are anxcious

because so am I and mine is a few weeks later than yours.

We will both be fine and back to our original selves. I am

already trying to imagine what I will look like without these

things, after eleven years it's hard to remember.

I go to see him next Wednesday, I'm trying to get ready for

that gigantic ego of his. I'll let you know how it goes.


Thank you Patty for being supportive. Reading all of the posts I know I am doing the right thing - with or without my husbands approval... I guess I will know in a few weeks if this 7 month marriage continue. If his attitude does not change - then his marital status will. :) Kristi-- In , "*~Patty~*" <fdp@l...> wrote:> Oh darn, Kristi,> I hope your husband will come around and see how important this is for your health. You sound like you have had some major health issues...all ones that we have already experienced and overcome with implant removal. I had the numbness, tingling, vision disturbances (but I don't think I had spots...that is something I've heard other women complain about, with loss of vision in a part of the eye, or

similar experiences with spots), and the pain in the back of the head and neck. All of those symptoms are gone for me now. I am sure in time you will see improvements, and since you have not had children yet, you should end up looking just great! (Hopefully you will use an experienced surgeon....)> > My husband really didn't want me to get rid of the implants at first too, but mostly because he wanted me to make sure it wasn't something else. I was like, well, either way these things have to go! With all the stories I heard from ill women, there wasn't any way I could feel right about keeping the implants, regardless of what I had or what the cause was. But I knew deep in my heart it was the implants....there were just too many strange things going on when I had been a superduper health freak before.> > I pray that your husband will see the real issue here..and

that he will see that to have you as his healthy, beautiful wife, the implants just dont' fit into the picture....they are the problem.> Take care,> Patty> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Kristi > > Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:00 PM> Subject: Re: To Debbye...> > > Hi - > > He did my implants December 2000. I noticed capuslar contracture in > the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went back to him and > yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any reservations > about using him again b/c the left breast looks 'perfect' in his > terms and I have not had any problems with it as far as hardening. > > In

the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and tingling in my > arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I have started to > see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after having an MRI. > She is the one who related my problems with the implants. I started > to research my symptoms on the internet and ran across this board. > It is amazing how I never found anything negative on implants when I > was considering having them put in... I guess you are so excited at > the time it does not matter. > > I am scheduled for explant surgery on September 26th. I am not > having a lift as I have not had children yet and figure I would just > wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my husband of 7 months

> is not being supportive of my decision to remove my implants... > That is my only obstacle at this point.

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Funny how these things have a way of revealing the true "man" inside our guys, huh? We learn way more than we bargained for! I hope it all works out and your man reveals a jem inside...if not, you have the right attitude about it Kristi! (I am proud of you!)



----- Original Message -----

From: Kristi

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 4:53 PM

Subject: Re: To Debbye...

Thank you Patty for being supportive. Reading all of the posts I know I am doing the right thing - with or without my husbands approval... I guess I will know in a few weeks if this 7 month marriage continue. If his attitude does not change - then his marital status will. :) Kristi

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Hi Kristi:

My appointment with him is on the 11th, I thought that was Wednesday

but it is on Thursday. This one is just to be sure I really want them out

I guess. I know he will tell me that I will look better if he redoes them

with new implants but I think after I tell him my sister has breast cancer

and is having a double masctectomy and I really want them out he

will lighten up a little. I don't understand his thinking, he gets

paid if he puts them in or if he takes them out so why does it really matter to him.

Does your husband know your surgury date and that you are really

planning to go through with this? Mine hasn't brought my surgury

up in a few weeks now. He probably thinks if he ignores the issue

it will somehow go away. Men!

