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Re: cyst on ovary and enlarged uterus

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Dear friends:

Just fount out I have the above. It seems like lately the health problems do not seem to stop. Research says this could cause the hair loss. Any insight would be appreciated. Obviously I plan on surgery, but wonder if anyone has any suggestions to prevent reoccurrence?

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, Hi I wanted to tell you that breast implants are very estrongenic, and may have caused some hormonal issue. As any cysts , fibroids, and enlarges uterus are common signs of what they all 'Estrogen Dominance" We live in a very estrogenic world, where they add it to everything, birth control pills, dairy, meats, vitamins, carpeting, furniture.....Dr Lee has info on it in his book "Premenapause - What your doc may not tell you -Dealing with your Hormones from 30 to 50"

I went through fibrisitc breasts, thyroid issues, weight gain, heavy irregular periods, due to high levels of estrogen and low levles of progesterone on a saliva essay performed by my doc, and now Itake progesterone, and restest every 3 months the 1st year by mail. www.testmyhormones.com I feel much better ,joint pain really decreased, headaches no more, hair is no longer falling out, periods are normal, and I have lost 5 pounds.

Patty, also has this info on the sites links. I would def check into this. My friend Donna at work had cysts , large enough to need removement. They went through her belly button, but could not get one of the larger ones. She knew something was seriously wrong, and read about estrogen dominance and tested herself in her docs office by saliva- , went on natural progesterone cream as she was high in estogen (progesterone levels out excess estrogen) , and after 3 months is feeling great, and her cyst? Gone! Docs ant find it anymore on tests. My other girlfriend had cerviacal dysplasia, and has been on it, and forthe 1st time in her life, her periods are normal, and her abnormal cells (precencerous) are getting better, and lower.There is no harm in getting tested, and if you cant get the saliva testing, by all means go on the sites,and order one.I know how overwhlmed you mustbe feeling, I mean at one point I was diagnosed with RA, HAshimtos, had a shingles attack,and bels pasy attack, where the side of your face goes paraylised., amoung other things all in 6 month period. I realy wanted to die. Hang in ther girl.

>From: mmdamaria@... >Reply- > >Subject: Re: cyst on ovary and enlarged uterus >Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 16:31:52 EDT > >Dear friends: > > Just fount out I have the above. It seems like lately the health >problems do not seem to stop. Research says this could cause the hair loss. Any >insight would be appreciated. Obviously I plan on surgery, but wonder if >anyone has any suggestions to prevent reoccurrence? > > MSN 8: Get 6 months for $9.95/month.

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