I just hope everything turns out good for us. I'm thinking real positive


Wow. Everyone here is so nice - I appreciate it. Debbye - ironically I have bloodwork scheduled with him on the 17th @ 11:30am - is that the day you are going? I laughed outloud when you said you are getting ready for his giant ego! Funny. The husband's attitude will just have to be tolerated. Tonight he asked me to wait and get them out until the first of the year?? My new approach is to just say that I appreciate his opinion and smile... These things are coming out in a few weeks no matter what. Can't wait. Kristi > > Oh darn, Kristi,> > I hope your husband will come around and see how

important this is > for your health. You sound like you have had some major health > issues...all ones that we have already experienced and overcome with > implant removal. I had the numbness, tingling, vision disturbances > (but I don't think I had spots...that is something I've heard other > women complain about, with loss of vision in a part of the eye, or > similar experiences with spots), and the pain in the back of the > head and neck. All of those symptoms are gone for me now. I am > sure in time you will see improvements, and since you have not had > children yet, you should end up looking just great! (Hopefully you > will use an experienced surgeon....)> > > > My husband really didn't want me to get rid of the implants at > first too, but mostly because he wanted me to make sure it wasn't > something

else. I was like, well, either way these things have to > go! With all the stories I heard from ill women, there wasn't any > way I could feel right about keeping the implants, regardless of > what I had or what the cause was. But I knew deep in my heart it > was the implants....there were just too many strange things going on > when I had been a superduper health freak before.> > > > I pray that your husband will see the real issue here..and that he > will see that to have you as his healthy, beautiful wife, the > implants just dont' fit into the picture....they are the problem.> > Take care,> > Patty> > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: Kristi > > > > Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:00 PM>

> Subject: Re: To Debbye...> > > > > > Hi - > > > > He did my implants December 2000. I noticed capuslar > contracture in > > the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went back to him and > > yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any reservations > > about using him again b/c the left breast looks 'perfect' in his > > terms and I have not had any problems with it as far as > hardening. > > > > In the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and tingling in > my > > arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I have started > to > > see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after having an > MRI. > >

She is the one who related my problems with the implants. I > started > > to research my symptoms on the internet and ran across this > board. > > It is amazing how I never found anything negative on implants > when I > > was considering having them put in... I guess you are so excited > at > > the time it does not matter. > > > > I am scheduled for explant surgery on September 26th. I am not > > having a lift as I have not had children yet and figure I would > just > > wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my husband of 7 > months > > is not being supportive of my decision to remove my implants... > > That is my only obstacle at this point.> > >

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Hi Kristi:

I just got back from my appoinment with Dr. T and I am really depressed. He didn't try to talk me out of not having them removed

but told me that the chances of infection, etc. are much greater for

me because I am having a mastopexy along with the removal of the

implants and the capsulectomy. Much higher risk of scar tissue and

maybe uneven breast. I will have breast drains for two days. He said I wouldn't look as good as I do now and my reply was "well I'll just

get myself a Miracle Bra" and he said "well, you are going to need a

miracle I don't know about the bra."

The surgury will cost almost $10,000.00, that will include removal of

the implants, the capsulectomy and the mastoplexy.

I scheduled the 29th of October as my surgury date and gave them a

deposit. I guess my husband is going to think I have lost my mind when he hears how much this is going to cost. I'm going through with

it though. What a nightmare this is! When I was waiting for him I was

looking at those implants lying there on the table and they look so harmless. Something is driving me to go on forward with this even though I may look a lot less attractive and be broke.

Kristi, tell me I haven't lost my mind!........Debbye

Kristi <headred73@...> wrote:

Hi Debbye - Good luck with him on Thursday. You'll have to let me know how he acts... Last time I went in he showed me a picture of my pre-op breasts and asked - 'Do you really want these back?'. I told him I thought they actually looked better than these big fake looking things I have now - he dropped it. Yes - My husband is fully aware that the 26th is the day. I really don't know what is going to happen. I NEVER knew he was soooo into big breasts until I let him know they had to come out. Pig. :)Let me know how your visit with Dr. T goes. Kristi > > > Oh

darn, Kristi,> > > I hope your husband will come around and see how important this > is > > for your health. You sound like you have had some major health > > issues...all ones that we have already experienced and overcome > with > > implant removal. I had the numbness, tingling, vision > disturbances > > (but I don't think I had spots...that is something I've heard > other > > women complain about, with loss of vision in a part of the eye, or > > similar experiences with spots), and the pain in the back of the > > head and neck. All of those symptoms are gone for me now. I am > > sure in time you will see improvements, and since you have not had > > children yet, you should end up looking just great! (Hopefully > you > > will use an experienced surgeon....)> > > > > >

My husband really didn't want me to get rid of the implants at > > first too, but mostly because he wanted me to make sure it wasn't > > something else. I was like, well, either way these things have > to > > go! With all the stories I heard from ill women, there wasn't any > > way I could feel right about keeping the implants, regardless of > > what I had or what the cause was. But I knew deep in my heart it > > was the implants....there were just too many strange things going > on > > when I had been a superduper health freak before.> > > > > > I pray that your husband will see the real issue here..and that > he > > will see that to have you as his healthy, beautiful wife, the > > implants just dont' fit into the picture....they are the problem.> > > Take care,> > >

Patty> > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > From: Kristi > > > > > > Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:00 PM> > > Subject: Re: To Debbye...> > > > > > > > > Hi - > > > > > > He did my implants December 2000. I noticed capuslar > > contracture in > > > the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went back to him > and > > > yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any > reservations > > > about using him again b/c the left breast looks 'perfect' in > his > > > terms and I have not had any problems with it as far as > > hardening.

> > > > > > In the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and tingling in > > my > > > arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I have started > > to > > > see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after having an > > MRI. > > > She is the one who related my problems with the implants. I > > started > > > to research my symptoms on the internet and ran across this > > board. > > > It is amazing how I never found anything negative on implants > > when I > > > was considering having them put in... I guess you are so > excited > > at > > > the time it does not matter. > > > > > > I am scheduled for explant

surgery on September 26th. I am > not > > > having a lift as I have not had children yet and figure I > would > > just > > > wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my husband of 7 > > months > > > is not being supportive of my decision to remove my > implants... > > > That is my only obstacle at this point.> > > > > >

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Your husband is wise...we usually highly recommend using a doctor OTHER THAN your implanting doctor for explant. Implanting docs just don't seem to take the whole issue seriously enough, almost take it personally, which does nothing for the ill implant victim. You can find someone much more compassionate and understanding of your situation and need for explant. Keep us posted.


----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:29 PM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...

Thanks for your opinion. Maybe he doesn't want to do the

surgury, one would think he was trying to run me off. I was

telling my husband about it and he suggested that I get another

opinion. He originally did the surgury so I had a level of confidence

in his ability but I'm very upset after this. It really infuriates me the

more I think about it.

Thanks again....Debbye

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Thanks Patty:

I just had a sick feeling all afternoon. What is the deal with these

doctors? I would think that he is being paid whether he implants

or explants but I think you might have a point that they take it

personally. It has been eleven years since I was implanted. I didn't

think they lasted much longer than twelve years or so.

What is a good suggestion for finding a doctor in my area?

Thanks for your input.....Debbye*~Patty~* <fdp@...> wrote:

Your husband is wise...we usually highly recommend using a doctor OTHER THAN your implanting doctor for explant. Implanting docs just don't seem to take the whole issue seriously enough, almost take it personally, which does nothing for the ill implant victim. You can find someone much more compassionate and understanding of your situation and need for explant. Keep us posted.


----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:29 PM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...

Thanks for your opinion. Maybe he doesn't want to do the

surgury, one would think he was trying to run me off. I was

telling my husband about it and he suggested that I get another

opinion. He originally did the surgury so I had a level of confidence

in his ability but I'm very upset after this. It really infuriates me the

more I think about it.

Thanks again....Debbye

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Dear Kristi:

I've gotton myself together since Thursday. Yesterday I made three

appointments with other ps's. I did make an appt. with Dr. Melmed and

one w/ Hodges (also recommended for explant) and then I called

a friend who had the tram flap surgury (breast cancer reconstruction)

and made an appt. with her surgeon, he also does explant. We'll see

how things go.

I haven't cancelled my surgury date with Dr. T yet, thought I would think

about all of this for a little while. It's late October so I have time.

I know you will do great. He really is a good surgeon. I'm glad you are

going on with it. I still want to explant but I don't want to spend that kind

of money and I think I can have a good job done for less.

He was really nice to me but it was just he wanted to reimplant and that was the bottom line.

I'll be in touch with you before the 26th. You don't have long to wait!

Take care for now.....DebbyeKristi <headred73@...> wrote:

Debbye - I don't know what to say about Dr. T! He is obviously trying to talk you into something you are uncomfortable with... It is as if he thinks he is God and can't accept mistakes. You asked Patty about another Dr. in our area - Dr. Melmed has been recommended many times on this site. I think his 1st consultation is free (previous post) - but either way you may look into it. I am so sorry you are going through this. I go for bloodwork next Wednesday - then in less than 2 weeks I am getting these things out. Luckily - the only time I have to see Dr. T again is under heavy sedation. He is a total a**. Please keep me updated... Kristi > Your husband is wise...we usually highly recommend using a doctor OTHER THAN your implanting doctor for explant. Implanting docs just don't seem to take the whole issue seriously enough, almost take it personally, which does nothing for the ill implant victim. You can find someone much more compassionate and understanding of your

situation and need for explant. Keep us posted.> Patty> ----- Original Message ----- > From: Deborah S Levy > > Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:29 PM> Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...> > > Thanks for your opinion. Maybe he doesn't want to do the> surgury, one would think he was trying to run me off. I was> telling my husband about it and he suggested that I get another> opinion. He originally did the surgury so I had a level of confidence> in his ability but I'm very upset after this. It really infuriates me the> more I think about it. > > Thanks again....Debbye> > >

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I assume you ladies are in Texas then....make sure you check out the list on our website for recommended plastic surgeons for explant. There are lots of Texas surgeons on the list to choose from, but yes, Dr. Ed Melmed is highly recommended.


----- Original Message -----

From: Kristi

Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 8:16 AM

Subject: Re: To Debbye...

Debbye - I don't know what to say about Dr. T! He is obviously trying to talk you into something you are uncomfortable with... It is as if he thinks he is God and can't accept mistakes. You asked Patty about another Dr. in our area - Dr. Melmed has been recommended many times on this site. I think his 1st consultation is free (previous post) - but either way you may look into it. I am so sorry you are going through this. I go for bloodwork next Wednesday - then in less than 2 weeks I am getting these things out. Luckily - the only time I have to see Dr. T again is under heavy sedation. He is a total a**. Please keep me updated... Kristi

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You go girl! Praying for a wonderful surgical experience for you, and a great feeling of liberation when it is all over...



----- Original Message -----

From: Kristi

Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 9:15 PM

Subject: Re: To Debbye...

Wow. Everyone here is so nice - I appreciate it. Debbye - ironically I have bloodwork scheduled with him on the 17th @ 11:30am - is that the day you are going? I laughed outloud when you said you are getting ready for his giant ego! Funny. The husband's attitude will just have to be tolerated. Tonight he asked me to wait and get them out until the first of the year?? My new approach is to just say that I appreciate his opinion and smile... These things are coming out in a few weeks no matter what. Can't wait. Kristi

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Can you get your deposit back if you change your mind on this guy?

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:56 AM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...

Hi Kristi:

I just got back from my appoinment with Dr. T and I am really depressed. He didn't try to talk me out of not having them removed

but told me that the chances of infection, etc. are much greater for

me because I am having a mastopexy along with the removal of the

implants and the capsulectomy. Much higher risk of scar tissue and

maybe uneven breast. I will have breast drains for two days. He said I wouldn't look as good as I do now and my reply was "well I'll just

get myself a Miracle Bra" and he said "well, you are going to need a

miracle I don't know about the bra."

The surgury will cost almost $10,000.00, that will include removal of

the implants, the capsulectomy and the mastoplexy.

I scheduled the 29th of October as my surgury date and gave them a

deposit. I guess my husband is going to think I have lost my mind when he hears how much this is going to cost. I'm going through with

it though. What a nightmare this is! When I was waiting for him I was

looking at those implants lying there on the table and they look so harmless. Something is driving me to go on forward with this even though I may look a lot less attractive and be broke.

Kristi, tell me I haven't lost my mind!........Debbye

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I really don't know if I can get my deposit back. If I don't I guess

it will be just another hard learned lesson in this "breast implant saga".*~Patty~* <fdp@...> wrote:

Can you get your deposit back if you change your mind on this guy?

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:56 AM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...

Hi Kristi:

I just got back from my appoinment with Dr. T and I am really depressed. He didn't try to talk me out of not having them removed

but told me that the chances of infection, etc. are much greater for

me because I am having a mastopexy along with the removal of the

implants and the capsulectomy. Much higher risk of scar tissue and

maybe uneven breast. I will have breast drains for two days. He said I wouldn't look as good as I do now and my reply was "well I'll just

get myself a Miracle Bra" and he said "well, you are going to need a

miracle I don't know about the bra."

The surgury will cost almost $10,000.00, that will include removal of

the implants, the capsulectomy and the mastoplexy.

I scheduled the 29th of October as my surgury date and gave them a

deposit. I guess my husband is going to think I have lost my mind when he hears how much this is going to cost. I'm going through with

it though. What a nightmare this is! When I was waiting for him I was

looking at those implants lying there on the table and they look so harmless. Something is driving me to go on forward with this even though I may look a lot less attractive and be broke.

Kristi, tell me I haven't lost my mind!........Debbye

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Dear Deborah

I read your e-mail, and it sounds like your PS is not very supportive or intelligent, please give Dr. Lu-Feng a call before you go ahead with this PS, I did alot of research and found out that she is the top in the country. Her prices seem alot better than what you were quoted. I am having the silicone removed, mapping, tuck, etc... and my price is still less than your quote. There phone number is 216.831.7007 and she is in Ohio. I live in California. after reading your post something did'nt feel right in my heart. This is a very important decision. Dr Lu-has Dr Leonard Kahn, He is also one of the leading in the world at ultrasound mapping.I really pray that you atleast go to Her web site http://www.drfeng.com . I am flying out tomorrow on the 15th of September, I have had silicone since 1989.I have a warm feeling and a peace in my heart I know thatI have not had this feeling with so many surgeons she gives you the confidence

and knows the dangers of silicone and it's damage to the body. I hope you dont feel that i am interfering it's just that something ached inside me when he said He did'nt know about the bra but the Miracle, He is NOT your Miracle, and we do need the best and a Miracle would truly be a blessing from God.

Hugs and Sunshine

K VarniDeborah S Levy <deborahlevy1@...> wrote:

I really don't know if I can get my deposit back. If I don't I guess

it will be just another hard learned lesson in this "breast implant saga".*~Patty~* <fdp@...> wrote:

Can you get your deposit back if you change your mind on this guy?

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:56 AM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...

Hi Kristi:

I just got back from my appoinment with Dr. T and I am really depressed. He didn't try to talk me out of not having them removed

but told me that the chances of infection, etc. are much greater for

me because I am having a mastopexy along with the removal of the

implants and the capsulectomy. Much higher risk of scar tissue and

maybe uneven breast. I will have breast drains for two days. He said I wouldn't look as good as I do now and my reply was "well I'll just

get myself a Miracle Bra" and he said "well, you are going to need a

miracle I don't know about the bra."

The surgury will cost almost $10,000.00, that will include removal of

the implants, the capsulectomy and the mastoplexy.

I scheduled the 29th of October as my surgury date and gave them a

deposit. I guess my husband is going to think I have lost my mind when he hears how much this is going to cost. I'm going through with

it though. What a nightmare this is! When I was waiting for him I was

looking at those implants lying there on the table and they look so harmless. Something is driving me to go on forward with this even though I may look a lot less attractive and be broke.

Kristi, tell me I haven't lost my mind!........Debbye

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Dear Kay:

I appreciate your response, truly I do. I have been wrestling with

this for several months and thought he would be the right choice but

obviously not. I never dreamed when I was implanted 11 years ago

that I would one day come to this point. I also never knew that it was

going to become the ordeal that it has to have them removed. Talk about trusting to a fault, that is me. My eyes have been opened though

and I am trying to make a wise choice. I will certainly consider Dr.

Feng. I have scheduled three appts. with surgeons in my area in the

next few weeks. I am calling tomorrow to cancel my appt. with him.

My husband told me we couldn't afford that much money anyway.

Thanks again for your input....Debbye

I am so glad that I found this site and I've had a chance to learn the

problems that other women have had.

kay varni <kayvarni@...> wrote:

Dear Deborah

I read your e-mail, and it sounds like your PS is not very supportive or intelligent, please give Dr. Lu-Feng a call before you go ahead with this PS, I did alot of research and found out that she is the top in the country. Her prices seem alot better than what you were quoted. I am having the silicone removed, mapping, tuck, etc... and my price is still less than your quote. There phone number is 216.831.7007 and she is in Ohio. I live in California. after reading your post something did'nt feel right in my heart. This is a very important decision. Dr Lu-has Dr Leonard Kahn, He is also one of the leading in the world at ultrasound mapping.I really pray that you atleast go to Her web site http://www.drfeng.com . I am flying out tomorrow on the 15th of September, I have had silicone since 1989.I have a warm feeling and a peace in my heart I know thatI have not had this feeling with so many surgeons she gives you the confidence

and knows the dangers of silicone and it's damage to the body. I hope you dont feel that i am interfering it's just that something ached inside me when he said He did'nt know about the bra but the Miracle, He is NOT your Miracle, and we do need the best and a Miracle would truly be a blessing from God.

Hugs and Sunshine

K VarniDeborah S Levy <deborahlevy1@...> wrote:

I really don't know if I can get my deposit back. If I don't I guess

it will be just another hard learned lesson in this "breast implant saga".*~Patty~* <fdp@...> wrote:

Can you get your deposit back if you change your mind on this guy?

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah S Levy

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:56 AM

Subject: Re: Re: To Debbye...

Hi Kristi:

I just got back from my appoinment with Dr. T and I am really depressed. He didn't try to talk me out of not having them removed

but told me that the chances of infection, etc. are much greater for

me because I am having a mastopexy along with the removal of the

implants and the capsulectomy. Much higher risk of scar tissue and

maybe uneven breast. I will have breast drains for two days. He said I wouldn't look as good as I do now and my reply was "well I'll just

get myself a Miracle Bra" and he said "well, you are going to need a

miracle I don't know about the bra."

The surgury will cost almost $10,000.00, that will include removal of

the implants, the capsulectomy and the mastoplexy.

I scheduled the 29th of October as my surgury date and gave them a

deposit. I guess my husband is going to think I have lost my mind when he hears how much this is going to cost. I'm going through with

it though. What a nightmare this is! When I was waiting for him I was

looking at those implants lying there on the table and they look so harmless. Something is driving me to go on forward with this even though I may look a lot less attractive and be broke.

Kristi, tell me I haven't lost my mind!........Debbye

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Hi :

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have appointments

with three ps's over the next few weeks,one is with Dr. Melmed

who so many on this site have been pleased with. I'm eager, to

say the very least, to get them out. I'm pretty sure the left one is

ruptured because it is deflatting and the thought of what is leaking

into my system is freaking me out.

Keep your fingers crossed for me........Debbye

naturalbeauty38 <naturalbeauty38@...> wrote:

YOu have probably already gotten tons of responses to this post, I have not been on here in awhile because I am so darned busy, with school and work, but when I saw this post I got so angry! How dare this Dr talk to you like this! Oh it makes me so mad. At any rate for the amount of money your spending it seems to me you could maybe get to Dr Feng, and get treated with compassion and respect as well as get your implants removed and a lift and look fantastic. I had a lift with my explant and was never told it was more risky doing it that way or that I would come out horrible. Please run fast from this Dr. Don't let yourself be treated like that, and pay for it at that. I realy hope you will consider finding a new Dr. Good luckIn , Deborah S Levy

<deborahlevy1@s...> wrote:> Hi Kristi:> > I just got back from my appoinment with Dr. T and I am really depressed. He didn't try to talk me out of not having them removed> but told me that the chances of infection, etc. are much greater for> me because I am having a mastopexy along with the removal of the> implants and the capsulectomy. Much higher risk of scar tissue and> maybe uneven breast. I will have breast drains for two days. He said I wouldn't look as good as I do now and my reply was "well I'll just> get myself a Miracle Bra" and he said "well, you are going to need a> miracle I don't know about the bra." > > The surgury will cost almost $10,000.00, that will include removal of> the implants, the capsulectomy and the mastoplexy. > > I scheduled the 29th of October as my surgury date and gave them a> deposit. I

guess my husband is going to think I have lost my mind when he hears how much this is going to cost. I'm going through with> it though. What a nightmare this is! When I was waiting for him I was> looking at those implants lying there on the table and they look so harmless. Something is driving me to go on forward with this even though I may look a lot less attractive and be broke.> > Kristi, tell me I haven't lost my mind!........Debbye> > > > > > > Kristi <headred73@y...> wrote:> Hi Debbye - > > Good luck with him on Thursday. You'll have to let me know how he > acts... Last time I went in he showed me a picture of my pre-op > breasts and asked - 'Do you really want these back?'. I told him I > thought they actually looked better than these big fake looking > things

I have now - he dropped it. > > Yes - My husband is fully aware that the 26th is the day. I really > don't know what is going to happen. I NEVER knew he was soooo into > big breasts until I let him know they had to come out. Pig. :)> > Let me know how your visit with Dr. T goes. > > Kristi > > > > > > > Oh

darn, Kristi,> > > > I hope your husband will come around and see how important > this > > is > > > for your health. You sound like you have had some major health > > > issues...all ones that we have already experienced and overcome > > with > > > implant removal. I had the numbness, tingling, vision > > disturbances > > > (but I don't think I had spots...that is something I've heard > > other > > > women complain about, with loss of vision in a part of the eye, > or > > > similar experiences with spots), and the pain in the back of the > > > head and neck. All of those symptoms are gone for me now. I am > > > sure in time you will see improvements, and since you have not > had > > > children yet, you should end up looking just great! (Hopefully >

> you > > > will use an experienced surgeon....)> > > > > > > > My husband really didn't want me to get rid of the implants at > > > first too, but mostly because he wanted me to make sure it > wasn't > > > something else. I was like, well, either way these things > have > > to > > > go! With all the stories I heard from ill women, there wasn't > any > > > way I could feel right about keeping the implants, regardless of > > > what I had or what the cause was. But I knew deep in my heart > it > > > was the implants....there were just too many strange things > going > > on > > > when I had been a superduper health freak before.> > > > > > > > I pray that your husband will see the real issue here..and > that >

> he > > > will see that to have you as his healthy, beautiful wife, the > > > implants just dont' fit into the picture....they are the problem.> > > > Take care,> > > > Patty> > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > > From: Kristi > > > > > > > > Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:00 PM> > > > Subject: Re: To Debbye...> > > > > > > > > > > > Hi - > > > > > > > > He did my implants December 2000. I noticed capuslar > > > contracture in > > > > the right breast about 6 months post-op. I went back to him > > and > > >

> yes - ego is a good word to use. I don't have any > > reservations > > > > about using him again b/c the left breast looks 'perfect' in > > his > > > > terms and I have not had any problems with it as far as > > > hardening. > > > > > > > > In the past 3-4 months I have noticed numbness and tingling > in > > > my > > > > arms/legs, pain in my neck and back, nausea and I have > started > > > to > > > > see spots. I went to a neck/back specialist after having an > > > MRI. > > > > She is the one who related my problems with the implants. I > > > started > > > > to research my symptoms on the internet and ran across this

> > > board. > > > > It is amazing how I never found anything negative on > implants > > > when I > > > > was considering having them put in... I guess you are so > > excited > > > at > > > > the time it does not matter. > > > > > > > > I am scheduled for explant surgery on September 26th. I am > > not > > > > having a lift as I have not had children yet and figure I > > would > > > just > > > > wait until all of that is done. Unfortunatly my husband of > 7 > > > months > > > > is not being supportive of my decision to remove my > > implants... > > > > That is my only obstacle at this point.>

> > > > > > > >

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